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                                                      An intense frown was etched on the mercenary’s brows when Brand unravelled an answer which was just as cryptic as the magics that worked in the breeze. He understood the gist of it, somehow. The armies of undead were not Maleficent’s original forces; but had rightfully been rizen from the afterlife due to Hades’ powers. Now that the god of the underworld had been missing for a lengthy period of time, his hold over them had weakened. But what did that leave him with? Were they all destined to eventually awaken in pulsing flesh like Brand? Or to crumble away as lifeless corpses? Regardless, he had no certainty of being able to sway them to his cause. Maleficent had been Hades’ lover and practically his second-in-command regardless of her apparent lack of any such accomplishments. A mercenary as himself had little ammunition to appeal to them to obey him; if they could be appealed to at all.

                                                      Borrowed. The word echoed in his mind during the ride back to camp. Oh true. The Chimera Horde were free folk; free to choose their own destinies. The undead were bound to the one who had given them life. If Hades returned, his forces could turn on the Horde without prior notice.

                                                      Aurora’s request to retrain herself to cope with her now-defunct eye was met with approval. Zavael was secretly pleased that she was pragmatic enough to move past the shock of losing part of her sight, though he wondered if other emotions would surface later on after some fermentation. He now had little time to focus on her injury and recovery, and decided that he would only return to this topic when they were safe by the castle walls. Following that train of thought, a new issue of nagging doubt revealed itself to his mind, an idea once skirting around the fringes of a haze of worries now sunk into clarity. She had left Maleficent before they had gone after the wyverns. Was it coincidental that his soul was now bound to a piglet?

                                                      ”Aurora.” His tone was suddenly demanding and firm. ”Consider this. You and Maleficent sheltered in the cottage; how certain are you that she would not trap you within it?” Zavael turned back to her, his eyes full of doubt. Maleficent had had more than enough time to weave spells into the building during their stay on the edge of the territories. What she could not accomplish in the Lioncourts’ domain, she had far more mastery over in that wooden house. ”We can send one of my squads to retrieve them if you are not sure… if you do not mind. But it must be accomplished before I call on the soldiers and her armies.”

                                                      A sullen silence settled over the mercenary as they rode into camp. Zavael’s eagle-eyed stare swept to and fro, across the buzzing fields of activity. His Horde had been notified by the imps and seemed almost ready to move. It was the craftsmen: leatherworkers, smiths, cobblers, cooks and the like; who had required far more time to stow and ready all their essential tools for transport. With such a varied army, they had far more equipment and materials to cater to the different folk. Zavael was pleased with their promptness and discipline nonetheless; no doubt Maleficent’s call to her own armies had woken everyone in the castle walls and beyond as she had intended. Hopefully it had also woken them in other ways.

                                                      Once they were behind friendly lines, he assigned a squad to follow Aurora to the cottage. ”Make sure she is out in a quarter, hack down the door if you have to. Brand, follow me.” He rode away and dismounted near his tent site, passing the reigns to his squire. The young lad, formerly a page, had been with him in the few years since he had joined Hades, but he found little kinship with the child. The taught the boy whatever he could absorb, but he could only grow at his own pace and Zavael didn’t push him. He was satisfied to see that the squire had acted on the message from the imps; even though they were known to mess up orders at times. This time, with the entire army packing their belongings, the young man had taken the initiative to see to the administrative details for his knight. The heavy canvas that had kept the flies out and the warmth in had been folded with the rugs and lashed with his worktable to the back of a cart; alongside the wooden planks that had lined the floor of the tent and the struts that had kept the canvas up. What had yet to be added to the cart’s burden was his trunk of clothes, manuscripts and maps, along with his full heavy armour and weapons.

                                                      ”Well done.” He murmured appreciatively, earning a small smile from the lad. ”Help me into my armour then have the imps empty the bucket. Stow the metal chest. Oh, and leave that piglet alone. No one is to touch it.” He gestured briefly to the metal bucket that had contained the imps’ offerings, but intended to continue to keep the larger animals for himself. A few of his men had gathered, and though they appeared momentarily confused by the mention of the piglet, most shrugged it off as another of the man’s whims or perhaps a private purchase. ”Leonard, assign a rouncey and some proper gear for Brand here. Then round up our men, get them into full dress and summon the captains of Maleficent’s forces. I will address them and all of the legions at the tribunal.”

                                                      Several minutes later, decked in full gleaming black armour, the Horned King rode past the assembled forces on a dark destrier. The columns bristled with energy. The words of Maleficent’s morning speech, now coupled with the sight of the familiar onyx-covered steel, black chainmail and boiled leather, sparked a new energy and anticipation in the crowd. He dismounted, heavy steps thudding on the rostrum’s wooden platform.

                                                      By the gods he hoped Aurora had made it out.

                                                      The deep blast of a shofar sounded, the call of the ram’s horn silencing the troops to soft snorts. Zavael’s hand rose in the air, as a silent salutation to the gathered soldiers before he clasped his helmet in both hands, twisted and lifted it free of his head. Using one arm to cradle the helmet against his chest, he took a step forward, inhaled deeply and hoped that lightning would find the hoisted spears, colours and emblems as far better targets.

                                                      ”Friends, soldiers, forest folk! Lend me your ears!

                                                      On this day you have heard our wonderful leader's plans;
                                                      and honourable is she to have taken up the mantle after Hades.
                                                      Thus as her armies we are to fight against her enemies.
                                                      Honourable soldiers, my worthy brethren, consider this!
                                                      When brave Hades fought Chernabog to the ends of the world,
                                                      Were we not with him in heart and soul,
                                                      all but our mortal bodies?
                                                      But we had no need to fear disunity and chaos,
                                                      Honourable Maleficent survived to lead us!
                                                      And are we not blessed?
                                                      In these years without our beloved Hades we have been in her care.
                                                      In these years we have accomplished much!
                                                      Not in adding to our lands, nay,
                                                      Yet honourable is she to have taken up the mantle.

                                                      But fret not, Maleficent has grand plans,
                                                      She marched us to the gates of the Lioncourts in winter!
                                                      And not more than two days ago you have seen her love for us!
                                                      How she strode to the front before us to meet these lions!
                                                      Never had history seen generals of gods and demons parley!
                                                      But honourable is she to have taken up the mantle after Hades,
                                                      and fret not, Maleficent has grand plans.
                                                      For Queen Isabella offered to search and summon Hades,
                                                      In exchange we brave warriors were to rid her of her woe,
                                                      The rebellion that stirs in the brambles of her forests,
                                                      And Maleficent, bless her wisdom, demanded a chip.
                                                      In exchange for the blood of our brave brothers,
                                                      In exchange for the sweat we shall spill against the rebellion,
                                                      In exchange for the destruction and victory we shall wrought,
                                                      She demanded a price most hefty…
                                                      An officer of the ranks, Prince Phillip of the Rebellion!

                                                      My friends, you know well of Aurora! She would never hurt a butterfly!
                                                      And she has pulled many a thorn from beneath your paws.
                                                      Shocked was she to know that her beloved lived!
                                                      And honourable, wise Maleficent, knew this all along.
                                                      Queen Isabella offered Merlin, the most powerful wizard in the world!
                                                      But wise, honourable Maleficent sought a humbler sacrifice –
                                                      The beloved of our rose, whom she herself knew yet lived.
                                                      And this morning you heard her yourself.
                                                      For this one man we are to march against the rebellion,
                                                      And we will crush the enemies of the king and queen of this land,
                                                      And we will weep for the comrades who will fall in their lands.
                                                      For Maleficent has grand plans,
                                                      and honourable is she to have taken up the mantle!
                                                      And just is she, to have weighed our sacrifice worthy of Prince Phillip.
                                                      He is no small matter, is he not? An officer of the Rebellion!
                                                      Maleficent must have feared that in our zest against his Rebellion,
                                                      we would crush him on the battlefield by mistake!

                                                      And no dear friends I have not forgotten,
                                                      Worthy too is our sacrifice for a chance to revive Hades!
                                                      Queen Isabella is the most skilled necromancer in all the lands,
                                                      If she cannot summon our master from the depths of hell, who can?
                                                      Is it not only right that we aid her in equal exchange?
                                                      Is it not only right that we slaughter this rebellion for her?
                                                      Our glorious Hades was her demon master’s equal match!
                                                      Come now, surely it is worth a little spilled blood,
                                                      A little cracked horns and a little less familiar faces,
                                                      A little less limbs, you’ll still live with three or two,
                                                      For us to rid her of mortal swordsmen and farmers,
                                                      So that Queen Isabella may summon Hades, her greatest foe!
                                                      Bless her, to trust Hades not to swallow her whole!
                                                      Is our sacrifice not worth the return of our worthy leader?

                                                      And of Hades, the god we love,
                                                      Did many of you witness the import of his power?
                                                      That two days ago a demigod appeared in our midst?
                                                      The son of the Most High,
                                                      The Keeper of the Gates of Olympus?
                                                      Hercules himself! Come to find his uncle, offered his aid.
                                                      But Maleficent has grand plans,
                                                      and honourable is she to have taken up the mantle!
                                                      For instead of recruiting Hercules she answered him truthfully,
                                                      And sent him away to Queen Isabella.
                                                      For surely Queen Isabella, our past foe and our ally of two noons,
                                                      Has more need of a demigod’s strength!
                                                      How honourable of our leader, Hades’ beloved.

                                                      And so to dinner we went, into the jaws of the Lioncourts.
                                                      And today we return post haste!
                                                      All of us! Well almost all…
                                                      Do you not see that we lack a few?
                                                      Our great kind leader has released Vanessa from her partnership!
                                                      What do you suppose happened of Vanessa?
                                                      The Sea Witch, Vanessa Ursula Herbard?
                                                      What of her merry men, Flotsam and Jetsam?
                                                      Have they met their end in the Underworld?
                                                      And have they been ended time and again,
                                                      As many times as it takes?
                                                      Of course not, Maleficent no longer cares for them,
                                                      They walk free.

                                                      But us! How our wise, honourable leader cares for us!
                                                      That all traitors shall meet their doom!
                                                      That she shall personally journey to the Underworld,
                                                      the domain of our beloved Hades,
                                                      Just to see us again!
                                                      It makes your heart clench and throb does it not?!
                                                      She values her army so!
                                                      That we shall die on the polearms and pitchforks of mortals,
                                                      Suffer the scalding oils and hatred of the rebellion,
                                                      That she may one day chance upon Hades’ embrace!
                                                      But of course we shall know “happiness for the rest of our days”
                                                      If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face,
                                                      do not be troubled.
                                                      For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!
                                                      And do not fret! Undead who can no longer be any more dead!
                                                      I have devised a plan most supportive of our wise leader’s plans.

                                                      You see my Chimera Horde, ready to march?
                                                      We shall leech no more from Ulstead’s soils!
                                                      Queen Isabella, our former foe and now ally,
                                                      Has with her the might of Hercules and the magic of Ursula,
                                                      The most powerful magician Merlin,
                                                      and now the armies of Agrabah at her beckoning.
                                                      And she has promised to me and my Horde’s accomplishments,
                                                      The Great Forest of the Tennesleys.
                                                      But we shall never count our eggs before they hatch,
                                                      So we shall go over to her gates,
                                                      And there in the warmth of it till spring we shall leech from her!
                                                      Payment for our trials to come!
                                                      She shall give her food from her kitchens and her storehouses!
                                                      She shall give us gold from her coffers!
                                                      She shall allow us trade with her people!
                                                      We will eat the yields of her crops and the produce of her lands!
                                                      We are no tyrants of course, she has agreed to give us all these.
                                                      And so it shall benefit Ulstead if we take from her instead!

                                                      Fret not, I have not forgotten,
                                                      Ye who have fought with blade and hammer, tooth, horn and claw,
                                                      Against the gnashing teeth of Chernabog’s armies.
                                                      Your toils in these past years have not fallen on blind eyes nor deaf ears.
                                                      Those who are not of the Horde are welcome to join us in this endeavour!
                                                      We set forth for the fruits of Queen Isabella’s lands post haste!

                                                      So undead who can no longer be any more dead….
                                                      Do not fret that you may not see us for a while.
                                                      For we shall bring one of your own with us.
                                                      Look here, a face who once walked amongst you.
                                                      A noble soul who was one of your own.
                                                      And tell me if an undead who can no longer be any more dead…
                                                      Can be any more living?”

                                                      With this Zavael’s free hand swept to the side, indicating the now living, breathing man which had once shambled after Aurora like a snared clump of mud. He waited as Brand stepped forward to speak a few words, eyes cautioning the other man not to go against the rising tides he was attempting to culminate with the greatest of care.

                                                      We are the dead, disturbed.
                                                      In the name of a god missing, we fought.
                                                      When our bodies broke, decayed, fell away, we fought.
                                                      Upon the Bald Mountain, across all of Fantasia,
                                                      We were the hands of Hades.
                                                      Find peace.
                                                      We are undying,
                                                      But let silence fill you ‘til we are all called once more,
                                                      By the power that binds us, not breaks us.
                                                      Let not any lesser sound stir you.
                                                      Rest, brethren.
                                                      Let the Call go quiet.”

                                                      Zavael repressed the urge to quick a brow at Brand, but decided that he could not afford to let the momentum slip.

                                                      ”You heard him, dead brethren.
                                                      You have no need to follow us on this mission that requires empty guts!
                                                      But those of you who can and will
                                                      glory in the wealth of her stores, markets and coffers,
                                                      Join us! Raise your weapons!”

                                                      A blade sang as the longsword was pulled free of its scabbard.

                                                      Zavael raised it toward the sky and snarled.

                                                      Forest folk!

                                                      For the Horde!”

                                                      [ooc: Sorry I is sick. Summary later. There may be some inconsistencies. Depending on what they are, either I lost track, or Zav is not in the know but is using whatever he knows to manipulate the troops. ]
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Kristoff Gustaffson Bjorgman

                                                    Watching the massive golem turn to him, Kristoff kept backing up. Geeze, he wanted to get to Arendelle and now he was fighting a stupid golem. Why did things like this always happen to him? Just like when he had helped a lost girl back to town, escorted an elderly woman to the mountainside where she lived and helped capture a dog. What was he doing with his life?

                                                    Surprisingly the fight had gone well and through it all Sven had even transformed. Falling from the ice pillar collapsing underneath him, Kristoff hit the ground pretty hard and winced. Not what he had wanted today. The water penetrated his clothing as he stood up and dusted the snow from his trousers and hands. Listening to the crunch of boots and paws hit the ground towards him, he gave a look to Sven which was plastered full of annoyance as she started talking. Why him? He wanted to throw snow in her face and tell her to leave, kill her even. That would have been far better. A growl left his throat as he turned towards her and snatched his ax back. Stupid girl.

                                                    "Thought you might need it? So you go and steal other people's belongings," he growled and strapped it back onto his belt. Sven's hooves came over and her attention turned to him. Kristoff clenched his fist and started to push him away from Seraphina. "He doesn't talk to strangers, especially one with wolves," he said protectively and kept himself between her and Sven. Sven was like to him besides the Trolls who he always talked to, but when they were being slaughtered Sven was there to always make him feel better. Ever since they were small they were like brothers, but in a more complicated way as Kristoff hadn't really known the difference. Now though they had never left each other's side and if one was in trouble the other was certainly there to help them. "We helped you get to town, you can go back to Arendelle now. Get your things and go!" He had a deep feeling in his stomach, she was going up that mountain for a reason and the Trolls were the only beings up there having access to the Valley. If she had some sort of sense she would know something was up there and Kristoff would stand his ground to keep the special ones in his life safe. He had to act like this, had to make himself seem like a d**k to just keep people away and even had to take lives of Arendelle Soldiers (those he didn't care about at all). All together, Kristoff had a deep sense of humor and love and compassion to the Trolls and Sven but anyone else he was hateful and full of anger towards.

                                                    If she persisted on going towards the Valley he would have to kill her.

                                                    ooc: Kristoff keeps trying to get Seraphina to leave the mountainside and keep going towards Arendelle and tries to keep Sven safe for once since he's been disobeying him recently.

                                                    Gazimon X


Bashful Nymph

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                                                          tab tab Waking only a couple times during the night. It had been sometime sense she had slept in seclusion. The shadows that cast against the walls of the room caused her to stir. There was only one knock at her door that fully woke the woman. There should have been anyone out near the cabin. Gwen prepared her dagger as she opened the door slowly, the rising sun blinding her. "How may I assist you?" Her colorful eyes looking over the woman who stood pulling her cloak closer to her body. "Mistress Wilde." The woman looked chilled, the clothing could be seen under the thin cloak. It was obvious she was a maid in the Lioncourte's castle. "Mistress. The Queen has sent word to you." Her teeth chattered as she spoke. "Right." Of course she was going to be followed. There had been reasons the woman had gotten rid of the mirrors in her home. Gwen was never found of Isabella finding her at any moment. "You can be off now." She eyed the woman and handed her a handful of coins. "It is cold out, go get yourself a proper cloak." The maid blinked a couple of times before bowing and thanking the woman. Flipping the letter open as she ran her eyes over the letters.

                                                          Please be careful on your trip. If you are going North please contact me. I have a specific mission that needs your delicacy.
                                                          Queen Isabella Lioncourt of Lethlania and the Pride lands and etc. etc.

                                                          tab Rubbing her eyes a couple of times as she reread the letter. She didn't owe the woman any favors, but Gwen had taken a liking to the Queen. Her hand found the back of her neck as she reread the message. As far as she knew she hadn't been going north. Returning to her bed as she attempted at sleeping again. The thought of Isabella's mission danced in her mind as she drifted.

                                                          tab As the sun rose farther into the sky, Gwen awoke and prepared herself for what ever her partner in crime had in store. Tying her hair back as her hair slowly dried, it wouldn't be long before Esme would arrive. Pulling on her trousers and tunic, then strapping the sword to her hip. Then there was when the soft rapping at the door caused her to scowl. The woman knew she hadn't needed to knock. "If you are looking for a kind soul residing here then you are mistaken." There was a playful smirk dancing on her lips. It wasn't as easy to read her speak as it was to see her features. Her voice always flat and displeased. Opening the door to the beauty that was the gypsy. "The kindness I have goes to the deserving." She gave the woman a wink. "Pleasure to see you this beautiful brisk morning, Esme."

                                                          tab Gwen allowed the woman to enter the cabin. Esme was a beautiful woman and she knew it. Looking over the woman with a smirk as she plopped down into a chair. "What is this mission? Not to mention it involves your mother." Gwen glanced to the desk at the letter before tucking it under more papers. "Where do you think Baba Yaga is?" Gwen smiled softly as she leaned forward to look at Esme closer. Still as beautiful as the last time she saw her.

                                                          OOC :: Gwen receives Isa's letter, sleeps in then gets ready for Esme. Excited about getting away from the castle, finally.
                                                          Theme :: Going to Hell
                                                          Jezz Shirokori


kurochitei's Problem

Normal Human

15,425 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • OTP 200
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                            • Somehow his mistress had evaded him; by the time the solemn raven had ambled to the castle kitchens, still taken aback by the queens’ choice in location, the fae was already gone. He could feel the last of her lingering power evanescing away, clinging to the dust particles that appeared and disappeared within the god rays emitted through the cookery’s small windows. “…” He cast a final glance across the area. It was busy, loaded with various ingredients and tools. Herbs and vegetables had been tied to the low ceiling’s wooden beams. From there they were both within the reach of the staff, whom were now returning to their posts, and elevated from rats – albeit those small creatures were far more creative than humans gave them credit for. He basked only momentarily in the scents before once again stalking after the mistress of all evil.

                              Her title held no small irony. Artyom found her in Aurora’s abandoned suite once more, stress marring the contours of her beautiful face. It was almost noon, but the warm hues of sunlight did little to soften Maleficent’s pale complexion. “Then do not be kind to them,” he uttered quietly, sensing her exasperation through their link. “I would prefer they suffer, rather than lose you.” The words felt entirely reasonable. What did she owe them? Why did she insist on responding to their arrogance and foolishness with charity?

                              The man heard himself sigh, still incapable of forgiving his own personal affronts with the likes of Aurora and Zavael, and manoeuvred across the creaking floorboards to the seat Brand had just occupied. From here the emptiness of her bed only left him more confused. “… mistress,” he started quietly, his striking eyes downcast. His hands were clasped and supporting his chin, leaving Artyom pensively hunched. “You must let her go. I don’t know what she seeks, but she’s made it clear that she does not desire our support. If that is her choice, then you should not worry for her.” She did not deserve that love, he thought sourly, and yet despite all of his frustration the raven knew he only ached so much because he had once felt the same as Maleficent – protective, worrisome, affectionate. A mistake on his part.

                              “I heard you allied yourself with the Lioncourts,” he continued, deciding to use the title despite the rebellion and its leader of the same namesake. “Are you sure?”

                              Charles and Isabella, the Queen especially, seemed somewhat toxic from what little he had observed – perhaps it was their lack of interaction with his leader that swayed the raven’s beliefs. That, or how many heads had rolled within these steadfast walls within such a brief amount of time. Prince Philip, Princess Ana … he had to question whether or not such tragedies were mere coincidence. Artyom studied the knots in the floor; the way the grain slivered upwards and abruptly twirled into tight, jagged circles. “It will bring us into conflict with the rebellion. They are nothing if not a thorn in the sides of many. It will require persistence.” That much was obvious, but he felt that he owed her the statement. So far, her movements had been oddly directed away from matters of bloodshed; as she’d said many times, she was simply tired.

                              “What is it you desire?” The question was uncalled for, but the raven couldn’t help but ask, his eyes lingering upon Anabella’s angular features. He was her servant. Regardless of Zavael’s bloodlust and Aurora’s need for independence and Brand’s search for an identity, Artyom wanted nothing more than to secure her contentment.



High-functioning Lover

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Maleficent turned gently from her position in the room to gaze upon Artyom. The raven servant she had become so close to. Time had certainly been kind to them. They had been given so much time together and yet....Artyom had never left her side.

"I would prefer they suffer, rather than lose you."

Once more the beating of her own heart caused her to shutter. Artyom's words resounding through every fiber of her body as she then gave a somewhat pained grimace," I once told Aurora....that there was evil in this world....evil that not even I could stop..." This was the closest the fae had ever in her whole existence looked to close to tears as her thoughts began to overwhelm her," And now she is gone.....to face an evil I can not predict. I cannot track it. I cannot find it....I can't...protect her and she refuses to be protected...where has she gone....will she come back? Is this the damned emotion that moves humans to war? To famine and to plague? Is this the thing that pushes this infinite cycle forward? Be damned. Be damned...." Clutching her chest she then sat on the bed where Aurora once sat and she whispered," Mistress of all Evil....that is I....I am....she....I swear to it...I am she..." She seemed to be trying to reassure herself of her self-proclaimed title. For a brief second Maleficent could hear the voices of her parents of long ago:

"Annabella....you could be so much more than this...." her mother had said.

" The power one obtains by caring for none is much greater than any power one obtains by having someone to protect. This world is not a fairy tale and I will not fall prey to trivial child's tales..." Annabella had responded back then.

Softly, barely above a whisper, Maleficent uttered the words," I will not fall prey to trivial child's tales..." Glancing up to Artyom who recommended she ought to cut Aurora off entirely. Nodding her head she whispered," That would be the end of it....indeed..." Her eyes then slowly moved away from him and then looked back to the window she had only recently made an announcement that they'd be aligning with the Lioncourts. Listening to Artyom's words carefully she couldn't help but recall the last words Isabella had said to her before she left the kitchen.

Who was she doing this for? All for one man? For Hades? ...for Aurora? What did Maleficent desire? "What do I want?"

That used to be the only question that she had a real answer to and now she was struggling to answer such a fundamental part of who she was.

Finally she laughed slightly and then gave a gentle smile to Artyom," I just want to have fun of course. At the expense of anyone or anything....I want to have fun. And the Lioncourts....are so much fun....aren't they?"

That's right from the very beginning even her "conversion to evil" what her definition of true evil was....was having fun regardless of who or what it effected. If killing people entertained her, then do it. If breaking people's hearts or playing cupid made her happy, do it. If she wanted to turn people into puppets and watch them fight loved ones, do it. There is only one life for her to live and she ought to enjoy it exactly the way she desired at any moment in time.

TLDR; Maleficent seems to be really upset by Aurora being gone, having a mild breakdown, but comes back to her senses. She has regained her purpose: to have fun.

raiga zero

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Ice-Cold Visionary

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Crowded for the speech, the different beasts within Maleficents armies deliberated and each individual decided for themselves. Many stayed and some left, a few felt so moved by Zavaels speech that moral improved for their faction.

8,000 Soldiers have left Maleficent's army and Joined the Chimera Horde (Changes will be reflected on the new thread) Points were given to either side for the Speech with multiple points and a point for Maleficent's Threat.

Ice-Cold Visionary

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                                                  "Nonsense, you have not interrupted anything of consequence..." Isabella waved off the frets of the young maid, but her own blue eyes were piercing daggers into the woman. How long had she been waiting out in the hallways? And, whom did she work for in particular? Thinking over her conversation with Annabella, her main concern was if the young woman had been around earlier when she had been speaking privately to Zavael. Though not entirely formal, she believed the exchange was of a more private nature. It did not do for others to be speculating how many armies were at her command. For now, she downplayed the severity of the conversation. Raising an eyebrow while they walked, Isabella felt the side of her mouth twitch. A maid to Lord Mozenrath of all people. Well, she certainly didn't want that one in particular to have more information than absolutely necessary. "Ah yes, the agreement. Of course, how could I possibly forget." In fact, there would be no way possible to forget. Though, she imagined that meeting would be a lot of push and pull between them. Not something she was excited to entertain so early in the morning. There was no doubt he was eager to collect in terms of the loan.

                                                  Glancing sideways to her, they walked a little further and reached the door in which she wished to attend. Lucky for her, Edgar should be attending Vanessa inside. He would handle all of the paperwork since she was inclined to ignore those sort of things. She didn't enjoy the technical parts to ruling a country, that was why she had council and Charles managed most of it. "Well, I do have something else to attend to. But, It would not do to send you back alone. Would it?" She said and could see Paulette was hoping to have her go speak with her Lord. This was perhaps working in her favor. Edgar was more keen on matters of finance and less eager on the wars outcome. Likewise, there was some history there between the Castillion and Agrabah that could not be ignored. "I will send my Castillion with you. Edgar Balthazar has managed Lethlania in a masterful fashion. He has never been on very... Pleasant grounds with Agrabah. However, if it is matters of finance I must insist since he has taken up office as the new Majordomo. I would send my husband, but unfortunately he is indesposed."

                                                  Charles has been in bed most of the day, the poor thing drank himself into a stupor. She couldn't blame him, it was hard for Isabella to remember the last time he had seen David. Well, hopefully with some push they would be able to wrap a rope about the young mans neck before the year was out. That would certainly raise Charles spirits. Making a motion to one of her guards, the man to her right knocked on the door. "I am sure Lord Mozenrath will understand. It is nothing personal, just politics." Isabella knew sending Edgar was borderline insulting, but she needed to speak with Vanessa. Thinking on it a moment, she then patted Paulette very gently on the shoulder. "You will tell Lord Mozenrath that I am securing Costa Del Oro and it is immensely important. I am sure he will understand." She was not convinced on how 'understanding' Agrabah was going to be. But, it benefited them both so she would have to swallow his pride and deal with the insufferable Castillion.

                                                  Watching the door slide open, Isabella tilted her chin up a moment and snapped her fingers. On cue, Edgar had turned on his heel and walked to the Queen as if he was tugged by an unseen force. Bowing and kissing her hand, he backed away and held a hand out to introduce Vanessa to her. "Your Highness, may I present Lady Vanessa Herbard." Staying to the side, Edgar was glad Isabella appeared to be in good humor at least. "Thank you Edgar, though it is entirely unnecessary. Our mothers were friends, so we are practically sisters." Bowing to Vanessa, Isabella thought she was almost perfect in comparison to her mother. Isabella's mother had a portrait of the Archduchess in her private study. From what she knew, they were famously good friends and built their magic with aid of one another. At least, that was how her mother explained it. "Edgar, go with Lord Mozenraths maid. There is last minute details on our loan from Agrabah that I need you to secure.I trust you can handle this as the new Majordomo and possible Castillion for the Pride lands?" She knew Edgar was going to begrudge it, but the temptation she added at the end quickly shut his mouth. "Go, go...." She shoo'd him and Edgar briskly stepped out into the hall with Paulette.

With Whom: Paulette > Vanessa and Edgar |Music: Politics and War |Location: The Hallways > Vanessas Room
OOC: Isabella walks with Paulette to Vanessas door, gives her an excuse for Mozenrath and sends Edgar to deal with the particulars.

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Standard Toaster Monster


Tipsy Detective

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                                                        I wonder, I wonderAurora let her eyes linger on Arthur as he spoke of Maleficent, Hades, and their connection and control over the undead. HIs response was somewhat rambling, and to be honest Aurora wasn't sure she quite followed what he meant. But there was obviously something there that no living person could understand. It was something that only Brand and his undead "brothers" would know of. She bit the inside of her cheek and moved her gaze back to Zavael as the three of them moved forward. Aurora let her eye scan the area in front of her as she trailed behind her two companions. Silently, Rose cursed the fairy who had done this to her...It had to be that woman. Asking her riddles and what not. She'd been such a fool to fall for that woman's words so easily. Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather were the only good fairies she'd ever known. All of the other ones...well, Aurora didn't want to encounter any other ones. "We should. Train, I mean. It sounds like a good idea." The blonde looks back to Arthur and nodded to him with a small smile.

                                                        Another silence fell over the trio, but Aurora didn't seem to mind. She listened to the sounds of winter. The crunch of snow under their horses' hooves, the small cracks of branches as the critters who were out moved around. She was familiar with the sounds, and Aurora could only hope that her hearing would help make up for her lost eye. She lifted her gloved hand and pressed her fingers against the gauze that was covering her marred eye. They were likely speckled with blood, and would need to be changed shortly. "You're such a burden..." She hated it. Aurora hated being dead weight...all the more reason to train. She needed to get stronger. "Aurora." Zavael called to her, and immediately her gaze found him. He seemed...strained. Worried? Or just grumpy, like usual. "Hmm?" She kept her attention on him as he spoke, bringing up his concern about the cottage that Maleficent had magically provided. Would Maleficent trap Aurora there? It was a legitimate concern, and that emotion showed in his eyes. Even with her limited vision, Aurora could still see his emotion.

                                                        She shook her head. "It's possible, sure, but I won't be having your men go for me. I'll take care of it myself. If there's some sort of fairy magic at play, it may as well fall on me..." Trailing off, Aurora looked off to the side. "Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? The life of a toy..." She muttered bitterly to herself, reminding herself that for years she'd been the play-thing of fairies. After a moment, Aurora fixed her sight on Zavael again. There weren't enough words to show her gratitude. He'd helped her in so many ways over the years, and he was helping her now more than ever. She bit her cheek, swallowing down her guilt.

                                                        It wasn't long before the small group arrived at Maleficent's camp. Aurora sat straight, but let her eye wander across the familiar faces of the chimera horde and the undead. Her bloodied bandages were visible even under the hood of her cloak, and Aurora did her best to ignore the stares she was receiving. "Keep a straight face...don't let them know you feel weak. Zavael already saw you like that, and that was enough. Don't cause a spectacle." She pulled the reigns of her horse, signaling the creature to stop just as Zavael and Brand did the same. Aurora dismounted her horse, but found it was not as easy as she remembered. She took her time, and eventually was able to settle her boots on the ground. She lifted her hands to her hood and removed the cloth from her head, revealing her bandages and messy blonde locks. Aurora lingered by Zavael and Arthur while things were set into motion. Zav tasked some of his men, some beastly and some human, with helping her retrieve things from the cottage. And then he left with Arthur...Aurora watched the two of them ride away, and there was a pathetic weakness in her that did not want either of them to go. But that was foolish. She didn't need to depend on them so much. "It's just an eye. Just an eye..." Aurora turned to the men who had been assigned to her and nodded her head gently at them. "Let's get this over with..." Aurora stepped cautiously, doing her best to judge the distance of her busy surroundings so that she would not run into anything or anyone. No one uttered a word about her slower pace, or her cautious steps, but she could feel eyes watching her as she approached the cottage.

                                                        Aurora opened the main door and stepped inside. She made her way through the familiar building until she was at her room. The door was closed, just as she'd left it...And what if she entered and it closed behind her. Aurora turned and looked to her company. She and the "leader" of the squad exchanged a look. Right. They would bust down the door if they had to...and there was a window. Aurora wasn't opposed to diving out of it if it meant escaping Maleficent's clutches. Maybe she'd somehow lose her other eye in the process, just to even things out. Aurora stepped inside the room, leaving the door open behind her. She began packing her items as quickly as she could, but it was taking longer than it would have pre eye-loss. But that was to be expected. Aurora gathered all of her clothing and folded it as fast as she could, her smaller blades, as well as her trusty (and for now, useless) bow and her quiver of arrows. Aurora placed everything on the bed before kneeling down and pulling out a small chest. The one where she kept all things she thought were precious. Aurora lifted the lid after unlocking it just to double check its contents. Her crown, some of the finer jewels she'd held onto...those could be sold if needed. Her wedding ring, which she'd neglected to take to the Lioncourt's home, was inside also. "Won't be needing that..." Aurora thought bitterly. Her eye landed on the tiny shoes that she'd been unable to leave behind. No matter how she felt about Phillip, the child she lost was something she'd never be able to let go of. She needed to hurry up. Aurora reached into her pocket and pulled out the letter that Phillip at written before he was murdered...again. She dropped it into the small chest and closed the lid, locking it up tight. Hopefully Zavael wouldn't mind her bringing it along...Aurora lifted the chest and set it on the bed. She draped her bow and quiver over her left shoulder, knowing that having them on her back and at the ready was utterly pointless. She would tack them onto the saddle of her horse for later use. She cradled the small chest in the crook of her left arm and lifted her pack of clothing and other items onto her right shoulder. Usually, it was no problem...but she was overdoing it. Aurora gritted her teeth, more than fed up with how weak she was feeling.

                                                        Taking careful steps, Rose left the room and entered the hallway. There was a brief exchange of words between the princess and Zavael's men, which ultimately resulted in one of them taking the larger pack from her right shoulder. They moved together back to Aurora's horse. Her companions helped take care of her things, and in the cold Aurora attached her former weapons to the saddle of her horse. There was a dagger on her hip now, and that would have to do for the time being. "Friends, soldiers, forest folk! Lend me your ears!" The Horned King's voice boomed through the area, and Aurora watched as the horde and Maleficent's forces moved closer to him so they could hear his words. One of the men who had helped her in the cottage stayed at her side and listened along with her. Her stomach knotted when he mentioned Phillip. All of her emotions regarding him, which had still yet to be dealt with, welled within her. Aurora chomped down on her cheek and tapped her fingernails lightly on the side of the chest. She did her best to push her emotions away. No one needed to see her discomfort, and if she cried it would likely cause her eye to ache more than it already did. Still, she listened to Zavael. His words caused her to relive her most recent emotional struggles, most of them pertaining to her deceased husband and Maleficent. Aurora was able to sense the crowd's emotions though, and it only proved that Zavael was a great speaker. He introduced Arthur, and Aurora kept her gaze on her childhood companion as he spoke. Everything was so backwards...She remembered him speaking to her about silly things. She remembered running around in the woods and sending her bird-friends to pester him. It was odd to hear him talk about being undead. He finished up, and soon Zavael swooped in to end the speech.

                                                        "For the Horde!

                                                        There was quite the uproar following Zavael's passionate words. Cheering, and some noises that Aurora assumed were cheering, plus some friendly roughhousing. Aurora looked down to the chest in her arm as she listened to the people moved around the campsite. There were quite a few people who were bustling about now. Turning to the creature who had helped her with her items, Aurora thanked him before setting off towards Arthur and Zavael. She kept to the outskirts of the campground to avoid walking through the middle of the crowd. She took her steps carefully, and eventually came to a halt next to her two friends. "That's quite the jolt of energy you have given them." Rose remarked softly, inspecting Zav's face for a moment. She moved the chest she was holding into her hands. "I have some things in here we could sell, if needed. I know Queen Isabella has offered to pay you, but think of this as a safety net." She moved her precious cargo back under her arm and turned to face the campsite. "How long until we leave this place?"

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        Location: Maleficent's Campxxx Company: Zavael (+Hen Wen) & Brand xxx Health: 60% - bandaged, scabbed, knuckles ; damaged left eye.

        Chai High Tuba

        Gazimon X

        TL;DR Aurora gathers her things from the campsite and is assisted in packing her items onto her horse. She listens to Zavael and Brand's speech and is confronted by her unresolved issues over Phillip. Holding her burdens inside, Aurora goes to speak to Zav and Brand and offers to sell some of her items if needed. She asks when they will be departing, as she wants nothing more than to get out of this place...

kurochitei's Problem

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                            • The woman sighed. She was appreciative of Armel’s willingness to allow her freedom, but there was a sliver of disappointment too – ultimately he did mean something to her, but Trinity insisted to herself that it was just curiosity. In actuality she knew nothing of him. She did not understand nor acknowledge his goals and servitude to the tiny Robert, and the rumours speculating his past as a bedevilled bear had yet to be unravelled. The blonde ran her gloves through her dirty and braided hair, hoping to block out Merlin’s adamant and clamorous muttering. ‘Duty this, responsibility that’. She almost felt homesick for the simplicity of her role alongside the queen, but rejected the thought of returning to her: not only was she certain that she would be toyed with once more, but her sterling reputation had been tarnished. Isabella would surely punish her. ‘Am I cowardly?’ she asked herself as she strode forward, brushing soldiers straying from the ranks out of her path. She did not hear Armel’s soft whispers to the prince in his pocket.

                              Whilst she walked along the outskirts of the colossal convoy her companion had another idea in mind. David’s men parted for him like the waves of an ocean, stunned by the titan’s mighty and grim power. For a moment in time Trinity was no different; she too stared, ignoring the fear within the assembly as children cowered and swordsmen gripped the sweat-stained hilts of their weapons.

                              ‘The rebellion!’ Merlin stated blithely, his visage still warped in the battered metal of her targe. ‘Excellent! Perhaps their leader would be willing to help us locate Arthur. Yes, yes, good work Trinity. There’s time yet to repair Fantasia.’ It was difficult even for the lioness to ignore his thrilled tone, but she somehow managed, instead focusing her vivid eyes on the miry path ahead. The snow had been stamped into a viscous slush, taking on a cadaverous shade of brown. The name meant little to her, albeit she had heard it before – something about a king and his tragic story. She supposed he and Merlin were connected somehow, but why should she care? Surely the mage knew better than to believe that she, easily the most ornery and tenacious woman to have survived Isabella’s instruction, would meekly serve the needs of a stranger.

                              Ornately decorated guards, men whom she assumed were the survivors of Richard’s army, allowed her to pass. Her company was not so fortunate. Robert wasted no time in letting himself be known, despite the challenge of his size; fortunately David was listening and granted them passage. Her attention no longer on her companion’s dilemma, Trinity laid her gaze on her foster brother. “…” She went to no effort to mask her scepticism as the noble and righteous king struggled for words. What inspiring speech could he possibly muster to sway a heart as balky as her own?

                              Very little apparently. The stated fact caused her to quirk her brow and purse her lips. “It has been,” she muttered frostily. “I might have forgiven that if you had bothered to meet with me last night. Or am I still a burden?”

                              He did not reply, apparently unshaken by her dagger-like glares and uncomforting disposition. As she waited, the lioness paid vague attention to the conversation between Armel and a man whose beard and hair was ticked with grey. He spoke of his pride and his transformation. ‘So the legends are true,’ she pondered, shocked. The fair-haired woman did not have time to linger on the emotional subject however. Instead the great king had left his stallion’s side, advancing on her with intense determination. At first Trinity maintained her stance. Then, aware that he was not slowing, she began to reverse. “Don’t you dare –!” David took no heed of her snarls as he swathed her in a warm embrace, lifting the warrior off the ground – sword, buckler and all. “Argh!” Blood rushed to her face in the form of a rebellious blush, her face burning against the wintry cold. This was so exasperating! All she’d ever desired was to be taken seriously. Her gender had already created a great deal of inconvenience, as had her position as the adopted child of the former king; she lacked valuable blood, but she nevertheless had many connections and could still make a beautiful trophy wife. Somehow she had surmounted this, but it had been for naught. The rebellion would surely remember her as the rightful king’s ‘cuddly’ sibling.

                              The feverish incalescence in her face was overturned by a torpedo of a snowball. It dissolved softly against her face, its powdery form physically harmless. Unfortunately, despite being so proud and fearless, Trinity’s conceit was a sensitive manner. She spied the man responsible. Tiberius was waving, apparently ignorant of his blame.

                              Trinity’s indignation and animosity manifested all at once in a single, powerful and cruel knee to her brother’s crotch, effectively crushing those royal jewels of his. ‘Perhaps that will teach him from treating me so childishly before his followers,’ she thought as she was slowly placed back onto her feet and her brother doubled over in unspoken throes.

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Kyser Amadeus Panteon

                                                  The things Acel said sometimes surely did get on the Boar's nerves, especially on such sensitive topics but he kept his mouth shut when he questioned him on guarded. "Traps? Well of course there would be traps, it's a King's Tomb for crying out loud. Perhaps someone did make it that far, but without a medallion from the Lioncourt family they wouldn't be able to get in unless they snagged one or molded one of their own from clay and somehow twisted the key." Kyser snorted and shook his head. Anyone could tell he was a little irritated, mostly from the talk mere minutes ago.

                                                  The hooves of their mounts seemed to echo within the misty world around them. It had felt they had escaped life and walked where the dead walked. It was a feeling Kyser didn't like but for David he would keep moving on. Taking a deep breath, a rush of cold air swept past them and surrounded them. Kyser let out a breath and immediately from the warmer climate of the Pridelands, it had dropped significantly. It felt colder than when they were in the Great Forest.

                                                  “Just believe me when I say it’s good.” "You said that last time and I was held in a stockade for three days," he retorted back. If Acel ever muttered that phrase usually it was nothing good! The second time he did it David was in some kidnapper's arms and he had to fight tooth and nail through three pubs and finally an abandoned windmill. He was not too happy with Acel after that last encounter. “So tell me, what do you actually know about this place? Besides the facts that there are some bodies and that it’s destined to be swimming in traps, I’ve got no clue.”

                                                  Kyser sighed lightly. "For a man who's traveled and stole so many valuables, I would have thought you listened to some conversations while we were around," he said sharply and shook his head. "The Tomb of Kings was erected by I believe Mohatu, the First Great King. It was to be used as a family burial ground, like the mounds in the Northern countries. Well, Mohatu saw that many Pridelanders risked their lives everyday for their people, protecting them from the Barbarians coming from Andalasia and Arendelle. Of course they weren't there at the time. So, Mohatu opened the Tomb of Kings and brought in those who did great deeds like sacrificing their life for their King or were dear friends for many, many years. The surrounding countries saw that the Tomb wasn't as special anymore with commoners flooding in and being rested their amongst their Kings and Queens, but Mohatu didn't really give a damn. For the years that passed every Great King and Queen and their bodyguards were buried there. Bodyguards to watch over their King and Queen and friends to keep them company. Rumor has it that family heirlooms are locked within the Tomb but no one knows where, only the Lioncourt Family, but seeing as how David was chased out by his Uncle and even his Uncle seeming not to know, there could be something of utmost importance in there," he said low.

                                                  Horse rearing back some Kyser looked up from the blood red soil and came face to face with two massive pillars of soldiers with their swords in hand. Dismounting his mare and walking towards the pillars, he could see a darker patch within the fog and motioned for Acel. "I believe it leads down and from there we can explore."

                                                  ooc: Kyser talks to Acel about the Tomb of Kings. Finally reaching the burial ground, he motions for Acel to come along so they can scour the area.

                                                  raiga zero

Yeah, people will beat you, and curse you and cheat you.
Every one of them's bad... except you.


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                                          Sven blinked as the golem started crumbling once the arrow had found its mark. Fear and tension gave way to childish ignorance as he continued waving his stick about, avoiding the larger chunks of still-solid ice crashing down from the splintered arms. THWACK! THUNK! DWUK! The stick found its mark against the crumbling white substance, the arc of his blows throwing up waves of snow into the air. He flailed his makeshift weapon around a bit, “helping” to disperse the snow a little more. Just in case. It would be a problem if the golem magically reformed wouldn’t it?

                                          Lost in the brainless, makeshift game, he missed Seraphina’s apology and exclamation about how cool it was to be a centaur. Hearing the white noise, he paused momentarily to look at her, stick frozen in the air mid-stroke. Eh? Then he continued. A few last swings and hooves trampling on the puddled mash for good measure.

                                          More talk from Kristoff. Angry sounding tone. Sven decided that it was time to pay heed to what was going on; rather like how a child tuned out nagging until the tone reached the pitch of ‘danger level’. Sven trotted over, leaning his stick against his shoulder with his other hand planted at his ‘hip’. A somewhat proud smile curled on his rounded features as he walked up beside Kristoff, almond eyes studying the scene to try and gain some understanding about what was going on. Kristoff pushed against him, trying to nudge him off to the side. Something about talk and wolves?

                                          ”Get your things and go!” Kristoff insisted.

                                          Sven nodded in supportive affirmation, until his brain processed exactly what had been said. He blinked and then flinched, looking back at Kristoff with raised brows. Wait, what? What? His lower lip pushed out momentarily, then he thumped his stick lightly against his own shoulder as if to remind them of it.

                                          A hand reached out, palm up at Seraphina’s eye level.

                                          ”KEH-ROT!” He insisted.

                                          Fingertips twitched with a beckoning insistence.

                                          [ Sven "helps" to disperse the snow with his stick, then runs up to meet them. He quickly sticks his hand out to Seraphina, demanding carrots. #carrotislove #carrotislife ]

Ice-Cold Visionary

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"I am your adoring servant, your grace." Bowing, Edgar then bowed to Vanessa and gave her a bit of a cheeky smile in between. "And you, my lady... I remain an ever loving servant." Leaving the room briskly, he did get a snippy look from the Queen as he made his exit. Grimacing a little, Edgar walked around her guards and stepped into the hall. The door slamming behind him, he had a deep breath. The look was a thing of warning more than irritation. He had stepped out of line with Agrabah before. And though he could mask his uncomfortable appearance with flattery to the beautiful sea witch, it did little to ease his mind. Looking to Paulette, he realized he was staring off into the distance briefly. "Oh, please excuse me. I am The Queens Castillion Edgar Balthazar. I believe your lord is waiting on us." He was polite, but 'your lord' came like a a grinding of the teeth.

"I have no illusions, this will not be a very pleasant nor social visit. But, affairs of state must be dealt with before pleasure." He was not entirely sure how he should approach this. The entire reasoning of being placed in Lethlania as Castillion was due to 'personal reasons'. Now, at his appointed office he was headed to meet with the voice of Ja'far for political reasons. If this should go badly, the Queen would be displeased and he would find himself once again a Castillion in Lethlania. Though, to make her happy he was going to have to jump through many hoops to be affable,charming,determined and gracious for this unfortunate meeting. Not something he was entirely sure he could do. "So, tell me... How is Agrabah? I only had the pleasure of visiting a long time ago. This was around the time Aladdin was taken from office. It is a beautiful place, color in the streets and beauty in the desert landscape." Waving his hand to gesture the rolling sands of Agrabah, reaching far to the Land of the Black Sand. "As a servant I don't imagine you have been given very much information on what this meeting is about? I have the details, and I warn you now that tempers may very certainly begin to fly." Not letting her speak just yet, Edgar raised his eyebrows and gave Paulette a sideways glance. "The reason for this being, this is not Agrabah and I am not a fool."

Gesturing for her to lead the way, he assumed they might be getting close to late in meeting with Lord Mozenwrath. Isabella had given him some of the particulars, though Edgar was not willing to put this entire wars financial situation into Agrabah just yet. The trade agreement they finally came to benefited them both, but to borrow money from the great nation to finance the war was going to be very costly to the royal treasury and take a very long time to reestablish. That was unless the King was successful in taking another Kingdom. A gamble, as it were. It was only a matter of what Agrabah wanted in return for this favor.If necessary, Import taxes may have to be raised, less guards along the major roads and if they could conquer more land there could be profit coming to them from the noble houses.

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His Majesty King Arthur Pendragon. BRAND Long Live the King!
xoxoThe arrival in camp was like returning to a dream after waking. The place was familiar from what he could recall, but every detail was unfocused at the edges, as if he were staring past things instead of looking directly at them. The activities of his comrades came across in moments, not actual events strung together. Aurora left to gather her belongings from a potentially cursed house. Zavael saw to his men and donned equipment that he must have worn often before. Brand only thought so because the image made more sense in his head — he was used to seeing the man this way. For the sake of practicality, he was given his own equipment as well, but he was unsure of armor. Weaponry made sense, he was a warrior of some kind, but would his body survive damage the way it had the last time he was awake, or would he come out of any trouble unhindered by his wounds? It was an interesting question, but how dead was he exactly? His heartbeat ached, his fingers were still cold, but he had no idea how pain would affect him. It was difficult to make sense of and he was glad to be free of what would only become further doubt as he followed after Zavael when they were ready. As the man stood and began to speak, Brand appeared to physically withdraw, though he did not move his feet or shift in the least. With hunched shoulders, he listened through the Horned King’s speech, feeling the strength of his words but letting them pass him by.

xoxoA masterful speaker, the general seemed to stir the crowd into a fervor with his speech. There was a good reason for his position. But as his speech rose and fell through the narrative style, Brand’s eyes turned to the shambling masses of the Legion of the Undead. Their pace of constant wandering seemed only to slow by a fraction at the sound of a booming voice over the crowd between them. While it was true that they could hear Zavael’s words, the wakened dead man had his doubts about his message actually reaching them. The haze they were in was one he only knew for the blank spaces in memory, and the only reason that he could even comprehend what was happening now was because of outside help that the others would not be afforded. He almost spoke to them as if they were alive, which was an unwittingly merciful act that was fundamentally fruitless at best. Still, Brand participated in the speech despite his own misgivings, not daring to dissent before a crowd that begged for truth. He stood before them feeling too vulnerable, but his expression was tired and he spoke as if detached, calling directly to his compatriots as if he thought they could hear him. But they shuffled on, eyes hungry for something simpler than freedom from dubious leadership. With his piece spoken, he faded back behind Zavael and smiled mutedly at his exclamation. His pierced heart beat appreciatively at the hearty reply from the crowd, but he feared being superficial here.

xoxoTime had dampened his interest in moving people, and he was finding himself glad to withdraw from whatever position he had held in his previous life. The only armies he could recall moving were defeated easily — Camelot fought amidst itself readily, but the rest of the world had lacked patience for their inexperience at acting together. His concerns were quickly turning inward after such a defeat. Four years of being away. He had to restore himself and return home, not because he thought he could foolishly charge in and solve a problem so quickly as he had thought before, but because it was the right thing to do. Return to Camelot, face the consequences. He took in a ragged, nearly useless breath more for the gesture than for need of air, (oxygen, Merlin would demand, while attempting to explain something far beyond what Arthur could comprehend,) and turned at the sight of Aurora approaching. There had been concern over her wellbeing upon their return to the camp, as if the place she had shared with Maleficent was dangerous. He was relieved that she was unscathed from the experience. When she joined them and spoke, he absorbed the words and let his vague smile return. He had no comment, but was as interested in the prospect of leaving as she was. He caught the snaking feeling of selfishness in him as he recognized his own desire to leave and carry on in smaller numbers, which would be far easier to manage as they worked toward a goal.

xoxoBrand recognized that soon they would need to know what his motives were for going to Wonderland, apart from familial devotion. He waited quietly for the moment, knowing it would come in due time.

      Location: Maleficent’s Camp
      Company: Aurora, Zavael, mystery piglet
      Commentary: No-dialogue posts. D;
      TL;DR: Brand mulls over the state of the Legion of the Undead and witnesses Zavael’s speech to the Horde. As Aurora approaches, his thoughts turn to leaving and continuing with a more personal journey.

      Space Candy

      Gazimon X

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                            ◇◆xxx The Little Red Hood xxx ◆◇

                                          tab Snatching it forcefully away from her, she let out a small gasp as she yanked her hand back, doing her best not to get cut on the passing axe head. Pouting a bit, she crossed her arms across her chest. "I didn't steal anything! I borrowed it!" Scowling at him, she kicked some of the snow beneath their feet, huffing and crossing her arms tighter around her chest. Men were so... infuriating sometimes! She glanced back and noticed him pushing Sven away, and she rolled her eyes. The wolves again. Always with the wolves. "I don't even think Winter could take down Sven on his own, let alone with another wolf, or me! I mean, have you seen how big your friend is?!" It was true. Sven was a large reindeer to begin with, and in his centaur form, he was even larger. Sure, a whole pack of wolves could put up a good fight against the centaur, and potentially win. But just one wolf? Seraphina was certain even she would have trouble trying to fight Sven. If weapons were allowed, she'd likely have the upper hand. But all he would need do is get in close enough and snap her bow in half, and she'd have some troubles. Seraphina rolled her eyes again at him and yanked her fur lined red hood up over her head. This guy was taking mysterious and cryptic to a whole new level. She was certain she had a good idea of who he was, so she could understand in part why he didn't want her on the mountain. But all she had actually done to him since she had met him was help. Well, after that first little lie, of course. But still! All he had seen was good, yet he still deemed her bad just because she associated with a wolf.

                                          tab Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sven nod his head in agreement. She was almost certain that the Centaur wouldn't deny her company, but if he wanted her gone, she'd comply. Seraphina would listen to someone who asked politely after treating her with nothing but respect, as opposed to someone who only yelled at her. Then she heard a thump, and once more, her blue eyes went to Sven. She watched him hold out a hand, palm up, eye level with her. Blinking for a moment, she stood there, frozen. Winter joined her, sitting beside her and tilting his head curiously at Sven's hand, not even remotely affected by the fact that the reindeer was now part human. "KEH-ROT!" He had a much deeper, stronger voice than she was expecting, and she raised an eyebrow curiously. Sven's fingertips twitched, insisting that she place a carrot in the palm of his hand. A sly grin crept its way across her face as she reached into her bag and pulled out a carrot. Already, this day was much more adventurous and exciting than she thought it would be. Maybe she should follow the pair for a while longer?

                                          tab Pulling out a particularly large carrot, she stepped forward enough to place the carrot in his large hand without even touching him, glancing at the mountain man, the grin still on her lips. But her words were directed towards Sven. "You did a wonderful job helping us, Sven! Distracting the golem like that, it really helped me get a good shot at him, that way I could save your friend from being thrown around too much more. I apologize about how you were dropped, though." That was directed at he man. "I wasn't expecting it to melt or crumble that fast." The look she gave him was genuine, and she bowed her head in apology for a moment. Once more, eyes were on Sven. "I only have one other carrot in my pack, and I'd rather save it for some stew tonight. So that's the last carrot I can give you, big guy." She gave Sven a warm smile. Her adrenaline was finally fading, and she could feel herself getting a bit tired. "As for my journeys... I found what I was looking for. Although, I was hoping you'd be a bit more willing to talk, instead of yelling." She pouted at the blond man, hands on her hips. She had stated earlier as her second cover story that she was looking for the infamous Mountain Man that dwelled with the Trolls. Best part was, it wasn't entirely a lie.

                                          tab Seraphina sighed and started off towards the village, but paused a few feet away to look back at them. "I'll get your name one day, Mountain Man." She flashed a coy smile at him before heading off again, Winter giving one last friendly whimper towards Sven before scampering off after Seraphina. She was certain she'd see the pair again. There was no way this was the only interaction they'd ever have.

    Who: Winter, Sven & Kristoff
    What: Trying to talk
    When: Almost mid-day
    Where: In Arendelle, small village not too far from the palace
    Why: All I wanna do is talk : I

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    (( OOC : Boop))

    Gazimon X

    The Last Stark

Invisible Genius

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Ivory Snow
The Snow Princess

            The firm grasp of Elsa’s hands tore her from her shattered disillusion. “Little duckling,” the queen called her—so endearing, so kind and loving. Ivory had all but forgotten what those things had felt like on her ears, on her skin and head and hands and heart. Elsa asked her not to pull away and so Ivory stayed, her shoulders trembling with her tears and determination, but otherwise she sat stock still, soaking in every word of the queen before her. Elsa is what a queen is. Isabella was never a queen.
              Ivory listened, but it still seemed the ruler of Arendelle was disillusioned. Anna’s promise would mean hogwash to Isabella. The woman wanted Ivory, hated Ivory, and would let no words of sworn safety stand in her way. If Elsa let Ivory stay, then Isabella Lioncourte was her enemy as well.
              But if Elsa truly meant what she said…
              “Arendelle does not turn it's back on those in need and you, darling are someone in need. If you wish to leave, I am not keeping you."
                Ivory shook her head. “I don’t wish to leave,” but I don’t wish harm on you or your kingdom, either. “Elsa, your eyes are so clean,” Ivory crept her hand to the woman’s face, gently brushing the skin of her temples. “I hope mine can be like yours, one day.”
                  A guard approached, and Elsa issued orders for the Jaeger brothers to come to the map room. A cloak sounded nice, too—the Arendelle garb was exquisitely embellished, it’s nordish designs of the like Ivory had only seen in artwork. The guard bowed and hustled down the hall, and Elsa turned to Ivory once more. The snow queen smiled, a brilliant grin of white pearls and dazzling kindness. They call her the Snow Queen…I was once called a Snow Princess…I wonder if that’s a coincidence…

                    "Anna would frown on us for speaking so seriously. No more." Ivory gasped at the sudden kiss on her cheek. Her adoration of this queen was growing with every second. "Little duckling...I forbid you for speaking so sad. Only happy from you. You let me worry about the sad, okay? You are safe here, As long as you wish for safety I will provide it for you. If you wish to leave, to return to her, I will give you my own steed and send you on your way."
                      No…never…Ivory would never wish to leave.

                        "Ivory Primrose, Arendelle is not another prison for you. Come now my Queen, let us clean up your pretty face."
                          Ivory followed Elsa’s lead, gripping the woman’s hands like they were her anchors. Queen…Elsa had called her a Queen…
                              As they walked, the memories bubbled to the surface, and Ivory straightened her back. “Elsa…you need to know, I don’t want to leave. Please don’t mistake my words for those of ingratitude or dissatisfaction. You have given me everything these few days, and I will forever after love you for it. In a different world, Arendelle and Lethlania could be sisters…So, if I ever leave, know it is not because I want to walk away from you. Lethlania…Yes, Lethlania…What a beautiful place…I knew Isabella was after me, and so I left it. If she demands to have me, I will not let anyone else fall in her path. Sometimes, the most difficult thing, the bravest, most heart-wrenching act, is to be a coward and run away, or surrender. Not always, of course, but for me, someone with no other cards to play…Just…I just need you to know that…If I ever leave, it is not because of you…”

                                Thinking of her husband, Ivory felt a powerful impulse to ask about Lethlania and it’s state. But a part of her already knew…It only made sense, if Elsa never offered to send news to the kingdom, or arrange for Ivory’s return, then…then there must not be anything to return to. Ivory left Lethlania in the hopes that it would then be spared, but…
                                All that agony, her dwarves, her hunstmen, her husband…It was all in vain.
                                Ivory clenched her fist—the one not coddles in Elsa’s palm. I’ll kill her.
                                  An iron determination buried itself in her stomach. Shadows crossed behind her eyes, and Ivory mourned the small part of her that had just died. Kindness, innocence, compassion—she couldn’t be so naïve, not in this lifetime. She couldn’t be Snow White. Revenge…it is an evil, but it is also an evil to allow other evil to go unpunished. Justice is ensuring futility is not allowed to flourish.

                                    Ivory allowed Elsa to wash the blood from her face. The Queen was the essence of an older sister: caring, careful, cold and warm. While Ivory closed her eyes against the cotton washcloth, the sound of split-hooves clattering on the bedchamber tiles clapped in her mind. Ivory looked up and glowered.

                                      “Melvin, you rotten, smelly bearded thief!” She scowled at the door. The goat snorted and clambered inside, looking absolutely indifferent to the trouble he caused. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

                                        Your eyes are red.

                                          “And your eyes are rectangles, stupid.” Ivory exhaled a gruff sigh. “Queen Elsa, this is Melvin. Don’t mind his smell—he’s a goat. A stupid, smelly, good-for-nothing goat who smells. Uch, Melvin, do you have any idea how long I followed you for? Don’t you shake your head at me, you gritty wine cork!”

                                            I put Grumpy back in your book. I don’t know what you’re yammering on about. I just thought he could go for some fresh air.

                                              “Fresh air, huh?” Ivory crossed her arms. She shook her head, sighing. “Fine. Well. I’m just glad we found you in the end. I can always count on you to keep me healthy,” she laughed, patting her stomach. She had ran all over the castle, chasing the ruddy oaf. Bringing her fingers to her face, Ivory felt along the bumpy scratches. “Thank you, Elsa,” she said in a soft voice. Standing up, Ivory waited for the queen to turn from the wash basin—Elsa, finished with the girl’s eyes, had busied herself in cleaning her own hands of blood. When the queen was finished, Ivory wrapped her arms around Elsa’s waist, burying her head in the woman’s shoulder and squeezing. Ivory had no window to Elsa’s mind, but for her, the embrace was the signature in the contract.

                                                “Thank you.”

                                                  Once all was well and clean of blood, Ivory followed Elsa out of the queen’s personal chambers, down the length of halls and into the maproom. Melvin came with them—despite Ivory’s constant banter, she really did appreciate the goat’s gruff company. He was there for her when no one else was. Inside the exquisite chamber, Ivory admired the paintings and maps and shelves of books, delicately falling into a plush chair and curling up to hug her legs close.
                                                  Then, upon second though, she remembered that Elsa had called her a Queen, and Ivory straightened in her seat.

                                                  OOC: Kite's post is coming in like five minutes


                                          ━╃Location╄━ Arendelle castle, hallways--Elsa's room--Map Room tab ━╃Company━╃ Elsa tab ━╃Thoughts╄━ Elsa, I can never thank you enough tab ━╃Condition╄━ Mentally unstable, scratches around and in her eyes

                                          style by Kitty Kat Rosetta

                                          --Ivory adores Elsa, says she never wants to leave but she will if her presence ever puts Elsa/Arendelle in danger.
                                          --Melvin shows up.
                                          --Ivory and Elsa go to the map room.


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