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Ice-Cold Visionary

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▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀XXXXXXXXXXXXRobin of Loxley

              The trudge down the stone steps had felt heavier than it normally did. With each heavy step, he felt the guilt of his past mistakes. It lingered in his mind and he could feel the weight of it. It had been so long since he saw the world outside. That monster, she made him this way. Gnashing his teeth, his eyes darted around and felt his legs forcefully moving down the corridor. Blood and a black bile followed in his wake. He had been standing in place too long. He couldn't remember how he died, but he had the marks to prove it had happened. A huge gash across his throat and cut across the gut told the story. He supposed he should be grateful he wasn't hung, drawn and quartered like some of the others. Was it revenge he was seeking or someone to avenge him? Trudging forward, he had no control over himself and his voice spoke out to the undead monsters around him. "Bring the tar to the front gate. If they should charge, we will pour it over them." This killing wasn't justified and there was nothing he could do to stop it. How could he have lost to that man? How could that woman have cursed him? Now, he was the figure head to this slaughter. The other undead creatures understood, even though none of them were at liberty to say it. It was a light past the blood red eyes that told him so.

              The fuzzy memories of his last day alive terrified him. He didn't remember much of the torture, but instead of what he left behind. Marion, what could have happened to her? There were so many promises he made before he died. Was that the fate of the dead? A curse of guilt and sadness? Each moment I watch for my vengeance to unfold. Someday, opportunity will allow me. Someday the spell will break and I will help return the birthright he has stolen. Walking through the groups of men, he made his way to the castle and headed towards Isabella's room. He was given specific instructions and was going to fulfill them. Thus far, the enemy had not attacked head on. It was a smart move on their part. Checking on the guests within the castle, he stopped upon his mistresses room. Stepping inside, he strode towards a huge mirror on the wall across from her bed. Stepping in front of the mirror, he felt silly speaking to his own reflection. "They wait." Looking at the mirror for some sign, he then stepped away and walked towards the door. Robin knew very little of magic, and how these mirrors did anything baffled him. Perhaps it was just the woman's vanity. He knew women often stared at themselves in the looking glass, but it seemed otherwise unremarkable. What Robin could not see was a sad face looking back at him through the reflection.

              Turning away, he left the room and walked further to the King's room. They both had four rooms between the both of them, a dressing room for each and a bedroom for each. Headed to the dressing room, he began to set out the King's armor. It was his only instruction from the man, other than to make sure the rebellion were dealt with if they made a move. He distinctly remembered the threat as ”I will kill you all over again, in the most horrible way imaginable” Stepping into the dressing room, he headed towards one of the larger wardrobes. This was made specifically for Charles armor. Taking out the pieces, he set it carefully on the couch. Going over everything, he pulled out the helmet last and admired the craftsmanship. Looking around, Robin noticed the Queen had also put a mirror in this room. It was larger than the one in her room and he walked towards it. Touching the smooth glass, Robin stared painfully at his reflection. It was said the queen could use mirrors to go to other worlds. He wondered if something like that could be true. Running a hand absentmindedly over his head, he smoothed out the blood matted hair. Even if he found Marian, he would never want her to see him like this. No, not like this. Stepping away, he left the King's dressing room and would continue preparations for battle.

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      Seated quietly in front of the mirror, Merlin was staring back at him and turned his head to the door. How long had he been there? There was no sense in knowing time anymore. All time was the same as no time at all. Peering out, his searching eyes were looking for Brand. He would find the boy, if it was the last thing he ever did. To this day, his only companion had been the Queen and she very rarely wanted to look through the glass at him. There was no pity, nor compassion in her eyes for the dieing man. The girl was advantageous, he would give her that. Folding his hands, he tugged his cloak closer and touched the side of his face. It was not a face he recognized anymore. It was only a matter of time before he was nothing more than a reflection himself. Looking out at the room, he could almost feel Brand. That boy was his ticket out of here, but where was he? He was beyond the sight of the magic mirror. That was curious indeed. Looking into the dressing room now, he stared up at the large oak chests filled with clothing and the many mirrors. He would not lose heart, he could not be locked in here forever. Closing his eyes, the mirror looked down again and could see Isabella in his hand mirror. She was up to something.... But, the mirror was dark. It was something she didn't want him to see.


Tipsy Detective

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    ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ A u r o r axxxxxR o s exxxxxM o n t e g u e

          We b u r i e d our love in the wintery grave
          tab A lump in the s n o w was all that r e m a i n e d
          tab tab We stayed by its side as the days turned to w e e k s
          tab tab tab And the ice kept getting t h i n n e r with every word we'd speak

                                                                I wonder, I wonder"I always hated the winter. It made the forest so dreary...The coldness, the stillness. Every year it reminds me of that void, which in turn makes me think of you." Aurora spoke in an even tone, staring down at the gold wedding band on her right hand. Etchings of the mountains and forests were carved into the gold, reminding Aurora of her entire life all at once. Flashbacks flickered in her mind. All those sleepless nights, Phillip's death at the hand of Charles, and the death of her own son. The woman put a hand to her stomach, remembering the feeling of those little kicks, and remembering the sadness when they stopped. She'd known somewhere in her heart that things weren't going to end well. Her life with Phillip had been too good to be true, it was no surprise that there was heartache there. Her body shifted gently in rhythm with the footsteps of her horse. Aurora had chosen to hang back a ways, knowing full well that Maleficent would be meeting with Charles...and thought Aurora had no game plan in regards to that demon, she knew very well that she wouldn't be able to sit there and tolerate him...at least not right now.

                                                                She remembered that look on Phillip's face before he died. Aurora shook her head gently, closing her eyes for a few seconds. The Princess wanted revenge more than anything. It was a darkness that filled her heart, and she ached to satisfy it. Charles needed to pay, but Aurora doubted she would be able to accomplish something so easily. It would have to be done carefully, and lately Aurora had been so brash...She needed to get a good plan together. Perhaps her dearest friend would be able to help her out. Aurora thought of Zavael, the only person she truly considered a friend. Perhaps he would assist her...He always seemed to help Aurora out with things, and the woman just assumed it was because he was fond of her, but truthfully there were other reasons for his tolerance. Whatever the reason, it was nice to have someone to count on...but something like killing Charles....She pursed her lips, unsure if anyone would assist her with that. Oh well. Maybe she didn't need anybody at all. She just needed to think.

                                                                Aurora peered out to the road, the rest of the convoy barely visible. In the distance she could see the crossing, but it looked hazy in the grey light of winter. She adjusted her gloved hands on the reins. She wore a dark grey cloak, hood pulled up over her head. Her sunshine locks spilled out from the hood, waves cascading down over her chest. Her bow and quiver were mounted on her back, arrows adorned with simple but distinguishing features to mark which ones were poisoned and which ones weren't. A long sleeved cream colored top was tucked into a pair of dark pants, and a pair of knee high boots did their job of keeping her feet warm and dry. The clothes were not the lush royal gowns she had grown use to during her time with Phillip, but they felt more natural to Aurora. She had grown up a peasant in the woods, usually running around barefoot...and though she was filled with anger and hate she felt closer to her true self now than she had in years.

                                                                Pulling herself from her thoughts, Aurora focused on the figure of a man. Hair so bright and his clothes so bloodstained, it was quite the contrast, but such was the life of someone in the undead forces. He shambled along, running away from the road. Aurora frowned and knitted her brows together before speeding after him. The sound of her horse's hooves was clear in the crisp silence, and it didn't take long for Rose to pass the soldier. She cut sideway and made an abrupt stop, her horse neighing with the motion. In a swift motion she pulled an arrow out and readied it on her bow. Aurora aimed to the other blonde. "Stop." She commanded. Maleficent would be pissed if he got away, and since Aurora was around...well, she may as well stay in the Evil Mistress' good graces. Aurora's bright blue eyes finally met the face of the male before her---something clicked. That hair, that face. Aurora knew this man...from some time ago. He was familiar enough, but she couldn't recall his name. Aurora clenched her jaw and looked away from him hastily, casting her eyes out to the dead forest filled with snow...
                                                                "There's nothing out there. Nowhere for you to go." Aurora lowered her weapon as the breeze picked up. It toyed with the strands of gold, tossing them about. She stared hard at Brand for another moment, unsure of what to do.

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        Location: Side of the road
        Company: Brand
        Health: 100%


A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
I'm riding up the heights of shame.

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His Majesty King Arthur Pendragon. BRAND Long Live the King!

          xoxoThe cold toyed with his mind, teasing at memories of snow and chill but giving no true explanation. Thoughts came and went like the attentions of a faerie, there one moment but gone the next. He stared into the haze, aware of a dark line forming on the horizon, separating gray clouds from white fields ahead. Dead hands, reaching skyward. Trees. Damp bark. Somehow, that was familiar to him too. So many trees, but which had the arrow? How far did he have to go? If it took too long, they might leave him… Who? What? His head swam, pulling him to a near thought as the world turned by ninety degrees. He very nearly fell onto his left side then, with his memories escaping and his control waning. Already the call of the undead was tugging him back toward the road, up which he would find the rest of his kind. Sounds hardly registered as he struggled to catch his balance. The visual cues helped.

          xoxoA horse rushed about, thundering hooves muffled by the pillowy snow. Still, the sound split the silence in the places where the hooves landed, creating a rumbling staccato at the speed of a quick dance. For a moment, he tensed. These proceedings had never quite been his forte, but oh, how she had made it so easy… Her face graced his vision for just a moment, all dark features and eyes like a thunderstorm. It hurt him to remember. His head dipped low, like a child trying desperately to stave off sleep. Then there was a voice. Commanding. Feminine. Like stone. Looking up with one eye, then the other, Brand looked upon the face of a woman he knew he should follow. Though under the current general, she still held far more power than he ever could. Her name escaped him, but then again foot soldiers could not be expected to remember important details - especially those who had no memory to hold onto. But the more he looked at her, the more he could envision those trees and that arrow. That blonde hair, those smart eyes. Thorns. Briars, actually. Like those of a flower.

          xoxo”…Rose,” his voice came out a low croak, noting just how often he had ever used his voice before now. His eyes fell to the snow once more, lids flickering wildly as some small part of him attempted to hold on. As quickly as he could recall the girl in the forest with three aunts and a true love to find, she was gone again, buried somewhere among the ruins of his mind. His head began to burn and compress as visions and words he must have spoken shifted about with no real order. When he regained himself, he looked to her again, this time paying attention to the arrow that was steadily trained upon him. He felt no fear for the weapon, knowing on instinct above all else that he could not be taken down by any single shot, but he was at her mercy all the same. There were alarms going off in his head, clanging bells that told him to stand down. To obey. Slowly, awkwardly, he sank to one knee in the snow and lowered his head. He would give her no trouble.

              Location: Snowy Roadside
              Company: Aurora
              Commentary: N/A

I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
I'm ready for the fight and fate.

Dapper Lunatic

12,250 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
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"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it."

xxxxxxxxxPeter Panxxxxxxxxx
The Neverageing King of Neverland

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                                          Peter's face twisted to a puppy-eyed pout as Basil began to repremand him, but as with everything he did, he was soon off onto other emotions like abivilance as he rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle, "Aw, come on. They started it. If they didn't want their bridges burned they shouldn't have bothered with the rat. Besides, they're not fighters, they're suppliers. If I need suppliers I can talk to the fairies." he leaned all the way down, resting the centers of his feet upon the edge of the table with his knees close to his chest as his hands began to finger around his own clothing for loose strings to yank at, or hairs to remove. He practically tuned-out Basil's "parent voice" until it suddenly changed to something sounding close to scheming. Peter's mood perked up and his large, devilish grin grew across his face, "And here I thought I was going to have to start lumping you in with 'eternal grump-face-McPhillip'."

                                          Peter thought for a second, imaging the labor and the work that went into the concoction, "I have a bit left, but I can make more easily enough. If we want more than just a few bags I can probably get the kids at home to help make them in Neverland. If anything, they'll try and improve upon them." Peter crossed his legs and rested his elbow on them, propping his face up, "I have maybe 4 bags left of the original, but I'm sure we can have a bit more by the time we're done with the village and ready to move on to bigger buildings."

                                          Almost immediately, the conversation switched to planning as a woman with dark hair entered the tent and spoke up. Phillip, of course, also spoke of their plans and at the mention of Maleficent, Pan stopped considering his itchy-smell-bombs and seemed to draw upon an emotion not commonly seen on the boy's face--seriousness. He feared Maleficent, because she was not someone he was used to seeing. She was scary looking and not like any of the fairies he had come to know, but something else--a monster lying in wait under the bed. "It wasn't a joke, it was retribution." he said, with a bit of poison dripping from the words, not willing to take criticism for something he found to all be in good fun. Basil got a pass because of his age, but hardly anyone else was allowed one. "Though I agree. I've had my forces gathered for some time and they're starting to get a bit bored, and the same is happening with your men. That, and a battle would probably work out the problems between the Neverlanders and your forces. If anything they'll stop picking on the kids and Indians and my people will stop trying to entertain themselves. Needless to say, the main sport is teasing adults when there's nothing else to be done."

                                          Pan's good mood was slowly attempting to make a comeback, but was halted when Simba walked into the tent and began to talk about his own plans for the assault.In an attempt to reclaim his lost humor, Peter let out a laugh, "If you didn't want to start in the winter, we could have stayed away until spring. Unfortunately, you've already dragged everyone out here, so we might as well make use of it." Peter knew he had heard Phillip complain a few times about the seasons during their casual conversations, "Either way, we need to do something. Sitting around here for too long and being too hesitant is what is going to kill us, if the rest doesn't. As much as you want to wait, we don't have unlimited supplies available because it's winter, and the forces need to get inside before it starts to snow all over everything. Movement of any sort needs to happen. Villages have--what? 500 people average? The city probably has 10 thousand, not all of them fighters. Across the various armies that have come together, I'd say we have quite a bit more. The village itself will be easy, especially if we proceed the attack with Basil's people and my lost boys. Ambush them, then call in the rest of the soldiers as a clean-up crew when someone finally trips an alarm."

                                          Peter sighed, scratching his head in thought as he looked down, curiously at Tinkerbell and suddenly had an idea, "One of the main tactics for siege is starvation, right?" he said, looking back up the rest of them, "I remember some stories of battles that Michael and Jon would re-enact. They liked to imitate them off of real battles and I enjoyed listening to the stories" Peter's face scrunched up again in concentration as he considered their situation and how to make a siege shorter. Notoriously, they were long and drawn-out endeavors. "We could try poisioning the supply carts they get in before we attack. Something slow-working and that lasts a while. Then, as they obtain a new shipment we can put something a bit stronger in their system and make it appear as if the sickness they were feeling was leading up to that. Half of them are going to be sick anyway with colds, so if the symptoms are similar enough we could bluff them all that we've been poisoning their carts for a week or more."

                                          Peter thought for a moment, allowing the information to sink in, "We take the village, but inevitably someone will get loose and blab to the city. We surround the area and allow no exit nor entry." he sighed, "That guy, plus a few spies that we can place around inside, can spread the rumor that the food is poisoned. Our spies can actually poison it, or just help prevent people from eating." he scratched his head again, "from there, the fastest way is to attack. With any luck one part will be poisoned, the other part starved, and a third or less will actually be in good fighting condition."

                                          The red-headed boy-king wasn't entirely sure about the reality of the tactics, or how much time they had, but they needed to start doing something rather than nothing, "If nothing else, start the poisioning or sending them diseased animals. We can at least wipe out some of their forces, even if we find out that we don't quite have the time to finish the plan. Best-case scenario: we depart and Maleficent comes in with her men and gets them infected as well."

High-functioning Lover

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Charles was the first to speak. That was to be expected. What was no expected were the words that eventually came from his lips.

"But what of Hades?"

"Isabella knows a way to bring him back.”

As the words hit her ears her facial expression did not change. It was almost as if her stance said for her "And.....what of him?" Of course, everyone knew how important Hades had been to her. Maybe, they knew too well of how important Hades had been to her. It was obvious by the fact she hadn't burst out into her usual laughter that she was taking their words very seriously. She was listening. There was a brief silence until Isabella began to speak. Addressing the very question that had immediately popped into Maleficent's mind. "How?"

It would seem that even this little Queen had some tricks up her sleeve. Seeing the mirror she possessed and the countless wandering souls within it Maleficent was at least convinced on the surface that they seemed confident that they could bring Hades back from wherever he had gone off too. Her heart ached for her lover lost. After all he was a love she had never experienced in her life. A love she did not think she'd ever find again. At this point she had resigned herself to picking a King she'd enjoy sleeping with and nothing more or less. There would never be a man who met her standards the way Hades had. When Isabella put the mirror away she realized it was now officially her turn to speak. Everyone was awaiting her reply, her reaction, her anything.

Allowing the bitter cold and the silence to linger for awhile longer Maleficent finally spoke," You claim....that you will return to me.....that you bring back to me...Hades." She began making sure to clarify that what they had said was true. "However, it'll be weeks before he comes back. Maybe it would be best if I swore to you my aid and only provide it once I can see him before me. After all I have no way of knowing whether or not the lovely Queen will fail in her attempt to use blood magic to find someone like Hades. He is no ordinary human after all. There is nothing ordinary about Hades. It would lead me to believe that it would take no ordinary amount of blood magic to bring him back. Surely, you see my concern in accepting such a deal." Shaking her head she turned her head back to her awaiting army looking rather disappointed. Not in their offer but more in herself that she had even believed for a second that they would be successful in their promise.

It was then that Maleficent's very famous smile appeared on her face. Her head slowly turned back to face them,"Maybe if I had something....someone to be in my services until the Queen has fulfilled her promise...I would be more willing to accept your offer. If the Queen is successful I return said...something....someone back to you once Hades has returned, but in the event the Queen fails....I keep said something....someone." She spread her arms out slightly in a welcoming manner and continued,"That seems more than fair don't you think? Surely you don't expect me to wait weeks for my reward that may never come. After all the dear Queen might very well lose her life trying to bring my dearest back. I couldn't possible risk the lives of my army for a reward that may or may not come." Taking one step forward Maleficent then leaned against her staff...no she more draped herself along it the curves of her body becoming more apparent in her new poss,"Come now. It must be something....someone interesting though. It would be a shame if I grew bored of them. We can't have that." So now the ball was back in their court. If they agreed to her terms they now had to think of something....someone that Maleficent would be willing to accept and stay entertained by up to Hades' return.

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Tipsy Detective

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    ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ A u r o r axxxxxR o s exxxxxM o n t e g u e

          We b u r i e d our love in the wintery grave
          tab A lump in the s n o w was all that r e m a i n e d
          tab tab We stayed by its side as the days turned to w e e k s
          tab tab tab And the ice kept getting t h i n n e r with every word we'd speak

                                                                I wonder, I wonder"...Rose."

                                                                Aurora flinched, eyes snapping back down to the male figure. She hadn't been called that name in a long, long while. Since before she met Phillip actually. It drudged up all the happy memories, which she hated. Those happy memories only made her sad. It was better to remember the bad times. It helped fuel her quest for revenge, though it was undoubtedly unhealthy to focus on such things. Flora, Fauna, Merryweather...Aurora's time in the forest had been happy despite its simplicity...or perhaps it was a happier time because of its simplicity. And as she stared down at the man from her mount the realization slowly dawned on her. It wasn't uncommon for the Princess to run across people in the forests, in fact it still happened from time to time. But she knew her recognition was not feigned. It had been years, nearly ten if she remembered correctly, since she'd first run across the blonde man in the woods. A chance encounter, and a very brief one. They'd spoken, exchanged names, and that was that. Later that year she'd met Phillip and then pricked her finger and fallen into that dark slumber. The man kneeled, and Aurora cautiously put away her arrow and dismounted her horse. Her boots crunched the snow, and with her free hand she reached up to pull her hood back. Bow still in hand, Aurora knelt down on the cold ground. She leaned forward slightly, getting a better peek at the man's dirty face. The man smelled of death, but that was besides the point. This was a man she knew. A man by the name of Arthur, and he was so devoid of life---Aurora knew he was undead, but the look in his eyes was just so dull and horrid that it caused her empathy to rise.

                                                                "I know you..." Aurora cooed. The woman paused, fingers gripping around her recurve bow. Her horse huffed and shook its head in the background, and Aurora did not fear that it would leave her. She had some sort of animal magnetism and it had always been that way...it made her feel a little bad about hunting actually, but Aurora had to eat didn't she? Besides, she'd never lured an animal just to turn around and kill it: that would just be heartless.
                                                                "I know you." She repeated, looking down at his hands, bandaged and bloody. Aurora inspected his eyes again. Obviously there had been some flicker of life when he spoke her name, but he was rather empty now. It would make sense that he wasn't all right in the head now. He was undead after all. Aurora shut her eyes for a moment, thinking back to when they met, and though she remembered his face she couldn't remember every detail. How had they come across one another? Aurora likely had been singing---that was often how she attracted people. That voice, like a sirens call, was enticing and sweet. Enough beauty within it to draw out curious listeners be they human or otherwise. She opened her eyes, deep blue's staring at the face of a man she'd known before death. "Your name is Arthur." She said calmly. "Or..Was. Though I doubt that's what you're called now." There was no telling if the man was even listening to her, as he didn't show any immediate signs of response.

                                                                Rose took a breath and grasped the hem of her cloak from the snow. She brought the fabric up to Brand's face and wiped some of the mud and grime away from his skin. Her movements and pressure were gentle, so not to harm him or upset him. "I wonder...I wonder. I wonder why each little bird has a someone..." Aurora sang to him in a low tone, not wanting to draw too much attention. Still, a pair of cardinals appeared quickly on a nearby branch and chirped as if they were responding. The blonde glanced to them, but paid them no further attention.
                                                                Aurora stood and mounted her bow on her back again. Hood still down, a few snowflakes fluttered down and nested in her golden hair. One of the cardinals zipped over to the blonde and with a sigh she lifted her hand and allowed the creature to perch on her index finger. "Yes, hello." Aurora said quietly. She moved her finger slightly, and the bird flew away with his companion. The curvaceous woman set her attention back on Arthur, blue eyes intently taking in his figure as she decided what to do. "On your feet." Aurora said sternly, seeing as he'd at least obeyed her before. Her own rank was a bit...iffy. Aurora didn't know exactly where she was placed on the totem pole, but she spent a good deal of time with Maleficent---even after that damn sleeping curse. But both of the women had lost someone they cared about, and that somehow brought them closer. Of course, they had their differences...but for now being her servant wasn't too terrible, and it helped her get closer to her end goal.

                                                                "We need to get back on the road. Won't do any good if you freeze solid out here." Aurora shifted and held the horses reins in her hands. She began walking back towards the road, motioning for Brand to follow her. Aurora was prepared, however, to mount her horse and speed after the man if he made a sign of trying to leave again.

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        Location: Side of the road
        Company: Brand
        Health: 100%


A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
I'm riding up the heights of shame.

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His Majesty King Arthur Pendragon. BRAND Long Live the King!

          xoxoMoisture seeped into already damp and dirty clothes as snow pressed up against his body, stealing what little warmth he had left. His eyes were locked on the ground below, consciousness disappearing under the knowledge that he was in the presence of someone who was at least in a position to issue commands. The single word he had spoken only moments before vanished without a trace, falling to the silence of the frozen landscape around them. His head began to empty out like a bottle with a leak at the bottom. Faces and actions lost meaning. The trees and their long dark shadows, the bright feathers of arrows, the curve of a sweet and delicate face, all broke apart and became nothing once again. Percussion tapped out by footsteps crunching snow had his attention in the barest sense. He was being approached. In small ways, he tensed, ready for a command or retribution for breaking apart from the company. He understood at least that much. Instead, she drew near and the warmth from her form could be felt on his ice cold face.

          xoxoThe first words she spoke came after a long pause, observing a motionless and bleak countenance. Her voice could not have had less effect if they had fallen on the ears of a deaf child. There was a weight to them that made his head feel as though it were being constricted by iron. There was a name she spoke that he somehow recognized as his own, but he did not respond to it, for though it felt regular to be named such he could not find the oddness in knowing what his name was now in comparison. Perhaps it was that he would identify with any name his perceived betters gave him. So long as he was completing a direct order, did a name matter? The breath she took in disrupted the air, but was not stolen. With no need to breathe, the soldier felt no loss. Then came the strangest moment in his waking hours. Something touched his skin. It was not the brutal, staggering blow of a battle. It was not the awkward bumping that occasionally took place between two of the wandering undead. Again he felt no cold, nor the warmth that came from the shape of the woman before him. Only the dull pain in his head and the soft weight of the wiping motion registered. Then she began to sing, and somehow he could look at her.

          xoxoJust as he lifted his gaze, Rose had her attention stolen away by a pair of red birds. It appeared as though she could communicate with them on some level, oddly. The moment passed quickly. Whatever she had momentarily conjured of his mind disappeared as she issued a command. He rose to his full height slowly as she began to lead the way back to the road. He dragged his feet through the snow as he turned and followed, steps behind as his body fought the effects of the cold. He forgot the labor of it, as well as most of the confusion before. Only faint notes lasted, stashed away for another time. Before long, he was fully functional again. His body was upright and his movements were strong and steady like a soldier should be. He stayed paces behind not from weakness but out of respect for a higher position than his own. The dark circles under his eyes and the shadow of thick eyebrows amplified the resolute set of his chin. He was Brand again in no time at all.

              Location: Countryside Road
              Company: Aurora
              Commentary: N/A

I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
I'm ready for the fight and fate.

Ice-Cold Visionary

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              ▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 ▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎▎

                                              Her stare never wavered from Maleficent. Leering, her blue eyes studied the woman and felt a strange understanding. They were not so different. She feint indifference to what happened with Hades. It was a lie that anyone could easily see through. But, it made her consider what she would do in order to bring Charles back. As much as she didn't want to admit it.... She would have turned the world upside down for Charles. She would have murdered children, tortured rulers and become a Queen so dreaded the world would shake. ”If I should fail.” Isabella felt herself laugh out loud and placed her hand over her lips. She did promise to be cordial to the wretched woman. Glancing at Charles, she suppressed a smile. Waiting, she let the mistress of all evil finish her train of thought. ”I will not fail. Hades will take a great deal of blood, that is true. He will take some very unique blood, that is also true. But, why should you assume Charles or I unfamiliar with that sort of bloodshed. Right now, standing at our borders is the answer to that problem. The rebellion is by no means scant of very unique and magical beings. We kill them all, we bring him back, and perhaps we can get a wedding invitation.”

                                              Her demands to have something or someone made Isabella wince. Sighing, she pursed her lips and glanced to Charles. What or whom were they going to send? She wouldn't want the decaying, bloody mass that was Robin. Perhaps, she wanted someone a little more special. Someone a little more important....Grinding her teeth behind her lips, she finally looked back at her. ”I can give you Merlin, if you would have him. He can find anyone you wish with the exception of the dead. I dare not coax him to do more than that right now.” She didn't like the idea of giving her Merlin. At least, not until she had shattered his mind. The most powerful wizard in the world belonged to her and no one else. But, there were few worthy enough for her to have. ”Or, did you have someone in mind?” She would give her Gaston, but her new huntsman was hardly worthy. The man was barely worthy to serve her breakfast. He was wonderful to look at, but he really had a terrible temper. She could only imagine the sort of fights he would have with Charles if they were left alone in a room together. It would just end up a bloody mess.

                                              Smoothing out her dress, she wore red as always and stood out in the frosty cold. Since obtaining their new castle, she got herself a new wardrobe, jewelry and crown. It was perfectly natural a Queen should look the part. Her dress was a blood red color with gold chiffon detailing and clasped in the front. She had very specific instruction on her attire before meeting Maleficent. She couldn't come looking any less rich and glorious. Luckily, Charles hadn't minded too much. She was always picking at him about his clothes.

                                              Location: Across the Bridge
                                              Doing: Speaking with Charles and Maleficent
                                              With: Charles (Scar) & Their Forces / / Maleficent & Her Forces

kurochitei's Problem

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                                            xxxDRIP DRIP DROP ━ LITTLE APRIL SHOWER ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
                                            runBEATING A TUNE AS YOU FALL ALL AROUND ! WHAT CAN COMPARE WITH YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUND ↘ ↘
                                            runrun◞ WHEN THE SKY IS CLOUDYxYOUR PRETTY MUSIC WILL BRIGHTEN THE DAY
                                            run!!◣ TROUBLES ALWAYS SEEM TO SCATTER ru ( ☂ ) ru
                                              xrebel groupxxxrebel leaders' tentxxxthoughtfulxxxhealthy

                                              The brunette observed Phillip as the man spoke. He was correct – their leader was unlikely to have a refined understanding of war strategy. Still, his stomach churned at the mention of the Hyenas. “I suppose that as long as we can smoothly navigate the streets, everything should be fine. Maintaining ranks could become a challenge if ambushed in close quarters. I have a suspicion they’d be experienced in guerrilla warfare.” He was internally thankful for Ella’s tightening embrace, taking the moment to sigh.

                                              Basil tilted his head at the other boy, forcing down the urge to roll his eyes at Peter’s facial expressions. “Peter, we still need them; we need every ally we can get. We do not have the option to be choosy right now.” The way the immortal boy spoke, it seemed that he only felt that the consequences would be limited to himself. ‘If I need suppliers I can talk to the fairies,’ he had said. Did he not realise he was representing the entirety of the rebellion right now? His actions reflected their generals – and they’d all be suffering for his ignorance if he went too far. Still, the ranger kept that to himself, smirking wryly in Peter’s direction when referred to as McPhillip. He touched his own chin thoughtfully. “Alright then. As long as we can get them in a reasonable amount of time, that should do. If not, we’ll have to make do with what we have.” It would be a valuable resource, but time was even more precious. Basil would find his way with or without the extra help – or so he believed. He glanced towards the bronze-skinned woman who entered the tent, Julia, as she broke into an excited speech. The eager childishness in him wished to agree, but his realism caused Basil to remain silent instead. Was he the only one who felt that they were almost hopelessly outgunned?

                                              He observed Phillip as the prince acknowledged her enthusiasm, just a hint of cynicism in his tone. “I could take a pony and scout for you again.” Already, Basil was trying to think up locations that would be ideal for Maleficent or her horde to set up outposts. Nothing came to mind. “Ah, I … am not completely sure if starving the castle out would be entirely effective,” the boy murmured. “I do not doubt that our enemy would expunge anyone not considered absolutely necessary to their cause to make resources last longer, and a large percentage of the Evil Queen’s forces is undead anyway. With it being winter, I think we would be taking more of a blow by attempting a siege.” It was his honest opinion. Basil had marched the frozen depths of the forest and had scouted its borders to observe the village; the weather was nothing but ruthless.

                                              David’s speech was not nearly as stimulating as Vitani’s, but Basil let that go. “If there are messengers, Friend Owl and I can seize whatever information they have. It’s just a matter of identifying them and attacking once they’re away from their allies. As for having the enemy expose themselves …” He bowed his head as he thought, but again was only drawing blanks. It would take weeks for the enemies’ supplies to dwindle, if not even longer due to the resilience of the Queen’s undead.

Ice-Cold Visionary

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A burst of cackling was heard amongst the ranks of Maleficent. Close to the horned king, the devils had perched themselves on the back of a rather large troll. They had seated themselves and were playing a game of cards. Most of the devils had chosen to fly about, but a small cluster were betting on this game. Playing music while they flew, a few had managed to create makeshift instruments. Humming along, the song was echoing in the air around them. The small, gangly beasts were not the best in flight and were smacking into some of the other beasts. They tried to show off with tricks and dives, but typically would face plant into the snow. The rest of the group were having a game of sabre, cup, cudgel and coin. It was one of their favorite games, and the devils hopped about hissing at each other.

Folding his hand, Clae left the group and flew to his master. He was the leader of the pack and relayed orders to the group. Flying top speed, he slammed himself face first in the snow by his masters horse. ”MAAAASSSSTTTTEERRRR” The devil yowled and flapped around in the snow like a wounded bat. ”Master! Have we arrived?!” Sitting up, the devil's horns and wings stuck out of the snow. Beady little eyes watched the crossroads for a moment. ”Maaahhsstter. Master look.” He whispered, and started burying himself in more snow. Clae had buried himself to the point he looked like a snowball with beady eyes and wings. He was terrified, and looked up at his master with a pathetic sort of whimper. ”Maaasssstteeerrrr. What do we do?” He squeaked and flapped his wings with aggitation.

D_letion's Wife

Tipsy Sailor


Ѻur Handsome Prince

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            David, although he did not mean to, had a strong presence that filled the room when he entered. Phillip glanced at the different faces in the tent before looking at the leader, giving him a nod in respect. The nice thing about having a figure-head like David was that he was calm and willing to listen. Cooperation made leaders, orders made drill sergeants. Not only that, but given his lionous size, men were more excited to follow after him in a battle. He was a leader and a champion.

            Phillip chose not to say anything right away, giving the rest a chance to speak and reply to his previous statements. After the comments about retribution, Peter decided to start his campaign with a quick jab to David’s winter planning. While Phillip side-eyed him for a second because of it, he pretended not to hear it. Instead, the next things the boy started to spout off started to actually make sense. David wanted to weed them out, and what was a better way than poisoning their food and then making them double-take everything they ate after they found out? This. This right here was the reason why Phillip went through hell to get Neverland on their side. Sure, Peter and the lost boys were a pain in a** most of the time, but they had fresh ideas and were also the only magic that the Rebellion had. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, proud of Peter for his idea.

            Phillip was starting to brainstorm possible poisons they could find, when Basil brought up the undead. The smirk faded away, and the prince’s frown returned, making him once more: eternal grump-face-McPhillip. The undead had slipped his mind since it wasn’t normal to fight zombies in war. Still, poisoning the Hyenas wasn’t a bad idea, and they could still make the rest of the normal soldiers sick as well. At this point, Phillip wasn’t sure what other option they had. Attacking the city head on was asking for death.

            “The enemy is not exposed and I doubt they ever will be.” Phillip added the second after Basil had finished talking. Every idea Phillip ran through his head, never ended happy for any of them. It was winter so guerilla tactics would be useless, the cold had had men dying off already, they didn’t have a true base of their own, and they would be outnumbered if the rumors about Maleficent were true. Letting out a deep sigh, Phillip rubbed his temple and tried to think. They still had time before Maleficent… Didn’t they?

            “Commander!” A voice suddenly yelled, busting into the tent and knocking over a chair on his way in. He was a scout from House Tennesley; one of Basil’s. Phillip had remembered sending groups to scout out the four directions, and by the look on this young boy’s face, what they had found was not good.

            Phillip stood up, nearly knocking over his own chair, eyes fixed on the scout. “What news do you have for us?” He asked calmly, but his heart was starting to race.

            “Scouts that were headed to the north, they reported seeing sightings of…” The scout paused, and Phillip leaned in, holding his breath. “They… Reported seeing… Flying goblins.”

            In Phillip’s own mind, he heard the shattering of glass and he winced as if he was in pain. “How far?” He managed to ask, the stress piling on so quickly he might as well have been Atlas.

            “A day or two from the city.”

            Phillip looked up, suddenly enraged by this bit of news. “What?!” He snapped, slamming the table with his hands shaking everything that was on it. He turned from the group, eyes closed, eye brows furrowed and his hand covering his mouth. He needed to calm down, and he attempted to do so by taking several deep breaths through his nose.

            How did they sneak past them? How was Maleficent already upon them? Forget offensive tactics, if the Queen, Scar, and Maleficent decided to attack, they wouldn’t stand a chance. “We need to move. We need to find somewhere to go. We cannot support ourselves in this god-forsaken forest. We need to find a real camp… And we need to do it. Now. There was no longer time for fun and games. Every second they wasted, only brought their death closer and closer.

            “I want my officers to inform the rest of our troops. The rest of you… Does anyone know… Where?” It was a simple enough question. Surely there was somewhere else to go. Somewhere smaller that they could take or even bargain with. Somewhere that didn’t have legions of armies waiting for them.

            If they had time, Phillip would suggest to leave traps for the armies that searched for them after they were gone, but that was something they didn’t have. Still, sending them a farewell present wouldn’t be that hard.

Dapper Lunatic

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"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it."

xxxxxxxxxPeter Panxxxxxxxxx
The Neverageing King of Neverland

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                                          Peter's face scrunched up into thought as he scratched under his hat, "At least we could get the living ones. The entire army can't be made up of undead. Maybe two-thirds?" A smile of glee cross his face, "We can always toss Dermestid beetles over the walls. Undead or not, you need flabby stuff to move. he laughed, leaning back in his chair ready to let his guard down when suddenly a messenger burst into the room causing his head to whip around and his back to straighten.

                                          At the new information and Phillip's outburst, Peter's own eyes opened wide in shock. It stayed silent as Phillip finished his panic attack, and Peter couldn't hold back a laugh that seemed to puncture a hole right through the silence and dread that hit the room. He continued to laugh, despite the undoubted scowl from Phillip's direction--and likely a few others--before he wiped a tear from his eyes and sat up, "Ah... sorry, it was just funny how terrible things are turning out."

                                          Lifting himself up into the air and leaning horizontally over the map, Peter scanned the areas listed and the names. What was considered good? What was considered safe? Who could they talk to, and who could they trust? "Who rules here?" he said, pointing to a port city and town of rather large size which seemed to be in good standing for whatever he could assume would protect the rebellion. "Corona?" he said, squinting and attempting to read the small words placed over the drawing, "Are we friends with people here, or are they also baddie-deads walking?"

                                          As peter loomed over the map, Tinkerbell had gotten up from her perch at the table to join him in the air and examine the surrounding area. She zipped around, looking at the various places around, as well as peter's suggestion. Personally, she knew about as much as the red headed boy, if not a little less, in terms of the relationships between the kingdoms. Neither of them had ever had to deal with more than individuals before, and Pan certainly didn't grasp the concept of politics. Like a child, everything to him was on an individual basis, and politics in the fairy world worked differently than that of the human one.

                                          Tink eventually peered down at a large area on the map marked as Andalasia. It was decently sized, meaning recruitment, and a country of that size had to have some sort of powerful military, or at least be a thriving economic source. If the Rebellion could manage to appeal to them, it might also be another viable option. Tinkberbell flew up, coming close to David's face and chiming on as she pointed down to Andalasia as well as Corona. Phillip was tactics, but David was the political power, it seemed, in this venture.

                                          Turning to Basil, Pan quickly shifted gears whilst Tink examined the map and attempted communication with david, "Wait--why would they leave the rebellion? It's all a game, right? I made them smelly and itchy for a week, but I didn't kill or maim anybody. If anything they were the ones going around murdering."

                                          ((ooc|| Sorry for the shortness of the post. haha.
                                          EDITED: I forgot Tink ||))
__________ //// Ҭ Ή Ȇ XXX Ð Я Ѧ ʛ Ѳ Л XXX Ш Ѧ Я Я Ѳ Я

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The Imperial convoy had arrived only four days ago in the west, graciously received by Queen Isabella Lioncourt. After a long four month journey that took her past wondrous lands to the West, Mulan had hoped she would never have to ride a horse again or at least not so soon. She doubted her legs would ever be unbowed or she would walk normal again. Now she was once again on top of her steed, Khan, riding along with dead army of the Queen. On her other side rode the Emperor's Adviser, Chi-Fu. Though the two did not see eye to eye, Mulan, or better known to Chi-Fu as Ping, found it necessary to follow along with the entourage and meet this Maleficent creature.

In this new land it was important to see which power figures were in play. Who was more powerful in this western dark magic, who held the economic power, which royal had influential power over the military. Even though Mulan hadn't seen Maleficent yet, the Queen's power over this undead army unsettled Mulan. Unsettled Khan too. Mulan thought Khan would never raise his head high again nor walk with energy in his step, yet now his head was up, ears alert and eyes rimmed with white. When the dead came too close to Khan, the horse would n**, nudge and kick them away.

Mulan felt remorse for the dead. This was wrong of the magic user who did this. The dead needed to be respected, their souls left alone. But Mulan would never tell the Queen this. She did her best to mask her feelings about the matter. Deep down, Mulan had felt that she was under prepared for the West.

Mulan looked up ahead to see that the Queen had moved up along her husband's side. The two were a well matched couple. Not just in appearance but in charisma. Queen Isabella had come to satisfy Chi-Fu's first impression as a hostess, thought she may come to know that he would never see her as a equal. Something that Mulan had learned on her journey. The King, whom both Mulan and Chi-Fu had seldom seen since their arrival had made no real movement to talk trade just yet. From what Queen Isabella assured, King Charles was busy with keeping his new kingdom in order. They would all get to official business as soon as this meeting was over.

Soon the undead army came to a halt. Over a snowy ridge laid an army of gnarled looking creatures of all sizes, much more lively, unruly than the dead. At the front, a woman clad in black and skin pale as silk rose to meet the Queen and King. Mulan was stunned of the woman's image. Sharp ivy eyes, rigid cheeks, horns from her head, this woman was ethereal. Mulan had once seen an albino python in the quarters of a imperial concubine. The snake was white and yellow, twice the size as its owner and shown looks of sheer strength and beauty. The same feeling she had of see that snake for the first time was like what she was feeling now. Both that snake and Maleficent struck Mulan with awe.

"Zhì-Fù, nàxiē shì shénme dòngwù?" Ping murmured to the advisor, white whisps of breath escaping his lips. <"Chi-Fu, what are those creatures?">

Chi-Fu settled back on his saddle, face covered in a deep blue hood trimmed with otter fur. <"In our land they are called them earth's first children, but here they are called goblins and trolls. Vile beings who live on the outskirts of human civilization and rotting lands, like swamps and marshes.">

Ping nodded in understanding, resting his reins to give Khan slack.

Mulan wished not to easy drop on the Royals and Maleficent's, but their words carried on to her ears. The Royals wished to court Maleficent's power and influence over her monsters. But who was this Hades? Why would they offer him for her doings? Maleficent seemed to have everything she wanted, and if she could get what she needed? Was Hades dead or destroyed? Maleficent asked for an offering in pledge of the Royal's word.

Mulan rose her head more, wondering if the Royals would turn to the Chinese for assistance.

T e nXXXt h o u s a n dXXXm i l e sXXXs h exxxr o d exxxi nXXXw a r

C r o s s i n gxxxp a s s e s xxxa n dxxxm o u n t a i n sxxxa sxxxi fxxxo nxxxaxxxw i n g.

O nxxxt h exxxn o r t h e r nxxxa i rxxxc o m e sxxxt h exxxs e n t r y ’ sxxxg o n g,

C o l dxxxl i g h txxxs h i n e sxxxo nxxxh e rxxxc o a txxxo fxxxs t e e l.

T H O U G H T S: There is little we can offer to help them make their pledge...
L O C A T I O N S: Across the Bridge
W I T H: The Queen's dead army, Chi-Fu

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Tipsy Detective

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    ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ A u r o r axxxxxR o s exxxxxM o n t e g u e

          We b u r i e d our love in the wintery grave
          tab A lump in the s n o w was all that r e m a i n e d
          tab tab We stayed by its side as the days turned to w e e k s
          tab tab tab And the ice kept getting t h i n n e r with every word we'd speak

                                                                I wonder, I wonderWhatever the male had been working through was gone now, and he seemed to return to the perfect specimen of undead soldier. He stood straight and seemed focused enough. Aurora shook her head after looking him over and rolled her eyes. She knew very well the man she knew before wasn't there anymore, and instead was replaced with this loyal soldier...or maybe she was wrong. Aurora knitted her brows together in though. There had undeniably been some kind of flicker in his eyes earlier. He remembered her original name, and that had to count from something. Perhaps somewhere, buried deep in the recesses of his head, Arthur was still in there. The female walked at an idle pace, Brand following behind her easily. They were a bit away from the main party, but not so far that she couldn't see them...and who they were meeting. Thought they were merely shapes in the distance, Aurora frowned at the figure of Charles. The two sides weren't standing too terribly close, which wasn't surprising. All Aurora could hope for was that things would go smoothly....but she didn't know exactly what that entailed. One wrong word or dirty look could send things into catastrophe...and for that reason it was probably best that Aurora showed up late and kept her damn mouth shut. Continuing to walk, she glanced over her shoulder to Brand every now and then, ensuring he was still present.

                                                                The pair of blondes drew closer, and Aurora distracted herself by looking at the snowflakes and the fog her breath created. Blue eyes paid attention to the decreasing distance, and when they were about half-way to the others she abruptly stopped. Aurora turned around and faced Brand, beckoning him closer to her. She watched his face, so dull and expressionless. It was painful, for she knew that once it was full of vibrancy. She could remember his smile...But now was not a time for sentiment. "Soldier. You will lead my horse. Make it look like you were doing something other than trying to run away." Aurora ordered in a flat tone before passing the reins to Brand. "I won't out you for trying to run. But only this time. Do you understand?"

                                                                Aurora gracefully pulled herself on top of the horse, and once she was comfortably seated she looked down at Brand. He began walking, and the two were again on their way to meet the others. It didn't take them too terribly long to close the gap, and as they came upon Zavael they stopped. She nodded to the man in silent greeting, not wanting to talk and distract from the scene up ahead anymore than those damned devils were....Seated on her horse, Aurora kept her eyes on Maleficent and Charles, mostly disregarding The Queen. How could Maleficent not want to just strike Charles down right then? She had the power, and she too had been hurt by him. The blonde frowned, listening in on the conversation. But all that music playing and "masterrr masterrr" was making it difficult to concentrate, and it was grinding on Aurora's nerves. In the snow, in the air...Finally Aurora rolled her eyes and turned to look at The Horned King. How the hell did he put up with them? By being an angry and stern master probably. She was about to open her mouth and complain, but decided against it. The last thing she wanted was to aggravate the devils. She felt that if they knew how obnoxious she found them, they would just purposefully try to annoy her.
                                                                Her eyes drifted from Zavael to Maleficent, and then to Isabella. Her red dress made her stick out like a sore thumb. Quite attention grabbing...kind of made her look like a target. Of course, Aurora wouldn't voice her thoughts. She looked back to Brand, who had been dutifully standing by her. Aurora face him. "You may go if you are needed elsewhere." Aurora stated, unsure what Brand was supposed to have been doing before he tried shambling off into the woods. The blonde bit the inside of her cheek.

                                                                The conversation up ahead had come to a halt for the time being. Again, her gaze drifted to her dearest friend, but this time she focused on his sword. "Always prepared." Aurora cooed. The woman then sighed, her shoulders dropping softly. She peeked at The Horned King from underneath the hood of her cloak and leaned closer to him. "Tell me, how do you wager this little meeting will end?" Her voice was low, audible only to Zavael.

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        Location: With Maleficent's Forces
        Company: Brand & Zavael ; Maleficent, Charles, and The Queen near.
        Health: 100%

Ruthless Wildcat

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███ ████████████████████████████████ ( TWO SOULS ) ████████████████████████████████ ███
F O R E V E R xI N T E R T W I N E D x I N x A x D E S T I N Yx G R A D U A L L Y xD E S T R O Y I N G xT H E xW O R L D

                                                Listening to the banter back and forth between those who really did know their tactics and those who kind of just rambled, David rubbed his chin and nodded his head. Poison the enemies food and weed them out like that....or run obviously Phillip was trying to put that one in there. Both were good, but did he really want to run? His father Richard wouldn't have run, but...he did have to go against his Uncle who murdered his father in cold blood and would probably do the same to him. The forest was a great place for guerrilla warfare, but they were pointing out the possibilities of having nowhere to hide. Well, that was something David didn't think of and even getting everything set up now would be a huge shot to go and try to actually take over the town. This was a hard call.

                                                Watching the man burst into the tent and watching a fit erupt from Phillip, David's stoic face didn't change. Sure this was a surprise for him, but what he had gone through he wasn't as surprised. His Uncle was something more. His Uncle was behind this whole thing, he knew it. He wanted the Pridelands and everything for himself and left David out there to die. Uncle Charles sure was a family man. Watching the man run out, deep blue eyes looked down at the map where Maleficent was "supposed" to be and that was at Cinderella's Castle. Surely if she was there that meant his Uncle was there and that was where he wanted to be. A personal vendetta though would surely get everyone, including himself, killed. He couldn't do that, that wasn't very....kingly.

                                                Phillip's question as to where to go? David had no clue. The Pridelands were governed by his Uncle, Cinderella's Castle was the main spot, but maybe...if they went West? Surely someone there would look over their cause and help them? Standing tall, David was there to make the final call. "We move West," his voice boomed above the others. "If Maleficent is there, we will not risk this attack but call for more allies. I had wished by the end of Summer for everyone to be here, but there are far off lands that want to help and even now, we might need to wait till Spring to where the land thaws and we have our own advantages. If we can have a kingdom to the West join our cause, they might be willing to lend their army for us to really make an army. Scattered men and women along with children, scared, will not stand a chance. If this enemy is one to two days away, they can advance quickly with their tactics and wipe us out. Phillip, get your men to start packing up camp. Basil, I need you to post as scout, be very careful. If they are around I want you safe. Peter, if there's any carts coming in I want you to intercept and make them sick. Even if it's a couple that means we can slowly infect them this winter. Ella ensure all the men and women are informed we are moving out. Your calm voice will make the people listen and understand."

                                                A fist pounded against the table as a confident smile spread across David's lips. "I have faith we can turn the tide of war when the new year comes to us. It will be in our favor. Now...move out!" he roared.



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