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4nier's Husbando

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Dark Age, a semi-literate roleplay.
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4nier's Husbando

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Escalia. The country of royalty. It was once a land run by ruffians, elementalists, and assassins, but settlements from the Western continents invaded and united the broken clans into this single clan of riches. However, they had one requirement in order for them to provide their fortunes to the citizens: The elementalists must go, leave the lands. If not, they would perish. Most fled, fearing for their lives. Some stayed, pride flashing until the end when the Westerners killed them. Still some were alive in the shadows, unnoticed.
Many years passed. The elementalists have become one whole group of their own, aiming to tear down the Western royals. The assassins aim to kill the head elementalists quickly; restoring the peace is their top priority. Will the elementalists rule, or will the assassins silence their rebellion? The fate of Escalia is in your hands. Choose your side.

4nier's Husbando

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Air Elementalists ((3 normal avaliable))
Swift air elementalists are extremely agile, dodging almost every hit thrown at them. They control the winds, and sounds, smells, and tastes carried upon it are easily interpreted by their senses. They can detect these things from afar, miles even if the elementalist has mastered that arte. Their strength isn't as great, but they still aren't simply pushovers. They feel it necessary to dodge as much as possible and tire the enemies out, then strike. Generally, they are the wisest in politics of the elementalists.

Earth Elementalists ((5 normal avaliable))
These elementalists are the most in tune to nature. There are basically two types of earth elementalists: Nature and basic Earth. The Nature subcategory master in controlling trees with their magics. They can also, if they train hard enough, speak with animals of the forest and hear the trees whisper. The Earth elementalists are ground-quaking and heavy-hitting. They have the most muscle of the elementalists. They can create stalagmites at will, and these monstrous creations can reach 8 feet in height. If they master their element correctly, they can make the whole country shake down to the core.

Fire Elementalists ((2 normal avaliable))
Fire Elementalists are cunning, strategic figures. They can create fire, even wytchfire if they can master their flames, and rule the stormy skies. Lightning can be controlled by masters of this element, and the fire elementalists can singe their own wounds closed if need be. Stones can even be lit on fire to make their attacks more harmful. Fire elementalists are more or less the "lone wolves" of the clan, due mostly to their arrogant mindsets.

Spirit Elementalists ((3 normal avaliable))
They are the "tinkers" of the Elementalists, mastering in creating everything from anything. Spirit Elementalists tend to be very intelligent, and they use this to hide from the assassins. They are much like psychics; reading minds, influence over decisions in some people, and profiling. These types of Elementalists are mostly used as spies, and they are very cautious. Spirit Elementalists fight with weapons rather than any magical power.

Water Elementalists ((4 normal avaliable))
Water Elementalists are expert motivators. They can keep everyone happy and driven, even in the most dire situations. There are many different masters of this element; Ice, Healining, Weather, and basic Water. Ice Elementalists can freeze even the humidity in the atmosphere to use in battle. Healing Elementalists seal wounds and can heal any living creature. Weather Elementalists can create Hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and other disasters. Basic Water Elementalists manipulate water to throw at enemies or can sink an entire fleet of ships.

Assassin Classes

Master ((Taken))

There is only one master Assassin. His true identity is unknown by most, but the higher-up assassins and royalty know his name well. He is feared throughout the land. The Master Assassin has killed more Elementalists successfully than anyone else, and his skills are unmatched by anyone under Western rule.

Senior ((2 Avaliable)) (See below which elements)

Senior Assassins are the ones that lead each group. There are 5 Senior Assassins, each of which have the same skills as their assassins beneath them. The only difference between them and normal assassins are their seniority and skill. The only one they listen to is the Master assassin.

Air Assassin ((4 normal avaliable))

These assassins have high endurance, able to keep up with that of the Air Elementalists. They, like most assassins, are masters at long range battle, and can sneak up on anything. Their ability to be quiet and hide their presence must be perfect, or the Air Elementalists would detect them.

Earth Assassin ((1 Senior, 5 normal avaliable))

They are the powerhouses of the assassins. Their presence isn't hidden at all, and they master in close combat. They train hard to master hand-to-hand combat rather than use bladed weapons, and usually have gauntlets or similar weapons.

Fire Assassin (( 6 normal avaliable))

These are the blade and shield masters. They are much like knights, but have better control of their senses and bodies. They are highly adapted to deal with heat, and their shields can reflect normal flames. For Wytchfire, they must depend on their speed.

Spirit Assassin ((1 Senior, 5 normal avaliable))

Spirit assassins are, like the Spirit Elementalists, geniuses. They don't seek to fight the Elementalists; rather, they try to outwit them and capture them. The Spirit assassins are very interested in their Elementalist counterpart's machinery and technology.

Water Assassin ((6 normal avaliable))

These assassins are more for support than anything. If they need to fight, their evasiveness and accuracy are top-notch. They are considered valuable, since that type of evasive training is deadly to anyone who cannot keep up.

There are other classes, as well. You can apply to be royalty or a normal person, but please use the Assassin's forum, unless your royalty is secretly an elementalist.

Assassin Profile format
[size=30][color=YOUR COLOR HERE] Long live the King! [/size]
[imgleft] IMAGE LINK HERE [/imgleft]
[size=9][b]My name is[/b]: PUT CHARACTER'S FULL NAME HERE
[b] I need [/b] PUT AGE HERE [b] candles on my cake this year. [/b]
[b] Obviously I am a[/b] GENDER HERE
[b] My best weapon is a(n)[/b] FAVORITE WEAPON HERE
[b] What am I like? I shouldn't tell you, but I'm[/b] PUT YOUR CHARACTERS'S PERSONALITY HERE

[b] Controlled by[/b] USERNAME HERE
[b] That's it... Really. All of it.

NO MORE ELEMENTALISTS FOR THE TIME BEING. Please wait until we have more Assassins.
Elementalist Profile Format
[color= YOUR COLOR HERE][size=24]Rebellion![/size]
[imgleft]malformed url[/imgleft]
[size=9][b]My name is[/b]: NAME HERE
[b] I need [/b] AGE HERE [b]candles on my cake this year.[/b]
[b] Obviously I am a[/b] GENDER HERE
[b]I am a [/b] CLASS HERE
[b] My best ability is [/b] ABILITY HERE
[b] History? Here you go![/b] HISTORY HERE
[b] What am I like? Sure! I'm[/b] PERSONALITY HERE
[b] I have a secret...[/b] SECRET HERE
[b]Controlled by [/b] USERNAME HERE
[b] Let's get this Rebellion started![/b]

4nier's Husbando

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Every Island is around the same size. 700 square miles.
Bridges are about .5-1 mile. But the one to the main land is 6miles.

Main land: District 7.
This is where we all came from, isolating ourselves on water was the best thing we could do to protect us from attack. Now any elementalist that fled the war, and the assassins live in the main land, but the ones who stayed rebel against the king.

District 1: Royalty Island
The royal family and there friends live there. Nice and fancy is the word for everything. You want a little taste of class, walk through there. If you want to live in class, live there. Everything there is expensive, and is top quality. You can't go wrong buying anything there. You will find everything decorated there, and pots of flowers every here and there. The palace is dead center, and is the 'town center'.

District 2: Earth(Green) Island
This is were all of our fresh produce comes from, animals and plants live on this island everywhere. Almost like a farm, but half of the land is to factory's that produce other items the islands need. Earth elementalist love to live here, because of these reasons. They can be the factory's muscles, or just produce the best fruits and vegetables. This is where they can stay in-tuned to there element.

District 3: Spirit Island
You want a special machine? A gear or a gadget? This is where you'll find it. Any kind of part, it's here. This district is full of workshop where they design things everyday. More factory are here making special things, that the creators make. Sometimes they have factory's in district 2. But they like to keep to themselves. But also, this is the most persuasive people live, business men/women. They make home here. With the futurist.

District 4: Water(Beauty) Island
Like getting your nails done? Getting pampered? This is the place to be. The many bath houses that are here, your bound to find the place you like the most. This district is dazzling with beautiful people, specially women. This island has everything to do with beauty on it. Feeling glamorous?

District 5: Fire Island
Fights happen everywhere here. Only the best swords men live, or the ones in training. Blacksmiths love to be here making there weapons, for these people who buy and use them. This is a very manly place to be, so if your a girl, watch it, unless you can be just as manly.
But a twist to this is that district 5 has the best food. The best cooks will cook here. Creating a great aroma for this island.

District 6: Air(Breezy) Island.
The people that live on this island are civil, and very political. Always talking about the wars, and the king. But also the economy and stocks. But go outside and there's always a breeze. This island has the most fun and energetic people too. So it's not uncommon to see someone running on a roof.

4nier's Husbando

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OOC Forum


1. No Godmodding. Monochrome Nightmares and Ahoy-Abbi are the rulers of the RP; listen to us.

2. Semi literate roleplay = at least 6 sentences. I can understand writer's block, but not all the time.

3. Three strikes, you're out.

4. Fights will be decided through a dice system on the OOC forum; When you want to fight someone, we will decide prior to the fight who would win, and you two can play it out.

5. Romance is encouraged, but please, PG-13. Timeskip if it gets beyond that.

6. I will add rules as I see fit.

4nier's Husbando

Romantic Sex Symbol

12,775 Points
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4nier's Husbando

Romantic Sex Symbol

12,775 Points
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4nier's Husbando

Romantic Sex Symbol

12,775 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
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4nier's Husbando

Romantic Sex Symbol

12,775 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Conventioneer 300

4nier's Husbando

Romantic Sex Symbol

12,775 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Conventioneer 300
~*~*~*~*~ Emilius Escalia

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Emilus waltzed through the castle, every assassin bowing to him. There was a large meeting of Assassins today; even the Seniors would be there. However, this didn't interest him nearly as much as leaving the castle did. Leaving, however, was the last thing anyone wanted him to do.
"P-P-Prince! You can't just leave!" One maid yelled after him. Emilius picked up his pace, almost running through the halls.
"I'll be back... Eventually!" He yelled back to her. He dashed out the front gates. The guards there gawked at him, and as they reached for him he replied with "My father wouldn't like that very much. Think about your job!" This froze the guards immediately and they could only watch as their prince left for the docks.
Once he reached the dock, Emilius rushed onto the ship, pushing people away. He wanted to get a good seat, after all. Since no one had identified him yet, he decided to tour the ship. Emilius was attracted to the edge of the deck, looking out onto the beautiful, light blue reflection of the dancing waves.

((OOC: Sorry, I was derping really bad and deleted my first post ^^" ))

**Water elementalist**

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**Lucian ran through the streets, he saw other elamentalist's running down different roads. He looked forward as his feet pounded the dusted floor. He looked behind him, over his shoulder, other elamentalist's where gaining up fast. His lips moved to form a wide grin. It was a training session in which they had to find a small red cylinder the size of a man's palm and return it safely to the head quarters. He felt the air pass around his body, pushing his hair back out of his face. The thrill overpowered him and he realised he was no longer near any of the other elamentalist's. He looked around he seemed to head to far out and was now by the border of the water district, He looked out over the sea, it's mesmerising motion and the stunning colour kept him in a trance for a while. He sighed as he was washed over with a calm sensation, the adrenaline running out of his body. He then spotted a ferry far on the other side, he couldn't see it very well so he moved forward slightly, his eyes squinted trying to get them to focus. All of a sudden he stepped forward and tripped on a large root of a tree and he fell, his head collided with the rock's on the edge of the shore. He saw an array of white spots and his vision blurred and he could feel his strength leave his body. He cursed in his head but he couldn't get back up. He laid there unconscious, the hard rock underneath his head, the wind blew his hair and his clothes and he laid there peacefully waiting for himself or something else to wake him up. **

((OOC: Yayy first post, sorry if it is bad. sweatdrop got to go to bed now and get my beauty dleep smile nighty night))

Xillionno's Queen

Tipsy Kitten

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~Addison Victorian~

Addison was in the center of town buying some thing for the bath shop, they needed some oils for the massages that they give to customers. They had sent her out for scented oil. This had been her first time going to the oil store in the town center. Addison knew where everything was in district 4. She had lived there her whole life obviously. She made it there in minutes, she didn't want to be late for the opening today. She had a good feeling that the bath house would be busy today. Thinking that she smiled, and hurried into the shop. Looking down at her list she picked out the scents that she was sent to get. Addison pulled out some money, and paid for the oil. They bagged it as someone walked in.
Turning around she saw the armor, and knew it was assassins. They looked around the store taking there time. "Here you go young girl." The lady behind the desk said smoothly. She turned back around and pretended to feel nothing of there presence, like she should. She grabbed the bag and replied to her "Thank you! Have a nice day!" She smilled to the lady. As she was leaving she heard the assassins speak, "Have you heard of any water elementalist around, town?"
She felt bad for the lady, and wished she could help, but she had to leave. Addison walked quickly away, while she was though she saw the ferry back into motion, so beautiful she thought looking at it, then went back to walking to the bath house.

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Fashionable Fatcat


Y ᴜ ᴜ ᴋ ᴀ . A ɴ ɢ

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                  Yuuka was located on a large ferry on the way to the water district. What was an air bender doing on a ferry going to the water district? Well, out of the kindness of her heart, Yuuka agreed to travel to the water district to fetch an item that you could only get there. She couldn't refuse and elderly woman, could she? She knew she wasn't going to take long plus if someone were to find out she was an air user, trouble would appear. So Yuuka had to be careful. She needed to keep her ears peeled and her eyes opened for any targets. Not that Yuuka was going to open fire on her target once she sees one. In face Yuuka probably would end up running away.
                  Yuuka was seated indoors, as much as she loved the wind through her long pink hair, she did not want to give any hints that she was elementist. Stay low and keep discreet. That was her motto for the day. She looked out the window, staring at the beautiful scenery. It wasn't everyday a woman like Yuuka could see a sight like this. Oh, only if she could she would. But doing things for luxury would place Yuuka in a dangerous situation of being killed by assassins. She sighed to herself. Only if she wasn't filled with revenge she could do what ever she pleased but no. Everyday she would be practicing for the day she dreamed of. She was going to win what her grandfather fought for and what her family died for. She was going to make the difference!

                  Yuuka rubbed her eyes as the sun shore through the window. "...How troublesome.." she muttered to herself as she sighed. How many more minutes before she gets to her destination and back? She didn't know but Yuuka had been sitting in the same seat from the start of her journey.


Mʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ɪs ғɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴀᴅɴᴇss ʙᴜᴛ ᴡʜʏ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ sᴜғғᴇʀ?


4nier's Husbando

Romantic Sex Symbol

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~*~*~*~*~ Emilius Escalia

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Too distracted by the ocean, Emilius forgot that he aimed to get a good seat. "Oh, crap!" When he ran into the area where most were sitting, there was only a few seats left. One was next to a man with tattoos, who gave a very angry glare when he began to head for the seat. Another was next to an older woman. She was sewing. When he walked by her, however, she poked him sharply with the needle. He tried to withhold a shout while she apologized and went back to sewing. The only one that looked semi-welcoming was next to a young woman. Her pink hair looked warm in the light from the outside. However, the woman didn't look pleased with the sun's attack on her eyes. He walked over to her carefully, avoiding eye contact for a few moments before talking. "Um... Hi there... Mind if I sit here?" Either way that she answered, Emilius was more than likely to sit where he wanted. After all, despite the fact that nobody knew it, he was the prince.

Fashionable Fatcat


Y ᴜ ᴜ ᴋ ᴀ . A ɴ ɢ

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                  Yuuka was still rubbing her delicate eyes when she heard a gentle voice speak. Was he speaking to her. When Yuuka looked up she was an unfamiliar face. He had piercing green eyes that saw right through her. "Yes, of course you can" Yuuka replied to the young man. Did Yuuka even have a free seat next to her? Yes, this air bender didn't pay attention to many things, especially small and useless things. That was how she was, careless, caring and cautios. The three 'C's that described Yuuka.
                  "I don't need two seats to make myself comfortable" she smiled at the stranger as she looked out once again. The view was truly stunning. Yuuka wished she lived around these parts but then again, if she did live around here then she wouldn't have met her friends she now calls family. Yuuka lived far away from the ocean in the Air district. She actually live in the heart of the town in an old apartment she bought a couple years back. This was possibly a big step for Yuuka. "It's beautiful isn't it? I mean the water and the entire view..." she muttered, complimenting the ocean. Was that normal? Either way, the air bender didn't care. She spoke her mind freely which sometimes ends up saying a reckless thing.


Mʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ɪs ғɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴀᴅɴᴇss ʙᴜᴛ ᴡʜʏ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ sᴜғғᴇʀ?


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