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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Itsuma had returned earlier than he had expected to return to his home. Again he was just gathering more and more things to eat for that week, as well as more medicine and medical stuff in case he needed to do anything else to Kohaku.
                          But he had encountered the annoying yokai Hengetsu again. He was surprised to see him, as it seemed that many said he was out to the human world, which then proceded with the question that if he had spirited away a child. Itsuma quickly denied it, and scared him off with some of his crows. Though he was fearing it wouldn't be the last time he would have to force the other to leave him alone.

                          And besides, he wasn't taking Kohaku away. It was something that had pissed him off quite a lot. He was going to let Kohaku go as soon as he got better, and any kind of reminder of maybe him spiriting him away would really piss Itsuma further. So he hoped that it wouldn't be talked any time soon.
                          But his day was still full of surprises. Because as soon as he walked through his sildding door he noticed that Kohaku was not too far away from it, resting against the wall "How did you managed to move?" Itsuma asked, quite curious, before he shook his head. He went over and left what he had brought that day in the table, as well as his mask, before he turned to Kohaku and began to walk towards him "You better not move too much, kiddo. You'll open up your wound again, and it was a pain to stitch up, so I don't think you will want for that to happen again" When he finally was near Kohaku he picked him up without trouble "Well, up you go and to your room. I'll bring you some food soon"

                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                          Itsuma had refused over and over the previous night, and for most of that day, to leave Kohaku's side. Even if Iki had assured him, quite annoyed, that he was alright, Itsuma still didn't moved. His crows did most of the work, though, from helping Hibiki clean up the mess the house was left in, and bring some sake for Iki and for the trouble, as well as everyone's dinner. Well, more likely Hibiki cooked, and the crows delivered. After that, most of them returned to his body, some still outside checking for anything suspicious, but mostly sleeping, and Kohaku's crow sleeping finally at ease next to their child.

                          And that whole night, Itsuma didn't slept. He was afraid that Kohaku would wake up, feeling lost, and that he wouldn't be awoke to help him and hold him. But after lasting all night without sleeping, Itsuma was paying a toll. He was dozing off, closing his eyes often only to open them minutes later, a bit surprised, and the cycle began again. Hibiki had offered at some point to watch Kohaku while he took a nap, but he promptly said no. The silent yokai had done enough and had passed enough trouble. It was Itsuma's turn.

                          But then again, he was sleeping. even if he didn't wanted to. So Itsuma decided just to take a five minute nap, still sitting down even if he knew that his back would hurt horribly as soon as he woke up.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Just as he was about to tell Itsuma not to ask about his current placement Itsuma had beat him to it. He couldn’t help but let out a small exasperated sigh. “Willpower. Anyways just don’t ask anymore alright. This was an idea I didn’t think out fully.” Itsuma probably wouldn’t have asked anyways. He didn’t want to get close after all. But still even if he did ask, he just didn’t want to embarrass himself.
                                            “I don’t even remember getting stitches the first time…But your right. I don’t want it to happen again. Once was enough.” He didn’t want to admit it but he had never really been fond of pain. Then again no one was. As the yokai helped him up he nodded and slowly made his way back to his room.

                                            Just staring at him was annoying him. Itsuma couldn’t leave his kid’s side. No matter how many times he told him the kid would be okay by himself Itsuma refused to listen. He ended up spending the entire night and day with his kid. Now he was paying for it. He watched as Itsuma would occasionally doze off only to wake up again. Over and over this kept happening. It seemed like even the silent yokai was getting tired of seeing Itsuma like that. Well that was probably wrong. The other probably just wanted to be help since that seemed to be all he did around the house. Staring at him had also been annoying as well.

                                            But then it came Iki’s moment. Itsuma had finally fallen asleep. He still hadn’t left his kids side but at least he was asleep. “You.” He pointed to Hibiki who was outside sweeping away. The silent demon came to a stop and looked at him. “Bring me your brush and some ink.” The demon looked confused but complied with his demand.

                                            Brush in hand he slowly and careful made his way towards Itsuma. As swiftly as he could he began to paint on the demon’s face. He hadn’t gotten very far though. A simple moustache and a circle around one of his eyes was all that got done. It was a movement that had caused him to stop, but it wasn’t Itsuma’s. It was his kids. “Mmmh.” He watched as the kid opened his eyes, he was dazed to say the least. He’d been asleep for so long after all. It wasn’t surprising. “Hey there kiddo, welcome back to the land of the living. How are you feeling?”

                                            Kohaku didn’t know how the person infront of him was, nor did he really care. He was in too much pain to care. “My head is killing me.” He ran his hand through his hair. He tried to pull himself up but a pair of arms stopped him. Kohaku couldn’t help but let out a small annoyed groan. He looked over and noticed someone, someone he hadn’t seen in so long and yet had just seen. “Itsuma.” Though his face scrunched together as he noticed the drawings on his face.

Aged Hunter

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                          Something inside Itsuma was telling him to wake up. But he wasn't hearing anything, any kind of groan from Kohaku or any attempt to get up. So he continued sleeping, even if at some point he found there was a funny sensation across his face. But he ignored it, and continued sleeping for the next five minutes before he forced himself to wake up again.

                          But again, at the end this voice asked him to wake up. Well, it was not his voice, but Kohaku's, saying his name. And that was when Itsuma realized that Kohaku had just talked.
                          He woke up with a start, but quickly a pained expression went across his face as his back started to kill him from the akward position he was sleeping. But he made no big sounds to not upset Kohaku. Once he stretched his back out, and got fully awake, Itsuma turned to Kohaku. He was awake, looking really pained but he was awake. And he had said his name. Not yelling that he had abandoned him or anything.

                          "Kohaku" Itsuma said, really glad that he was well, or at least it seemed like it. Itsuma got closer to him, sitting next to Kohaku, and looked at Iki before he looked back at Kohaku "This is Iki. The monk I was searching for. He gave you the medicine for the flowers" Itsuma realized that Kohaku wouldn't understand why the medicine had to do with the flowers, and he knew that he had to explain, but right now Kohaku needed to rest "I'll explain, but please don't move too much. You slept for the whole night and most of today"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “Monk? Medicine?” Kohaku didn’t know what he was talking about, or better yet the words that came out of Itsuma’s mouth just didn’t make sense at all. He couldn’t really remember Itsuma searching for a monk. Had he been searching for a monk? It sounded like it might have been true but. He really felt too dazed to remember. Despite wanting to move Itsuma refused to let him. But then he heard the sound of laughter.

                                            Iki couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh man I can’t take him seriously when he looks like that.” He was leaning against Hibiki. The silent demon covered his mouth and looked away, as if trying to retain his silent laughter. Iki pushed himself off the silent demon, still laughing, and made his way to Kohaku and Itsuma. “Oh lighten up and stop being such a worry wart parent. If the kid wants to get up you should let him right kiddo?”

                                            Kohaku looked from Hibiki to Iki and then to Itsuma before nodding. “There you go—“ Kohaku interrupted Iki as Hibiki came to help him sit up. “Itsuma have drawings on your face.”

Aged Hunter

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                          It seemed that Kohaku couldn't remember that he had left for the monk and for the medicine. Though he didn't worried as much, it seemed like he was too tired to remember. But then Iki burst into laughter, saying that he couldn't take him seriously for something. Even Hibiki seemed to laugh, and it was making Itsuma all confused. Did he had black eyes or something? He doubted that he had bed hair, but still he checked it anyway. But so far it was not that.
                          In the end Iki said that Kohaku moving wouldn't kill him, so he let them help him sit up, even if he looked uneasy.

                          But in the end he got to know what was the problem. There was painting in his face. Fr a moment Itsuma touched it, before he glared at Iki. He was sure that Hibki didn't had the heart to do it, and Iki was the first one to laugh "Haha, you're so funny Iki" Itsuma sighed, stood up and shook the dust off "I'll go and wash my face. And bring something for Kohaku to eat. If you want to fill him up with the medicine and what happened feel free" Itsuma sighed, and went straight over to wash his face and try to get off the ink.

                          Though it proved to be more dificult than he thought it would be. Every now and then he would check his face in a nearby mirror, but it looked like he was crying black. It took a lot of washes before his face looked somewhat decent, still a faint trace of ink but not as much. Besides the cold water was helping him to wake up. After that he headed to the kitchen and got Kohaku tea and some fruit to eat. And headed back to the room with everything, and smiled at Kohaku.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “I know I try.” Iki pretended to brushed off his shoulder. “And ruin my masterpiece. How mean. I worked hard on that you know. Ungrateful.” But of course Itsuma went back to being a doting parent again and he couldn’t help but sigh. “You need to stop babying him so much. He’s not a child.” He muttered. “I’m going to wait on the medicine. He just woke up. Besides I need to do an exam on him. Need to make sure I’m not giving him too much medication.” With that he set out to exam the kid.

                                            He was still pretty dazed though it was probably mostly due to being asleep for so long. But it was worth noting that he should easy up on the incents. “So, any memories coming back to you? Or are you forgetting things?”

                                            Kohaku glanced at the monk before looking down at his sheets. “I remembered….something….I remembered when I almost died and Itsuma took me in.” Itsuma seemed so different then compared to now. It was as the monk had said. He was a doting parent. But before… As Itsuma returned he looked at him. “You’re really confusing you know that?” Kohaku wanted to show Itsuma he remembered something. Not much but something.

                                            “Seems as if a couple of memories have returned.” Iki uttered as he examined Kohaku’s arm. Before he hadn’t been able to move it, or at least that was how it appereaed. “Try moving your arm please.” He watched the kid look down at his arm, yet it remained unmoving. “…Your toes. How about them.” He was able to move one set of toes with ease. The other side though moved but came with difficulties. “Ah, ah. Seems the poison affected your nerves a little. Nothing to worry about though.” He instantly stared at Itsuma. Not wanted him to panic. “It’s nothing some exercise, medicine and time can’t fix. So try not to have a panic.”

Aged Hunter

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                          "Confusing?" Itsuma asked, but as soon as Iki mentioned that he had remembered something from his past there was a sudden spark of hope that invaded Itsuma. He was starting to remember. He tried to think of any time he might have been confusing, but with his new found hope and how exciting that was he realized he couldn't think straight. He would have to wait until he cool down to think of when he was confusing. But remembering something was a great deal for Itsuma.

                          But then came a part that he was dreading. Iki requested for Kohaku to move some parts of his body, some came with ease, some he struggled, and his arms he couldn't even move them. I only made Itsuma think of the worse, of what the poison had really done to Kohaku. But Iki said it was fine, that wiht medicine and exercise he would be up and going again. So for the sake of not worrying Kohaku Itsuma relaxed and nodded after Iki said it was fine "Alright, you're the expert here, after all"

                          But then Itsuma began to feel sleepy again. Even if he had washed his face with cold water. So he stretched out, and stood up "Well, now that you woke up...." Itsuma yawned in the middle of his sentence "I think I can have a nap" Itsuma wasn't going to mention he stood awake the whole night to see if he woke up "And I'm sure Iki still has to check on you, so I'll leave you alone. Ah, and Iki" Itsuma looked at him serious "Don't even try to paint my face again. Actually, I'll sent out some crows to check that you won't" With that Itsuma let out two of his crows, that as soon as they saw Kohaku awake they got excited, but still kept their distance with what had happened during the time Itsuma was not around.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “A-are you sure I’ll be able to move my arm again?” Ever since he’d gotten ill he hadn’t been able to do all the things he loved. He had hoped that when he got better he would be able to. But now that he wasn’t able to move his arm, he questioned whether he’d ever be able to move it. It seemed like such in impossible task now. “Of course. You heard your worry wart father. I’m an expert. I know what I’m talking about… I’ll help you, I’ll give you medicine and help you exercise. But…You have to want to move your arm. You have to work hard. You’ll have to work pass the sweat and tears. All the help in the world won’t mean a thing if you don’t don’t put in the effort.” Kohaku looked to the man and then towards his limp arm. He remembered Itsuma’s words. How he was strong, he’d stood at death’s feet and survived. He was strong, he knew that now. The monk was right it would take a lot to move it again. But…. “I’m strong, I can do it.” He glanced towards Itsuma. “You said it yourself after all. So now it’s your turn to believe in your own words.” He knew Itsuma was hiding his worry but Itsuma had told him he was strong all those years ago. Now it was his turn to remind him that he was strong.

                                            “Good about time you left. You’re getting in my way with all your worrying and sentimentality.” Iki uttered. He still had a lot of checking up to do on the kid. But well he was sure the kid would be fine. He said it himself, he was strong. But of course Itsuma felt the need to try and scare him. He couldn’t help but scoff. “Think a few crow’s will scare me please.” It was obvious the crows were more excited to see the kid then they were about protecting him. “I’m starting to wonder now who their real master is.” That kid had them all wrapped around his finger. “Anyways go to bed you’re in the way.” He turned back to Kohaku to finish off his examination.

Aged Hunter

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                          There was a pang of both pain and nostalgia as Kohaku confirmed that he was strong. He was doubting that he would be able to move his arm again, only for Iki to tell him it would take a lot of effort for his part to fight that pain and be able to move his arms and do anything he wanted. Do his kimonos again, travel around as much as he pleased. But saying that he had mentioned that, that he was strong, made Itsuma realized that he was really remembering something, he still didn't knew what but he was. That was all he needed.

                          Iki laughed at his attempt to scare him again, and even asked if he was the real owner of his crows or Kohaku. But he didn't cared. At least he hoped that his crows would protect him during his time of sleep. In the end Iki just sent him off, and Itsuma nodded "Alright then. If you need anything just go and wake me up" Itsuma yawned again, and got out of the room, heading towards the workshop. They had settled a futon there for Itsuma or Hibiki to sleep there while Iki used the guest room himself. Though they had not mentioned it to Kohaku, but it didn't helped that he had been sleeping almost the whole day.

                          But as soon as Itsuma got inside the futon, he fell asleep. He was surprised of how easy sleep came to him, but also it had been his fault of being awake for so long, so there was no one to blame but himself.
                          Later, as Itsuma lamented after he woke up, his crows left the room. Iki was busy with Kohaku, and they were still excited to see their child awake, so they headed towards the room and spent most of the time there. So there was no one blocking Iki from painting his face again.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Most of the crows Itsuma had left to protect him were soon surrounding him. At first they seemed, afraid to approach him. But with time they were surrounding him cawing and flapping there wings. All trying to get his attention. It was as if they hadn’t seen him in ages. He suppose that wasn’t far from the truth. It had been a while since he’d been able to think and act like a normal person. He suppose they were all just excited that he’d returned to normal. Even Hibiki seemed more, relaxed now. He looked over to the sleeping yoaki. Silently asleep in the futon next to him. Even his brids cawing hadn’t woken the yokai up. “He looks so exhausted.” He gently stroked his hair before looking back at his crows.

                                            In between eating the fruit Itsuma had fetched for him he would pick up a crown and cradle it in his arms. He’d shower it with sweet words and his affection. They’d all taken care of him and dealt with him at his worse. It was only fair that each and every one of them received all his love and attention. Besides it was the only way to keep them silent so that none of them would disturb the sleeping yokai beside them.

                                            “As soon as I was doing checking you over they ditched there master and came straight to you. Really who is there master you or your doting mother?” Kohaku couldn’t help but chuckle. “Ah I wonder that to.” He uttered as he picked up yet another crow and cradled the bird in his arms. “You know you’re not out of the woods just yet. There’s a chance you could lapse.” Kohaku nodded, he knew this was only the beginning. But at least for now, he was sane again. “Later I’d like to speak with you privately. There’s something I’d like to ask of you.” The monks brow’s rose. “Oh now I’m curious.” Kohaku shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Anyways I’m done examining you for now, and you’ve already taken your medicine so I’ll leave the babysitting to you lot.” He gestured to the crows before yawing. “Night brat.” With that Iki was gone. Kohaku turned back his attention to his crow’s.

                                            Iki smirked deviously as he headed to the kids workshop. He was glad that kid was keeping those crows occupied. Now that meant he could finish what he’d started. With an inked brush in hand he entered the room quietly. He towered over Itsuma before lowering himself. Swiftly and with great haste he began to draw on the demon’s face yet again. But once he started to move he stopped and quickly retreated from the room. Last thing he wanted was to get yelled at or have his crows peck at him. But now that his work was done he could really go to bed. So he went to his room sealed it up from the inside to prevent retaliation and settled into his futon.

Aged Hunter

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                          The crows were of course excited, and demanded attention after what had happened during those days. Not that they were angry or anything, but rather they had been overly worried about their child. So the topic of protecting Itsuma from Iki's face painting was long forgotten. Even though they settled down while Iki was talking with Kohaku, but soon after they were done they went back to their small ruckus.
                          Only 'till the last crow was pet, some went to check over Itsuma. But quickly returned, cawing for the others to follow quietly outside, but all of them made sure to snuggle Kohaku for one last time before they went to their posts outside. Kohaku's crow, that had waited for his turn patiently, simply shook it's head, before he went over to receive some attention from Kohaku.

                          Itsuma didn't realized that something was being scribble in his face until he was starting to find it annoying, like a fly that wouldn't stop bothering. So after a while the funny feeling stopped, Itsuma woke up. This time, it was quite night again. Even if Itsuma still felt heavily tempted to sleep, and even a bit bad because he had not rested enough, he sat down, rubbing his face for it to be awake, and stood up, getting out of the room. He wanted to check how Kohaku was, and after being in silence for quite a while, he realized that maybe everyone had gone to their respective futons to sleep for the night. He just hoped that Kohaku would still be awake to talk.

                          Itsuma went over to Kohaku's room, and after seeing that the light was still on, he smiled, sighed, and gently slide open the door, unaware of his face paint "Hey" Itsuma walked inside the room, closing the door to not bother anyone with the light, and sat down next to Kohaku "How are you feeling?"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Kohaku had cared for each and everyone one of them one last time before they had to depart. Then it was simply him and his faithful crow. Ever patient and faithful. “I suppose it’s your turn now then huh? Come here little one.” He gently lifted the crow into his arm and smiled slightly. “Honestly how do you lot put up with me I’ll never know….But thank you.” He gently placed a kiss atop the birds head. Truly he was grateful, grateful they hadn’t deserted him.

                                            It was already getting late. It was probably best that he went back to sleep, but he just couldn’t. No he just didn’t want to. He was afraid. Afraid that his sanity would leave him again, that he would turn into that monster again. Then the door slide open his eyes traveled up to Itsuma’s face. He just stared before slowly looking away. “….Better now….Though I think you might need new bodyguards.” He looked back at the other and couldn’t help but chuckle.

Aged Hunter

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                          "New bodyguards...?" Itsuma asked for a moment, before he went over the nearest mirror, and saw the 'piece of art' that Iki had left now. If last time he had just managed to draw a moustache and one circle around his eye, now he had completed everything and out-done it. He turned to Kohaku's crow, that gave a couple of caws before Itsuma sighed "I guess that you're right. But they seemed to be excited to see you better again" Itsuma sighed, and shook his head "I'll go and wash Iki's masterpiece off my face, and I'll return, okay?" Itsuma smiled at Kohaku, and left as quietly as he had entered.

                          This time it took a lot more effort to erase it. And now the black leftovers were more visible than last time. Itsuma gave up halfway through making them lighter, because now he was really rubbing his face really hard and it was starting to hurt. Besides he still wanted to talk with Kohaku before they went back to sleep.
                          He came back, looking a bit defeated with not getting rid of the ink "Ah, sorry about taking so long" Itsuma apologized as he entered again, and sat down next to Kohaku "Though...I would have guessed that you would have gone back to sleep. After all, it really has been weeks since you had any decent sleep"

                          After that, Itsuma remained just a bit silent, but he sighed "I'm sorry, Kohaku" Itsuma began, and looked at him "I told you I was going to be back soon. And now, even Hengetsu found you...I should have been here" Itsuma really looked guilty, and he really had wished to be there while Hengetsu attacked "I...The flower took a lot of my time searching, it was not easy. And well, the monk was not easy to convince to help you. And he had to study the flower after all to see what was wrong. So I'm really sorry"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “Oh I’m sure that’ll disappoint Iki.” He uttered before smiling. Still he nodded and watched as Itsuma left. He glanced down at his crow and shook his head lightly. “You lot really should have been looking after him….Although don’t tell Itsuma…I’m glad you didn’t because it was a little funny.” He chuckled for a moment before going back to petting his crow.

                                            Eventually though Itsuma returned looking rather defeated. Judging by the marks that were still on his face he hadn’t been able to wash it off completely. So he couldn’t help but be amused. “It’s fine. I’m guess Iki’s masterpiece didn’t want to wash off. I suppose he’ll be happy about that.” Itsuma sat next to him as he gently stroked his crow. “Yeah…I suppose I am tired…But I just wanted to stay awake for a while. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to think clearly…It’s been a while since I’ve been able to be me. I just wanted to enjoy it for a while longer. You know just in case.” He didn’t know if when he went to sleep he’d returned to the mess he was before or not. So he wanted this, this normalcy to last as long as possible.

                                            Then silence fell between them. He looked from his crow to Itsuma. Wondering. He gently shook his head at Itsuma’s words. “Being here wouldn’t have made a difference. At least not when it comes to Hengetsu. Actually its better you weren’t. He would have tried to rile you up. You would have gotten mad and scared.” He didn’t want Itsuma to do anything rash. He didn’t want him to act out of rage or fear because he knew what happened when Itsuma did that. “Anyways if you’d been here he would have guess immediately I was your child anyways.” Of course despite not having wanted Itsuma around when the other demon had been here didn’t mean he didn’t want him. He did. Itsuma made him feel safe for the most part. He could have used that. But he wouldn’t utter those words. He didn’t want to add to Itsuma’s guilt.

                                            “You don’t have anything to apologize for. Your here now right. You came back like you promised. A little late but you came back.” He stopped petting his crow and leaned against Itsuma’s. “I was scared you’d never come back. I was scared that maybe you’d realized I was more trouble than I was worth…I doubted you. But you came back and brought help just like you promised me you would. So if anyone should be sorry…It’s me….So…” He looked up at Itsuma. “I’m sorry for doubting you.”

Aged Hunter

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                          Itsuma sighed, a little concerned that Kohaku was afraid that he would fall down into his bad state just as easily as he got better. Of course Itsuma was worried as well, he could easily fall back if the medicine didn't do it's effect right. But for Kohaku's sake, and his own as well, he was positive that wouldn't happen. He wouldn't allow it to happen. So if for Kohaku he felt better just by staying awake a few more hours, just to be sure, he wouldn't say no "Well...I don't think you will. But staying awake sounds like a good idea, even for me"

                          Even if Kohaku was saying that he had preferred that he wasn't there, or he would have done something hasty, Itsuma was still angry and guilty. He knew well how to get rid of Hengetsu quickly, and even make sure that he wouldn't bother Kohaku. Now he knew who he was, and at any opportunity he would now try to snatch him away. But Itsuma wouldn't allow that. He was angry enough with Ryu, and now Hengetsu was really looking for trouble. He wouldn't allow neither of them to get near.

                          Itsuma quickly shook his head "You are not trouble, Kohaku. You will never be" Itsuma talked, quite worried that Kohaku though he was not worth the trouble "And you shouldn't be sorry either. I was surprised you hold so long. I was gone for long periods of time, and of course anything could have happened. But me, abandoning you? Never. I lost you once, and I will never lose you again" Itsuma then relaxed, and shook his head, patting Kohaku's gently "I'll be always glad to help you with whatever you need, or get you things you need. Next time though, now that you are getting better, you can come with me. We can always return here, really there's no rush to go back to the spirit world"

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