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Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            With the way that the blur before him hadn’t move or spoken, he thought for sure the figure wouldn’t help. He’d be left there to die and rot away into the earth, with no one to remember he had lived. He’d closed his eyes and just prepared for it, prepared for his life to slip from him tiny little hands. Then he felt it, the cool ground beneath him disappeared and instead was replaced with something warm, so warm. His eyes slowly opened and he glanced at the blurred figure. All he could do was nod. He didn’t want to die, so he’d hold on to that tiny slither of life that was left.

                                            He felt something press against his stomach and the pain just radiated through his whole body. But, at the very least the pain had helped him to remain awake, to remain focused. The pain helped him, it reminded him that he was still alive. He was still alive. He needed to hold onto this feeling.

                                            Before he could even think to respond to the blurred figure they were off. The things around him blurred past him, so fast. He closed his eyes for just a second, but when he opened it, everything had looked so, different. He felt so dazed and confused but he knew one thing at least, this wasn’t home. He tried to sit up but the pain in his belly was too much. He was forced to lay back down again. He wondered, how long had he been asleep…since. He gently shook his head. No he didn’t want to think about it. At least not right now.

                                            He let his mind wander to other things like had he even been asleep? What if he was dead? That man made him promise to stay alive? What if he’d died while that man was trying to save him? “….I-Is anyone here?”

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Amazingly enough, the boy had survived the trip back to his own home, and the few days that followed. Well, more likely he was knocked out from the pain for two straight days, and after he was able to close the wound, leaving an angry scar on it's wake, the little boy's body couldn't take the shock, and remained unconscious, with fever and often whimpering to himself while sleeping. Itsuma had been tempted just to brought the boy back to the human world and leave him in the doorway of some villager or something. He had done his job, he had saved the boy and now he was fine. But still, Itsuma couldn't bring himself to.

                          So he left the boy there, everyday leaving water and food so in case that he had woken up he would eat it if he was gone. Which was the case right now. He was out of the house.
                          Itsuma had not remembered when he got that he was running down on food, and so he had to go out to gather water and something to eat during that week, besides medical kit. Even if he had saved the boy he had made a mess of his bed, leaving it all bloody, and not to talk about the boy's own kimono had more red now that it's original color. So he was bringing a change of clothes and a new futon to replace the one ruined.

                          But as he entered his home, which was quite barren besides a small table and other stuff, he heard the boy talking again. Itsuma sighed, leaving what he had brought up expect for the medical kit to the guest room. He had left his mask as well, but he was still in his yokai form, his eyes not gentle with the boy as he entered the room "Oh, you're awake" Itsuma noted, like if it was nothing, and went over next to the boy. After kneeling down, he checked the boy's forehead in other to see if he still had fever "Mmm, seems like you managed to fight back the fever kiddo" Itsuma replied, before he not so gently made the boy sit down. He had taken off the boy's kimono, replacing it with an overused white haneri, that soon enough had gained dots of red. And beneath that, a long and even more read bandage across the boy's stomach "Mmm, at least you're still not bleeding, which is good"

                          Itsuma then proceded to take off the dirty bandage, cleaning off the area of the stomach again with some cold water, and placing a new bandage over his stomach again. Once he was done he left the remaining medical supplies in the side "There's food and water here" Itsuma said, as he got a jar full of water besides, as well as some rice porridge closer to the boy "I'll be outside. You made a mess of this futon, so I will have to change it later, kiddo" As final words, Itsuma got up, and dusted himself off, heading towards the door.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Sounds, small little sounds filled up the empty house. Someone else was here. Was it the man that had helped him? Then the sound of a voice captured his attention. He looked over at the entrance. He saw a pair of feet and followed it up till he saw the figure’s face. His eyes were, beautiful. They were a color he’d never seen anyone else have. Yet they were so harsh and cold. Just like the man’s attitude. “Mmmh I am.” He uttered before the other checked his forehead. The sudden touch surprised him even more so was the news that he had a fever before. “I did?”

                                            Suddenly the man sat him up, the pain radiated through his body he couldn’t help but groan. He groaned even more as his kimono was pulled off and replaced. His bandages soon followed suit.
                                            The figure was anything but gentle he realized that now. Kohaku was left, alone and confused. He didn’t even have time to process anything. Or more like the man hadn’t given him time to process what he’d said. “W-wait! I have questions I’d like to ask…” He didn’t want to be left alone, he didn’t want to be left feeling confused. The only one who could help was the man before him.

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          "Oh yes, you had fever. And you were knocked out cold for two days straight. You didn't received a gentle blow, kiddo, and after I managed to save your life your body couldn't take the shock, and you slept two days straight, besides the fever" Itsuma said, without any kind of comfort "So you should be thankful you did woke up after two. Who knew what would had happened if you didn't woke up at all"

                          Just as he was about to leave the kid alone, he told him to wait, as he had questions. Itsuma turned, just slightly so he could see the kid. It was obvious that he was confused, and that he was going to be left alone in a house that he didn't knew, without much to do or say. But it wasn't Itsuma's problem. He wasn't his father, he just happened to pick him up and help him. He didn't owed this kid anything.

                          But against his own thoughts, he sighed and entered the room again, sitting down next to the futon "Alright, I will stay kiddo" Itsuma replied quickly "What did you wanted to ask?"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Two days? He’d been asleep for two days? After hearing the man’s words his eyes widen. This man who ever he was, he really wasn’t gentle at all. Honestly what kind of person told that to a kid anyways? “I am thankful.” He muttered as he glanced down at his bandaged stomach. He really was lucky he survived all of this let alone woke up.

                                            He couldn’t help but smile slightly as the other man had agreed to stay and answer his questions. But more importantly, for now, he wouldn’t be alone in this strange place. “Where am I?...Who are you?” The man had yet to introduce himself, then again so had he. So he quickly stuck out his small little had so the other could shake it. “My name’s Kohaku.” He hoped this would help encourage the other to give him his name as well.

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Itsuma looked at the kid's, well, Kohaku's raised hand. Was the boy expecting to shake hands? For a second Otsuma looked at it, before he finally shook the little hand, this time gently "Itsuma" he replied, still cold as ever "And you are in my house. In the spirit world" He was sure that if the mother had loved the kid sometime she would have warmed him about the spirit world, and that there were people called yokai that snatched children away.

                          But before the kid could freak out, he cleared his throat "I don't want you to freak out, kiddo" Even if he knew Kohaku's name, he didn't wanted to get close to the kid "As soon as you get better, you get out of here. I like being alone, and having you around for long is out of the picture"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

9,100 Points
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Kohaku YuX

                                            For a second he didn’t think the other would shake his hand. It was the way he looked, as if he carried with him the plague. So he wasn’t expecting what came next. The other shook his hand and willingly gave his name. It was a small little victory, but well he’d take it.
                                            But at the mention of the spirit world his brows furrowed. His…mother, she’d warned him and his sister’s about this place. The danger’s it posed. The demons who loved to take children away from their homes. Now here he was, in a yokai’s home being tended to. And now, he had no home anymore.
                                            “It’s Kohaku.” He uttered as the other insisted on calling him kiddo rather than calling him by his name. Like he was some animal he didn’t want to get attached to. “Oh really? I couldn’t tell.” Sarcasm dripped in his words. “What’s wrong with having company anyways? I mean it can’t be that much fun can it? To be all alone? Don’t you get lonely? Don’t you get bored?” He knew he was probably pressing his luck but well, he couldn’t understand why anyone would want to be alone.

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Itsuma let Kohaku's sarcasm get passed him without any further incident, but as he continued to push and push his luck Itsuma got quickly angered "Look, kiddo" He gave out his sentences full of cold and silent anger "I like being alone. I don't get bored. You and I are very different. While you grew with a sister, I grew without anything. And now you're like me. You don't have anything" Itsuma then proceeded to stand up "I like being alone because I don't have to own anything to anyone. I helped you, but I'm not your friend, or your savior. I could have left you to die with your mother and sister, but I didn't. And if I wanted to, I would make you leave, even if you are still recovering. So don't push your luck, because I don't want to get angry with a brat" His last words were final, and Itsuma began to walk towards the door again, this time not offering to come if he needed a thing. This time, he was not going to listen if the kid asked him to stay longer.

                          The rest of the day went quiet. Itsuma mainly stay in the kitchen, gathering the food and placing it where it should be. He just visited the boy to leave just a bit of more food for that night, then to give him new clothes, and then to change the futon. As night began to fall down he brought the kid a lamp, and left without saying much. Well, he had more likely not listened to the kid if he asked him for something, or if he asked him for food. He wasn't angry with the kiddo anymore. He wanted to prove his point, that he wasn't his friend or anything. That he could leave him alone easily.

                          So by the time Itsuma decided to sleep, he headed towards his own room, leaving the door open, where the faint glow of a lamp could also be seen.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Now, now he was alone. It hurt. To realize he was alone, he had no home to return to, no family waiting for him to return. He was utterly alone. Itsuma was right he didn’t have anything anymore. He was just like him now. His precious baby sister, his mother both were dead. They were dead. He wouldn’t be able to play with his sister or eat his mother’s meals. He felt a pain in his heart he’d never experienced before.

                                            As Itsuma left he hadn’t bother to stop Itsuma. Mostly because he was trying to keep himself from crying. The rest of the day, well it had passed silently. He ate a bit of the food the other left. If he hadn’t been so hungry he would have left it. The first time he visited he pretended to be asleep. Mostly to avoid the other. But when he came again there was no avoiding him.

                                            Like the yokai he remained silently. That was until night fell. As he pretended to sleep he heard the sound of footsteps. Then it became quite again. After a while Kohaku slowly sat up. He let it out. The tears slowly began to flow down his cheeks, slowly and then all at one. He tried so desperately to remain silent as the tears came. He didn’t want the other to see that his words had affected him, that he had won. He didn’t want the other to know he was lonely now. He gently wrapped his arms around himself as more tears were shed and the loneliness ate at him.

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Even if he would have tried to ignore the boy's cries, he couldn't. Itsuma was on the edge of sleeping, but he heard a light sniff, before it continued to grow, until the boy couldn't cover the sounds of his crying and it was quite noticeable what was happening. Itsuma sighed, tried to roll over and ignore the sound. But still, he was feeling guilty. He had not been quite nice with the boy, telling him that he was alone now, that he was like him. Itsuma was used to being alone, the boy didn't.

                          So by the time that he couldn't ignore the crying and his own consciousness further, Itsuma stood up, as quietly as he could, and headed towards the boy's room. Just as he was about to enter, however, he stopped. What was he supposed to say? Hey, I'm sorry you won't be alone? Something like that? Itsuma was confused, because he felt that if he said that he would be telling lies to the boy, and he was quite suffering for being alone.

                          So without much of a think of what to say, Itsuma entered the room. He had caught Kohaku still crying, but before the boy could cover himself or anything he went over and sat next to him, and took out a handkerchief, quickly wiping away the tears. This time he was doing it with care, and Itsuma's stare was not cold or anything. Just...confused on what to say.
                          Once he was done, however, he put the handkerchief away "Um...." Itsuma began, trying to think of good words "It...It was not nice from me to lash at you like that. I mean, you're no more than six, right? And you just lost your sister and mother. Comparing you to myself, saying that you have nothing, well it wasn't nice either. I mean..." Itsuma was struggling with his words, shutting down for a minute, trying to think of what to say to not sound like a mess.

                          But Itsuma was still deep in thought, and he shook his head "It...It will be alright. You were strong enough to survive, you know. You could have died there, or in my arms on the way here. But you didn't. So you have a pretty sturdy will" Itsuma sighed "And well, I know it won't be the same. Nothing replaces the love of a child to his mother, or to his sibling. Um, people may come, that will also be important for you, but in the end it wouldn't be the same, would it?" Again, Itsuma felt that he was messing up, and shook his head again "But now...But now you have to live. For your sister, and your mother. Just...Just get better, and when you return to your world, just...Just live your life as best as you can. Laugh and cry and love all those things they won't be able to do. And even if they're not here, their memory will live within you. So you won't be alone"

                          But then Itsuma sighed, and messed with his own hair for a minute "Really kiddo, I don't know what to say. I have never had to dealt with...this. But I'm sorry, for being mean. And well, for not finding good words for your pain just now"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted him, the dark figure, and the last person he wanted to see. He tried to hide, he truly did. But the yokai was far quicker then he’d been. But instead of chastising him or mocking him he did something else, something that confused him. Itsuma wiped away his tears. He didn’t know why but he was doing it and well he looked just as confused as he felt which made even less sense to him.

                                            But the awkward tear wiping came to an end. But it brought something even more awkward in its place. An apology. He glanced down, his tiny hands gripping at his sheets as he sniffled. “Even if you say it’s not nice….It’s the truth isn’t it?” Sure Itsuma was right, it wasn’t nice to lash out at him, and he was a kid. Normally Adults didn’t lash out at kids. Then again he was a yokai, how many times did he have to deal with kids? Not very many. But more than that, he right he was like him. He was all alone now just like Itsuma.

                                            Itsuma though was trying so hard to cheer him up, failing miserably, but none the less trying. He couldn’t help but smile a little as the other seemed a little frustrated now. “I can tell.” Itsuma really sounded like he’d never once dealt with having to comfort someone else. “..I suppose…I’m sorry for pushing…”

                                            With a small sigh he looked at Itsuma. Gently he patted the other’s head. “It’s okay. It’s the thought that counts…Besides seeing you fail miserably at it cheered me up a little.”

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Itsuma felt frustrated, but it seemed that Kohaku had gotten his point, and that he said that he appreciated it. Even finding funny his attempts to get everything better. That didn't exactly made him happy, he felt that he was being mocked, but this time Itsuma held his tongue and did not said a thing. After all, Kohaku seemed to need all the comfort that he could get "...I may have sounded funny, but follow my words kiddo. You can lament all your life that you're alone, even if it's the truth. But you'll have to move on" At least he didn't made such a mess there. He was...Getting just a bit more comfortable. But still it was weird.

                          And there was a small moment of silence, in which Itsuma didn't knew what else to say. He was again struggling, but after a while he sighed, and shook his head "Tonight will be a cold night" Itsuma began "And even if you managed to get better from your fever, you are quite weak. Anything right now could get you sick. So you'll spend the night with me" He was sure that Kohaku wouldn't understand at first, but before the boy could even try to make sense of his words he picked him up, along with his pillow, and carried him towards his own room. Once there, he setted the boy down in his own futon, who was quite big comparing it to the one that Kohaku had. After setting down the boy's pillow he walked next to the boy, in the other edge, and he laid down. Covering himself, he didn't waited for the boy to follow suit. But instead he turned up his body heat, just a bit more higher than before, and closed his eyes. Hopefully the boy would fall asleep soon.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Itsuma’s words were easier to listen to then to follow. Finding the will to live was one thing but, surviving, it was a completely different thing. But he was right about one thing he couldn’t lament about being alone his whole life. “I know…I’ll try and follow your words. I’ll try and move on…” He’d have to. He had lived and now he had to keep living.

                                            Now there was a awkward silence between them. Kohaku wasn’t sure what he should say to the other. He didn’t want to say anything rude and have the other lash at him again. Especially considering they’d just apologized to each other. But Itsuma’s next words confused him yet again. “Oh…you don’t say…” He thought for a moment Itsuma was trying to make small talk and failing at it. However it turned out to be the opposite. He nodded nothing really thinking at first. But after he thought about the demon’s words he looked at him alarmed. “Wait wh—“ Suddenly Itsuma was lifting him up and carrying him away.

                                            Itsuma didn’t let him down until they had reached the other’s futon. Before he could even protest or speak the other was settling into bed. He simply stared at him for several minutes before sighing. “You’re really confusing you know that.” He uttered as he gently and carefully laid down on the futon. Honestly he saved his life, then he was mean and rude to him, then he awkwardly apologized and now he was letting him share his futon. Itsuma was confusing.

                                            So he closed his eyes only to open them a few second’s later. He turned to look at Itsuma before pouting. Silently and carefully he scooted a little closer to the demon. He let the warmth lull him to sleep.

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Itsuma knew that he was being confusing. He was confused of all of this as well. He didn't wanted to get close to the boy. It would be troublesome, and in the end he didn't wanted him here because he would be spiriting him away. And he hated it. Only thinking it made him think of the worse things. But Kohaku was still injured, he still needed a month or two to fully recover. After that, he was going to sent him to the human world, and continue with his life. Yes, that was going to happen "Then why I felt so troubled before...?" Itsuma wondered, quietly.

                          But he felt that the boy got closer to him, and after a while, he could hear his breathing slow down until he was sure that the boy was sleeping. Itsuma wanted to sleep as well, but he remained awake, just for a few minutes, wondering again what was going on with him. But finally Itsuma gave up, and slept. He didn't moved much during that night, knowing well that a little kid that he could easily crush under his weight if he rolled over him was next to him.

                          And as soon as morning came, Itsuma was gone. There was just a bit empty space where he had rested the night before. However, for Kohaku, at the hour that he wanted, there was already food and even just a bit of juice, and another jar of water. He also left a small bottle with a green content, medicine for Kohaku to take as soon as he woke up. Itsuma was going to be busy that day, and he would later move Kohaku again to the guest room by night. But for most of the morning and afternoon he would be left alone.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            When Kohaku woke the next morning he was yet again left alone. “What kind of adult leaves a wounded kid alone in a strange place?” He uttered. He slowly and carefully sat himself up and glanced at everything Itsuma had left for him. Reluctantly he drank the medicine that was left near him. It smelled as horrible as it tasted. After having to retrain himself from vomiting he ate his food and drank his juice.
                                            Eventually though, he was left with nothing to do but to look around. There wasn’t a single sound to be heard. That’s when it hit him, a pang of loneliness. Was this how it was going to feel? Was this how it was going to be when he returned to the human world? This emptiness, this quietness. Was this what would fill his life now?
                                            Carefully but hastily he stood up, leaning against a nearby wall he left the yokai’s room. He wasn’t sure where he was going. It wasn’t like he could actually really go anywhere in his condition. But he needed to just move. He needed to hear something, some sort of noise or just something. He couldn’t stand this lonely silence anymore. Each step he took though was painful though. Somehow despite the pain he made it to the front door and slide it open. He was met with a gentle cool breeze and the sound of birds chirping in the distance.

                                            Just as he was about to close it he thought back on the demon’s words. As soon as he got better he would be sent back to his own world. He hesitated. Being in the demon’s company was, aggravating, but being alone, it was worse. So the thought of making himself more ill had crossed his mind. He was so tempted to make himself ill. But, he slowly slid the door closed and sighed. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He couldn’t bring himself to take advantage of the other. “What am I supposed to do now?” Honestly now he wasn’t even sure he could make it back to Itsuma’s room. Justing walking to the front had taken most of his energy. Not to mention it was painful. All he could do now was settle with laying near the front door. Hoping Itsuma would return soon.

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