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Koalacake's Wife

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Kurami Satoru

"You feared going anywhere with the boy in case someone might find you, when there was a commotion, you saw the Assassin and ran. It only made it obvious you were of the Rebellion. Then the running. You use wind, don't you?" Kurami studied the girl, curious as to see what her next move would be. She didn't wait for an answer, "I, too, use the Element of Wind." She grinned again, "What ever you are planning in your head won't work. You might be able to get away for a short time with running, though, eventually I will find you." Kurami liked to play with her game before she killed it, why not play with this one as well? "Tell you what, I'll close my eyes and count to ten. In that time you can run but, once your ten seconds is up, I come after you. Also, I never expected you to give up so easily, that just wouldn't be fun, now would it?" Kurami slid dawn the tree with her back and sat against the soft grass and closed her eyes, she started, "One, Two, Three. . . " So on it went until she got to ten.

Invisible Shapeshifter

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Lyra Ceru

Spirit Elemental

Lyra closed the piece she was working on and place it carefully in a box. The label explained what the piece was and who had ordered it. Stretching she looked out the window at the street. Today the air elementals were having their race. She wondered how that was going. She also wondered what was happening back home in district 3. It seemed like so long since she had last been there. Of course her job was to remain in district one and gather information to be passed on to the leader. She herself didn't gather the information, no her power wasn't strong enough for that, but she collected what others gathered and passed it along.
In truth she did do that much either. Her real talent lay in the devices she made. She worked with other elementals to create tools and weapons only they could use. In district one she also acted as a protector in case elementals ran into trouble in the city and needed a place to hide or a way to escape. In these instances she was useful.
Checking the clock it she noted it was time for a break. Getting up she stretched and packed her bags for a walk in the city.

**Water elementalist**

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Lucian blushed when the other man caught him and he hid a happy smile. As they walked on Lucian led the way. He'd go to Master Addison.
"Oh yes, sorry, My name is Lucian McQueen, nice to meet you Demetri" He asked and blushed again as the other helped to keep Lucian steady as they walked. Lucian started to feel the strength fly back into his legs, he was getting steadier and steadier and the pain was numbing over. As he led the way to The bath house, he decided it would be best to go through passage ways that attracted less people as to not cause a commotion.
"So what's a good old, spiritual elemantalist doing in this district?" He asked grinning happily as he found he could now fully stand without the fear of tumbling over. They came to the end of teh passage and out onto a busy road and they appeared by the bath house.
"Here we go." He said. He opened the door and walked in turning to see if Demitri would enter. He looked around to look for Master Addison, but she wasn't there. She must have been taking someone to their room. He looked back at Demitri.
"Can I get anything for my hero." He said jokingly and smiled playfully. "I am not going to lie if it wasn't for you I may have never woken up from my slumber." He admitted.

"Don't let the water drag you down,
Don't let the water drag you down,
Don't let me drown,
Don't let me drown in these waves."

Fashionable Fatcat


Y ᴜ ᴜ ᴋ ᴀ . A ɴ ɢ

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                      Yuuka smiled at her hostility. The pink haired woman tossed her bag at the bottom of the tree. She knew it was the least important thing to look after. As as soon as her enemy began to close her eyes, Yuuka darted off away from the assassin. She used her elemental power to speed herself up, she was now like a car driving in a race. She was stoppable but she wasn't planning to halt her movements anytime soon. When Yuuka reached the end of the road, she jumped as the wind surrounded her feet giving her ultimate boosts. It was like a natural thing for Yuuka. The rebel landed on the rooftop of another bathhouse. Man, there was actually so many bathhouses around here it was nice to see. But only if Yuuka could pause and look at the spring clean water.
                      "Right now would be a great idea to think of a plan Yuuka! the woman belted out to herself. Yuuka looked around her surroundings. She then looked around for any sort of help. Ah, only if she was in her own district. Everyone was so close to each other that if you messed with someone, no one would hesitate in helping. They were like one big family but too bad Yuuka didn't know anybody in this district.
                      Yuuka's shoes clicked on the tiles of the roofs as she ran on them. Ah but with Yuuka's luck, she had accidentally slipped. The pink haired woman than stumbled off the roof, rolling into the property of another bathhouse. Pain was felt all over her body but she didn't care, she needed to disappear from the assassins sight. Yuuka was pretty positive that her beautiful clothing was covered in dirt and blood but that wasn;t the time to complain. Yuuka laid in a large bush of someones bathhouse. She immediately pushed through the prickly leaves and ran inside a room. Yuuka slammed the door behind her as she heavily breathed. When she saw she had invaded the privacy of a male no older than 30. "Oh my, I am terribly sorry...I'll be just on my way out now.." she muttered endlessly as she exited the males room. Now she was in the ahllway for a bathhouse. "Wheres the exit? Where's the exit? she muttered to herself as she jogged at the end of the hallway but only to find more hallways. This was like a maze to Yuuka. Trying not to think about it too much, she continued to jog as she looked for an exit.


Mʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ɪs ғɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴀᴅɴᴇss ʙᴜᴛ ᴡʜʏ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ sᴜғғᴇʀ?


Xillionno's Queen

Tipsy Kitten

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~Addison Victorian~

As he said his name, Addison thought if she had ever heard it before. It seemed familiar, but she didn't know it. "Alright Emilius, I won't let them know, they have no right knowing anyways." Addison, was curious why they even wanted him. Not everyday they want someone, unless there an elemetalist. He caught her off guard asking for the time. "Uh..." She didn't know but she knew she could find out, she twirled her finger through her hair and the moister in the air told her everything, "It's around one i believe." She hoped that he didn't think anything was wrong. To keep it up, she played with her hair. Which then she realized that there was people at the front. "Well, i hope you enjoy your bath Emilius." She smiled and slowly closed the door. She hoped that wasn't to sudden. But she figured the people in the front would need her more, seeing as it was Lucian.
She made her way down the hall and saw Lucian and another man standing in the front chatting. She wasn't sure if she was too interrupt, but when she noticed that Lucian's looked, also hurt she had to. "Lucian, what have you been doing?" She moved towards him, and started to lightly touch his head. She could feel a lump, like he hit it, or fell on it. This could be serious. She put on a smile thought and giggle, "Are you training to hard?" She asked him. Then realized she completely forgot about the other guy. She didn't worry because she could tell he was an elemetalist, Lucian doesn't normally bring in random people. She stopped fitting over Lucian and turned towards the other man. "Sorry, i'm being impolite. I'm Addison Victorian and this is my bath house." She smiled invitingly.

Out.Of.Cats: If something doesn't look right, don't be afraid to tell me, because i'm sick, bad. hahaha. C:

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Koalacake's Wife

Witty Fatcat

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Kurami Satoru

The girl had started running even before her eyes were fully closed. This made Kurami smile. She felt something land next to her. "Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Ready or not here I come." She said it in a low whisper. Kurami got up. Brushing herself off, she looked at what was thrown next o her. 'Must be her bag,' she thought to herself. Kurami picked up the bag and put it on her shoulder. She tightened her grip on her bow and began walking at her own pace towards where the girl and gone. Kurami sniffed the air, 'She didn't get far.' Jumping on the nearest house, she disguised her own scent and began running after the girl. Kurami caught up to her pretty fast. Mumbling a few words, Kurami disappeared into the wind. She followed the girl quietly, 'Helps she fell off the house and got lost.' Kurami reappeared next to the exit. The girl wasn't far from it, in fact she was only a few feet away. Throwing the bag high in the air, she shot an arrow. It caught on the bag and flew right into a wall not far from the girl. The bag dangled between the arrow and the wall. "You forgot it. Thought I should return it once I found you," she called out from where she was now leaning on the wall next to the exit.

Fashionable Fatcat


Y ᴜ ᴜ ᴋ ᴀ . A ɴ ɢ

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                        Yuuka was walking through the hallways at this time. She had given up on jogging to the exit since she couldn't find it. How many rooms are in this bathhouse!? Yuuka thought impatiently. Yuuka ran her fingers through her pink hair as she sighed. She picked off some leaves that managed to get trapped in her hair and tossed in onto the wooden floor. "How troublesome..." she muttered to herself with another sigh. When Yuuka turned at a corner, she detected another swift movement and reacted. It was another arrow, but this time she had spotted her bag. Luckily, the arrow only managed to cut her clothing and not her. With another sigh of irritation, she took her bag off the arrow and with her free hand, Yuuka pulled the arrow away from the wall. And with a effortless move, she clenched her fist and broke the arrow in two. The pink haired woman dropped the arrow on the floor as she tossed her backpack on her shoulder. "I would at least expect you to have a little hint of kindness and not destroy my clothes" she complained as she examined the tear.
                        Yuuka scratched her forehead as she cracked her neck. "And I'm guessing that you want to kill me now? Or bring me to your commander huh?" she guessed with a serious expression in her face. What was she suppose to do now? She was out of ideas, not that she was thinking about it that much. And then a thought came to her head. She was in a bath house, filled with people and possibly some of these people are elemenatlist? It wasn't the smartest plan, but at least it was something. As childish and foolish as it sounds, she began to put her thoughts into action. "HELP! Someone's trying to kill me!!!!" Yuuka bursted out all of a sudden at the highest point of her voice. Once the warning was send, Yuuka began to run the opposite direction from the hunter. "Someone please HELP ME!!" she shouted once again as she darted across the hallway. She knew it was a very childish plan but at least she can see she tried.


Mʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ɪs ғɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴀᴅɴᴇss ʙᴜᴛ ᴡʜʏ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ sᴜғғᴇʀ?


EDITED : Last Post For The Day!


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                                                            Dimitri smiled and nodded, "And pleased to meet you as well." he told Lucian and was glad to give the mystery man a name. He then noted that they were going a way where it wasn't so crowded and it seemed that the blonde haired was gaining strength back in his legs for him to walk on his own. Dimi heard his question, and decided to go the nonchalant way of answering. He simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "I just finished making a creation and decided to go for a walk. I tend to walk into other districts whenever I do." he said and looked at the busy street. Frowning a bit at the numerous of people walking by, some just regular, other elementalists and from what he could see, he couldn't see any assassins.

                                                            Dimitri then followed him to the bath house and looked around. He's been to one bath house before, but never took the time out to actually go through the different choices and such. He then grinned at Lucian and held his hand up as to say it wasn't all him. "I'm glad I could help. Maybe I should take the title as your hero." he said jokingly and added, "I'm kidding..maybe jus--" he stopped as he saw someone coming towards him. He noted it was indeed Addison, she was an elementalist as well. So many he's seen today. he chuckled inwardly and watched the two interact. Two water elementalists...he required, and smiled when she introduced herself. He saw her once, at a meeting once. "Oh, I know you Miss Victorian. Dimitri. Dimitri Louie." he introduced himself and added, "Just walked Lucian here to make sure he was at least safe. Didn't want him to pass out again." he told her and left it to Lucian to explain. He then started to head out the door backwards and gave both of them a smile, "I must be going though. I place him in good hands. Good bye Addison. Lucian." he grinned and waved both of them off and exited the shop. He then stopped as he heard someone screaming for help inside. He quickly turned around to see if anything was wrong. Of course it was..but..Dimitri didn't know EXACTLY what.

                                                            // ooc:: c: edited //

Xillionno's Queen

Tipsy Kitten

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~Addison Victorian~

Addison knew something was wrong when she heard "Someone please HELP ME!!". She looked at Lucian and Dimitri, well they we're probably as confused as she was. "Pardon me," She smiled and giggled. She ran into the hallway, she knew she would have to assure her customer that nothing was wrong. She saw a girl running her way, and she waved at her to follow her. When she got to Addison she spoke quietly, "Listen i'm going to hid you, but you must listen and do as i say." She grabbed onto this lovely girls arm and ran back towards the front of the bath house, lucky they hadn't been spotted by the assassin yet. She pushed the girl into the herb room "Stay in here, and be quiet," and grabbed the oils she had just bought, she would be upset later about this but that's okay. She locked the door from the inside and closed it. She hurried towards Lucian and 'dropped' the scented oils. Quickly she mixed it with the moisture of the air. No assassin could tell where she hid her now. Before the assassin came, she quickly said, "What ever i say, go with it," then winked.
She just waited for the assassin to come by. She had a nice, huge word for her, and disturbing her customers.

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Koalacake's Wife

Witty Fatcat

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Kurami Satoru

Kurami giggled, "I apologize, next time I'll aim for that pretty little face of yours. Also, how dare you not call me kind. I went so far as to give you a head start. I even went through all the trouble of finding you to return your bag and then you break my arrow. Forgive me for not being the sincerest person around."

As soon as that brat opened her mouth, Kurami knew she was going to have her hands full. Everybody started looking around and pointing fingers. Luckily, the pink haired elemantalist didn't say or show who was after her. 'Though, I guess people aren't that dumb. After all, I am holding a weapon.' Kurami sighed as people started to crowd around her, "I'm on official business. Please let me through or I will not hesitate to kill you." She started walking and some people moved out of her way. Other on the other hand, some were not as smart. One man tried to grab her arm. The moment his fingers curled around her arm she turn around on the tip of her foot. Drawing an arrow and pointing it she stared up at the man. She had done all this in the blink of an eye. Some were scared and back away slowly, others couldn't believe what they saw and collapsed. Her eyes seeped into the man's. Her arrow was touching the middle of his head, the sharpness of the tip caused a small cut in his forehead. "I said it once, and I will say it again, let me through or I will not hesitate to kill you." He nodded and started apologizing and begging for her to spare him. Once again, Kurami had mumbled a few words; this time, instead of her disappearing the man broke down and started to cry. She withdrew and continued after the girl.

The commotion the Air Bender had caused wasted much of Kurami's time. She sniffed the air one more and started tracking the girl. After about 2o minutes of searching she found nothing. Kurami walked in on two people. A male and female. It seemed as though the female was throwing oil around the male. "I do not mean to disturb you, but have you seen a girl with teared clothing and pink hair?" she asked. Kurami glanced around the room suspiciously.

{{ OMIGOD!! i am so sorry, i edited it!! I apologize!!!! There, better : )) }}

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Lucian looked over to see Addison and he smiled happily. She came over and started checking the back of his head. He liked it when he was looked after and fussed over.
"Yeah I guess I was." Lucian replied to Addison's question. He looked at Addison with a calm expression when all of a sudden he heard the pain filled scream for help. He felt much calmer as Addison gave a look as though it was all under control. Lucian liked Addison for that reason she always made him feel calm. She walked away and then came back and threw an oil on the floor, he knew what she was doing and he was starting to panic, he was slightly confused at what was going on and didn't know what to do. All of a sudden he was told to go along with what she did and so he stood there silently, like an obedient dog. He was standing behind Addison and stayed close to her back in fear.
((OOC: Sorry i will have to make it pretty later on.))

Familiar Shade

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R e i g n .

Reign was the fastest of his kind. And no doubt this showed. His legs moving faster than ever, almost into an infinite blur. This year, the race would be his. Failure is not an option. He thought to himself. The air-bender ran almost vertically now, using his element to keep him stable and increase his speed faster and faster. Glancing back briefly, Reign saw his brother, Doric trailing close behind him. He was the one who usually won this race, but not this year. Reign stomped his foot hard into the side of the building; propelling himself outward. Without anything to grip on now, Reign channeled his energy out of his palms. His hands felt like they were going to fall of due to the heat he felt. The air channeled into a jet like flow as he boosted even faster, nearing the top. The thoughts of his Master, of his days of training and pain alluded his mind. Though he was racing against his brothers and sisters, Reign took it very seriously. He even trained more than his siblings. He knew he was the fastest, he had to be. Landing lightly back onto the side of the building he could see more of his siblings trailing after Doric. Isabelle, Dwight and Garon were catching up. He had to hold his place, it was only a little further.

The top of the tower was another 100 meters up, he would not allow himself to lose again. Reign's legs worked harder than ever, moving faster than a visible threshold. He let out a shriek of pain, as he refused to stop running he picked up his pace; channeling winds through his palms to give him an even faster boost of speed! I will not lose! He screamed in his mind. His heart was beating, like a wardrum in his chest. Though the pain seared through his body, he would not stop. No. He could not stop. Finally, Reign let out another cry of pain and ache as he jumped off the side fo the building and propelled himself within a second and landed with a thud onto the roof. He had one, he had finally one. He couldn't even believe it. Huffing and puffing, he looked around. His master stood in the center of the roof. Reign walked up to him. By now his brothers and sisters finally landed, cursing that they had lost. Even Doric was in disbelief. "Congratulations, Reign." His master said, opening his arms. "You are the champion of this years festivities. And, as is tradition you may pick a single weapon of your favour from the Air Masters of the Past ages' tomb."

He couldn't even believe it. He actually had no idea what he was going to choose. Reign had been so focussed on winning the Race he hadn't even thought about what weapon he would choose. Or what weapon would choose him. "Thank you, Sensai." Reign said bowing, grinning to himself.


{ooc: I live in Australia, sorry for the late posting guys haha. Had to catch up sweatdrop }

Xillionno's Queen

Tipsy Kitten

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~Addison Victorian~

Addison saw the assassin come into the front room. She had long white hair like her own, but, Addison's was white and her was more silver. Just by the looked of her she knew this was an Air assassin. Perfect she thought. She had to change her mood though, in order to get this right. She put and upset face on, with a hint of anger. "Yeah i have seen a Girl with pink hair, she ran out the front door. But You want to explain to me why she was running, and creating a mess now?! I thought it was your job to contain those beast!? She ran right through here with a gush of wind, and it unbalanced me making me knock over my only scented oils! How am i going to explain all this yelling and running to the customers? You tell me, not to mention, Your not suppose to be in here! This is a Relaxing environment. Please leave before you harm anyone else, that doesn't need to be." Addison said with and angry upset almost yelling, but not loud enough for the customers to hear. She was upset, this assassin probably just hurt her customers, trying to get to the girl.. She pointed towards the door hoping that the assassin would take the hint that she wasn't welcomed here as an assassin, but if she ever wanted to come as an customer. Things would be much different. Addison made some tears form up, to prove her expressions were true. And in reality, most of it was true. Just not in the right way..

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Invisible Shapeshifter

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Lyra Ceru

Spirit Elemental

Lyra took her time walking around the first district. Everynow and then she would stop as though enjoying the scenery or as if to lok at some merchandise. In truth she was checking for 'messages', in other words marks ment to look like grafiti or everyday damage, but to the trained eye they represented a time and place to pass along new information. None of the usual places had marks so she finished her round and decided to take some time to look for new equipment and supplies. She hadn't had any customers, not of the special kind anyway, but that didn't mean she wasn't always making new things. Walking through the market she made a note to go out to the earth district later. They always had unique metals and stones which were excelent for use in her devices, she might even make a trip back home to pick up some new tools. The 1st distict just didn't have the same equipment as the 3rd.

4nier's Husbando

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~*~*~*~*~ Emilius Escalia

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Emilius had just began relaxing when he heard the ruckus outside of his bath. He stepped out, dressed quickly, then peered out to see what was happening. He saw an assassin talking to Addison. After a rough glance he figured that it was a Senior Assassin, though he didn't quite remember which element she was. He had seen her at the castle on a few occasions. Emilius knew that she probably wasn't here for him; If she was, she would have yelled his name or something. What was she here for? Did she even know him? Either way, it was about time for him to report back at the castle. He walked out into the room where the commotion came from.
"Ah... Uh... Addison, right? I need to leave now so I can get to a meeting..." He avoided eye contact with the assassin, hoping she wouldn't recognize him. His face was slightly hidden, and he turned so that she couldn't really see him. He prayed that he wouldn't get caught, but he knew that he would, most likely, be identified.

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