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Dapper Lunatic

12,250 Points
  • Brandisher 100
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Mohinder Lahar
S H E R E xxxx K H A N

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                                  The air was frigid and the grass beneath each boot was covered with ice and crackled upon each step of soft padded boots. The chill in the air brought bumps to the surface of the skin and slight steam from the breath of any not within a tent. Though some of his brave men and women were of the North and chided him on his commentary about the cold, Khan was a southern man and attempted to travel up North as minimally as possible when it was winter time. Unfortunately, this left little in his wardrobe for such a journey, and left him cursing a little about the timing of it all. Why was there a meeting in winter? Why were there armies gathering in the winter? Why not stay inside, eat your food and drink away the chill and come to fight and parade around when it was warm?

                                  At least it isn't the monsoon season., he reminded himself, staring at one of the men surrounding the small camp that Maleficent commanded. Most of the men and the forces are off posturing at the meeting, it seems... Easier to command around the smaller goons. He reached over, carefully giving a small rap to the man's spaulders causing the poor lad to swing about with his sword in hand, attempting to look as fierce as a mountain lion, though utterly failing. Khan side-stepped the sword and immediately raised both hands, grinning at the boy, "Hold it, now, neighbor. I'm here to meet with your mistress. I sent a raven ahead of me, but I'm tired of waiting in the woods for a reply. Mind escorting me in to your lovely camp?"

                                  The boy stared at him, perplexed, "N-no. How do I know you're not a part of the rebellion, come here as an assassin?" Khan's pearly white teeth shone through as he waved a finger at the lad.
                                  "Ahhh... I see you have a point. I am an assassin, sometimes, but unfortunately I'm not currently employed. Assassin's code is to admit to their jobs, see? I admitted it, but I claim no contract on your superiors."
                                  "I--No it isn't. Who are you?" The boy said, raising his sword up. Khan looked unimpressed as he sighed and shrugged.
                                  "You are supposed to offer your name first. Honestly, did your mother teach you no manners? Lord Mohinder Lahar, of the southern waters. I'm also known as Shere Khan." The boy looked confused, attemtping to puzzle it all out as Mohinder's patience began to wane. "Listen here, child. Go run along to your officer, or whomever handles the birds and the messages. Tell them Mohinder Lahar is here to meet with the queen when she returns and I request a place to wait. There are rebel forces somewhere in the woods and I doubt an assassin/hired sword is going to be on their 'good guy' list. Yes?" The boy stood there, eventually backing up and rushing off to find someone he considered to be in charge, or at least capable of reading.

                                  Mohinder sighed and sat down on the stump the lad had been using for his own seat as he pulled out a pipe and stuffed it. Taking a small stick from the fire, he lit his pipe and sucked on it while he waited.

                                  ((ooc|| Thought I'd get a post out. I'll post one at a tent as well when the negotiations begin to draw to an end. ||))

High-functioning Lover

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There was quite a bit of commotion going on around them. Maleficent could sense the anxiety, anticipation, and lingering fragments of hope that drifted through the air. She didn’t even need to look around to know that they had many watchers of this great spectacle. Her eyes remained on the Queen. She seemed rather confident, maybe even cocky about her ability to bring Hades back from wherever he was. To be quite frank, Maleficent did not truly care for anyone to accompany her, but she wanted to see how far these people were willing to go in order to have her on their side. She had plenty of people to keep her entertained and at the very least she always had Diablo. Slowly she reached up and pushed a stray hair out of her face and looked a bit bored with the Queen’s suggestion. Honestly, Merlin? Merlin is who they offer me? I don’t want to be bored to death with simpleminded magic tricks and old stories. Trying not to look entirely disappointed in the rather unappealing suggestion they made she supposed causing them so much trouble on such a cold day wouldn’t be the kindest thing to do, so just to make sure everything would be nice and cozy warm she decided to make it easy for them by telling them who she wanted,”As much as I would absolutely love to have Merlin in my presence until Hades returns…” she said hoping that her sarcasm was well received and well noted she then finished with,”I would much rather have…..” Pretending as if she didn’t already know who she wanted she turned her head slightly to glance off into the distance. No, she very distinctively looked in the direction that Aurora stood. Giving a more than amused grin she turned her head back to the Queen and Charles and said gently,”Prince Phillip of the Rebellion. He would be a most handsome guest by my side if only for a little while until Hades returns. Bring him to me and I swear to you….that you will have my aid.”

Holding out her hand the green orb of her staff began to glow bright and within Maleficent’s hand there were green tendrils that began to swirl around upwards until suddenly a piece of paper appeared. Before Charles and Isabella’s eyes writing began to appear over the parchment letter by letter until finally towards the end of the paper a very beautifully cursive signature of Maleficent’s name appeared in bright red ink. Looking to the piece of paper and then smiling she then blew gently on the piece of paper and it began to gently glide over towards Charles and Isabella. Her eyes looked over Charles for a moment and she gave a slightly mischievous look up and down him before saying with a slightly seductive tone towards Charles,” If you meet my simple demand….I can assure you, you can ask anything of me and I will do everything in my power to deliver….”

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                                              It was customary to keep his expression as bland as possible, especially since even an underling’s body language could be taken as direct contempt regardless of the flattery and insincere praises being heaped upon diplomats or warlords. Yet, when the scarlet queen made an offer to resurrect Hades, even Zavael’s brows raised, almost of their own accord. He struggled to stifle a chuckle, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards for a brief moment. Looking at the armies of the undead behind her, the “Horned King” decided that her farfetched offer, even if it took weeks, seemed like a possibility. He held little knowledge on necromancy, and these days his more pressing concerns centered more on removing the “un-“ from the undead. What did he care about bringing anyone to life when he held no one else dear? The thought of rendering their services in exchange for one man felt paltry at first, but then Zavael reminded himself that it wasn’t a numerical game – it was what Hades entailed, the sheer power he represented. No living creatures were equal, nor men.

                                              Glancing over Charles’and Isabella’s combined forces, something else took him by surprise. He expected them to have allies and armies under their command, from whatever kingdoms they had conquered or cultivated ties with, but he had not expected such oriental-looking people. What did this mean? He did not see any significant numbers of oriental troops either, so were they just visitors; or a sign that there was another army held in reserve?

                                              The sound of a keening, wailing voice made him glance to the embankment, but once he ascertained that it was unmistakably Clae, he trained his focus back on the discussion up ahead. From that point on, his peripheral vision took care of any movement on the sides, so he was neither startled nor distracted when the clumsy imp crash-landed in the snow. He kept his ears primed on the conversation while keeping watch for any suspicious movement which suggested deception or encirclement. Whatever Maleficent chose, it was not his place to comment or offer suggestions. Honestly he didn’t care, as long as he was paid, and well at that.

                                              Behind him, the flat music continued. It had been entertaining during some parts of the march, but now it served as a slight impediment. He decided not to stop them. If an ambush was waiting to happen, then it would happen according to plan anyway. Bored imps sometimes made for good scouts, and those which did not manage to join in a game were milling around, flapping around, and generally making their own observations of the area. If the music and games proved them incompetent, then he would punish the culprits later on.

                                              The little devil beside his horse started yowling and Zavael wondered if Clae had broken a wing or finally reached the end of his usefulness. It would be a pity to have to put him out of his misery. As annoying as some of the infantile imps were, their constant clamoring for his attention and favor sometimes made them endearing – like inapt puppies with pointed tails. Some snow flicked against his mare’s thigh, causing his mount to stamp her hind leg. At this, Zavael finally glanced down to the …. white lump that Clae, or now ‘Clay’, had turned himself into. The devil’s skin was obviously thicker than a human’s, as was its skulls than a troll’s.

                                              ”We wait. Where are Puck and Roe’s scouts? Have they returned? Go and get them.” Zavael kept his voice level, knowing that the imps would benefit more from stern and stable leadership than to constantly worry over whether they had upset their lord. When they had tried to shower him with their best hunts, he had been accosted by all sorts of objects which seemed more appropriate for a homeless shelter… for goblin children.

                                              As Aurora rode up, with what looked like a wayward undead shambler, Zavael could feel her judgmental stare on him. Aha. One of the reasons why he kept the imps around was precisely because they made her more lively. Her remark to the undead soldier, whoever he was, prompted Zavael to glance at the unliving man and then at her. He was tempted to quip about how her tumble in the bushes with a corpse (whose machinery didn’t quite work) had gone, but then he didn’t want to risk setting himself off. Instead he swallowed and forced himself to look ahead again. ’Maybe the cold makes it more rigid and wrinkly.’ ”Of course.” Zavael uttered, keeping his voice low so as not to draw any attention to themselves more than her recent movement had. ”I’m not wagering anything… it would be nice if we could go sit down and get a bowl of soup.” It was the two slit-eyes that bothered him. He couldn’t figure out why they were there, seemingly at the beck and call of their enemies. The situation was murky and the queens on both sides seemed to have daggers in their smiles.

Dapper Lunatic

12,250 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
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Mohinder Lahar
S H E R E xxxx K H A N

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                                  The sudden approach of footsteps, the smell of rusting armor, and the jingling of chainmail caused the dark stranger to turn, eyeing his new companions up and down with some mock amusement. He took a final drag from his pipe before putting out the embers inside the bowl and rapping it against the side of the stump to clear out the ashes and debris. He took his time, testing those who came close to see if they were taking him into custody, or if they believed his story. So far, they weren't hauling his a** off the bench and attempting to disarm him, so things were looking up.

                                  Standing, he brushed off his rump and faced the two with a final grin, "Gentlemen. I see you've found my letter." his hands rested on his hips as he acted bolder than his twitchy fingers wanted. The senior officer--by the look of his armor and robes--stepped forward.
                                  "My Lord Kha--Lahar. We can escort you into the camp, though... Your weapons must be removed before you speak to the queen."
                                  Mohinder nodded his head, almost as if it bored him with how clichee it all was. One of the lads stepped close to him, reaching out to grab his arms. Mohinder stepped back, primarily on instinct, holding a finger out to the boy to halt him, "After we reach the tent in which I'm to meet the queen. I need some assurances, don't I?"
                                  The senior officer sighed and with a wave of his hand, allowed it to go without incident before turning and leading Mohinder into the camp.

                                  The layout was simple enough, but the soldiers were an odd bunch. Some men, some undead, and a whole lot of little nasty blighters that Khan would have personally labelled as demons or imps. He could tell that there were two different types of them, but what those were he was without a clue. Mythology, while he had hunted a few creatures in his time, was not his strong suit. Every region, based upon myth and religion, changed the names of the creatures and muddied the waters on what one creature could be at any one time. He heard a shrill cackling sound approaching and turned his head to spot a purple bird landing down to his shoulder. The officer noticed it as well and raised his brows questioningly. Khan smiled with a sheepish grin, "I have a thing with animals." As the captain turned around, Mohinder shot the purple bird a withering look before sighing and simply walking on, unable to do anything about the silly creature.

                                  "This is where you will wait. Don't cause a problem, lest you want to be fed to the goblins."
                                  Mohinder smiled, raising his hands up in an innocent way before withdrawing his weapons and placing them within the guard's capable hands. Stepping into the tent, he swaggered over to a chair and plopped down before kicking his feet up and re-lighting his pipe.

Invisible Genius

9,250 Points
  • Battle: Mage 100
  • Timid 100
  • Friendly 100
          “A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.”
          ― Coco Chanel

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                                          Somewhere in the forest, on a snow-speckled branch, a hazel-eyed girl sang. Her legs swayed above the low-down ground and an expensive bow was strapped to her back.

                                          "Sing now ye joyful, now sing all together!
                                          The wind's in the tree-top, the wind's in the heather;
                                          The stars are in blossom, the moon is in flower,
                                          And bright are the windows of Night in her tower.

                                          She stopped without warning and swiveled to the side, bringing her bow forward and notching an arrow in one graceful instant. Her arrow was aimed at a little blue jay.
                                          "Hey now, what are you doing here?" Anabella Bay Wolf, daughter of Maurice and sister of five, replaced the arrow into is quiver and the bow on her back. She reached out her hand and leaned forward, coaxing the little bird a few branches off to join her. It did, and clucked pleasantly as she ruffled it's neck. "You should be a long ways away from this winter," she said, cocking her head. Small frozen crystallites clung to the blue jay's feathers and melted into her hand. "Well, come on then," she said, dropping it down the front of her fur-lined tunic. Once it was securely tucked into the folds of her woolen shirt Belle swung from the tree branch to a lower one, and then leapt to the ground. Her feet landed delicately and she swooped into a bow, arms extended backwards. With no one around to applaud she straightened and patted the now quivering lump by her chest gently. "Have no fear little blue bird, I have jumped from higher heights yet!" She treaded forward, leaving a path of feint footprints behind. "I'm just like Peter Pan!" she said, sprinting into a skip. "Except I can't fly. And I don't have fairy friends. And I age and I'm awful at playing practical jokes." Her face fell into a look of disappointment. "Come to think of it I'm nothing like Peter Pan." Belle sighed and shook her head. "That's disappointing."

                                          Belle emerged from a dense thicket of bushes into the edge of the Rebellion camp. As she trotted forward, soldiers and little ones alike called out greetings. She gave everyone she met a brilliant and genuine smile, stopping on occasion for pleasantries or light conversation. She was in a hurry, but stopped for everyone. She figured the meeting had started ages ago. Belle was late; very late, but there was always time to say "Good afternoon!" After months of solitude Belle was thrilled to be surrounded by so many people- waking up every morning to the sounds of metal and man was a luxury, and Belle was ever grateful.

                                          It took a while, but finally she reached the leadership tent. Belle dismissevly swept a strand of strawberry-blonde hair from her face, wiped the snow from her shoulders, and crept inside. She gave them all her friendliest smile, but stopped in her tracks. Of course everyone was there, and all their faces looked strained and serious. "Uh oh." She knew she had missed something important. She had encountered nothing during her guard watch, but that was only one side of the Rebellion's camp. What had happened? Flustered, cheeks red from the cold outside, Belle panicked. "I found someone today," she said, sticking her hand down her shirt and bringing out the little bird. Belle had only been at the Rebellion for several weeks but already her quirky personality was known to all and she had a reputation for bringing in lost animals. Not three days ago she introduced Mickey to the group, a cold and thin squirrel with a hurt leg. "I...um, Good morning! Or, well, it's really afternoon for me, but, ok!" Belle stepped further inside and huffed. "What has happened?"

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        OOC: Hey guys! Call me Kitty. Excited to finally have a post out!
        OOC edit: Song props goes to Tolkein, Elven Merry Song. xD


        Location Rebellion-Leadership Tent tab Company Ella, Peter, Philip, tab Thoughts Did anything bad happen? tab Health 100%⊰

        style by Kitty Kat Rosetta

Ice-Cold Visionary

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          Clae obviously did not agree with being sent away. But, he did as his master bid. His little beady eyes leered in the direction of Aurora and he had taken flight. Hovering in the air, he made his comments rather loudly as he flew by her. ”Oh, the ugly one gets to spend time with master. Loyal, obedient Clae sent to do all the work. While ugly, fat one spends time in company of the Master. Most undeserving.” Flying in the direction of the devils, he began screeching for his companions. ”ROE....PUCK!!!” Screeching amongst themselves, they started puffing up their bodies and doing a little dance around each other. Finally, Puck and Roe emerged. ”The master calls!” Clae forwarded the message and the two began giggling loudly amongst each other. ”Master calls, Faster Devals! Walls and halls. Starting stalls. He qualls and ralls.” It was back and forth amongst Puck and Roe, but the two were best known for this game. Sighing, Clae waved his hands in their face to shut up. ”The master asks for scouts. Where are scouts?” The two looked at one another again and started laughing harder. ”Outs and abouts, shouts and snouts.” They were interrupted by a troll who turned and with one finger in the air declared ”Brussels Sprouts!”

          Silence fell over the devils and they stared at him a moment. Regarding each other, they looked between them and then shook their head. ”NO NO NO...No no no. Stupid. What an idiot.” With that, they had taken flight and flew back to the Horned King. Dropping themselves into the snow, they had their report ready for the master. Poe started and began with loud screeching sounds ”MAAAASTTTEERR!!!! MASTER!!! Scouts are louts, they jumping and hunting but found nothing.” After that, Puck threw himself on the ground and started yelling even louder. ”MAAAAAAASSSSSSTTTTTTEEERRRRR!!!! MASTERRRR!!” He also quieted after that display and gave his report. ”No bee's nor cheese, he wheeze and sneeze. There are people in the trees.”


A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
I'm riding up the heights of shame.

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His Majesty King Arthur Pendragon. BRAND Long Live the King!

          xoxoThe events that followed Brand’s unwitting near-escape disappeared easily into an empty mind. Though the once-princess might have stared and thought upon many a thing, he noticed none of it. He simply followed orders, taking the reigns from her as they were passed along and trudging through stiffening mud beside the head of the horse she sat astride. She spoke to him, but she may as well have been speaking in a different language. He lowered his head at anything what sounded like an order, but was unclear on what she meant by “trying to run”. His feet plodded through the damp earth, occasionally pulling themselves free with small amounts of awkwardness. In silence he completed his task by delivering the Lady to the front of a great entourage of trolls and goblins, part of the army he was most definitely just a stranger to. His head dipped low, marking his general lack of need to look ahead. His body knew where to go, not his eyes.

          xoxoThe following few moments were marked by conversation he did not hear. High upon the hill as the group was, he could see a gathered trio down below. He could see a man and two women, clearly people that he was required to revere. The woman who stood alone was his leader. Physically she bore no markers to translate so much, but those of the legion knew to follow her unwaveringly. He looked from the sorceress to the other two. Memories reached out long spidery fingers to scratch at his skull slowly. There was a feeling that swept across his flesh, as if this should ignite some sort of emotion within him. Again, he failed himself through his incapability to comprehend what he had experienced as a different person in a different position. Still, some part of him knew to stare quietly with an expression hinting at anger. His body nearly moved, but when it did, it was only in response to the voice somewhere above and to the right side of his head. A mechanical nod followed as he absorbed the order given down by the Lady. It was then that he seemed to be able to assess what was most logical next.

          xoxoAs the only member of the Legion present, he had no group to return to in the immediate area. The original army of Maleficent, their leader, could not take him - there was simply no connection, no way for him to follow a war group he had not been summoned to work with directly. He had been excused. It meant that staying was not an option, then. Slowly, he turned and began to shuffle the long way back, pulling away from an almost murderous glare he had been throwing down below.

              Location: The Crossing
              Company: Aurora, Zavael, Devils
              Commentary: N/A

I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
I'm ready for the fight and fate.

Tipsy Detective

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    ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ A u r o r axxxxxR o s exxxxxM o n t e g u e

          We b u r i e d our love in the wintery grave
          tab A lump in the s n o w was all that r e m a i n e d
          tab tab We stayed by its side as the days turned to w e e k s
          tab tab tab And the ice kept getting t h i n n e r with every word we'd speak

                                                                I wonder, I wonderThe blonde shot a glare at Clae as he flew away, all the while making rude comments to her. She grumbled under her breath, wondering why Zavael even bothered with the damn things. She wasn't fat...though she did have a large chest. Oh well. Aurora was certain that most people would rather spend time with her instead of that annoying demon.
                                                                Aurora rolled her deep blue eyes at Zavael's mention of getting some soup. "As if there would ever be a moment to relax. You're so delusional. Do you really----" The blonde cut herself off as she picked up Phillip's name from the ongoing conversation. She looked at the group, noticing immediately that Maleficent had glanced her way. Aurora felt her stomach turn into a knot. What did this mean? Phillip was alive? Part of the rebellion. Impossible...or at the very least improbable. No. He was dead. Wasn't he? What if he wasn't? What if he was alive and well...But if that was the case, why hadn't he come to find her? Why wasn't he at her side. Aurora could feel her eyes beginning to burn as her mind overloaded her with various scenarios. What if he was badly injured? What if he had no memory? That happened didn't it?

                                                                "Did you hear that?" Aurora said lowly, still staring at the back of Maleficent's head as she spoke to The Horned King. What business did Maleficent have trying to get Phillip here? Was is possible she was attempting to do Aurora a favor? Probably not. Aurora knew better than that...but something else dawned on her.
                                                                How long had Maleficent known Phillip was alive?
                                                                Aurora felt like the world was crumbling around her. All the grief she'd been put through was all for nothing. And while there was a sense of relief, she was also riddled with confusion and pain.

                                                                She needed to go find him.

                                                                No longer in need of avenging Phillip's death, there was no reason for her to stay. She had to find the Rebellion...Reins in hand, Aurora was prepared to bolt off. But she stopped herself, well aware of the fact that she had no idea where to go. And what was she going to do there anyway? Show up and have everyone there against her? Aurora's knuckles turned white as she gripped the reins and lowered her head. The tears that had been welling in her eyes cascaded down her cheeks finally. But why was she crying? Shouldn't she have been happy? She felt trapped though. Her best option was to wait here, and hope that The Queen and Charles could deliver Phillip to Maleficent...if they even agreed to that. Aurora tried to hide her expression, lifting a hand to pull her hood forward more. Pushing past all the conflicting emotions, Aurora did her best to come up with a make-shift plan. If The Queen agreed to Maleficent's terms, Aurora would stay. Once Phillip was near her again, Aurora would plan further from there. But if the deal didn't go through...Aurora bit the inside of her cheek. She'd have to leave...And maybe, just maybe Zavael would accompany her. The blonde peeked at him, but then pushed that thought out of her head. The Horned King was loyal to Maleficent, and Aurora doubted she would be able to tear him away from his position. She moved her eyes back to Maleficent. Aurora desperately wanted to know what kind of plans she had, but right now was not a good time for her to interrupt. Perhaps when she got a moment alone with the woman she could pick her mind.

                                                                Finally, Aurora released the reins, but she lowered her gaze back to her horse. She gently brushed her fingers along its mane, trying to figure out what all of this meant.
                                                                "Why didn't he try to find me?" Aurora asked herself quietly. She turned her body slightly away from Zavael---he was absolutely the last person she wanted to see her so distraught. She was anxious. Anxious to know what her next plan of action would be. It all depended on the Queen's response...
                                                                And of course that's when those damn demons showed back up, babbling away.

                                                                So noisy. And she was trying to hear.

                                                                Aurora whipped around and looked to Zavael angrily. "I am trying to listen. Quiet your minions, please." She hissed. Aurora turned her head back to Maleficent and the others, only feeling somewhat sorry for snapping at her dearest "friend". But right now she didn't have time for patience and politeness. All she was concerned about was Phillip.

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        Location: With Maleficent's Forces
        Company: Brand & Zavael ; Maleficent, Charles, and The Queen near.
        Health: 100%

Dapper Lunatic

12,250 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
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"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it."

xxxxxxxxxPeter Panxxxxxxxxx
The Neverageing King of Neverland

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                                          Peter hovered, speechless after David finally finished talking, with his hand still pointing down to the map below him towards the suggested travel destination. Tinkerbell looked at David, then back down at the second position she suggested, then back at him. Awkwardly, she pulled her arm back, eyeing him oddly and a bit too confused to start glowing red--for which Peter was a little grateful. The boy-king opened his mouth to voice something when a sudden burst from the tent's entrance captured his attention and distracted him from what could have been a rather embarrassing and slippery conversation.

                                          Finding his attention fully grasped, Peter dropped the issue and his face burst back into it's childish glee as he went towards Belle, peering down at the bird she had captured from above. "What kind is this?" he asked, excited to see what the young girl had to say about it. Of all the rebellion, Belle was possibly the most upbeat of the lot. That, and she was the most likely one he could goad into telling stories of all kinds while also being the best at them. Ella was alright, though there was something to be said about Belle's libarary-wide knowledge of tales and adventures that were sure to delight young boys and girls. That, and she was an easy playmate and sometimes unknowing partner in crime for Peter's war to win Basil and Phillip's smiles at least once a day.

                                          "We're running away, basically, cause the dragon-woman is near along with her army of rottin' flesh and...well, pretty much all the big-nasties are around n' kicking so it's time for us to run. We're going west. I suggested Corona. Oh! Want to help me track down some supply carts for the enemy and give them all the shits till they all leak innards?" his excitement on the last sentence was perhaps a bit disturbingly bright, but none the less, Peter continued on, "We don't have much time, but we could also find some smelly-awfuls and make them also stink all the way to Neverland.... Oh! Oh! I betcha we can find some sicky-mean cow or pig or somethin' and toss it over the walls, or load it onto the carts. They'll be sick, smelly, and dying." Peter turned and already headed for the entrance of the tent, already planning on how he was going to work the carts or deal with the undead. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure if he could obtain a sickly animal, or if the poison in the carts would reach the castle. With any luck, they would, and if the queen had any living servants within her quarters the sickness would spread all the way to the top. It was a pipe-dream, he knew, but it was always more fun to think of the biggest amount of impact for something like poisoning the imports into the city.

Ruthless Wildcat

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                                                                █████ Gaston Loup LeGume ██

                                A hooded figure trotted ahead of a group of men who followed him. A midnight black horse's breath puffed in the winter air as he stopped abruptly from his master pulling on his reigns. Putting up a hand to stop, a couple of Undead beasts walked by, their flesh stinking and rotting off of them. Still as disgusted as ever, Gaston looked back towards the men. "Keep riding forth and make sure there are no intruders. We need this place locked down," he commanded the men. Nodding to their leader, the group of men continued down the beaten road watching out for anyone looking or acting suspicious. Turning his horse around, Gaston was a good fifteen minutes away from his Queen. Maybe six if he galloped back but he had promised her he would ensure her safety...about last week. He didn't expect her to remember, she did have oh so much on her plate as he thought about this. SNapping the reigns and kicking his horse in the sides, his steed whinnied and reared back as he shot off in a gallop.

                                The cold winter air beating against his chin and cheeks caused a burning sensation. He would be in warmth soon after this meeting with Maleficent. Gaston kept a close ear on what was going on. He always did and he didn't fear being caught eavesdropping either. He had a right to know so he could protect his Queen in battle and of course ensure the little charade of his flirting with her to make her husband jealous. Such a tiny request from a Queen and a huge bargain for him. Though he couldn't touch which made him a little sad, but nonetheless he was closer to her than her own husband was. Did this even bother him was the question. As of lately, Charles didn't show any signs of being bothered, unless he liked to keep them hidden. Gaston never thought about that till now and it intrigued him. What kind of man would hide his feelings away? Did he not love the Queen? She was beautiful and loving to her King, but this thought... Gaston shook his head and rolled his eyes. Why was he thinking so much on it?

                                Seeing the entourage upon the bridge, Gaston rode up and pulled back to slow his steed down and looked at the others on the bridge. The foreign warrior known as Ping was there along with that adviser that got on Gaston's nerves. Aurora was there as well. A girl he wasn't too fond of, she seemed the one to stick her nose into other people's business and of course there was Isabella and Charles there with Zavael. And then there was the most gracious Maleficent. Gaston saw the tension between the two and brought it upon himself to make it known he was there.

                                "Apologies my Queen. I was ensuring you were protected and that no one would come to sack you and steal you away from me," he smiled and bowed his head to her deeply. "A Queen so beautiful shouldn't have to meet out here in the cold, but if that is what she likes, I shall stay by your side," he cooed to her and turned to the others and gave them a nod. He wouldn't leave them all in the dust. No. Gaston held more to nobility, he held more to what he was and of course he was going to show he was favored. It was just the man's style. He loved being the center of attention and leading the forces and having everyone look up to him as a hero.

                                But boy oh boy, things were sure to begin now. This was either he lived long enough to enjoy his riches or die from his big mouth.


Invisible Genius

9,250 Points
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        “A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.”
        ― Coco Chanel

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                                        The worry etched in Belle's face dissolved instantly when Peter ran towards her. He was as merry as ever- though she knew she couldn't trust his optimistic attitude to mean everything was dandy in the rebellion. Belle was quite fond of Peter. Well, she was fond of everyone- the eternal and ever-loving optimist. But Peter was fun and entertaining. Unlike the others, who were often serious and intense, Peter's childish antics matched Belles persona well. She loved spreading her cheer around, but having someone with similar exuberance already made an otherwise one-sided conversation colorful and enjoyable.

                                        Of course, there was always that little black whole at the back of Belle's thoughts. Those pessimistic and tragic emotions that aways worked to damper her spirit. The memories of her family, her brothers and sisters and particularly her father. Every time Belle so much as glanced at Peter, who resembled her brothers to an excruciating extent, or Ella, who shared the caring and nurturing properties of her father and mother, whom Belle could still recall slightly, a feint flicker of her woe crept through the cracks of her merriment. The members of the Rebellion were painful reminders of her missing family- either lost in the chaos of her town's invasion or murdered, their blood spilt and staining the cobblestones. It was the not knowing that troubled her sleep and tugged at her jovial attitudes. It was that devastation Belle managed to cover up with her jubilant and upbeat personality. Often she did so so successfully, Belle even fooled herself.

                                        When he asked about the bird Belle held the little creature higher. " He's a blue jay! They're very common and highly intelligent for such cute little things, " Belle said, rubbing her cheek against it's feathers. The bird chirped happily. " They're actually quite fascinating- beautiful songbirds and known to have complex social systems with tight family bonds," Belle spouted facts like a waterfall. She had a tendency to do so- she was overflowing with little factoids and usually random information that she simply adored sharing. Often she would blurt out a completely irrelevant fact which always followed with her shouting "FUN FACT!" Just one of her many quirks. " They also have an infatuation with acorns. I named him Alfred."
                                        Alfred hopped onto her shoulder and settled his head in the crook of her neck. She giggled. ""He's like my own little Tinker Bell! Only he's a bird and doesn't have fairy dust. I find it very odd that he was roaming the forest. Most of the birds have migrated southwards by now. I want to investigate it later."

                                        Belle listened as Peter explained the dour mood in the room, waiting patiently until he was finished detailing his plan. " Dragon lady and an army of flesh. That sounds inviting. But oh! I can help! I know a bunch of poisonous plant locations around here that still grow in the winter. Ooo, there's Horse Nettle, that to the unsuspecting eye resemble Tomatillios, Physalis philadelphica, or Husk tomatoes, Pokeberries, Wild Cherries, Buckeye nuts, Holly, Wisteria, we might even find some Nighshade if we're lucky. Oh boy, those will kill you. There's also a branch of Poison Ivy that causes severe external and internal irritation and inflammation in the mouth and lip area if consumed, and it's effect can pass through people and objects by contact. " Belle looked at Peter hopefully. " I would be happy to help if you accept it. If we succeed in their inconspicuous transportation, I doubt anyone will inspect them well enough to identify them correctly. Belle was excited to be of use. All she could really do was act as a look out for one side of the camp and train whoever was interested in archery.Perhaps now she could give more to the cause, make a difference in the tide.

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      OOC: Belle may or may not but definitely is a more intelligent copy of me. xD

      Location Rebellion-Leadership Tent tab Company Ella, Peter, Philip, Basil, Alfred the bird tab Thoughts Yay! I can be of use! tab Health 100%⊰

      style by Kitty Kat Rosetta

D_letion's Wife

Tipsy Sailor


Ѻur Handsome Prince

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            Phillip’s small panic-attack was cut short by Peter’s outburst of laughter. He shot the boy a glare, but it was more confused than anything. He didn’t understand why everyone wasn’t more worried or upset. David didn’t seem to finch at the bit of news and he eyed the man with a critical stare. Maybe he was the only one in the room that had actually experience war on losing front. A pressure started to swell in his chest and Phillip grinded his teeth, wondering why he was even here in the first place. This whole rebellion was a mess and they would be better off dead, since they were going to get destroyed anyways.

            Phillip kept quiet as David ordered the rest of them around, only nodding once when one of the requests were aimed at him. Peter had suggested Corona which appeared to be west and the direction the King wanted to go. Good. At least they were moving. This entire time Phillip had gotten crap for hating their position and timing, and now they were finally listening. Why take the risk now, when the odds were not in their favor? They needed to make their numbers strong and put hot food in their men’s bellies before they expected them to die for the Beast King.

            He glanced across the table at Ella, his features softening for only a moment before turning to leave. It was good that someone in this tent knew how to carry a soft voice, because at this point, Phillip was ready to start yelling and barking orders. Well, he was still going to do that, but only to his troops that were used to such behavior.

            He was on his way out the door, when one of the scouts, Belle made her way through the tent. Phillip stopped abruptly, waiting for more horrible news, but it seemed she just wanted to see what was going on and… “Introduce” her new friend. Phillip had to stop himself from letting his eyes roll when she showed of the delicate creature.

            Great. Fantastic. Whoop-dee-freaking-doo. All of the women he seemed to know had the talent of talking to adorable woodland creatures, while Phillip seemed to scare them off before he even noticed them. Maybe if Belle managed to recruit a hundred nasty vultures or wolves, he would be impressed. The blue bird, in Phillip’s mind, was only good for flavoring soup.

            Part of him wanted to make that exact comment, but Peter was already swarming around her. He looked at the two with a raised eye brow before leaving the tent in a huff.

Ice-Cold Visionary

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Hey guys,

We have some new updates going to be happening in the week from December 31st - January 6th. There will be new players, locations, and some guides to help you out.

Since the holidays are nearing an end, I am releasing this a little bit early for those who are eager to get started. This is no obligation to post immediately. You have to the 6th before I send a notice to post (If it is your turn, and if you haven't already talked to me about starting later).

We have 3 movie plot lines I am going to expand into our universe and here are the characters you can expect now/in the future:

Frozen: Ana, Elsa, Kristoff, Hans and Snowball (There is also the possibility of unlocking Olaf and Sven)
Enchanted: Prince Edward, Giselle (There is also the possibility of unlocking Queen Narissa and Nancy Tremine)
Alice in Wonderland: Alice, Mad Hatter, Cheshire cat (There is also the possibility of unlocking the Queen of Hearts, Mathilda / Lorina (Alice's sister)

*** All new characters!!!! Your starting point is listed on the front page. This will aid you on getting your posts started/figure out where you are location wise ***

The rest of the information will be posted on the front page throughout the week. I would like to say a big thank you to Chai High Tuba for helping me with the locations.

Thank you,
Hitomi Hayabusa
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    ¦❛Ella Charming !▲:c i n d e r ( ♕ )g i r l

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        step up or move out you've got to decide


        Memories from before the war overwhelmed Ella for no reason. This had been happening more and more. She wanted this to be all over in their favor. The memory that constantly replayed in her head was the last time she saw Charming. The last time he told her that he loved her plagued her nightmares. A shiver ran down her spine while she was off in her own mind. Phillip having an outburst drew her from her thoughts.

        A look of concern was now upon her face. Taking a small step, the girl started to lift her hand to reach out before she caught herself and quickly stopped herself. The only person that could have noticed was Basil. Quickly before anyone could notice, she took a step back next to Basil. The fact that goblins were seen only made it worse. They were not in a good situation at all, moving would make it worse. At the sound of Peter laughing made Ella quickly turn her head to him. Concern turned to confusion as she looked at him. His words only made it worse. A part of her worried for him. In that moment it seemed like he had lost it and snapped. The only thing that came from it was Phillip somehow calmed down. She turned back at him still confused.

        Seeing him in this odd light made her heart skip a beat. Recently she had grown feelings for the man. Even from time to time it seemed like he returned the feelings. Then of course she would remember Charming and begin to feel guilty. There were even times were he seemed cold to her instead. Ella bit her lip in thought and looked down slightly. Maybe it was the nightmare this morning, but her mind was just not with her today. Normally she could help with these kind of meetings and be useful. Today, nothing was coming to mind. The nightmares were becoming more common so her sleep was becoming less and less. The blonde could feel it but there was no time for extra sleep.

        Hearing David say her name brought her back to the world again. She simply nodded her head when she heard her task. Something like this was normally what she did. While there were other women within the rebellion Ella's voice seemed to be the most soothing. Those who were confused could be calmed by just hearing a few words. It was a nice quality to have but she did wish she was used for more.

        Just as she was about to turn to leave, Belle came in. A small smile pulled at her face. She did enjoy her company from time to time. Somehow even with the war had not killed her joyful spirit. It was something she wished she had herself. Before the time Charming went off for the last time, she still had her spirit. It must have been the close death, but after that, Ella was no longer the same. The brunette had a bird in her hands and seemed quite joyful about it. The little bird chirped and the sound brought a smile to her face. The creature had no idea what was going on. Peter quickly went to the girl and started to talk. They were a good match.

        Ella looked up and saw Phillip being a grouch. He obviously did not feel the same about the bird. As he walked by she reached out and brushed his arm. The touch was soft but caring. She wanted to do something to help him. Remembering her task at hand, the blonde shook her head and walked off. Quickly she started to make sure people knew they needed to get ready to move. One person was confused and started to get violent when someone had told him. Knowing this is what David ment, Ella walked over to him. Just as she walked over, the man got violent enough that she somehow got hit. Frustrated, she pushed the other man aside. Just as the violent person saw Ella was hit and was about to him him back, she calmed down and started to apologize. She simply smiled as the small cut at her brow stopped hurting. "Just get ready."

        After knowing everyone was getting ready to leave she started to look around. Last she saw, Phillip was in a huff and wanted to make sure he was okay. Ella saw Basil and gave him a warm smile on her search. By pure luck she found him getting ready. Before she walked over, she checked the small cut. It was not bleeding and there wasn't any blood on her face. The girl then walked over and lightly touched Phillip's shoulder and walked to his side so they were facing the same way. "Is there anything I can help you with?" Ella kept her voice calm despite her heart racing. She wanted to get everyone to safety quickly so getting things done faster would help.


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                                              At the very least, Aurora’s company was always enjoyable, much of which, Zavael felt, could be attributed to her near flawless beauty and sensual curves. As with most men, a part of him was instinctively attracted to her body and her pretty face. Yet as the blonde neared him, her continued presence by his side rekindled a malignant sense of irritation, reminding him of his chauvinism. While he had welcomed her company for aesthetic reasons, this was not a place or time he would have agreed to let her ride shoulder to shoulder with him. She was his Achilles’ heel; if battle broke out here and now, what good was she at this distance? She was an archer and he was a swordsman. He was obliged to rush to Maleficent’s aid, leaving her exposed to the additional swordsmen and troops at the forefront of the enemy’s formation.

                                              Phillip hmm? Why did that name sound familiar? Oh yes… Zavael glanced at Aurora, her sentence unfinished. ”Well, I like to think that delusions and dreams are two surfaces of the same coin.” The mercenary quipped softly, filling in the murmuring void she had left so suddenly. In spite of knowing how important this… Prince Phillip was to Aurora, Zavael could not help but smile bemusedly even as Maleficent looked back at them. ’Sly vixen.’ Her proposal was admirable in a way, but even Zavael could not comprehend why she would request for Phillip and not the leader of the rebellion. What did she hope to achieve apart from antagonizing one of her questionable subordinates? Was Phillip so important to the rebellion?

                                              Zavael could not claim to understand Aurora. Even the times they had spent together, with her divulging some of the secrets of her heart, did not mellow the mercenary’s mind or deepen his empathy. He only became certain that they remained cut from two very different cloths. He could sense her inner turmoil, but he found it difficult to relate to it on a personal level. Realizing he should not draw any more attention to his true mistress, Zavael kept his head level and looked straight ahead, ignoring her movements as she pulled her hood up.

                                              The imps returned and he heard their cries. He kept their words at the back of his mind, opting instead to focus on the black rider who approached on a dark stallion. It was dramatic, and would have made a huge impression on Zavael had he not opened his mouth to speak as if he was an equal in the conversation of the ruling figureheads. ’Dual blades…’ Zavael noted, then looked at Charles, watching to see if he would deal with Gaston’s audacity or allow it to pass. It was brilliant; the dark knight had managed to snub all of them for being so silly as to hold a meeting on the bridge in such dreadful weather to the detriment of the queen’s complexion. It made Zavael rather glad he was not in Maleficent’s hire. If there was one virtue Zavael held in high regard, it was professionalism.

                                              Aurora’s patience only lasted so long. She snapped at him and Zavael chuckled softly. ’People in the trees? Their troops? Scouts? Archers?’ For a moment then, he wished he had the magic to pry the images from the imp’s mind; but magic was a double-edged sword. It had proved, time and again, that it took something for what it gave. He banished the thought, having no desire to lose his sight. Extending his left arm to Puck, he curled his fingers, inviting the imp up so that he could listen to a hushed version of its tale. Didn’t matter that he had to withstand the creature’s breath for a while… he wanted to hear what it had learned.

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