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Dangerous Lunatic

3,600 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Partygoer 500
  • Person of Interest 200
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All of us are over it
So we're taking over it
So cold the shoulder gets
Because we're over it


Looking over at David, or barely looking at him with his good eye, he over exaggerated earlier it wasn't a way for the Prince to act honestly he doesn't even know why he acted that in the beginning. things just kept racing through his head and all of them were negative Should he run? If he stays he dies? The others will die if they don't make it out in time? all negative thoughts were pushed from his head in an instant as he regained his composure and heard David yell to him to get the men in their positions and help out. He nodded before quickly walking off in every area possible making sure the men were where they needed to be it took a couple minutes to get them situated correctly and once they were set it gave him time enough time to help out who ever needed it mostly the elderly who couldn't do it. Curiosity struck him as he helped them pack their belongings, that and how they got away from Scar or Maleficent without a scratch but there he was young, agile, supposedly intelligent to his people, and he couldn't get away from them without almost killing himself. While packing their belongings he couldn't help but smirk a little not because he almost tried to get himself killed or the elders got away better than he ever could have he smirked because he knew exactly what he was fighting for when he almost died and it was the same reason he was helping the out in the rebel camp it was to help the Kingdom's people.

The elders were set now all he had to do was check on the soldiers once more to see if they were still ready for whatever was being sent to them but he took a detour back into his own little tent that was being packed by a few others who knew he would be too busy to help out. He walked towards the back of the tent grabbed the coat, his bow nesting on his waist horizontally, his quiver of arrows behind his bow, and then his sword in the sheath and the shield clinging onto it; all easy access for anything unexpected and easy to put up just in case he was out numbered again. Once he was finished he looked over to Ella, she tried calming him earlier even if it didn't happen but she tried, he walked over to her and gently placed his hand around her shoulder smiling lightly as he looked at her "hey, sorry about how I acted earlier I just didn't know what to do and I didn't want to see any one here get hurt by Scar and his men,,,,or Maleficent". Ella sweet, caring, nice, beautiful are all things you can describe her as she would've been a Queen or was until they killed her husband now she's just like Aurora, was like Aurora, both had to experience the death of their husbands but only one would find out that one is alive and that was Aurora. He knew she would wonder what happened to him why he didn't go get her and rescue her again but then his mind went to her working with the same women: the same devil who poisoned her, and the same women who could have easily killed her he had his own wonders Why did she choose to work for Maleficent? Why didn't she run when she had the chance? she had opportunities to come to the Rebellion he was sure of it the name had gotten out to everyone and Maleficent and Scar were sure to have heard it let alone their forces and even then after all the things they went through, the lose of their child, she chose to work with the evil b***h that sprung from hell and once he had his chance both Charles and Maleficent would die by his hands, if not his hands then the Rebellion.

Looking back at her once more then to Daniel before he spoke once again "I'm going to go help out some more and see what Daniel needs; if you need me let me know...not many places I can go to here so I'm easy to spot". Walking towards Daniel he stood next to him and watched as the camp was getting ready to move out "so who's to the west that would be willing to help? If there is someone to help who says they would help us...if we do find out who's willing to help us they'll surely hear that Maleficent and Scar are in some what allied to stop us and they have big armies combined and separate". He wasn't trying to bring Daniel down but to prepare them just in case the people that are willing to help them don't betray them in the middle "if worst scenario comes ahead then we must find a way where we still peak their interest to help us out. Maybe we could use the freedom-to-be-taken card? We lose without their help they'll lose their Kingdom to them...it might be a lie but it'll get us help". Now that his head was on right he was able to help out and since he was more of the intelligent man than a ruthless killer he always thought of strategies and ways to get what the Rebellions need a man of words he could say.He waited for Daniel to say something on the matter Alexander wouldn't just let Daniel take them to places where their doom is inevitable and since they would be on the road shortly he had plenty of time to answer the questions and what would be going on.

Located : With Rebels
Company : David and the others
Thoughts : I want Scar dead


((hope this is good? if not please tell me))

High-functioning Lover

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Time passed. Slowly. Maleficent had always thought time passed slowly. There once was a time in her life where she believed time went by too quickly. Where she feared that her beauty would fade and that her power would wane. Maybe, there existed a time when Maleficent with all her soul believed in a thing such as True Love. At this stage in her life she did not believe in such things. Whether or not she believed them when Hades was around was unknown. She had never uttered the words "this is true love" to Hades, but she had certainly cared deeply for him. She'd given him what she had left to offer anyway.

When they returned to the camp grounds Maleficent had of course picked a location where there was an "abandoned" home. Abandoned was not really the word, recently vacated was probably the more proper term. While much smaller than the castle she usually lived in, it would do until the negotiation part of things resolved. It was a two story home with all of the normal things: kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom downstairs, three bedrooms, two full baths upstairs. One of the three bedrooms was the master bedroom where Maleficent stayed. Another room was for Aurora and the other the Horned King if he so wished to reside with them. When she had arrived to the home she had done some "minor" interior decorating to suit her own needs and tastes in home decor. There were a lot of blacks, reds, dark velvets and leather most accented with a slightly tarnished yet still glistening gold.

Currently, she sat in a white tub. A tub of bubbles surrounding her thin frame as she gazed to the ceiling with her eyes that seemed to pierce right through. There was quite a bit on her mind. Aurora, Prince Philip, Hades, the Queen....Charles. "Charles..." she thought as she slowly lifted her hand out of the tub the water dripping down her frame as she slowly reached up to run her fingers through her long hair. Her breaths were steady as she whispered softly to herself," Oh what a sour apple green the dear Queen would turn...." Finishing the sentence in her mind she finished with," If she found him in my bed...." The thought allowed a small smile to etch onto Maleficent's lips as she muttered softly to herself," Stirring the pot for the sake of stirring it.....becomes no fun after awhile...."

Slowly as she dropped her arm back into the water she then lifted one of her legs and gazed to the slightly bruised and what appeared to be nearly rotting flesh on her body. Gazing at it for quite some time she lowered her leg back into the water and then closed her eyes as the water began to heat up quite a bit. A bit....well it began to steam a little. By the time she got out the bathroom was only slightly covered in steam. When she stepped out of the tub the leg from earlier that looked bruised and slightly rotting no longer appeared to be as grotesque as earlier, but Maleficent walked with a slight limp towards her bedroom. By the time she reached her dresser she clung to the towel around her dripping body breathing a bit more heavily than before. A bit exhausted actually. Slowly she looked at her reflection in the mirror the face of a beautiful, elegant woman being reflected back at her. The eyes of the woman bitter and jaded to the core. After a long minute of staring into those eyes Maleficent then stood up and began to dry herself off and then pulled on another black display. It was not a long black gown like before but it was still a black dress. When standing it would stop right above her knees. As she gently ran her fingers through her hair once more she carefully dried it and it became a bit curly at the ends.

"Artyom." she called out as she made it over to her bed and sat down on the edge. Looking around her room it was dead silent and even though she knew that her beloved servant had heard her she couldn't help but call out again," Artyom, come to me." Had anyone else's name preceded such a request it might have sounded much harsher and maybe even more demanding, but when she called for her loyal servant her voice always seemed to be much more kind and gentle. Then again her voice tended to become a bit more kind and gentle when she spoke to Aurora as well depending on the situation.

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                                      Snapped back to reality by the jingling of coins in a pouch, Daniel looked to Zavier with a pleasureful grin, "You have my attention, Zavier!" Holding the pouch up Daniel nodded, Wendy may have that new dress yet. The brunette looked back to the man and listened to his instructions. He frowned at the idea that the particularly packed parcel wasn't all for him, but his mood lightened when Zavier said what remained was. He nodded to the man and took note, "Five ladies to keep the king company, easy enough. What a gift that is, these nobleman have no shame." But it wasn't of any consequence to Daniel, what they did in their freetime wasn't for him to pry into. He had a wife whom he was loyal to, when the rest of the world was ripe for cheating. If those men were married and still found the time and the stomach to betray their wives, it wasn't for Daniel to question. Especially when helping with such a task paid so handsomely. Talented may be pricey, but I can work a deal if I use my words wisely.
                                      "Your instructions have not fallen on deaf ears, Zavier, you have secured my discretion." Pocketing the pouch, Daniel made sure it was secured tightly to his belt. The brunette took note of Zavier's permission to invite the others. He thought about it for a moment, Gwen most likely wouldn't bother with something like this but it wasn't going to hurt to ask, she may be a smooth enough talker to have the girls agree to a less than attractive pricetag on their end. And Cassius may be fun to bring along, his loyalty to the king would assure that a gift for the king wouldn't be something he's against. There most likely would be a conversation of payment, and if they were able to get the price for the girls down far enough, Daniel may be willing to share the wealth.
                                      Whores were relatively cheap, almost always, but they definitely weren't a luxury Daniel indulged in, even before his marriage to Wendy. It was frivolous spending of precious gold. Even now with Daniel's wealth having escalated by being apart of the Lioncourt forces he still hoarded his wealth. It made for comfortable living and it gave him the opportunity to shower his wife in luxury every now and again.
                                      Daniel mulled over the possibility of bringing the others. If he didn't he wouldn't have to share the wealth in the end, but if he did it would be a more entertaining trip. The brunette looked to Zavier and scrunched his brow, "The feast? Hm ... I hadn't thought about it. But I may show for a spell. The king and queen do so love a rousing party, and it wouldn't be anything but stuffy, goldmongers all night if I don't bring my friends. Why do you ask? Are you here to buy my avoidance from that as well? Daniel knew that Zavier, being the stuffy man himself, didn't like Daniel or any of the other members of Lioncourt's crew. And yet Daniel found Zavier highly entertaining. He was awful but so stuffed up and set in his high society ways that seeing the man become flustered was like watching a band of jesters perform.

                                      Hitomi Hayabusa

Ice-Cold Visionary

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          Puck had been shown favoritism in being allowed to speak with the master. He was beyond elated to give him more information. ”By the castle, Master. There are three hills.” Holding up his bony hands, he showed him six fingers. They weren't the smartest, but he did his best. ”Past the hills, there is mountain and after mountain is cavern and in cavern is bats. Nasty, filthy bats. But, go up up up to the highest peak and there is wyverns.” From his explanation it sounded like he lazily flew around the hillside, had a stop to eat bats and then happened upon the wyverns while gliding. When the Raven flew by, the attitude of the devil changed to a scowl. They were not found of the relationship between Artyom and their master. He obviously thought very highly of him. ”What flying chicken has that Puck doesn't is unknown to him.” He grumbled, but didn't raise his voice any higher than a whisper. The master would be angry if he thought Puck was speaking out against Artyom. Holding onto his master tightly, his little fists had clung onto his coat and bunched it up in a wrinkled mess.

Hilarious Conversationalist

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                                                                α΅‚α΄΄α΄Ό... Zazu, Hyena
                                                                α΅‚α΄΄α΄±α΄Ώα΄±... Hallway
                                                                α΅€α΄΄α΄΅α΄Ία΄·α΄΅α΄Ία΄³... How... amusing
                                                                ᡂᴱᴬᴿᴡᴺᴳ... Red Robes
                                                                α΄Όα΅’αΆœ... ...

                                                            Boredom. He felt absolute boredom.

                                                            Khuno was humming some sort of catchy tune as he continued his walk throughout the palace. A silver chalice in one hand and his other lazily placed in his pocket, the Emperor, or 'liason' as he had told the royals all around him walked slowly and lazily down the hallway. What matter was it to him? His duties were done, so now all there was left to do was perhaps drink his wine, learn some more about this strife, and enjoy the firey blaze that was the aftermath like some sort of fireworks display. Yes, that would have been most pleasing to Khuno.

                                                            A soft sigh, another lazy sip from his chalice. He mused however for a moment, thinking of home, thinking of the servants all waiting to dote on him hand and foot. For now he would settle being able to have his own drinks, but soon he hoped that he'd have that sort of servitude again. For now however, he would just continue his lovely stroll. That is to say, until he heard some talking going on in one of the hallways. How convenient... how extremely convenient. He would change directions then, and decide that this time would be the best time to figure out some more about Scar and the others perhaps. Or maybe find the latest gossip. Either or was amusing enough.

                                                            Zavier! Oh this was something indeed, and it looked like he was hiring one of those... hyenas? Silly Old Worlders and their silly names for people. Khuno could only chuckle into the large goblet as he listened in on the conversation. "I'd buy your presence to be there. And what a merry and fun occasion that would be." he mentioned, chuckling as he leaned against the side of one of the doorways. He swished the wine in the large cup in his hand and looked down for a moment before a brilliant smile came across his face. Of course, that smile was so genuine and playful, the deeper lurking tendencies were perfectly well hidden. "And what say you Zavier? Whores? Not pretty ones? Why do that when you can just rely on the maids? It's the same difference. Well-" he snorted as he took another sip. "Minus the hideous attire they have to gallivant in."

                                                            "Besides, aren't gifts supposed to look pretty in fancy folds and ruffles? Surely you can give him talent, mayhaps even both! But to only ask for talent my dear sir and nothing else, is to ask for coal to be wrapped in a bow and topped with a note of pleasant formalities. Unless you are asking for trouble, which is surely the most fun thing afterall."

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Tipsy Detective

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    β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚ β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚ β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚ A u r o r axxxxxR o s exxxxxM o n t e g u e

          We b u r i e d our love in the wintery grave
          tab A lump in the s n o w was all that r e m a i n e d
          tab tab We stayed by its side as the days turned to w e e k s
          tab tab tab And the ice kept getting t h i n n e r with every word we'd speak

                                                                I wonder, I wonderAurora largely ignored everything that was going on as the group made their way back to camp. She kept her eyes on the road and did her best to concentrate on the sound of her horse's hooves as it walked at a steady pace. Every now and then she peeked at Zavael. He was up to something, talking to that damn little demon, but the Princess could not bring herself to ask what his plans were. She was relieved when the sight of the house Maleficent had procured came into view, and as they approached the area Aurora was quick to break off from the group. She needed a moment to herself: a moment away from judging eyes and angry scowls.
                                                                Without a word, Aurora took care of her horse and then turned on her heel and headed towards the surrounding woods. The dead trees only looked more eerie with all the snow and ice around, and it seemed to reflect Aurora's inner self...or mock her, she wasn't sure.

                                                                Her dark cloak billowed behind her as she walked, and she intently listened to the sound of ice and snow crunching under her boots. The questions buzzed through her mind. How? When? Where? Why? All different subjects and scenarios played out, centering around one person in particular. Her dearest Phillip. Alive and well...hiding somewhere with who knows who else...What if he had moved on? Aurora glanced down to her wedding band, feeling her heart twist. Why was this happening now? She had been doing good these past four years to grieve and move on. She was ready to keep going. She was stronger now...Or at least she thought she was.
                                                                Finally, Aurora stopped walking. She looked around, unable to even see Maleficent's camp. Rose let out a small sigh and continued a few paces until she came across a space in the trees where she had a decent amount of room to maneuver. Aurora readied her bow, knocking an arrow into place and aimed a tree that was a fair distance away from her. She pulled her arm back and released.

                                                                Where was he hiding?
                                                                How had he survived that fall?
                                                                Had someone helped him?
                                                                Who was he with?
                                                                Did he still wear his wedding band?
                                                                Or did he lose it?

                                                                The last succession of arrows had been fired rapidly, and Aurora could feel the rage and sadness growing within her. The curvy woman grimaced as she stared at the tree she had been shooting at. All those arrows stacked one on top of the other in a neat little row. It was a little practice she had been doing for years now...All out of non-poisoned arrows, Aurora made her way over to the tree and started gathering her arrows. She gripped the pieces roughly, wrenching them out of the wood as the anger welled up. Her eyes were stinging with hot tears, and as much as she resisted letting them fall she just couldn't help it. Aurora let out a few muffled cries, her hand plastered over her mouth. Eyebrows knitted together in an angry sadness, she finally allowed the tears to stream down her cheeks. She continued to pull her arrows out of the tree as her shoulders shook, and she counted silently as she dropped the arrows back into the quiver.

                                                                Aurora doubted she had ever felt more conflicted in her life. Everything was a hot mess at the moment. And along with sadness she felt...angry. Resentment. Inner turmoil brewing steadily, and it boiled and boiled until finally she screamed and slammed her fist into the bark of the tree in front of her. And again, and again, until finally she slumped down in the snow and hugged her knees to her chest. Aurora took a few breaths and leaned back, supporting herself on the tree.
                                                                "Damn it..." She muttered, looking down to her now scraped up and bloody knuckles. She'd need to wrap them when she got back to camp...

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        Location: Forest
        Company: None
        Health: 90% - Busted up knuckles.

    β–ˆοΏ€β›Ella Charming ! 》 β–²:c i n d e r ( β™• οΌ‰g i r l

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        step up or move out you've got to decide


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        Awaiting Phillip's response, a small smile pulled at her face. Thoughts of the war ending came to the blonde's mind. Phillip was a great leader and could lead them to victory. His touch did come as a surprise and it made Ella go rigid. She tensed up despite the oddly caring touch from the man. His apology did confuse her as well. A puzzled look was on her face instead of the smile that was once there. It seemed like he thought he was in trouble and had to fix it. "Of course Phillip." As she spoke, the girl took his hand and removed his arm from her body. The daily roll at coaster had already begun.

        Just as she brushed herself off, David had arrived. He of course have her another task to complete. With a warm smile, she agreed. Turning to Phillip, she had a confused look on her face. Ella opened her mouth to say something but before any words came out, she shut it and walked off. Honestly she wasn't exactly sure as to what she should do about him. There was a part of her that wanted to take a leap of faith and admit her true feelings. With ever coin there is a different side though. The other part of her wanted to keep her mouth shut and push her feeling away. If Phillip ran into Aurora, evil or not, there was no telling what would happen.

        Knowing she needed to busy herself, the little cinder girl went off to do as she was told. A child whose parent had taken refuge with them was sitting on the ground, obviously upset. Sitting down with the little girl, Ella tried to comfort the young one. "Now now. There is no need to cry. What is wrong?" As she spoke, she pulled the girl into her lap and held on as the girl explained she wanted to go home and didn't want to move again. Without much to say, she simply held the child and rocked her as she cried against the blonde. "Shhh. It'll be okay." Looking up she saw the girl's mother in time to see her mouth the words thank you. Ella simply smiled and then told the girl her mother was there.

        As the girl went back to her mother, Ella got up and looked for those who needed help. It wasn't the hardest task and went smoothly. Many people looked to her as a motherly figure in the Rebellion. It was due to her kind and loving nature. She would listen to those who wanted to be listened to and helped those who needed it. The only one se did she as her child was Basil. Other than the scout, she just helped who required or wanted to be helped. Despite what most might think, she actually enjoyed it. It gave her something to do and allowed te female to feel useful, even if just for a moment.

        Seeing that her job mostly done, Ella went out into the woods. She wasn't a scout but knew what wasn't right if she did see something. From time to time she did get slightly overwhelmed and just needed a break. A moment to pretend that nothing happened and everything was still like it was before the war. It was something that kept her sane. Part of her wanted to ask how Belle did it, how she stayed so chipper. It was like nothing phased her at all. Once barely out of sight of the camp, the blonde dropped to her knees. The hard ground didn't stop her from staying there. Even thought it probably wasn't a good idea, she closed her eyes. Ella started to just focus on her breathing, totally unaware of anything that could be happening around her, or anyone.



        Chi-Towns Wicked cLOwn
        I warned you. Hot and cold.
        Standard Toaster Monster
        I hope this is good enough.


A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
I'm riding up the heights of shame.

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His Majesty King Arthur Pendragon. BRAND Long Live the King!

          xoxoAmong the shambling masses of the undead, it should have been easy to forget it all. The trip home had disappeared from Brand’s mind with each new step taken. Though he had not been among his own, following had been easy. Had he been going somewhere else? The sensation like forgetting some small detail tickled at his mind, but then he would wrench his leg to escape deep mud or mind an obstacle in the road and the feeling would disappear. It was a chief difference between moving with purpose and just wandering about like the undead did. What few needs they had were met with space and distance. Too close to the living and dreams could be disturbed. Worse, the hungrier of the group might act on their appetites. Best to keep them far. It was that distance and absence of duty that seemed to force his mind back into place, at first in the smallest of ways but with growing force.

          xoxoUpon his return to the masses, the dead king had tottered for a time among his comrades, quickly lost among faces and bodies as bloody and decaying as his own. Faded eyes stared ahead idly. Then his head turned to the side as he was slammed into awkwardly and he recalled the great force that pushed him from his horse. Nineteen. Pellinore. He could suddenly remember with clarity that he had shattered a shield, that he had fallen in battle. His life had been spared. Suddenly the soldier was on the ground again, staring straight up at the sky as the image of a great knight began to disappear from his memory again. At that moment, something surged in him and again there was a great pain in his chest. It was impossible to explain it as anything other than movement. Pressure. A flutter. A murmur. Then a beat, and two, and three. In stunned agony, Brand lay on the ground and felt his heart slowly begin to cycle life into him once more. He could feel warm blood on ice cold flesh. He could feel his lungs struggle for air. Clutching at the ruined, stinking tunic that weighed down his body, he rolled onto his side and began to hack painfully, pushing out dead air and breathing in for the first time in four years. His head spun and before he knew it he was emitting cries of something like fear or surprise. It sounded more animal than human.

          xoxoThe masses that wandered around this somehow conscious dead man did not see as realization dawned upon Brand. Their empty minds did not register the noise as a body rose, fell, then rose again, gasping and making strange utterances the whole way. As steps swayed in and out of line among all the others, one more awkwardly tilting this way and that disturbed nothing. Likewise, Brand hardly saw the bodies around him for what they were. Smell and sound were enough to tell him that he needed to be somewhere else, beside the call of a voice he could only faintly hear. Calm words across a table. Council. But so distant. Lost. Were they not all lost? Heaving breaths like a man who had just run a marathon, the soldier escaped his group for the second time that day to disappear into the trees, surprisingly light on his feet for an armored man. Something in his subconscious told him that the place was safe. That Kay would not find him there without some effort and a lot more brain than he possessed. Feeling comforted by this prospect, he dodged around large roots and a great tree trunk and became lost again in the shadows of the trees. Memories cropped up and disappeared before he had time to register them. Like a map that constantly shifted, a maze with changing walls, he could make no sense of any of his sudden experience. He trailed blood behind him as long-suffered wounds offered escape once more.

          xoxoIt was this time the sound of a beat much less inconsistent that drew him in one direction over another. The strange tunes of an old wizard or witch, memories of cackling and spell-slinging, pulled him toward what sounded to be an odd rhythm. He felt the weight of his wounds now, knew he would not survive long with them. Through the dark trees he struggled, looking to find that odd drum beat. Instead, he found a clearing in which sat a girl he thought he knew. He had a second to register the appearance of his cousin’s fair bride, Aurora, before he fell flat on his face at the edge of the clearing.

              β€£ Location: The Forest
              β€£ Company: Aurora
              β€£ Commentary: N/A

I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
I'm ready for the fight and fate.

Tipsy Detective

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    β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚ β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚ β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚ A u r o r axxxxxR o s exxxxxM o n t e g u e

          We b u r i e d our love in the wintery grave
          tab A lump in the s n o w was all that r e m a i n e d
          tab tab We stayed by its side as the days turned to w e e k s
          tab tab tab And the ice kept getting t h i n n e r with every word we'd speak

                                                                I wonder, I wonderThere was a soft thud in the snow, and Aurora looked away from her hands in search of the source of the sound. Her eyes landed on the fallen soldier---the same one that she had been rounding up earlier. Aurora knew he recognized her, even if it was for a fleeting moment, and perhaps that was why he was so hell bent on attaching himself to her. She rolled her eyes, sniffling slightly in the cold. She just wanted to be alone, how hard was that? Aurora stopped her thoughts and stared at Brand's corpse for a moment before she noticed something.

                                                                Crimson stains on the crisp snow. It stood out so vibrantly.
                                                                But dead people didn't bleed. Aurora knew that.
                                                                She frowned and pulled herself to her feet. Across the clearing she walked to him, leaving her bow and quiver near the tree she had been using as target practice. As she approached the blonde man, Aurora knelt. Firmly she gripped his arms and stood, pulling him to his feet. It was easy, as the nearly dead soldier didn't have much resistance to put up. Aurora stared at him, her blue eyes scanning his injuries and taking note of all the blood flowing. She swore she could hear him breathing. Her eyes were already rimmed with red from her crying, and when she looked at Arthur they started welling up again. "Why can't the dead stay dead?" Aurora hissed. "Riddle me this, Arthur..."

                                                                Abruptly, Aurora shoved the man backwards, slamming him into the nearest tree. She moved in, closing the space between them as she frowned. "You were there at our wedding. Would you have ever thought that he would abandon me?" Aurora spoke harshly, her words laced with bitter anger. She reeled her arm back, hand forming into a fist, and before she really knew what she was doing she sent a hard punch into Brand's side. She took a breath. It felt good to hit something...Someone. Aurora repeated the action, ignoring the slight pain that came into her hand since she'd already scraped her knuckles up pretty badly on the tree. "Why are you following me? Just to cause me more pain? Just to remind me of everything? Haven't I been through enough pain?" Aurora balled her hands into fists at her side. "Why don't you go find your damn cousin and tell him that I want nothing to do with him?"

                                                                But that was a lie, and Aurora knew it.
                                                                She took a few hard breaths and looked down to her fists. Slowly she released them, and then moved her attention back to Brand. He had just stood there, not putting up a fight at all...Aurora's tears stopped flowing, and suddenly she was ashamed of herself for beating on a poor man, who had once been her family, who also happened to have been killed and was now coming back to life---somehow. It was ludicrous, but Aurora wasn't in the mood to question how or why he was returning from the dead.

                                                                "I'm sorry." Aurora whispered lowly to him, shaking her head.
                                                                Slowly, Aurora moved to undo the ties of her cloak. She removed the fabric and instead draped it around the shoulders of Arthur. Looking up to the undead man, Aurora tied the strings around his collar and pulled the hood up onto his head in an attempt to keep him from freezing. He was weak and feeble, and Aurora punching him hadn't helped that. "Wait here." She instructed. The blonde moved through the snow, flecks of white fluttering down on her hair. Without her warm cloak, Aurora could feel the chill of the winter wind. Her long sleeved top didn't do much good at blocking the cold. But now wasn't the time for her to complain about such things. Quickly, she grabbed her bow and arrows and secured them on her torso. Aurora made her way back to Brand and moved to his side. Gently, she took his arm and draped it over her shoulders so that he was nearly leaning on her, and she secured her closest arm behind him. With her hand on his waist and the way he was leaning, Aurora was doing a good job at supporting the weak creature.

                                                                "Come on, Arthur...Let's get you back to camp. Maybe get you cleaned up...And maybe someone can tell me what the hell is going on with you." She muttered. With that she began walking, leading him along with her.

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        Location: Forest
        Company: Brand
        Health: 90% - Busted up knuckles.

Bashful Nymph

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                                                                        xxxxxxXX❝ Guinevere Wylde ❞

                                                                        tab As of late the only thing that ran through her thoughts was the girl that she saw in the woods. Yet, having something or someone on your mind wasn't anything you wanted in the castle. It would put anyone on edge at the thought of love with the enemy. The rebellion had been planning more than anyone would like to believe. The pounding of her boots upon the stone floor as she walked through the halls of the castle. Guinevere was going to pull a group together, she must see her again. Yet the woman hadn't spoken to the beautiful woman in the wood, she was completely smitten with her. Ignoring every person she passed, Guinevere knew what she had planned to do, but she had to speak to someone before she went. Hugging the fur close to her skin she turned through the corridor before coming to a halt into the person she need to speak to, Cassius. Her eyes sparkling as a smirk crossed her lips. Guinevere opened her mouth to speak before he interrupted. "Have you seen Daniel?" He asked with haste. Guinevere furrowed her eyebrow and slowly shook her head. "I need you to speak to the King. I am taking yet another scouting party in search of more rebellion camps." Her voice was even, she owed him no explanation. Cassius nodded with a smile be.

                                                                        tab Guinevere was under watchful eyes when she was around Cassius. His loyalty to the King was one of a child to its mother. It would be rather embarrassing if the man had a lick of sense to think for himself. She turned on her heels just concentrating on that task of finding her scouting party. Walking out into the brisk air and finding the small group talking amongst themselves. She tapped one of them men's shoulder and walked into the middle of the group. "We are going out." Her voice loud enough for the small group to hear. Her eyes glanced at their faces; the men seemed to be tired from the many searches they have been through. Grumbles and chatter arose from the group of men, but with a wave of her hand the group when silent. "It doesn't matter if you are all tired, this is your job." Guinevere's firm tone echoed against the trees. The temper of the woman flared as she continued to the people in front of her. "Now let us continue." She spoke and walked into the forest.

                                                                        tab Taking in the chilly wind and hard ground the group walked through the forest. The sound of the men behind her shifting their weapons so the clinking ceased. Holding up a pale hand the group stopped a couple paces behind her. Blue eyes wondered the landscape until she spotted her. She let out a light gasp as she watched her closely. As she gazed as the woman from a distance, a man cleared his throat behind her. She blinked lightly getting out of her own head. Guinevere turned and pace back towards the group. "You are dismissed; nothing seems to be amiss today." Her voice was soft. The group of men looked confused and disgruntled by having to take the time out to walk for only a short while. They walked away from the woman, not daring to question her decision. Watching as their shadows disappeared from view, Guinevere turned back towards the young woman who was now on her own. She watched as Cinderella fell to the ground, and she slowly walked towards her.

                                                                        tab The steps she took were light as the air they breathed, as she quickly made her way to Ella. Guinevere stopped when she was close enough to touch the young woman. She knelt down beside her and tilted her head. "Now, don't tell me you are lost." Her voice was quiet; holding the small dagger in her left hand just in case the woman was willing to try to run. "I always see you with the camp, what, may I ask, brings you into the cold?" She spoke and pursed her lips. One small curl fell into her pure icy blue eyes.

                                                                        tab Guinevere took in Ella's beauty before standing. "There is no time for me to state names, you must come with me." She voice seemed weary now, Guinevere held her pale hand out to her. It would be a matter of time before the small group she traveled with would tell someone of her whereabouts, and wonder why she stayed in the woods alone.

                                                                        OOC ::


kurochitei's Problem

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                                            xxxDRIP DRIP DROP ━ LITTLE APRIL SHOWER β–  β–  β–  β–  β–  β– 
                                            runBEATING A TUNE AS YOU FALL ALL AROUND ! WHAT CAN COMPARE WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUND β†˜ β†˜
                                            runrunβ—ž WHEN THE SKY IS CLOUDYxYOUR PRETTY MUSIC WILL BRIGHTEN THE DAY
                                            run!!β—£ TROUBLES ALWAYS SEEM TO SCATTER ru ( β˜‚ ) ru
                                              rebel group━no onexxxrebel leaders' tent━forestxxxalarmed,focused━healthy

                                              Their situation seemed to shift entirely as David called for them to move west, away from the potential threat of the two converging titans. Maleficent and Charles Montgomery, sometimes referred to as Scar. It left him with chills. Both of these people, along with others who served them, had earned Basil’s spite throughout the four years since his family’s tragic end. To know they were so close was both horrifying and exhilarating – and to know that they had no option other than to evade them was utterly heart-wrenching. He would avenge the people who had suffered at their claws … but not today. Nodding to the initial request to scout ahead and remain wary, he adjusted his leather gloves and exchanged a swift glance with Friend Owl. It hooted, naΓ―ve to the danger that laid ahead. Ah, language barriers. In that moment, Basil wondered how nice it would be to remain blissfully ignorant. The fawn did not fail to notice Ella’s distress either, glimpsing her brief attempt to soothe the prince’s outburst. Belle’s appearance was a small relief, but her fascination with the blue jay made her appear far too sprightly for Basil’s tastes at the moment. He watched as the others slowly dissipated, and found himself following them. He would need to prepare himself before going out again.

                                              Food and some water was his first priority; as a scout, Basil believed that remaining within a reasonable distance of the army was paramount, but the weaving forest and harsh weather would not promise things would go so smoothly. It could be days between revisiting his companions to exchange information – perhaps even longer, as Friend Owl’s flight was far more efficient than his own two feet. He collected dark bread and tough cheese, stowing the ingredients in his pack. The boy was in the process of counting his arrows when approached by David once more. His small ears were blushing from the bitter cold, but that did not stop him from hearing David’s specific orders: to retrieve Belle. Hadn’t she been with them just a moment ago? β€œRight.” He bowed his head quickly, the gesture symbolising his unspoken oath. He’d have to keep the intelligent, albeit sometimes scatterbrained girl out of harm – or at least, that was how she seemed. With the enemy on the prowl so close by, the prospect left his heart hammering.

                                              But how hard could it be? In such a short expanse of time, she couldn’t have moved very far. He stood and strapped his quiver to his waist, catching a swift sighting of Ella nearby. Something seemed slightly off, but the woman was smiling, so he shook off his internal concern and took off into the forest.

                                              It was cold, but moving with speed helped to suppress the icy burn in his limbs. The moss was as slippery as ever, but the soles of his boots at least had some grip to them – unlike the typical rider’s shoe, which was kept smooth to avoid getting caught on stirrups in the case of an emergency. Through ferns and underbrush, across mud and small blotches of ice, and under logs too thick to clamber over; his pursuit of the wise woman was swift and relentless. He knew the forest surrounding the camp like the back of his hand, despite its few indistinguishable features to the untrained eye. How many hours in the past weeks had he spent amidst these trees, shivering away in this steady drizzle? β€œBelle?” he called, gripping onto a tree’s branch as he descended a slope. β€œBelle, where are you?”

kurochitei's Problem

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                QUOTH THE RAVEN; " NEVERMORE. "
                They had arrived back at the camp, and what a welcome sight it was. The weather, much to his chagrin, did not appear as if it would improve at all; but he knew he would survive. A little snow would not slaughter him, especially as he was Maleficent’s right hand and therefore was somewhat entitled to her force’s supplies – particularly a cloak and some food. He remained on his mistress’ shoulder until she dismounted from her horse outside the house she had claimed, and once she was inside, Artyom peered with beady eyes at the tents surrounding them. Together, the legions of the living and the undead intermingled into a single united force. It was awe-inspiring and rewarding to see Maleficent’s power had spread so far, but army’s violent undertones ruined the spectacular image.

                He flew up to the second storey from where he had perched on the ground, using his deft talons to unhinge a shutter and clamber inside. Once on the floorboards, Artyom transformed. Initially, the experience hurt – it was as if strong hands had wrapped around his wings and feet, pulling with the intention to dislocate. Muscles were ripped and relocated; feathers were forced out of his skin to litter the ground beneath him. His ebon beak reduced to a soft human nose, and his jaw developed the teeth trademark to his grins. The shifts between forms never became any easier … but having grown familiar with such magic over the years, he had learned not to complain. With a soft sigh, he observed his surroundings, designated the room as sleeping quarters, and made a hasty exit. It certainly wasn’t his room, and he wasn’t about to scrounge about just to see who’d been drooling into the bed’s pillow.

                Thankfully the conversions did not force him to relinquish his clothes. In his normal human body, without the benefit of his enchanted ring, he had a rugged exterior at best. His thick leather boots creaked and thudded against the floor as he made his way downstairs towards one part of the house he’d claimed his own: the basement. For what was a nicer companion in down time than a bottle of wine? It didn’t take Artyom very long to locate something to drink. Whilst he adroitly removed the cork with the dagger strapped to his waist, he briefly considered hunting Zavael and asking the man how things had gone. At least he wouldn’t sugarcoat things … but the softest, most sultry of calls from above demanded his attention instead. Blinking, the man made his way back up the staircase and towards his mistress’ room. The raven had the foresight to bring the sweet liquid with him, more so for Maleficent’s benefit than his own.

                He found her sitting on the edge of her bed, adorned in a dark dress. Her hair was still somewhat damp, and her skin no doubt radiated the warmth of the bathwater she had just left behind. Even so, as Artyom closed the door behind him, he grasped one of the fae’s fur cloaks that was hanging nearby. β€œAlas, we’d be in quite a pickle if you were to fall ill now,” he teased with a grin, slinging the cape over her slender shoulders as he drifted closer. β€œA running nose hardly suits your poise.” With his charge now wrapped in something warm, he took a small swig from the wine bottle and leant against the wall opposite her. He had to wonder, what had Montgomery said? More importantly, what had Maleficent replied with – and was she satisfied with the results? He bit back his torrent of questions, bright eyes lingering on his mistress’ sharp and beautiful features. If she wanted to relax and forget what had just transpired, then that was what he would assist her with. It was not Artyom’s place to dredge up undesired worries just now.

                But in a few hours, after a nap? Oh, certainly. He was patient, but he did expect information. β€œβ€¦ oh.” He raised the bottle. β€œWould you like some?” The smile that followed was teasing, because he knew she would be expecting a glass with his offer. Well, that only slowed down the process of having a good time, didn’t it?

Invisible Genius

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        β€œA girl should be two things: who and what she wants.”
        ― Coco Chanel

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                                        Deep into the woods, amidst a surrounding of wild thickets and brush, a small song escaped the pale girl's lips. "O! Sweet is the sound of falling rain,
                                        and the brook that leaps from hill to plain;
                                        but better than rain or rippling streams
                                        is Water Hot that smokes and steams."

                                        Belle sighed deeply. The mere thought of a warm bath seeped down into her skin and chilled her bones. Her coat was warm and soft, as were her gloves, but even still the cold nipped at her nose and bit her ears raw. It was to cold to sweat but they are all no less dirty. The rebellion camp smelled- they all did. If Belle didn't have more pressing matters at hand she would try to construct some dry soaps for everyone. The crude conditions of constant winter wandering simply wasn't healthy, and it helped to keep the morals low. She was well aware not everyone held the ability to wear a constant smile. Belle kept her spirits high more as a necessity than anything else. She had felt pain before. Unbelievable, excruciating pain so dark and terrible it almost ate her whole. She had lost everything dear to her. Her beautiful house and precious family; her entire town was utterly and mercilessly decimated by those dreaded, heartless monsters. At that time Belle was not only lost for the first time in her life, but miserable as well. Other than those few days she had never lacked a smile- never gone an hour without looking up at the sun or sky and realizing how bright even the darkest times could be. A small bit of the true Belle died that day, and she would never feel completely whole again. It was a situation where there simply was no bright side.

                                        Belle never wanted anyone to go through what she had again. In the rebellion, everyone was homeless and fighting. It took weeks for Belle to find her smile again. Weeks of solitude and surviving alone in the wilderness, with no company but her bow, her thoughts, and the forest animals. Those who never met her before would think nothing of it, but an unhappy, let alone devastated Belle, was a terrifying sight to behold. When she found the rebellion, Belle had regained most of her sparkling, glimmering personality, although there was still something missing. Belle found herself smiling more for the other trodden people than for herself. She was such a great actor, she even convinced herself. She was happy, she was smiling genuinely, but never as brightly as before. That's why she belonged in the Rebellion. Everyone there had suffered.
                                        Not that many would notice. Her positive attitude was so powerful, so if you didn't know her before the world turned dark, you wouldn't realize jus how much brightness she had lost.

                                        If it wasn't winter then maybe Belle could squish together bundles of flowers in an attempt at perfume for everyone. But it wasn't spring or summer- all the pleasant smelling flowers had long since withered, and besides, there were far more pressing matters.
                                        Food. It wasn't just the flowers that wilted and rotted.
                                        Belle had spent tireless hours out in these woods, before or after her paroles, gathering as much food as she could find. There were winter plants that were both edible and nutritious, but finding them was laboring work. However...
                                        "Alfred! You are simply wonderful!" Belle had known people would doubt the little Blue Jay. It was to be expected, but he was good for a great many things other than his adorable company. After all, blue jays are simply infatuated with acorns.

                                        Alfred flew high and low, while Belle swiftly followed, dragging with her a large basket on wheels. It was beyond exhausting to maneuver it through the slush and knotted grounds, but Belle didn't complain. She hardly ever did. Rather, she laughed brightly, because these acorns were an amazing find. They would serve as so much help.

                                        The basket was already half full of the dry nuts. Buried deep in the snow or aloft high in the trees, by herself Belle would never have managed to find so many. But Alfred had his ways, and already seven enormous collections of the treasures were sniffed out by him. Squirrels often kept them in hoards and then usually forgot about them. All the better for her.

                                        Alfred chirped and Belle rushed forth. She met him flying towards her, a makeshift fabric pocket tied to his stomach. It was filled with several acorns, which he dumped into the basket. He then flew off again, but slower this time, and Belle hurried to follow him.

                                        The bird landed on a tree branch high above the ground. Belle positioned the enormous basket directly underneath and jumped for the lowest hanging branch. With skills learned from months of solitude surviving in the woods, Belle climbed up the tree in record time and soon sat beside her little blue friend. The tree branch was thick and strong, and riddled with holes that served as acorn pockets. Before the winter season squirrels must have stuffed the tree flowing, for it was their largest find yet.

                                        "Belle where are you?"
                                        Belle perked her head up at the noise. She had spent the past few minutes digging the acorns out of the tree branch- and the trunk as well, she discovered. "Basil?" she called out. Belle had an easy time distinguishing individual voices, much like the bird calls of different species. "Basil! I'm here!" She called out.

                                        In the few moments it took for Basil to find them, Belle had finished with the tree. She held one last handful of the nuts in her hand, and the basket down bellow was almost two thirds full. Isn't it marvelous?" She called down to him. "Not many know it, but not only are they edible, but incredibly nutritious as well!" She threw down the last bundle and slowly made her way down the tree. Her boot slipped several times on the frost, but she made it to the ground all in one piece. "They're not particularly tasty, but you couldn't ask for anything better in such harsh winter weather."

                                        She held out her hand and Alfred came flying down, perching atom her two extended fingers. Belle brought the bird close and snuggled his warm face. "Without him I never would have found so much. It's still not nearly enough for the entire camp, but with Alfred's held finding more won't be difficult at all!"

                                        She looked at the young boy then, and her happy features settled slightly. "Are you alright? Did something happen?" She straightened and reached back for her bow. Her fingers brushed against the fine wood, and the weapon's presence served as a comfort. It was one of the only pieces of her home Belle had left.

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      OOC:βŒ‹ So without Peter Pan I just changed it. Belle was gathering for food, not poisons. xD Also edited a bit. Wow this ended up being really long xD sorry!

      ⊱ ⌈LocationβŒ‹ A ways off from the Rebellion's campsite (in the woods) tab ⌈CompanyβŒ‹ Basil, Alfred the bird tab ⌈ThoughtsβŒ‹ We mustn't go hungry tab ⌈HealthβŒ‹ 100%- cold⊰

      style by Kitty Kat Rosetta


A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
I'm riding up the heights of shame.

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His Majesty King Arthur Pendragon. BRAND Long Live the King!

          xoxoThings seemed to move with an odd measure of slowness and quickness in turns. For a moment, he was on the cold ground, feeling a chill in his skin that existed far past the snow that outlined his imprint. What warmth he had begun to experience was beginning to fade and the pain in his chest was at times negligible, but other times consuming. Though he struggled with it, those moments of relief were accented by moments of numbness not so unfamiliar to an undead person. It was during one of these lapses when fierce hands seized him and pulled him upward, only to release him backward into some nearby solid force. Not at all sure of what surrounded him any more, Brand felt his head loll to one side as he attempted to open his eyes once more. Instinct told him that he needed his sword and shield to defend himself, but he could hardly lift his arms to reach for either. When he could at least focus his senses on what was happening before him, something told him he should not anyway. A mixture of memories between a girl in the forest, a girl beside his favorite cousin, and the woman before him now seemed to all hold him back. Before she had even spoken, he was looking at her with a kind of understanding that had not been there before. His body sagged lamely against the tree.

          xoxoThe words she spoke through those moments and what followed did not affect him right away, but rested on the surface of his mind, sinking under individually so that his mind could attempt to process them. Wedding recalled images of a great room he had stood within once - or was it more? - to observe the unity of two great friends. Phillip had been so concerned for so long over it. Aurora had seemed so calm. So knowing. It had been all elation and fulfillment. In that context, abandon stung horribly. What she meant by it, he could not comprehend, but she obviously felt the kind of pain that came from such a terrible experience. He cringed. The pummeling that followed had him doubling over in an attempt to defend himself, but to no avail. She had always had a sharp eye for weak points, whether she exploited them or not. His body was reawakening again and that came with it’s own burdens, but somehow his mind was still on what she said and not what she did. Had he followed her? Where was Phillip? What was happening? Had it not been mid-Spring when the battle took place? Why was there snow? His mind was shifting quickly and he found himself grasping at straws as he tried to make sense of anything she said. What had happened between them? On such a bitter, sad note, he was released from his punishment. He began to register the pain, both recent and past. He sank to his knees before Aurora then, head nearly hitting the ground. His vision blurred and focused awkwardly as blood hit the disturbed snow beneath him.

          xoxoTime disappeared as he closed his eyes. His body tensed as the pain in his chest surged back into existence. Putting a hand to the affected area, he tried to pull away at the thick cloth of his tunic, which was beginning to release a nauseating smell. Too much at once. It was impossible to keep his mind on anything. He began to shake as his body tried desperately to make everything work again but with limited success. A vague awareness that he was producing ragged breaths came to him, but he missed the fits of coughing that came with it. Something slipped from his throat onto the ground, and that he felt, but by the time he could think to open his eyes and investigate, he was being drawn up again by the same small but strong figure as before. Blearily he turned his gaze toward Rose as she began to move, supporting his weight with hers. His feet moved mechanically, one placed down in front of the other. Was this obedience now, or instinct? Letting his head sag back forward, he tried not to think. His stomach turned instead.

          xoxo”I am… sorry… Rose.”

              β€£ Location: The Forest
              β€£ Company: Aurora
              β€£ Commentary: Drama drama drama.

I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
I'm ready for the fight and fate.

    β–ˆοΏ€β›Ella Charming ! 》 β–²:c i n d e r ( β™• οΌ‰g i r l

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        step up or move out you've got to decide


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        Due to her meditative state, Ella didn't realize anyone was near her until a voice took her back to reality. As she opened her eyes she didnt look up and stared at the ground. "Lost? Oh no. I know how to get back to camp if I need to." The stranger's choice in words didn't let on that anything was out of the ordinary. With all the people in the camp, the blonde could place a name to face, and knew all of the faces in the camp. Voices were a different story. Only a few voices actually were rememberable. It was nothing rude, it was just that there were many people in the camp.

        The curious voice then asked what brought her to the cold. A small chuckle escaped her lips. "Sometimes it's refreshing. But I didn't realize how cold it was until now." Ella shook her head slightly as she stared at the ground. It would be odd to tell the stranger the true reason as to why she was out on her own in the forest. If anyone saw her now, they'd probably be shocked or mad. The blonde was always very calm and collected and didn't let things bother her, well at least physically. Being out in the woods alone and out of sight like this could also irritate a few people out there who believed you shouldn't stray too far.

        Looking up at the person in front of her, she was surprised at who it was. Shenzi. The woman was loyal to the enemy. Seeing her eyes up close was new though. They were so bright and piercing. As one of the girl's dark strands of hair fell into her face, Ella was tempted to brush it back. The blonde even started to move her hand to do so. Catching herself, she bit her lip and looked down as she brought her hand back.

        As the dark haired girl stood up, Ella then noticed the dagger in the other female's hand. Standing up, she took a step back. "Why should I trust the person with a knife?" Thoughts started to swarm in the blonde's mind. Part of her wanted to follow for two reasons. One to follow the beautiful woman and two to see if she could get any information. The reasonable part of her brain knew she should run the other way. What would Phillip think? Thoughts like these overwhelmed the girl.

        Just as she was about to go the other way, she began to hear footsteps and voices coming closer. A look compared to a deer in headlights, appeared on her face. Looking back at Shenzi, Ella had a now calm face. "Ok." As she agreed, Ella took the other female's hand. Her heart started to race out of fear and her head was screaming at her, calling her an idiot. There still was a little voice saying 'Why not?' The blonde shivered slightly as the cold started to set in. The main hope was along the way she could figure out important details. The only other thing pulling at her is what would those back at camp think.



        Slight edit

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