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Corpius's Husband

I have Plots

1x1 and groups

Hey, you can call me Vince.

------- I'm a literate [I'd like to think Advanced] role player. I'm interested in character development and adult themes including but not limited to: criminal psychology, deviant sexuality, unethical motivations, psychological torture, controversy, utter soul-crushing heart break and/or bittersweet love interest. I like role plays with - Murder, rape, abductions, odd power dynamics, political intrigue, history, white collar crime/corruption, conspiracies and plenty of room for abstract analysis.
------- I'm also a college student fairly well versed in the social sciences. Specificity "profiling" [Criminal Psychology, but I have focused on serial killers/rapists, bombers, *****, arsonists...etc.], sociology and psychology with a keen interest in sexuality. Role plays that don't touch on these often and in depth boar me. And with those that do, I am very picky.
    If you cannot defend you character's motivations, thoughts, feelings, and actions then do not bother. I'm looking to literate, intelligent partners; it's quality not quantity. If you put out a paragraph of pure gold constantly I'm going to like you a lot more then the person who can write two to five paragraphs each time without any insight or realistic elements that make for dynamic characters.

Confrontation and Rejection

-------I'm a pretty shy person. In fact, meeting new people even through my own search thread scares the living s**t out of me. As far as confrontation; I always, ALWAYS try to let people down nicely not matter how much they piss me off. And for as picky as I am, I can also be patient if you're not a jerkasaurus. However, I do have issues with coming out and saying "You suck, have a nice day." I've tried, I end up backing out and it's just ... a few levels above where my social skills are.
So, for that I have a system: Five post trial period.
We each get to do five posts then stop and do an evaluation. It offers both of us a way out politely. I'm picking up strangers here, there's not guarantee we'll have chemistry.
We may not even get to the RP section. There have been people I abandon in the planning phase because I can tell they aren't THINKING.
    I promise to try not to abandon people........ I've made that promise before. But if you bugging me, I'd rather iggy bin you then call you on it. Just warning you.

And it may not even be a matter of you bugging me. Sometimes we just don't have chemistry. Which, honestly, makes me feel guilt and awkward and stupid. I have a long, harsh history of abandoning people I like because I don't know how to tell them that it isn't working for me. Or they say something in OOC I just don't know how to respond too. Really. I do feel terrible about these encounters.
Do not underestimate how far I will go to avoid conflict.

-------I like to debate. I will not just randomly accept you because you like my ideas [this is a total lie]. It won't end well for either of us, and we both know it.
If you like my ideas, tell me about yourself, what your interested in. If a plot caught your eye, tell me which one. Then talk to me about it, what you want from it, your ideas, what characters you'd think work well. Let's go back and forth until were on the same page and in agreement before we do anything. This might mean stepping on each other's toes, or cutting out something we love, or agreeing to something were not too enthused about. So long as it all evens out and we can both have FUN.

Magic and Species
-------I try to stick to human characters. As you'll see, I have a plot or three resolving around magic, those are the exceptions.
    The reason for this is that everyone has their own system. I have met one, two other people who's systems I got along with. Let's assume right of the bat that ours are incompatible and agree to real life, indisputable things.
    Like gravity and limited strength/stamina/speed/senses and lifespan.

-------I WILL role play the supernatural with you if you have your heart set on it. But you'll need to convince me, and if your system doesn't make sense to me ... then ... nhm. I like magic that is based on physics and science. A lot of my ideas are taken from The Dresden Files and White Wolf.
------- I know this is fiction, and that's based on a suspension of reality. But I can only suspend my reality so far.

Real Nitty Gritty
------- I have a wide range of post sized. The more I like a character, the more I write. I've been known to do one decent sized paragraph, or a page and a half on word for posts on end. In conversations I write less, and that bothers me, but really - lets face it, there isn't a lot happening in those scenes. Then again, in scenes with a lot of action, fight scenes, I fall a little short. I'm a pacifist who feels guilty when my character hurts your character without romantic undertones. Fight scenes are not my strong suit. And I'd like to get better at that.
-------Spelling is not my strong suit. I type everything in word but there will no doubt be snafus somewhere. But your own spelling doesn't bother me so much. Just try, type in a spell checker. Avoid things like 'teh, adn, mu' for 'the, and, my'. Ya know, basics. Just give me something to work with.
-------I .... I have one habit that either drives people insane or greatly amuses them.... Puns. I can't resist a good pun. It gets redonkulous sometimes, but... >.< I've just got a thing for bad puns and knee slapper jokes. Kind of a big thing to get yourself into unawares..

    Like, Like, Like, ooh. =D
    Two protons are sitting at a bar and one, in a drunken panic turns to his friend flailing and near shouting, "I lost an electron!" His friend, disturbed by such an even grips calmly at his inner shell, with a grave look in his eyes. "Are you sure?"
    "I'm POSITIVE!"

Corpius's Husband

Need to Know

▶I Will Not do fandom, anime, slash or cross or whatever the hell the terminology is. This is my one finite rule. I don't adopt other peoples fully fleshed out characters. But I can adopt a character skeleton if you need me to fit into a plot.
Character creations is easily my strength. I can birth one on the spot, and generally they turn out well. Any gender, social class, philosophy, personality.... have to warn you: I'm a little fail at fights. It's something I would like to get better at.

▶It seems to be expected for people to put up their Writing Samples, so if you actually want to read them then there you have it. But keep in mind, these are hand picked by me and I pretty much like them all. If you'd like a better idea of who I am, and my writing then post stalk me. I post regularly in at least one group Role Play, with a range of characters and styles. And please.. I strongly encourage this. If I know your judging me I'm going to be different. It won't be candid, and is not a fair representation of who I am.

▶I play more than one character. I expectthe same of you. Plots are hard with only two people.... And I expect you to be able to play a collection of characters. I find it hard to believe that there can be good writer who can only write one gender, one sexuality, one ideology, one personality. Or worse yet, characters they've copypastaed from anime.

▶It's recently come to my attention that there are people on gaia with gender hang ups. Be it that they don't want to play a certain gender, or play with a writer who's a certain gender. So ... if it's such a big deal, I'm just going to state this officially:
What is between my, or YOUR legs is irrelevant to me. I role play any gender, and hardly ever put emphasis on it. I also do any sexuality - and try not to put emphasis on it.

Corpius's Husband

-Most are not currently operational
-I have no clue how to get them going
-I am still interested

Little Death a noir styled RP about the Mafia, secret societies, and delving into the darkness.

So I have these ideas that are currently under construction. I think they're pretty neat, and I'd like to give them a try. I have to admit, my skills as a GM are still developing and the threads are both experimental to me. But I've got interesting ideas, and I'm a good writer, so at the very least you should be entertained for a couple days.

The Vanderbilt Institute
Home for the mentally ambiguous and befuddled.
This role play is not for stark raving, foaming at the mouth utterly loony toons characters. It's heavily coated in psychobabble and requires at least a rudimentary understanding of people, as well as a functional understanding of at least one disorder. I proved a list and links, and am open for suggestion if you find one that would fit in well.
The setting is an all girls ward for people who are just one step away from getting back into the real world. Broken more then crazy.
A plot is still being developed, and I am accepting profiles.

The Van Seath Docks -- A Monster of the Week Role Play
This is an unorthodox approach to role playing. I am nixing your right to preserve the life of your character. I am providing very basic personality, and as you apply for a role I will be giving you a detail or two about your character you need to incorporated. This is a mystery adventure classic monster story. Writers will be getting bits of information via secret PM messages that, once they have it, it's up to them to share it. I have a plot - enough to leave plenty of wiggle room for spontaneity not even I can predict - but... I will also be giving characters tasks, or check marks that the must to do get us to the next plot point. So that the role play doesn't loose momentum and we actually complete the story.
It revolves around a group of teens, some friends, some siblings, that all happen to form a group based on a shared traumatic experience. Because characters know each other while writers do not know characters - COMMUNICATION IS PARAMOUNT. There will be an OOC thread where you talk about your characters and decide relationships and what not.
This role play will touch on some dark things. It may scare you. It may be just the childish side or 'horror.' I don't advise someone who doesn't like psychological thrillers to apply. At the same time - I don't like classic horror movies. It's not going to be jumping out and scarring you, or crawling down stairs backwards. For example: I hated Saw and refuse to watch Silent Hill. And I study serial killers. So if you fall in between those two levels of horror .... I think you'd like this.

Mark of the Eclipse Necromancy
Basic idea is that there is a school in Germany that teaches young Mages how to deal with their magic. Think Hogwarts, only the person who is conducting the RP is a mind boggling good writer, it's not geared to kids what so ever and the system of magic actually makes scene, has balance and logic and isn't utter bullshit. There are a group of thirteen students who all come into their first year with a natural predisposition to Death Magic, which is all but a forbidden field with sever social mores attached. It's not something the school is willing or able to teach. And this, to a teenager, in a new place, away from everything they knew, developing magic as well as all the normal teenage s**t we have to sift through ..... well, that's the story.
There is a plot for this. Sopheriel Memeth is the GM so you'll have to contact her for any information.
And I promise that the main characters won't die in this one. ^^

Corpius's Husband

Plots and Other Interests

Why Talk About Love Right Now? [ arrow 1x1]
    Ok potential partner, this one is uncharacteristically fluffy so hear me out and keep in mind that its a little out of character for me. By virtue of the shuffle button on my MP3 I ended up listening to Fiddler on the Roof [which has always been one of my favorite musicals], and giving some serious thought to the idea of arranged marriage.
    I think the psychology behind one would be unlike anything else you can create. I would love to explore it. I have no characters in mind, no specifics at all. Just these two people meet as bride and groom for the first time - lets say males and females don't mingle often, or they haven't been in close proximity. Arranged by the parents despite other romances, personal feelings. It's the way things are done. Tradition. And while your character may not LIKE it, they've been raised knowing it will happen.
    We open just before the ceremony. The groom and best man talking, the maid of honor and bride, both of the newly weds in need of a pep talk.
    So how do they deal with each other? Make arrangements? Do they believe they'll learn to love? Will it be an impassive truce? Abusive and resentful? I have no plans, and I think it would be neat if you didn't either. To put two characters who know nothing of each other together in a culture where it's expected they be happy and .... see what happens.

Folly a Deux [ heart arrow 1x1]
    Oh my god, someone one please satisfy my fanboyish needs!
    There are two young men, 17-19, at the college-prep, privet boarding school for rich, [mostly] Catholic/Christian boys. It is Ivy League in a way only seen in Hollywood. And while I understand that it isn't like this in real life, I would love to have that classic Boarding School feel, like in Dead Poets Society or Catcher in the Rye. Where parents all but abandon their little angst balls, and let the Headmaster worry.
    One of them - your character - has very influential parents. Donate a lot, the kid gets away with a lot. Like not having a room mate after his Freshman year, and this is senior year, so that's quite impressive. He's hyper intelligent [we'll talk about his personality, because I don't want to infringe upon YOUR character, but to make this work we need a level of chemistry that will only work with a couple of profiles.]
    All of a sudden there is this new kid. WEIRD. Dark and creepy, and quiet and .... off. Really, really off. And they have to share a room for a while [plumbing broke down in one section of the dorms, have to double up. Just bad luck on your end]. And they don't exactly make friends, but they don't make enemies either.
    This is a mind ******** role play. Yes, there will be strong elements of sexual tension, but your character isn't exactly up for a relationship [again. We'll talk]. And mine is more interested in other things then sex.
    This is a game of wits. Dark, psychopathic wits. Who can out scare who? Will they team up? Will they become rivals? Will one completely mind ******** the other - because they are both trying. It will be an edge of your seat, attention grabbing psychological thriller.

A Hunting Game [ heart arrow intended as 1x1]:
    My character is a clairvoyant trying to make it as a hunter. Unfortunately her first real job happens to land of the desk of a rather determined detective. As her career progresses, his comes to a standstill. The more he tries to prove these are hits, and begins to unlock the mysteries of the supernatural world, the more crazy his coworkers think he is. Reputation begins to crumble, and his personal life will soon follow. This chase becomes an obsession... for both of them. The hunter only barely manages to stay one step ahead, if that. But for most of her whole life, the detective is the one constant. And through a series of conversations and close calls ... things just stop being so clear cut.

Sweeter than Honey [ heart arrow 1x1]:
    I have a confession. I love Southern stories set in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement. Books like To Kill a Mocking Bird and RubyFruit Jungle. Or movies like The Great Debaters, Secret Life of Bees, Midnight in The Garden of Good and Evil [I know, not quite the right time period], The War, Divine Secrets of The Ya Ya Sisterhood. The list goes on. But I love the s**t out of these. And I want to do one.
    Let's explore themes of child and spousal abuse, being a single parent, doing anything fitting in, childhood trials like summer school and having to beat the s**t out of your best friend cuz their a jack a**, overcoming racial lines, the controversy of the Vietnam War. Running away.
    I want us to play kids for the most part. Stuck in a small town where there are no new faces. And no secrets.

Titles and Treachery [ arrow Group or 1x1]:
    Fantasy, a non-historic fiction. Something akin to a midevil setting, in an unspecified, fictional land. A kingdom is set up with five royal families, including the one on the thrown. Attempting to expand the kingdom leads to conflict with an enemy nation. Rebellions have failed, and left important Noblemen bitter. Political marriages pose a threat to damn near anyone married. It's just one big ******** of power hungry, Machiavellian rulers and a time where bloodshed is still seen as honorable. I have a lot more for this plot, and it gets fairly in depth. However I have no details planned, leaving room for us to adapt it to our mutual tastes. For example, I have no geography, no character names, sexes, personalities. I have no cultures. Just the political situation, and interactivity between characters. I hate to compare it to something else, but this plot is born of a soft spot for stories like Game of Thrones, and Dune [I know, right? How much further away from each other can you get? ^^;].

Tracking the Skid Marks [ arrow intended as Group rp]:
    Ah ... lycanthropic biker gang. Modern day, big city, internal power struggle. A new lycan has moved into town - alerting the pack ahead of time for a smooth transition, but no one expected her to be more powerful then the alpha female. The alpha male and female are obligated to be a couple - a mix between tradition and functionality. However there is a longstanding relationship and loyalty from the rest of the Pack with the now Beta, who, let's face it - is a little psychotic. the new girl, a much more level head would actually make a good leader, a strong leader. Which is something The Pack will need when the beta male - a cold hearted, near sociopath 'best friend' to the Alpha, with a longstanding grudge and ego that makes him dangerous - stars his plans to of taking over The Pack. Wrapped up in trouble with the Law, an unstable power structure, the normal problems of raising pups who are not in control of their beasts yet in an ever expanding city - and thus an ever expanding pack.

Cannon fodder [Action Adventure arrow Group RP]:
    Steam punk Pirates. ******** yes.
    Group of pirates set out to steal, pillage, plunder and probably rape. Low and behold, in one of their heists they find rumors of a place undiscovered. Figure hey: fame, and with it riches for whoever finds this place. A rat race starts to find this island, or continent, or whatever we decide upon. Very loose plot. Mainly just .... Steam punk Pirates. Who doesn't love that?

Atop the Ruins [ heart heart Action adventure arrow Group RP]:
    A long time ago people knew we weren't alone. We knew exactly why every child is scared of the dark. Somewhere along the way, between our own vainglorious progressions and developing civilizations, we forgot. It started with just a few press coverage's, publicized murders, community leaders putting faith in some of those internet 'hoaxes.' Suddenly werewolves, vampires and mages weren't just in the books any more. For the first time the whole world became aware of what The Community had been hiding from them for a long, long time. And we were sacred, and we were stupid. Countries fell apart, economics almost came to a total stand still, genocide was practically a political party. The chaos of the world allowed for every god damn self proclaimed super villain with some sort of talent to step up, fighting for control.
    Ava had her heart set on being one of The Names. Through history there had only been a handful of truly terrible mages, warlocks. She swore she'd be the next Litch. She'd heard of an artifact deep in Romania that would let her raise the dead - a skill she simply didn't have the power base to master. So she set out with her henchmen to bribe, sneak, expand, kill and conquer.
    The role play will take us through political intrigue, exploring the relations between countries that are on the verge of destruction, and people in desperate times. Competition after the same thing. Being forced to compromise ideals.
    It's a super villain story, and the more the better. I don't know where the story will take us, but I'd want it to be a web of odd connection, everyone's story overlapping and chris crossing. Because of that I don't have a chain of events, and it leaves A LOT of wiggle room. All I know for sure is one character, and I don't want the RP to revolve around her like a book.

The Five Points [Historical Fiction arrow ---& Group RP]:
    New York, 1866. Over populated, unemployed, violent, festering and dreary. At times it seemed like every man in The Five Points was connected to a gang some how. Without the protection of a larger group people dropped like flies. With the police struggled with an ineffective system, and the criminals organizing, the violent crimes spiked to a world-shattering high. The role play focuses on two gangs. The Bowery Boys - who very recently lost their leader and are now fighting among themselves to fill the position - and The Dead Rabbits - who, while they are not quite as exciting, are a lot less horrible to play. These gangs has been at war since they started, though the heads of each had come to a shaky, bloody truce for nine years and the full out kill-on-sight orders had been lifted. With one dead no one is really sure what that means for their relations.
    arrow Add on: I have this RP all set up, follow the link if you'd like, but it is closed until further notice

    **** For the group RPs, these will probably be slow in the making. I ... I've lost track of who was interested, but if you are PM me and I'll star composing a list. I'd like to wait until we have at least 5 members before even planning the threat lay out****

    I don't necessarily have plot for any of these, but they are interests. And it's mostly copy past from a post lower on the page. But I wanted people to know this applies, and so I'm making it official. I do have alternative plots for some of these, and different spins on the plots from above. Not one's I'm craving enough to really advertise, but the chances are if you like something here, I have a plot for it already - if you don't have anything in mind.

    Historical Fiction
    I have never tried a role play based on one. I like history, I really do. But there are not many era's I'm familiar with enough to feel comfortable role playing. I am more then willing to do research, I'm a bit of a book worm. So if you are particularly charmed by an era [say, the Roaring 20's - everyone loves that - or Persia] and it's not something either of us know a whole lot about, don't worry.

    Political Intrigue
    Not very many people like them, as they can get pretty dry and not very action-ey. But you'd be hard pressed to find anything that comes close to the level of mental stimulation that you can get from these. So if your really bookish then I'd say we try our hand at this. Again, my experience is limited so expect a learning curve. But this can range from court games- spanning whole worlds if you'd like - to the corporate world, or rebel groups organizing war.. or cult families coming under new influence. Political corruption, even white collar crime or, if you can mix thugs with just enough class, something more like trafficking. Humans, people, weapons, animals and [preferably not] drugs.

    Character Dramas
    I'm damn good at empathizing with my characters, and it seems like the vast majority of my role plays come from emotional conflict. I'm extremely versatile here, but I WILL NOT be doing high school love stories of any sort. Those are boring. I like a more morbid setting. But I can write anything that has to do with inner turmoil.
    I don't have any plots, and this can come into any plot, really. But the more ordinary lives, Life Time Stories... I kinda like them. The acting is bad, but I kinda like them. So something depressing and dark in a very real life scene of the word. Abuse, rape, betrayle, murder in the family.

    Pack Dynamics
    these are hard to do in a 1x1 RP, but if we just so happen to wrangle up a good group then we could easily do something like this. And this idea shows in my plots given. The Cannon Fodder and Into the Dragons' Layer. Power structures, as I said, are fascinating. We could do gangs, cults, terrorist/rebellion factions, or something as wonderlandish as a group of teenagers or young adults in a mental institution.

    Wonderlands and A Fairy's Tale heart heart heart
    I've seen at least two threads catering to this, and it's wet my appetite. I have a craving for these ideas like you would not believe. Dark twist on fairy tales. Honestly, I'm familiar with Disney. The ones that never made the movies - Jack and the Bean Stalk - for example, I just couldn't get into. I'm going to throw a few titles out, to give you an idea: Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book, Cinderella, Treasure Planet, Peter Pan, Robin Hood, Aladdin, Hunchback of Notre Dame And for other titles I didn't think Disney about, Shakespeare's A Mid Summers Night Dream, Hansel and Gretel. Now, please note, none of these will be light hearted. They will be dark, and ******** up.
    As well as these classic tales, I do love Wonderland. Not specifically Alice, but the stories of a child or group of people transported into a new realm. Like Peter Pan, Narnia, MirrorMask, Winkle in Time. Please note, with the actual stories - like Beauty and the Beast, or Mid Summer's Night Dream, I'd be perverting the tale into something ..... beautifully wretched. But with the Wonderland one's I'd be taking that setting - I tend to like Wonderland and Never Never, not so much the other ones. Or we could make our own landscape.
    Please, ask for plot. I have them.
    arrow Add on: OTHER STORIES Along the same idea, there are a couple Really well known stories that get remade every so often and everyone knows. I'm fine with these and could really get into a RP of a story we all love. After all, they are done time and time again because their just so delicious. For example: Jekyll and Hyde, Beauty and the Beast, Frankenstein.

    These elements. We can combined these. Like... Pack Dynamics + Historical Fiction = Oliver Twist. Which, I have to admit, I LOVE Oliver Twist type stories.

Corpius's Husband

Things to Consider

Advertisements and Alternative Plots
People have been advertising their own threads to me. That's fine but I made a Search Thread for a reason. I have Plots in mind. I know what I want, and I'd the things I've listed I've listed carefully. I have plots I'm not craving as much, I have no listed, but am willing to share.
The things here, on the front page, are the things I'd like.
I have a wide variety here. If something tickles your fancy, then that's a great start. If it doesn't, then ... really, think twice about proposing something to me. Be it a privet RP or a group one. If were not on the same page, it probably won't work. This has been proven to me twice since I made the thread.

Responce Time
Is not something I worry about. I am perfectly fine being in Roleplays with one post a week, or if it's a privet RP, once a ... month. Or something we do in bursts of activity. This dose not concern me, so please don't let your own schedule be a point of stress. Just point it out, and tell me not to hold my breath. You might be surprised how willing to compromise I am on a lot of these things.

Apparently ... I'm a scary writer. I've been told a few times, in different ways, I'm intimidating to work with. This always surprises me. It's flattering beyond belief but ... I'm not a proffestional writer. I'm not published. This isn't my future career. I don't expect everyone to be perfect. I make grammar mistakes all the time. I have writers block too. I have posts I cringe at. And it doesn't take a lot to impress me. There is no reason for you to be scared of my writing skills.
I'm also patient and easy to please. Do NOT be intimidated!

I Have a Long Standing Grudge with The Porn Industry
And I have oodles to say about it. So if you'd like a lecture or a debate, by all means, ask away. It all ties into something relevant - trust me. I'll spare you the rant, and cut to the part you care about. I am not interested in porn plot lines.
We've all been there. Anyone who hadn't written a sex scene is missing out. If fun getting antsy - the paranoid feeling someone is watching. It's more fun watching your partner squirm, letting them get paranoid. It can be incredibly sweet if the character's actually like each other, or terrifying if they don't. Looking at the nature of humans, the internet, and character interaction, cybering is hardly a phenomenon. And while Gaia discourages it, I've had no problem leaving site to write something that actually affects a bigger plot line. But cybering is just a plot device. Not a plot.
If all you want is a sex scene or five, then piss off. Just don't even bother pitching it to me, dressing it up.
Please, do not use the terms 'yaoi,' 'yuri,' or 'henti.' Or 'yuk' and '...' Ok, I don't actually know what these words even are, but they mean top and bottom. In fact, don't use those terms anyways because I outgrew most animes a long time ago. I do not speak Japanese. Its not even very high on the list of languages I'd like to speak. Save me the hassle of a language barrier and just use the English terms. 'Gay,' 'Lesbian,' 'Straight,' 'Dominant,' 'submissive.'
In fact, these terms are very specific to a sexual nature [er, well not the last two... exclusively. But I will think of them that way]. English or Japanese, I am well antiquated enough with the terms to understand that Gay and Yaoi are words specific to men sexually attracted to other men. Lesbian and Yuri is the female equivalent.
Two characters who happen to be female dose not make a Yuri plot. It dose not mean they are to become a couple. It means both characters are girls.
There have been a multitude of people who contact me "craving a Yuri." If you say that, I'm going to link you to some lesbian porn. And you'll probably get a virus. And it will be this whole big mess, that could have been avoided if you had been CAREFUL WITH YOUR WORDS. As it turns out, only two of the handful of people who said this wanted to cyber. The rest I partially brushed off - then fully brushed off - because they were not careful with their god damn words.
If you use terms specific to sexual anything to describe what gender's you'd like both character's to be [which I might add, is points against you. If you've read everything so far you know my stance on the relevance of Gender.] then I'm going to assume you want to cyber. I do not want to cyber. So this really isn't working for you, is it?
Pet peeve.

Corpius's Husband

My Plate Is Wide Open

I am only in two RPs right now, one of which are painfully slow. I am really, really craving something to write here.

Feel Free To Post Here OR PM Me
Thank you

13,075 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Battle: Level Up 200

Hello, I have a role play you may or may not be interested in. I hate to give important positions to brainless kids so It's a decent from how much help I received making it. The plot in itself is a bit lose and I try to get a touch of everyone's general interest in. What would you think?

Corpius's Husband


Well... again. I try to avoid things supernatural, especially things that embedded. You have guardians and darkness and light as elements. That doesn't click with how I think about magic. It's so far from what makes sense from me I wouldn't even know how to go about thinking about your way.
And it doesn't look like anyone's done anything. Your going for something long term and I'd prefer not to make a commitment until I can see how advanced the writing of most of the group is. I would hate to be sucked into something then feel like I'm being pretentious with my writing.
But I'm flattered by the offer [assuming this isn't like a. ... spam type advertisement].

Dangerous Werewolf

3,350 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
Besides the plots that you have there, what other things are you interested and currently hoping to role-play.

I think it's awesome that we're both interested in the same field of psychology. That is the field I want to get into when I start taking classes. I want to be able to profile suspects and get a reading on people who have done bad things in this world and be able to tell the detectives why and what led them to that path.

Which is probably why Sweets is my favorite character off of Bones when it comes to television shows about such.

Corpius's Husband

Curing the sick

D'aaawww... Sweets is a sweetheart. He's my favorite too. If you want a good profiling show I'd say Criminal Minds, hands down. The vast majority of their information is dead on and it's actually about the Behavior Analysis Unit out of Quantico, so you don't much about with little things like forensics. It's all about the profiling. There have been a few episodes where they say some things about like, BTK and David Berkawitz that just doesn't fit but, ya know, they are the big names and people like hearing them. And I'm not sure, but I think their characters are based off of some of the original Agents who formed the BAU [back when it was still Behavior Science].
... what were we talking about?

I don't have plots for any of my other ideas which is why I didn't list them. It seems like without fail someone choses something I'd like to play and we both just ask each other, "So... do you have a plot?" until one of use losses interest.

But I do like Historical Fiction, and have never tried a role play based on one. Kind of itching to try it and if you want something rowdy and bloody then I already have a lot of research on the Five Points, of New York in 1866. What got me started on this was the movie Gangs of New York [which has been playing on TV lately and renewed my desire], I fell in love with the setting. If you've seen that, or are interested in ... ah, basically a whole little city where everyone is a thief, murder or evil little ******** of some sort of another then that would be fun.
And more then that I've been dying for a good political intrigue. Not very many people like them, as they can get pretty dry and not very action-ey. But you'd be hard pressed to find anything that comes close to the level of mental stimulation that you can get from these. So if your really bookish then I'd say we try our hand at this. Again, my experience is limited so expect a learning curve. But this can range from court games- spanning whole worlds if you'd like - to the corporate world, or rebel groups organizing war.. or cult families coming under new influence. Political corruption, even white collar crime or, if you can mix thugs with just enough class, something more like trafficking. Humans, people, weapons, animals and [preferably not] drugs.
I specialize in Character Dramas. These really tend to come out in like, Gaia Commerce bars where you don't really get plots, but you get social interaction a lot. I'm damn good at empathizing with my characters, and it seems like the vast majority of my role plays come from emotional conflict. I'm extremely versatile here, and nothing gets ol------ Alright. I WILL NOT being high school love stories of any sort. Those are boring. I like a more morbid setting. But I can write anything that has to do with inner turmoil.
I really like Pack Dynamics. Now, these are hard to do in a 1x1 RP, but if we just so happen to wrangle up a good group then we could easily do something like this. And this idea shows in my plots given. The Cannon Fodder and Into the Dragons' Layer. Power structures, as I said, are fascinating. We could do gangs [like to spice it up... how about a biker gang of lycanthropes?], cults, terrorist/rebellion factions, or something as wonderlandish as a group of teenagers or young adults in a mental institution.

And I realize that these aren't plots. There elements. We can combined these. Like... Pack Dynamics + Historical Fiction = Oliver Twist. Which, I have to admit, I LOVE Oliver Twist type stories.

So you like profilers. I've got a million Serial Killer ideas in my mind. Granted, most of which are over romanticized and more Hannibal Lector then real life. A serial killer and their apprentice - say, someone who works in lower levels in law enforcement. Or is the main writer for the newspaper, an investigative journalist who happened to land on the killings. Or exploring the relationship between victim and killer. How long would they have to be held for before .... they break? They fall in love? They become one? What if the killer abducts a girl for nothing romantic at all, and she wants in on the kill. A common theme is that sociopaths can sense each other. And we always call killers cowards. So someone starts hunting people who it takes bravery to kill, the violent, strong. Competitors. Not out of any stupid vigilante idea, but as an ego trip.

But, look. These serial killer ones.... I'm going to be honest. I'm not going to want to play them with just anyone. Criminal psychology isn't just an interest for me. I've read all the books, seen all the documentaries to the point where things are now repetitive. I know my s**t, and that gets in the way of me enjoying playing with someone who doesn't know as much as me. And Trust me - I've tried. Just how picky I can get with these will not be fun for you.

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Well... again. I try to avoid things supernatural, especially things that embedded. You have guardians and darkness and light as elements. That doesn't click with how I think about magic. It's so far from what makes sense from me I wouldn't even know how to go about thinking about your way.
And it doesn't look like anyone's done anything. Your going for something long term and I'd prefer not to make a commitment until I can see how advanced the writing of most of the group is. I would hate to be sucked into something then feel like I'm being pretentious with my writing.
But I'm flattered by the offer [assuming this isn't like a. ... spam type advertisement].

thats true no one has posted, but i haven't opened yet. I have been sick for the past few days. that fault is all on me. The profile for the fifth player just came in so I will be expecting to start soon. And, No Im not trying to give you a spam advertisement I honestly go threw everyone's profiles, and threw everyone's post histories to see their posting habits and interest. As creepy as it is, I just like to know who Im working with and would it be a waste of time to invite them to my role play. as I said it's my forth time rewriting this thing; it would piss me off if it can't get past the 20th page again.

I know light is difficult to put out as a element; spirit would have been probably the proper term for most people. However Light as a source of energy can be considered something that could be manipulated; everyone learns this in basic physics. Now, using part of that idea and the general idea of spirit magic. Light beams form any source if light can bent to make an orb of light or energy that could be bent farther to different objects to the users will.

As light represents all things that are good and pure it can be used as a weapon to purify or heal nearly everything thats evil and corrupt or damaged. Here is were spirit kicks in since there isn't any sun light on earth for that positive energy and purity a pure spirit and strong bright one for that matter can use its personal energy to purify with the cost of weakening that spirit should the user be to careless the faster the energy is burnt out from extensive use.

... am I making any since?
O- oh my god.
You.... actually do have plots.

/breaks down sobbing

Corpius's Husband

Mundane Egg

I... I do.
Do..... do you like one of them?
Oh, I think they are nice plots! But though I'm also a fan of low magic settings, and I think your interest in sociology, psychology and sexuality are all awesome, and I do like those things too (and I think they make for much more interesting and in-depth RPs)... I think our tastes are a bit different! Especially on the fantasy part. I do enjoy a good pseudo-science explanation for magic and I love worldbuilding, but right now I'm on a huge mythology/folklore kick. Magic in that genre tends to function on very clearly defined and unbreakable rules, principles of exchange and the law of contagion and all that, but entirely without science. Actually, I am hoping I can get someone to do a 200 Phenomena in the City of Calgary RP with me some time.

But I digress. The plot that is closest to my tastes is the would-be Litch one, but that's a group and I am afraid I don't have the time to invest in a group RP. So, sadly, we can't really go anywhere! I feel a bit terrible since that rather makes me a waste of your time, lol.

Anyway, you are definitely one of the most sophisticated roleplayers in this forum. You have the most sophisticated thread I've come across so far. Also your 5 post trial system is pretty genius. And my god, you used plots. Not pairings or character roles disguised as "plots," but actual plots. It makes me shed a tear. I wish you the best of luck, brave sir!

Corpius's Husband

Mundane Egg

No, wait! Don't leave just when my ego was stroked!
You like my style, I like that. And I get the impression your intelligent, capable and interesting. I like that too.
The more important aspect in a role play to me - by a long shot - is a partner who can actually think on an abstract level, relate to their characters and make their posts enjoyable. That's ... damn near impossible to find. And if your a good writer, and I'm a good writer, it would be a shame to pass that up.
So your into lore right now...... I can do lore. Have to say - I'm not very well acquainted with much lore. But if you world build then it would make scene you would take a leading role, becoming [I hate to use this word because of the connotations] the dominant partner. I know how annoying it is to world build, or have this brilliant system, or plot, or lore, or what have you and having the other person .... ******** it up. I can take on the submissive position, following your direction in the mythos or worlds, or magic you'd be using. That's fine by me.
I .... I don't know what 200 Phenomena in the City of Calgary is... but I can make exceptions to the guidelines I listed in this thread. Especially if it's just for a trial period.

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