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Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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                                                            Spirited Away

                                                            A private one x one rp
                                                            Between darkvampire1313 & Koete Leia

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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                                                              Name: Kohaku Yū
                                                              Age: Looks 19 is actually 25
                                                              Date of birth: March 3
                                                              Height: 5'9''
                                                              When Kohaku's mother was young she fell in love with a man. She tried to convince her parents that this was the man she wished to marry. However they saw the man unfit for there daughter and so they forbid her from ever seeing him again. So she left her families home and ran away with the man. Since there was no other way for her to be with him then that. While they were hurt they had no choice but to disown her and let her face the consequences of her actions.

                                                              Of course that man soon left her when he realized she had been disowned and could get no money out of her family, since they were rather wealthy. Kohaku's mother begged her parents to let her return but refused. So alone and with no money she wandered and worked whatever jobs she could find.
                                                              Eventually Kohaku was born and a year later his mother gave birth to his sister. Now that she had her children she did everything she could to make sure they had what they needed. Even if it meant doing less then desirable jobs. Everything was good. They didn't have much but they had what they needed and they were happy.

                                                              But soon his mother's health declined. So much so that she began to lose her mind. She blamed her children for her misfortune. And in a fit of rage killed him and his sister before killing herself. Yet Kohaku didn't die. He was desperately clinging on to his life. As if by some miracle an angel appeared before him, scooped him into his warm gentle arms. After that he couldn't remember anything. Yet even those memories faded away. He could no longer remember what happened to his sister and mother. Kohaku didn't fight it though. Somehow deep in his heart he knew forgetting was for the best.

                                                              The next thing he could remember was waking up in with an old lady desperately hugging him and apologizing. The monk explained every thing, the fact that he'd been taken away by a evil spirit, and that while he looked six he was actually twelve. The monk warned the boy to never leave his grandparents home least he be taken away again.

                                                              As time passed the boy grew to become a young man. Of course his grandparents had never let him leave the confines of there home. Somehow though he still managed to make a life for himself. He’d become a famous yet reclusive kimono maker. He was renowned for his beautifully strange hand stitched designs, hand dyed fabrics and overall high quality work. His work kept him quite busy. Though his job made him happy even when his grandparents were not longer with him in the world.

                                                              He continued his kimono making even have his grandparents death. At first it was hard adjusting. He was so use to having them help him but his friend the monk’s nephew made the transition a bit easier for him. Even though he only came by once or twice a month he helped ease a bit of his loneliness. His friend would bring him stories and the latest gossip. But his friend was a monk. So coming by to chat and bring him his materials wasn’t his sole purpose for coming. No he always made sure the barrier was up and working. He worried that the demon would someday find a crack in the barrier and slip through to whisk him away again. So Kohaku tried not to dwell on the idea since it frightened him. So he buries himself in his work to avoid the very thought of it.

                                                              Likes: Sewing, dying fabric, making kimono's, his friend, the feeling of the grass beneath his feet and the sun shining on his face.

                                                              Dislikes: Strangers, the thought of being whisked away again, waking up crying and not knowing why, feeling like he's forgotten something important.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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                                                              Name: Itsuma
                                                              Age: Around 426
                                                              Date of birth: Unknown
                                                              Height: 6'0"
                                                              Background: Many yokais would agree that Itsuma is a lone bird. Note that he is a fire, bird type of Yokai, but simply he wouldn't relate to any other yokais, he preferred his silence. Even worse, he was one of the few who looked down with bad eyes at the Gods, yokais or demons who took away children. He didn't considered it right, as those children would never belong to their world. And even worse, he reminded his fellow comrades of their demise, humans sooner or later would reclaim their little ones. Many ended up killed, seal or they would simply never see their children again. And Itsuma was happy. He didn't had to suffer the pain that many others suffered.

                                                              But it changed, oh it all changed that fateful night he was going around the human world. Thought he wasn't hurtful with humans, Itsuma recognized human's destructive tendencies, and how often it would hurt the innocent. That was the scenery that Itsuma found; a mother who, either by disease or mental illness, killed his children before she followed the same fate as her children. But there was one who survived. A little boy, no more than six, who was desperately holding to life. Itsuma wanted to leave, he knew how it was going to end, but something on the effort of the little one to stay alive attracted him, and before he knew it he was scooping the boy up in his arms, trying to keep him warm and then rushed back to his world. He nursed him back to health, and even if he would have wished to let him go back to his world, he couldn't. Itsuma took affection of the boy, and after he was healthy he often went around and play with the boy. It was one of the few moments Itsuma could say that he was really happy with someone but himself.

                                                              Yet he suffered the same fate as many others had; they came to look for the boy. Thought Itsuma would have guessed that the mother didn't had any other family connection after what she had done, she did. The creature's grandparents were looking for him. Worse, a monk was with them. Itsuma protected his child as best as he could, but in the end, the monk separated them and soon enough, he was sealed away. However, Itsuma swore that one day he would come out and find the boy again, to take him away and never return.

                                                              After that, Itsuma was trapped. He couldn't move from whatever object he was sealed inside. Yet, staying alone so long wasn't good for him. Slowly but surely, it wasn't just taking his boy again with him. No...It was worse, he was starting to hate humans in general, innocent or not, they deserved to pay. He had taken such a great care of the boy, nursed him to health instead of letting him die and he was pay with this. No...Itsuma wasn't going to let this be left just like that. He was going to make sure, as soon as he got out, that every single human would regret making angry the yokai. No one, specially the monk and his family, would have wished to mess up with him.

                                                              Likes: The human boy he saved; ravens; Steamed buns with sweet beans filling.

                                                              Dislikes: Humans; any one that reminds him of the monk who sealed him; other yokais; not knowing where his boy is.

                                                              Yokai form: [ here ]

Aged Hunter

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                          It was an unusually quiet day. It was almost like all nature decided to keep quiet for a minute, not a single bug, bird or just the breeze of air making a sound. It was oddly and many would take it as a bad sign. Many would shelter on their home and hope that the day would go by quickly. Yet, this time it wasn't going to be the case. Oh no...Itsuma was going to make sure that the bad vibe the day was giving would be even worse.
                          He didn't knew how many years he had spent sealed inside whatever object he was sealed in. Yet he had spent all those years letting the darkness around him enter his heart, and plan the most terrific vengeance against humanity. He had also spent, slowly but surely, cracking the seal that bounded him. It was only some help from outside, and he would be able to go out.

                          And soon help came. Breaking the eeire silence, the caw of a crow could be heard all around the shrine he had been sent to. Of course, he had called him with all the power he could, and the crow, such loyal and un-forgetting creatures, came to help. It slowly began to break the paper seal outside the vase. Once that was done, he went over with the rope holding the vase together, but as soon as there was just a little crack, the vase exploded. What followed after could be call something coming out from hell. The small room on the shrine was filled with crows, all going around in circles and cawing so loudly it was scary. Yet they began to make a form, and slowly, Itsuma's body took for as well. The crows joined his body, either forming his clothes or himself. Once he was done, however, he turned to the broken vase, and without a second thought he crushed it with his feet. He would never return to that place "Ah...It's so good for me to me out, and so bad for humans" There was coldness in his voice, and most importantly, a secret madness that hinted how angry he was. But well, he didn't had time to think of those things. He closed his eyes, and concentrated.

                          His child, his boy, Kohaku, was separated from him. Who knew how many years it had passed, and worse he didn't wanted to think that it was too long and his boy would be already dead. He concentrated and tried to feel his spirit, even the smallest of hints...But he was lost. There was not even a hint, nothing. He couldn't feel his boy. After several minutes his anger grew and grew. When he gave up, however, it wasn't good. His body turned to fire, and he began to lit as well the room around him. After realizing what he was doing, however, it only made him even more angry. But soon, he was even worse. His body began to separate again to crows. He had to see where he was. Yet he was angry, and he decided it would be an excellent idea to take it on the building that had kept him captive for so long. So his crows, his parts of his body going in separate, also caught on fire. And as earlier, they all burst out of the room of the shrine, before going all around, catching fire with the whole shrine as well. Slowly it began to burn, and after he was satisfied Itsuma flew upwards in order to see where he was.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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From the moment the sun rose it was as if the world was still sleeping. There wasn’t a single sound. Not a single song from a wild bird nor the sound of wind brushing against the leaves. Not a single sound could be heard. The sounds that were made sounded so loud against the silence of the world. The weather only added to the eeriness. The clouds above gray and menacing. They looked as if they’d threatened to devour everything within their path. “A storm is coming. I can feel it.” The elderly man looked over to his young nephew. “Then we should take shelter.” Of course the old monk shook his head. “No, not that sort of storm. No this storm is much more terrifying. There’s no hiding from this storm.” Whatever was coming it brought nothing but omens and darkness with it. He could feel it in his bones.

Just then he felt it. Something snapped. He glanced to the east towards the mountains. Wary of the sight of them. “What is it?” Grabbing old of his nephew’s shoulder’s their eyes met. “Listen. You must go back to the village. Make sure Kohaku is safe. Make sure the seal is still there and strong. Should I not return? It falls to you to protect him in my place. Do you understand?” His nephew slowly nodded but looked both concerned and confused. “Why? What’s wrong?” The monk looked back towards the mountains. “The crow. The crow has woken up.” He turned to his nephew. “They are un-forgetting creatures you know…The crow will go looking for the boy. We can’t allow the crow to take him back. We must protect him at all cost.” The boy nodded before looking towards the mountains. “Alright. I’ll go….But please be careful uncle.” His uncle nodded. Soon they parted ways.

It was time to face the crow again. The battle would be long and hard. Hopefully this time he could put an end to it. Though he was half the man he used to be now Age had taken hold of him now. His body was no longer what it used to be. But with the decline in his body his knowledge had increased. He’d hope it would be enough to finally put that monstrous crow down. But the odds of that happening were slim. In the end it wouldn’t matter. Because even if his body should fail him he knew his nephew would continue protecting that poor boy. All the knowledge he’d gain was now with his nephew as well. So he wanted to see that crow try and take the boy.

Aged Hunter

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                          Itsuma was outraged, yet he watched the shrine that had held him slowly burn. Unfortunately it as empty, so no human lives would be taken that day. Yet, just as he watched the shrine burn, something began to snap inside of him. He felt the spirit of another person, not Kohaku, yet...It was the presence of the man that had sealed him away. It made his body shiver, thinking that man was still alive, thought that could change quite easily. Oh yes, he would be the first to taste his rage. There were only two things that it was good for the man to be still alive. One; he would have the pleasure to take his life, and two; Kohaku had to be alive. No way he could died if the monk was alive as well.

                          Thought there was going to be a problem, he felt weak. So many years of using them to make the seal break had taken it's toll; Itsuma wouldn't be able to use his power for long periods, specially for battling. But who cared, no matter how much power he had, he wouldn't lose that day. So again, just after he felt satisfied with the burning of the shrine he disintegrated into his crows, and began to fly to where the old monk's spirit was.
                          At first, he wanted to keep it silent, so he wouldn't know what hit him. But that was soon discharged, and instead he would create terror on the man's heart.

                          Around the place the old man was, a crow soon enough, showed up on the ground at his back, and soon enough it caw at the man, thought after that he just kept watching him. After, there was a second one, and a third and a fourth, many other crow's that would only caw once and watch the man silently. Just as there were enough quantity around the old man, they all began to fly in circles before they flew towards the ground in a line near the monk. Just as they were crashing with the ground they began to form Itsuma's form again. His red eyes peaking out from the fall of the crows coming down to the ground. Some crows were left, and they went back again to the spots that had been watching the monk from again "Hello, stupid old man" Itsuma got dangerously close to the monk "You must have made sure the day you sealed me you sealed me for sure. Thought I'm happy you didn't. I could break from it, and now, I'll take my boy back...And humanity will have to pay because of you"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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He knew that crow was coming for him. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach. That crow wasn’t going to just forget what happened and fly away to whatever fowl pit he came from. As much as he would have liked that. No, no that crow would remember though and he’d likely have to face his revenge. But he’d persevere. He would win again. He wouldn’t allow some demon to take that child.

The sound of a caw followed by more caws gave it away. There it was the monster finally decided to rear its ugly head. His instincts told him to run. He was human after all. It was human nature to turn and run the other way in the sight of a monster. But he couldn’t and wouldn’t. If he gave up, if he hid then there’d be no one left to protect that poor child. He was human and so he belonged with his own kind and not with some monster. The crow was only proving him right. He was a monster. He glared at the crows as they circled him before charging towards the ground.

The monk gripped his staff as he began to approach. “Crow. I see your time sealed away has made no less weary of human’s. I mean you would think getting sealed away by a mere man would make you think twice before approaching but it seems that isn’t the case.” One would think they’d such a noble creature such as a crow would be smarter. Seemed it wasn’t a trait he shared with the animal. “How long did it take for you to break that seal?” The monster could boost all he wanted about having broken it but it was almost ridiculous at how long it took to break it. “The boy isn’t yours, he never was. He will remain where he belongs. He will remain amongst his fellow humans as it should be. As for your vengeance. It will not come to pass. Shall I tell you why? That boy is a part of humanity. To condemn humanity is to condemn him as well. I know him well. That boy would never forgive you. If you condemned humanity he would despise you for as long as he breathes. Not that you would care monster.” He probably didn’t even care about Kohaku. He was sure the monster only saw him as some sort of pet or slave. “Anyways it not like it matters. I’ll seal you way again. This time I’ll make sure you died sealed away.”

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Itsuma laughed in an unnerving way as he approached the monk, though he stopped at some point "Oh, you stupid old monk. You sealing me away was by pure luck. If I remember correctly, there should be an ugly burn scar all over your body, isn't? If I hadn't distracted with my boy we wouldn't be having this conversation right now" However, when he was made fun, his red eyes glowed dangerously "I broke the seal after so long, yes. But I was also waiting for you to get old and useless. You are not the man you were, and even with your knowledge now you won't seal me away again. This time, you're going to die" However, as he began to talk about his vengeance Itsuma couldn't help but laugh again at the old monk's words. Oh, his words were so amusing and filled with such ignorance!

                          "Oh, old monk, you're going to make me die of laughter instead of sealed away" Itsuma didn't cared if Kohaku couldn't forget him at first. No one knew him as well as he did. He spent years with him before he was taken away, he could remember everything that little boy didn't. And it only made him angry to see that the monk assumed that he was just a pet or a slave.
                          So, without saying a thing again, the crows that had remained outside his body turned to fire again. And again, they began to take flight, going around on circles with Itsuma and the monk on the center. This time they were quiet, but the sound of the fire going through the wind would be enough to make anyone run out for their lives.

                          "There is also another thing you're wrong about, old man" Itsuma said, as he got closer to him again "You never knew the full story about Kohaku, did you? Just those old geezers that told you his grandson was missing? Did you knew his mother went crazy and tried to kill him?" Itsuma's hatred showed up "Oh, but no, the yokai that had to save the boy from his dead is considered the monster. But well, guess what?" Itsuma changed to his Yokai form, placing his mask on top of his head "I was noble, and I didn't hated humanity, in fact I despise the others that did take children for just pure entertainment. I did it to save him, and I get the blame. So humans, all of you, are full of yourselves. You think you're more mighty than us, that you're right the and we are the wrong. But this time, everyone will pay. I won't leave any human if it means I can save Kohaku the pain of the lies you made him believe" With that, Itsuma's body itself lit on fire. And his crows, that were just going on circles, went over to attack the monk, so quickly that it didn't seemed like it was possible "I might not be at my full power, monk, but that doesn't mean I'm weak! No, just wait that I get it all back, and then humanity will tremble!"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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The monk reached into his robes to grab some paper. He gripped onto them tightly as the crows began to circle of above them. Every fiber in his being told him to run. But he knew it’d do him no good to. For in the end he’d turn to a pile of ash. Regardless he refused to give the crow that sort of satisfaction. If he died then he’d die keeping that boy’s location a secret.

The monk held his head high as the demon spoke. “Oh I knew. I saw the aftermath. The knife in that woman’s hands.” He remembered it well. What he saw still haunted him. To think someone could committee such a horrifying act. It was unforgivable. But it didn’t mean it made it right to take that child. “You think we’ve been hurting him? No whatever pain he might have felt because of us will be nothing compared to the pain you’ll bring to him.” The crow would bring that boy nothing but misery and despair.

Now it was beginning. Only one of them would be leaving his mountain alive. He quickly threw his papers towards a few of the birds preventing them from approaching. But he wasn’t fast enough to stop all of them. He bit his lip as the birds burned his shoulder, a part of his face and his arm. He noticed now a fire was spreading and consuming the grass and trees behind him. “Yes humanity will tremble. That boy will tremble as well. Assuming you ever find him.” He smiled at the thought of the crow never finding him. “You’ll never find him though. I’ve made sure of that you wretched crow.” That crow would spend the rest of his life looking for him and he'd never find that boy. Even if he did he wouldn't be able to take the boy. Pulling out some beads he began to pray. This caused a small barrier to form around him it would keep those pesky birds away. Pulling out a small jar he glared at the crow. He'd seal this monster again if it was the last thing he did.

Aged Hunter

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                    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXItsuma Yokai Form

                          Itsuma watched quietly as the birds hit the monk, yet he protected himself with his beards. But again a death glare showed up in Itsuma's eyes as he saw the monk pulling out a jar to seal him again. So Itsuma, with a simple move of his hand, made the birds stop attacking. They stay in the air, without moving, before they turned down and moved again to their spots. Even with their surroundings burning they kept watching them "Oh, I assure you, you old monk, that won't happen" Itsuma again began to get closer to the monk "Yes, you might have done something that I can't feel his spirit, yet I'm sure he is not too far. You wouldn't be here if he was far away, after all" Itsuma, then turned to the jar, and then to the beards. So his body turned even more to fire, it was almost unbearable "And you won't like this, but I've studied you, as well" Itsuma smiled again, amused at the attempt of the monk to protect himself "I had so much time to study your seals, so sealing me again won't be good, besides..." Then, as he was about to touch the barrier, a big flame showed up in his hand, and soon engulfed the whole barrier. Within seconds the barrier was down "I told you I wouldn't fall for your same tricks"

                          Itsuma then, before the monk could move, grab his hands. Quickly he turned his hands on fire, and of course, delighted himself at the screams of pain. But what he wanted was done, the jar was on the ground, and the beards as well. After kicking those away Itsuma let go of the old man, but shoved him down to the ground. His feet then went over and stepped on painfully on the monk's chest. He enjoyed the feel of crushing bones, before he got closer "I don't need you alive. I barely think anyone needs you alive. And you know what?" Itsuma smiled, and turned to some of his crows, which quickly entered the building which he guessed it was the monk's home "Your information about us and what you learn will be safe. It's so valuable for us, yokais, demons and gods. I could easily burnt it, but I think information on the wrong hands will be more useful" Then, he turned to the other side, and some crows got the sealing jar close to him, and he began to play with it "Death would be too easy on you. Yeah, that wouldn't be a fair thing, isn't? So I was thinking, maybe paying you with the same coin would be just what you need" Itsuma got up, and began to pray something quietly to the jar. This quickly turned into fire, and it remained like that" I'm going to seal you on this thing. And you'll have to stand this never-ending fire until the day you die. And what's best, it won't turn off even if you throw it on water! So you'll enjoy the flight my crow will give you to the ocean"

                          And then, Itsuma began to pray, but this time with his eyes open. He noticed how the monk began to get suck inside the jar, and ignored his screams and cry's. Just as he was sealed, the fire around the place slowly began to turn down. Once finished, however, he placed the lid, made sure the rope would tightly seal the lid, and then toss it to one of his crows, that began to fly towards where the ocean might be. The other birds then went out of the building, carrying seals, scrolls and many other things. They would bring those to the spirit world, and later they would leave it where Itsuma's home must be. Just as he was done with that, he sighed, and kneel down for a minute. He turned back to his human form, slowly but surely. It was trouble-ling, thought, as he had overdue himself during the fight. Even if the monk was no match he used much power than he actually had. Just as he was done turning, Itsuma began to walk towards the nearest village. He would rest there before he began investigating where Kohaku might be.

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            It had been a few days since Ryunosuke came to see him. It was unusually for him to suddenly stop by. They had a set schedule for the most part. Usually around this time he and his uncle had jobs around other villages so Kohaku was left alone. Yet there Ryunosuke was, soaking wet at his front door in the middle of the night. He looked so panicked. He remembered Ryunosuke questioning him for a good hour. Asking him if he’d noticed anything strange or if anything strange had happened to him. Once the interrogation was over he checked the barrier that surrounded his home. He even stayed a few days before leaving. In the end he could never figure out why he was so panicked. Honestly he wasn’t sure he wanted to know why.

                                            There was no use worrying and wondering about what had happened anyways. Even if he had wanted to know Ryunosuke probably wouldn’t have told him anything. Instead Kohaku just focused on his work. Lately he’d been getting more popular. Women were coming from all over to order Kimono’s from him. While that was good it also meant he was busy. But he didn’t mind. The work was welcomed. Besides not like he had anything else to do.

                                            So he sat on the engawa of his work area. Thankfully the weather had cleared so he was able to work outside.His blue dyed finger pushed the needle through the dyed fabric. In and out, in and out. It felt like breathing. There was nothing better than this. Nothing in the world could compare to the feeling of making something beautiful for others. To see the smile’s on his customers faces as they tried on there kimono’s. Of course it wasn’t all flowers and sunshine. Sometimes he had to deal with rude customers, the fabrics weren’t always what he ordered or the fabric didn’t take the dye well. But it was still worth it. Dyeing fabric, embroidering, assembling the kimono and the smiles on his customers faces were really the best.

                                            At that moment his blue stained fingers were embroidering some flowers. But they weren’t normal flowers no they were strange flowers. He’d never seen flowers like the one’s he embroidered yet he felt like he had seen them before. They were odd yet they felt like home. Sometimes staring at his embroidery made his heart ache. He could never figure out why. This was one of those times. Kohaku set aside the fabric and needle and looked towards the tree’s the surrounded his home. Despite having grown up here it still felt so alien to him. It didn’t feel like his home. “Maybe being locked away all alone here is making me go crazy?” Maybe he was? Maybe that was why he was thinking such strange thoughts. Maybe that was why he was able to make such strange designs.

                                            It wasn’t that he never thought about leaving. Technically there was no one to stop him from doing so. Yet every time he tried he just couldn’t. It didn’t feel right. So he remained alone and locked away with only his customers, Ryunosuke and his uncle as his company. “Ah I wish a customer would come in today.” He glanced towards the front gates yet no one appeared so he let out a lengthy sigh before looking back at the tree line.

Aged Hunter

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                          It had not been a good week for Itsuma. After he left the place where he had sealed the monk, he encountered nothing but trouble for finding Kohaku. At first he tried to ask around the village but no one answered him, either they had not heard the name or simply they were more interested in the mysterious fire that had taken place a few nights before. So getting any actual information had been a trouble.
                          Yet, he heard something that interested him. A few days before, he had heard of a skilled kimono maker that made some of the strangest patterns, but that they were highly appreciated among others. Thought it wasn't so suspicious Itsuma needed a new kimono. Hopefully the boy making them would have made some to other yokais before. He wouldn't hurt him, not just yet, humanity wouldn't be subject of Itsuma's rage.

                          So after asking about the kimono maker, Itsuma began to head over his household. He bought the fabric for the boy to work on it, then, after he was done, he would leave and continue to search for Kohaku. Thought during that week Itsuma had gained back most of his power he was still weak. So resting while waiting for the kimono to be finished wouldn't be bad at all.

                          It didn't took him long to find the house, yet he felt something was strange. He would have just headed up towards the front gates, but instead he went to the sides. For some reason Itsuma was tempted to touch the wall, and as soon as he did a small pain passed through his hand. Of course he withdraw it. But he realized what was wrong. It was some sort of sealed walls, it wasn't strange, royals liked to protect their walls from any intruding yokai or demon, but for a kimono maker? That was strange. But that would also mean he wouldn't be able to enter. Just his luck.
                          With nothing more to do, Itsuma headed for the main gate, which he cleared up his throat to speak "Hello!" Itsuma announced himself. Thought he felt a bit odd being so gentle right now with another human "I'm looking for the kimono maker!"

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            Just as he finished the last flower on the Kimono he heard a voice. Instantly he perked up at the sound of another person’s voice. “Ah-Ah Coming. I’m coming.” He yelled to the customer. He quickly took his Kimono into the work shop and left it on his work table before quickly heading to the entrance. It was almost as if the gods heard his plea. They’d sent him a customer before he could lose anymore or his mind.

                                            Being so excited he did fall a few times on the way to the main gate. He was rather clumsy and even more so when he was in a rush. Thankfully though he did arrive in one piece. Though he did have some leaves scattered on him. “I’m so sorry for the wait--” As soon as he’d gotten to the gate and bowed before finally looking up only to see a man before him. “—Sir.” It was a man. Usually he didn’t get very many male customers. Most found his designs to, feminine for their taste. So having a man show up was a surprise. He truly took in the other’s appearance now. Looked him over from head to toe. His looks reminded him of his designs. They both seemed so eerie and otherworldly. The man’s pale skin and red eyes.

                                            There was something about this strange man, it was like he’d seen him before. But there was no way, he’d never left his home and he remembered all of his customers. Yet he truly looked familiar. The feeling he felt was the same he got from his own designs. Despite the eeriness it felt like he was looking at home. “Ah—I’m sorry for the wait. My name is Kohaku Yu.” He bowed yet again before looking up at the man. “I-I’m sorry but have we met before. You look very familiar.”

Aged Hunter

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                          Itsuma got a bit impatient with the kimono maker not showing up, but as soon as he saw him running down the gate, there was something that snapped inside of Itsuma. It got worse as the man bowed, and then took a good look of him, because Itsuma did the same. Every fiber of his being was screaming that was his boy, that was Kohaku, that he had found him, thought he didn't wanted to believe it was. When Kohaku was taken he was just a boy, but he looked so alike that he...he...."Ah...I..." It got worse when he actually said his name. There was no way this man wasn't him. This was Kohaku. He found him...

                          "I...I think we have, Kohaku Yuu...But I'm not sure"That wasn't what Itsuma wanted to say. He wanted to scream at joy and tell Kohaku 'Gods it's me Itsuma, the one who saved you please come with me I have missed you so much" But he felt it wasn't going to help. Who knew what the monk had told Kohaku about him even worse he didn't looked like he could remember him. So if he said that he would only freak the other out. He would have to see how much he remembered about him "Ah...Sorry. I'm Itsuma" Itsuma quickly said, trying to push past his excitement "I was just passing the nearby village, and I heard that you were a rather talented and I...Well, I'm a yokai, and this clothes are quite old" Itsuma didn't knew why he gave away easily that he was a yokai, but he did. Hopefully it wouldn't discourage Kohaku "But...! I just want a kimono, and that's it, I'll leave. I'll pay you quite good, please!" Itsuma tried to get pass the gate again, but again he felt the pain as soon as he touched it "Please..."

Omnipresent Gatekeeper

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Kohaku YuX

                                            It seemed even the stranger thought they’d met as well. So maybe it was true. Maybe they had met once. But where, where could he have possibly met the man? Maybe he met him as a child and that was why he couldn’t remember him. But he doubt it. He didn’t exactly play with other children. Anyways he would have thought he’d at least be able to remember someone as eerie looking as the man before him. Who’s name just so happened to be Itsuma.

                                            So the other was a customer just as he’d suspected. “Oh everyone exaggerates I’m not that—“ Wait, did he say he was a yokai? A yokai… He quickly shut the gates on Itsuma while the other continued to speak. He leaned against the closed gate and took a few deep breathes. It was a yokai, what did it want? Did it want to take him like the last one, or was it the same one? No Ryu’s uncle mentioned he’d sealed him away. So it couldn’t be the same one.

                                            However his thoughts stopped when he heard the other simply wanted a kimono. Slowly he opened the gate and peaked at the yokai. He looked his kimono over. It truly did look old, obviously it’d seen better days. Of course when the yokai drew closer he took a step back but then noticed the pain the other was in. With a sigh he ran his hand through his light brown hair. “….Toss me the fabric.” This was a bad idea. If Ryu found out he was doing this he’d die.

                                            Kohaku held his arms out so the other could toss the bundle of fabric. “I-I’ll need your old kimono as well. I need your measurements but since you can’t come in and I’m not allowed to leave I’ll have to get your measurements from your old kimono.” Even though this yokai was a customer he still wasn’t going to risk his own safety just to get his measurements.

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