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Aged Hunter

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                          Even if Kohaku said that he had nothing to do in the morning Itsuma sighed, a bit defeated "Yes you do" Itsuma mentioned, but instead of listing what they needed to do for the day he kept quiet. He felt Kohaku's grip soften, and instead he was being held quite in a delicate way.
                          But in the end Kohaku asked him to stay like that, just a little bit longer. But without giving him time to reply Kohaku was already resting his head on his chest, quite comfortable, and already going back to sleep.

                          But what surprised Itsuma was that Kohaku said that he loved him. Itsuma went a bit still after Kohaku told him that, but not of disgust, but surprise. He...Well, it was the first time he heard Kohaku say that since he was a child. He was used to hear it from Kohaku while he grew up, so why...why this time it had a different effect? Itsuma ignored the last part, and decided to relax for a couple of more minutes and let Kohaku actually sleep a bit more before Iki went and woke him up.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “Wake up you good for nothing lounger.” Kohaku groaned as Iki yelled at him. Slowly he opened one eye and looked up at the other only to groan more. Iki stood there towering over him and Itsuma. “Don’t you have a bottle of sake to drink or something?” Iki sighed and threw the covers to the futon aside. “Nope. Now get up. You! Stop encouraging this.” He gestured to Kohaku who was currently laying on top of Itsuma. “If he has time to be lounging he has time to be building up his strength.” Kohaku couldn’t help but groan. “Don’t groan you’re not a child. Now up!”

Aged Hunter

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                          Itsuma couldn't help but open just one of his eyes when he heard Iki began to yell at them, he knew that now a lot of time had passed, considering that Iki was already up. He remained silent for a minute and let Iki and Kohaku do the talking, though he did groaned when he felt the futon cover being removed, the morning coldness hitting him, just when he was getting used to the warm again "Alright alright, stop the bickering, we'll get up" Itsuma yawned gently, before he moved to sit down, and also moved Kohaku so he would sit down as well "Go ahead and have breakfast, I'll have Kohaku there in a minute" Hopefully that would lure Iki away, but just in case he would mention the bath "Oh, and finally I managed to find a way to heat the water quickly, so you won't have to take a bath and have my crow's feathers stick to your body"

                          After Iki finally left, however, Itsuma stretched out and began to help Kohaku to get up "You've heard Iki, it's time to be up. You managed to sleep and make me sleep for five more minutes, but now the time is up. You have to eat breakfast, too"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “Yeah right. If I leave you two here your just going to—“ But Itsuma cut Iki short by announcing he had a new solution to the bath. “Oh? For your sake you better hope it works.” Iki uttered before leaving.

                                            Kohaku couldn’t help but sigh. “Why is he always so angry.” Kohaku uttered as he ran his hand through his hair. “Mmmh. I heard him loud and clear. I’m sure people in the village heard him to.” He uttered jokingly. Well mostly anyways. “It’s my house I should be able to do as I please.” He muttered before pulling himself up “Come on lets go before Iki starts yelling at us again.”

Aged Hunter

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                          "It will, so just go and eat breakfast and I'll go and heat the water as soon as we're done" Itsuma replied, happy to see that it had at least distracted Iki enough to leave them alone for a minute before they went to eat themselves.

                          "I think he is angry with life, maybe that is why he is always angry" Itsuma joked, but he couldn't help but laugh when Kohaku said that probably even the villagers heard him "Let's hope we don't get people angry there because of Iki, huh?" Kohaku got up and suggested for them to go before they got yelled again "Yes, lets get going. And as soon as he's gone and you're better I'm sure you will be able to sleep all you want" Well at least Itsuma would allow him to, knowing that he was going to be alright.

                          Itsuma remained close to Kohaku as they made their way to the dinning room. Now Kohaku was able to walk without his help except when he felt his legs would give up, which had not happened very often. Itsuma was happy to see that, even if Kohaku complained he would always end up with a bit of pain in the legs. Once they entered the room Itsuma went first so Kohaku wouldn't get instantly yelled at "Good morning, Hibiki" Itsuma announced, and everyone went to their usual places to eat.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “Maybe.” He knew Itsuma was joking but he couldn’t help but believe in it. It would certainly explain a great deal of things. “Well they wouldn’t get angry at me. I’m like a treasure for this village. If anything they’d mob against the rest of you.” He uttered. He was the only kimono maker in the village. So if a woman wanted a kimono they usually went to him. It was either him for going to the city to get one and that took weeks.

                                            “Oh I can’t wait for him to be gone.” It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate the other’s efforts but he appreciated sleep just a little more. Considering sleep had been so hard to come by before he wanted to sleep as much as possible to make up for it.

                                            Koahaku had managed to walk without Itsuma’s help for a while. Though there were still times when his leg ached or his leg would give out. Lately even that had lessened. Iki though had mentioned he would always have that pain and that weakness in his leg but that with exercise it would hardly be noticeable. He suppose as much as he complained about the other he was right.

                                            Hibiki glanced up and bowed his head before pouring the last of the food into the bowl. Kohaku went to Hibiki’s side and smiled. “Ah everything smells good as usual Hibiki.” He patted the other’s head. Hibiki simply bowed his head in thanks before gesturing to the food. Kohaku took that as a sign to take his seat which he did. Just then a bell rang. It was the bell to the gates. This meant he had a visitor that made him weary. Hibiki stood and headed off to answer.

Aged Hunter

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                          "Ah, but I can scare them away. And you wouldn't let them mob against me or Hibiki, right? Or we could just go ahead and hand over Iki if the angry mob comes" Itsuma joked, trying to contain a chuckle as they made their way to eat. He was sure that if Iki heard him he would kill him or get real mad for the rest of the day.

                          Itsuma however was happy to see that today Kohaku didn't need his help to walk at any point. Even if Iki mentioned that there would be pain every now and then he was happy to see that Kohaku was trying so hard to get better, even if he didn't liked Iki's methods from time to time.
                          "Ah, it really smells great, Hibiki. You really do wonders" Itsuma complimented as well as Kohaku did, and went over to take his seat so they could all start eating breakfast.

                          But bells rang. There was a moment of silence before Hibiki stood up to answer, but Itsuma was on his feet on seconds "Wait" Itsuma stopped Hibiki before he could get out of the room. He let out a couple more of his crows and they settled around the room, ready to protect Kohaku if it was necessary "I'll go with you" Itsuma was just a bit tense, thinking it might be Ryu trying to tempt them outside the house so he could capture them. He hoped it was not the case.

                          Itsuma walked alongside with Hibiki on the hallway, and then up to the front of the house. He was still a bit on edge, but from the initial looks of it it wasn't an attack from Ryu "Good morning?" Itsuma said, out loud, so he could hear who it was.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “Well—“ Kohaku uttered before smirking. “Nah I wouldn’t let the mob take Hibiki.” He uttered playful. “Or you. But I’d gladly hand over Iki.” He uttered softly not wanting the drunk in question to hear him. He was sure Iki would give them hell if he knew they were making fun of him.

                                            Hibiki stopped just sort of the door and looked back at Itsuma. He tilted his head as the crows left Itsuma. Itsuma seemed instant on coming with him. He let a silent sigh leave his lips before nodding. So he and the crow left to answer the door. Though he occasionally stared at Itsuma. He looked so, worried. Perhaps the other was afraid that demon was here to attack them again. Though he didn’t sense him. Or maybe it was the other one. The monk that had been so dear to Kohaku.

                                            The bell rang yet again as they arrived at the front. They hadn’t opened the gates though but Itsuma uttered a good morning though it was more of a question that a statement. “Ah good morning. Master Kohaku? You are master Kohaku right?” Hibiki sighed silently before opened the gate to see an attendant standing before them. It was clear the man was a bit surprised and weary to see them there. “….Is master Kohaku in?” Hibiki pointed to the house. “Ah good. I have a request from my lady. There’s a festival approaching soon and my lady needs a new kimono. She only trust master Kohaku with her kimono’s so I need to put in an order for one right away. Do you think I may speak with him?”

Aged Hunter

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                          Itsuma got for a moment nervous of who was going to reply, but it was a voice that he had never heard before, and more than that, he was asking for Kohaku. From the looks of it, it was a costumer. An actual costumer. Itsuma had not seen one since the last festival, so it surprised him. Itsuma visibly relaxed, and after the man told his intentions and asked to speak to Kohaku, Itsuma cleared his throat "Ah, Master Kohaku is here" Itsuma began "But he might not be able to do the kimono. You see, one of his arms got injured, and he is still recovering, but let me talk with him to see if he can do it or not" It was better than saying that Kohaku couldn't for the moment. And he knew that the other was dying to make a kimono. He hoped that, even if he couldn't accept the job, the idea of being offered to work on one kimono again would make him happy.

                          And with that Itsuma left to get inside the house again. He hoped he hadn't made Kohaku nervous for leaving, even though he was sure that he did, but he also hoped that by seeing him relaxed Kohaku would relax too. Once he opened the door he turned to Kohaku "Hey. It's alright, it's just a man asking if you could do a kimono for her lady for an uncoming festival..." And that was when Itsuma fell silent. At first he hadn't completely registered. But the man had mentioned an uncoming festival, and he was sure that he had saw the man on the town, so it was probably going to be held in the town. And well, the last festival had been the one Ryu...

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “He’s injured?” Hibiki nodded. “Oh dear. My lady has a tradition of wearing the young master’s kimono to the town’s festivals.” The attendant sighed. Hibiki simply patted the other’s shoulder as if to comfort the man. But he perked up when Itsuma mentioned he would ask Kohaku. “Oh please do.” The attendant bowed as Itsuma left. Hibiki was left there alone with the man. They turned to look at each other before Hibiki looked away awkwardly.

                                            “Itsuma what’s—“ He was panicking despite Iki’s rather blunt words. But seeing Itsuma’s calm face eased him. There was no danger. He couldn’t help but sigh. “…A kimono? Another festival?” Kohaku looked to Itsuma before looking down at his hands. Despite being able to move his hand he was still having such a hard time doing so. Yet it’d been a while since he last got a job and he wanted to accept it. Truly he did. But he couldn’t. “…I ca—“ But he was cut off by Iki. “You like making kimono’s right?” Kohaku nodded. “Well then there’s your answer. Itsuma go tell the nice man outside his lady with have the kimono.” Kohaku stood up quickly. “Wait I can’t—“ Iki rolled his eyes before speaking. “What? You can’t move your hand. That’s an excuse. Your making the kimono. Besides you have to get back into the habit of doing what you use to do. So this is perfect timing. Besides you need a little bit of pressure to speed up your recovery.” Though he saw Itsuma still standing and he sighed. “I’ll tell him then.” He stood and headed outside.

                                            Kohaku looked to Itsuma. Granted he was happy to be offered a job but, he was scared. His reputation was on the line and considering how he was still having a hard time with his arm he truly was scared. “I don’t know if I can do it Itsuma.” Then Iki spoke from just outside the door. “You have four extra hands to help you so don’t be scared. So you’ll be fine.” Iki uttered before truly leaving to tell the attendant he’d have the kimono made.

Aged Hunter

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                          Itsuma was almost expecting Kohaku to say that he couldn't, but before he could encourage him Iki intervened, and said he would do it. That the pressure of doing what he used to do would help speed up the recovery. But he could see Kohaku was scared. Even if Iki said that he was going to get three extra pair of hands, he was scared. The fact that he still had a lot to recover, and that he was going to do it with his reputation on the land could easily scare anyone. But Itsuma smiled, trying to soothe Kohaku, and gently cupped his cheeks "You can do it" Itsuma began to say, just as Iki left to tell the man the lady would have the kimono "Like Iki said, we will help. But I know that even without our help you will do just fine. And people love your kimonos, right? I'm sure they will still love them. And you love making them. There's no bigger motivation than to get back on business, right? Even if it's just one kimono for now" Itsuma gently caressed Kohaku's cheek.

                          "You know? We could even go. Properly, this time, to the festival" Itsuma would make sure that this festival none of the monks would attend, in case that Kohaku accepted "If you finish the kimono, we can all go. I promised to go with you back then, and to bring you back here. And my promise still stands. We will go, and we will be back. We will enjoy our time there, and you can wear that nice kimono you made for yourself for the last festival. Just...just accept this job, alright? For your recovery"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Itsuma held his cheek so gently. It made him want to believe his words. But he was still recovering and he could barely feeling anything in his hand let alone move it. How was he suppose to make a whole kimono. No matter how he looked at it, it was impossible.

                                            “Well yeah they do….But that’s not the point.” He uttered. True people loved his kimono’s but still that had nothing to do with his current predicament. Kohaku just sighed as Itsuma stroked his cheek. He suppose he was right, there was no better motivation. He suppose he’d at least have to try not that he had much choice in the matter.

                                            “W-we could go?” While he would have loved to go he was, hesitant. Last time they had planned to go to a festival together things sort of fell apart and went straight to hell. He was afraid it would happen yet again. “We can all go? You mean Hibiki and Iki will come as well?” If that was the case, maybe it would be so bad to go then. Kohaku sighed and nodded. “Alright…I’ll accept it…Though it’s not like I have much of a choice.” Iki had already gone to accept the commission. There was no way to back out now.

Aged Hunter

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                          "We can go" Itsuma affirmed, and smiled when he asked if Iki and Hibiki could go to "Of course they can. I'm sure Hibiki will appreciate it, maybe it will take some incentive with Iki but in the end he will go" And with incentive Itsuma felt that he would have to buy more bottles for Iki or offer him to pick whatever he liked at the festival or something like that, but he was sure that Kohaku would be happy to bring Iki along, even if they sometimes fought "Just one kimono. I don't think you're still in shape to do the same amount you did back when we met again, and I'm sure that Iki will agree. Well at least I will make him agree" He agreed on having a kimono so Kohaku could pressure himself and recover faster, but if there were too many they might do further damage instead of helping or healing Kohaku's arm.

                          "I don't think he would say no even if I went over to stop him" Though Kohaku also knew that already "Is there anything we should know about the lady this time? Should I ask the man to bring something or do I help you get over the workshop?" Itsuma asked.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            “It will probably take some incentive to get Iki to come….But I’d feel safer if he went.” Despite how much they fought he felt sort of safe knowing the other was around. Maybe because the other use to be a monk so if Ryu showed up he’d know all of those monk tricks. That was assuming he’d help him.
                                            Kohaku nodded. He could do that. He could do one kimono. He was capable of at least that. At least he hoped he was anyways. Kohaku nodded. “I need her name. If she’s a past customer then I should have her measurements written down. Ask if she wanted any specific designs.” If she wanted a specific design or patter in her kimono he needed to know. Last thing he wanted was to make his customer unhappy.

Aged Hunter

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                          Itsuma nodded, and got up his seat "Alright then. I'll go and ask that. Then we can finish our breakfast together and then we can start doing the kimono. I'm sure even Hibiki will be happy to help you and watch you do the kimono" At least he thought it would serve as a distraction for Hibiki's schedule of always cleaning around. Soon he left the room, leaving Kohaku all lone to ask the man for what Kohaku requested. After several minutes passed everyone returned to the dinning area "Hey there, hope that we didn't took too much time" Itsuma muttered, and went over his seat.

                          "The man said that you have previously done a kimono for her lady; her name is Momori Ueda" Itsuma began "She didn't had any special request, though the man mentioned that her lady had been fascinated with fireflies these days, so maybe that could help as some sort of inspiration?" Itsuma asked, and then sat down "Is there anything else you will need for us to get you for the kimono?"

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