Welcome to Gaia! ::

[Resume it next week? I have to study and such this weekend.]

Ah, there were people. Rhoslyn spun about on his toes and tossed out his glamour at everyone, at least making sure they'd feel his attention for the small part of a second he met their eyes.

"A dictionary is a book of words. I left it around here somewhere for you to find... well, actually, I put it down somewhere when I was high and forgot where it was."

With this being said, he'd resume his drinking, and then put the glass down to reply to $RANDMALENEWCOMER.

"Is that a question, or a statement? Either way, yes, yes it is. Welcome to the Black Sand. I'm Ross, the owner. Anythin' I can get for ya?"

Another drink, and he'd rub the back of his hand against Daliah's hip, grinning even more broadly.

"So, Miz... well, whatever your name is since I don't remember it. Miz Food Processor. Haha." Rhoslyn laughed for a second, then continued. "I take it that means you'd like a job?"
Feeling a slight tingle on her hip Daliah peeked over her shoulder at Ross. Assuming they made eye contact she winked at him.
So silly...
She then returned to her bartending duties, once in a while she'd take a sip of her lemonade, or refill it...which ever came first.
Terra would find in her assessments that Connor's body temperature and heartbeat were perfectly normal for a perfectly normal human being. Apart from a sudden, but slight, color change in his hair involving a few patches of black and brown appearing before fading back to dirty blond, he looked, acted, and might as well have been completely normal.

To Daliah, Connor bent a head, "Ma'am."

And how did he know the guy talking to the midget was the owner of the place? Well, he didn't. It was an open question really. Hell, the midget could have spoken up and and Connor would have thought she was the owner.

"I...don't know? Could have been a question..." Connor trailed off and stared for a second at Fadis, then returned a hesitant smile. "Name's Connor, Ross. Good to meet ya."

He looked at the now empty water bottle, having consumed (consumed? more like downed) the last of it a few minutes ago.

"...Could I get some water?"
Fadis looked at Terra, blinked, then turned back to listen to Ross's statement about the book of words.

Now, here's where hilarity ensures. Fadis understood every word of his explanation, but misinterpreted one of them. "Okay," she replied, and then got off the barstool and looked out across the island. To her, there weren't that many places, so the book of words shouldn't be to hard to find. Guess which word she misunderstood.

She sat back down, having a good idea of where to search now. She smiled at Dahlia, then at the new guy again (creepiness in 3...2...)

Terra's stat-reader thing would find that, biologically, Fadis was a good deal different than a normal person. I.E. a drastically reduced amount of blood and a higher heart rate.
I'm not sure what Terra's scanners would pick up. Five-hundred odd year old innately magic humanoid glowing with sex and an innate love of making other people's lives a raging mess? Either way, what with his tri-colored emerald/silver/cerulean eyes gleaming (and the literal glow), the vaguely androgynous face, and the moving tattoos covering his body, it was blindingly obvious that he wasn't human.


Rhoslyn waved a hand in the air, then watched a glass float to the sink and fill itself at the tap before floating towards his hand. With a grin, he'd slide it down the bar towards Connor.

"Enjoy it. It's clean well water, so no worried about giardia or chlorine or whatever."
Connor wasn't put off much by Ross' appearance. At least he looked human. Plus he'd seen perfectly normal humans with glowing contacts before. The tats were something different, but again, Connor had fought his fair share of magic users and a couple of them used tattoos as a basis for their spells.

"Thanks," and took the water, taking a sip. Then...

She smiled at Dahlia, then at the new guy again (creepiness in 3...2...)



"Okay what the hell is this thing!?" Que pointing and steps being taken...away from the blue midget.

Seriously. It was weird.
"It's not that," she said, her eyebrows raising a hair. "I was just offering, for convenience factor. It doesn't bother me. I wont be used as a trash compactor, but if you have, like too much of, say, those odd fruits I see growing everywhere, you can change them into something else."

"Could I trouble either of you for something wet and cold as well

Edit: "Oh," she added, "nonalcoholic. Other than that, I don't care what."
Daliah returned her smile to Fadis, then nodded upwords,
How've ya been Fadis? I'm sorry I had to leave early the other night.
Her face twisted into some kind of apologetic emotion. The feeling of doing this face caused her to giggle.
She spotted that Ross began to work his magic on passing a beverage to the patron named Connor. That and Terra was using her scanner to somehow study someone. This caused Daliah to wonder what would happen if she was scanned by Terra's device. Hopefully nothing bad. If anything a long desire to have wings, live forever, and find a man who would want her with or without kids. Preferably with kids. Then came her question of the drink.
Coming right up dear.
Turning around she wondered, water maybe? Yes, water will do fine unless she requests something else. Another turn to face Terra with the cold water in her hand she placed the beverage infront of her.
Your drink ma'am.
After this was said and done Daliah turned to face Ross kissing him gently on the tip of his nose.
I missed you.
She whispered in his ear.
"Thing"? That...was offensive. Sure, Fadis didn't look like a main Gaian, and maybe she wasn't the smartest person out there, but, calling her a "thing" just made her mad.

Luckily, she wasn't the type of person to rage all over someone at any provocation. She just furrowed her eyebrows and sighed, which sounded loud because of her race's lung capacity. "I am a person, not a thing," she insisted. Hey, she knew her words. -2 penalty to Intimidate Check negated.

Oh hey, it's Della, or whoever! "Hello!" she greeted with a wave, suddenly becoming not-so-angry.
"If you can change sand into gold, gunpowder, or cocaine, then... by all means, do so. I only have Background-Contrived Wealth and lack a Perpetual Source Of Infinite Money. Aside from drugs and guns."

Rhoslyn laughed. While he had absolutely no concern whatsoever for money (being the leader of a country tended to go hand in hand with money), he wasn't about to pass up on unlimited free everything. For a second, he glanced at iZac and idly wondered if the fey magic around here meant that robots could get pregnant. He certainly hoped not.

"And I missed you too, my love."

A bit of an understatement, but Rhoslyn wouldn't exactly be declaring happily-ever-after-true-love-etc for two reasons: one, too early. Two, unbreakable oath and all that. The last thing he wanted was to commit himself to a lifetime of loving someone who could leave. And killing someone you love was never fun.
So Connor was thoroughly humiliated.

"...Uh. I'm...sorry..." He was at a loss for words.

And then he buried his face in his drink. At least, if hunching your shoulders and basically steaming out the ears because of his over-reaction burying your face.

Oh, the shame!
Nodding to Ross's response she hugged him tightly then walked off to sweep the floor or something. She took a peek over her shoulder at Fadis and Connor who were already not getting along. Daliah agrees that Connors response was a bit, out there and rude. Fadis had every right to react the way she did, unlike Mr. Connor. She wasn't mad at the chap, only a bit annoyed. Looking at her you couldn't tell being that she hid it with a smile.
Tonight seemed to be a good night, though she continuously received yawns and was attacted by waves of exhaustion.
Wake up, wake up, wake up....A solemn, unwelcome thought. However, it blazed across her mind as she slept in a bed that doesn't belong to her, in a home that isn't hers. Not the best place to fall asleep, but whatever would keep the rain away. As she burrowed into the covers of the comfortable bed once more, the 'alarm' rang again, wake up! Steadily slapping a hand across her brow, she rolls from her stomach to her back and pulls herself up, not wanting to waste any more precious sleeping time. Not bothering to look around her, she thought she may have gone to a hotel...no one else was around, so she must have gone alone. Today...didn't feel well. She rolled her eyes behind her lids and escaped to get ready. Today didn't feel well at all.

It was four in the afternoon when she was ready. Of course, she had woken up an hour before. She was dressed to kill, as well. She had a kind dress apon her busty, curvaceous form in the deepest shade of black that made her snow-white skin glow and shine. The dress tied around her neck with a loose piece of cloth and held to her large breast, toned stomach, and fine backside positively, stopping two inches after after her a**. However, it did leave things to the imagination with the slight shifting look that it had. Like it was smoke apon water....
The woman also had shocking, yellow heels that were about three inches high. They were shined and powerful apon legs that went for years and years.
The full, raven curls that would normally bob against her shoulder were pinned back to her head, away from the swan's neck. They were held in place with a yellow, oval pin, the same shade as the heels. But in the middle was that Batman symbol. The rest of her hair, her bangs, fell thickly against her brow and high cheekbones, uninhibited. One of those moods had caught her...

As she stepped inside this bar, her black clutch in her log, pale hands, adjusting the black and yellow bracelts against her snowy wrists, her crimson eyes peered powerfully around. A goddess among the humans, no doubt. Or a devil...
Either the new guy was sensitive, or he really couldn't wrap his head around the fact that it wasn't just vampires and demons that could talk as humans did. Probably the former. Anyway, Fadis's anger dissipated quickly, just because she was that kind of person, and she went back to smiling and ignoring Mr. New Guy.

"Eh, iZac..." Short word, she could remember the bot's name-- "Can I have, eh..." she turned around to face Dahlia. "Della, eh, what is the, eh, drink's name? You showed me it?" She was struggling through communication, and hopefully Dahlia would figure out that she meant lemonade.
Humans... well, between the three faeries, two robot-things, a bunnygirl, and whatever the hell Fadis was, there weren't many humans here. One, maybe. Either way, Rhoslyn's reaction would be the same: a friendly grin, a quick once-over to look for weapons, and a greeting.

"Welcome to the Black Sand. I'm Ross, the owner. Daliah's our bartender for the night. Anythin' I can getcha?

Aside from the hemp bracelet on his wrist and the board shorts, Rhoslyn was naked. Underneath his clothes? Totally naked, aside from the Magical Black Censor Bars that popped up whenever Rhoslyn stopped caring enough about other people to revert to his normal nudity.

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