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Gryffindor 0.12056737588652 12.1% [ 17 ]
Hufflepuff 0.26950354609929 27.0% [ 38 ]
Ravenclaw 0.29078014184397 29.1% [ 41 ]
Slytherin 0.31914893617021 31.9% [ 45 ]
Total Votes:[ 141 ]
<< < 1 2 ... 89 90 91 92 ... 93 94 95 >

Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx boots clicked as she made her way threw the hall way. Her head held high as she passed the house elves that were getting the manor ready for the Christmas that was being held that night. Her eye fixed straight on her target. The large double doors at the end of the hall way. In which held the whole Malfoy family. As she got closer her nerves started to get the better of her. Which was ridiculous. She had known these people her whole life. Their was no reason for her to feel this way.

Though she stopped before entering. Hand hovering above the door knob. Her heart started to beat a bit faster. This was the first time she would introduced as Titus girlfriend. The whole dynamic will be changed. She knew that Titus mother was thrilled with the match, but what about his father and grandfather. She had to stop her train of thought as it was becoming out of hand. She knew that it would change. She just hopped it would change for the best.

Finally she reached out and gripped the door knob. Pushing the door open. Place a smile on her face as walked into the room. The view almost made her freeze but she quickly got over it as she held her head high as she walked into the room. Her eyes hopped from the elder Malfoy's in which she bent slightly at the knee in a slight curtsy. "Good morning Lucius." Her eyes on the eldest of the bunch. Then they went to Draco. "Draco." Then she went to greeting the others. As her eyes landed on Titus her smile turned into a real one, but she greeted his mother, brother, and sister before she headed to his side.



Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus felt a smile break over his face when Nyx entered the room. Watching her greet his family, he felt a bit of the tension ease up from his shoulder and visibly relaxed a little when she made her way towards him. His family greeted her as they usually did with smiles and words of greeting, and Titus got the feeling that his grandmother and mother wouldn't relax until they were alone with Nyx and himself. No doubt they would want to hear everything...well...his mother probably would. Speaking of his mother, the woman rose to her feet and moved towards the giant tree. Titus's hand curled around Nyx's to bring her closer to him and slipped an arm around her waist. His mother selected one of the gifts and moved towards the two of them, smiling as she took note of his arm slung around Nyx's waist.
"Here you are dear, a small gift from myself and Draco." His mother stated, holding the rather large box out to Nyx.


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Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx relaxed into his body when she felt his arm go around her waist. She did not wish to relax to much as they were in the presents of his family. Then again she could not help her self. She gave his mother a wide smile when she came forward with a present in her hand. Reaching out Nyx took the box from the dark hair woman. Wonder crossed her face as she began to rip into the dark green wrapping paper that cover it. Popping the box open and looked in side.

Her eyes lit up as she saw what was inside. Inside was layer of items. There was books, clothing, jewelry, even a journal. She could not believe that they gave her all this. Her heart swelled as she looked up at the Malfoy family. The smile that stretched across her face was starting to hurt but she did not care. "Oh my... This is all too much. I can't believe you got me all this." She put the box down on the table to her right, and pulled away from Titus as she wrapped her arms around his mother to give her a hug. "Thank you."




Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus smiled a little as he watched the smile light up on Nyx's face. His mother gave a similar smile when Nyx hugged her.
"I'm glad you like it, dear." His mother stated, patting Nyx on the shoulder as she turned back to the tree.
The rest of the gifts were quickly distributed and within no time at all, Titus found himself back in his room with a mountain of presents. The whole Christmas morning and presents affair didn't usually last long with his family but the presents were pretty much half decent. He had gotten a few new books from his mother and father this year, a very nice pair of Quidditch gloves along with a new broom from his grandparents, more quidditch things from his two siblings and much more. He really wanted to test out the new broom but he figured it might have to wait since there was still much to do before the party began and the guest would be arriving as soon as dusk fell. He still had to try on his new suit in front of his mother, give Nyx her gift and...well...sort through this mess that was in front of him. His little house elf was sitting in the midst of the gifts carefully sorting through the clothes, while he dealt with the Quidditch equipment. He silently hoped Nyx wasn't too sorely disappointed with her gifts. He wasn't planning on giving her the gift he had just just...he was waiting until the party to do that...when they had a moment alone. But until then...the gift was tucked safely in his pocket of his suit, waiting for the right moment to be opened. Knowing his mother, Titus probably only had about two or three hours of lounging around before she came barging into his room and forcing him into his new suit. Glancing over at saidsuit which was hanging innocnetly from his open closet, he gave a sigh and shook his head. Oh, how he wished he was back at Hogwarts again.

Feel free to skip to the actual party. I don't think there is much to say in the meantime. Sorry for the super late response. Been busy. >____<

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Desirable Rogue

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Time Skip

Event: Back from winter break

Date: Sunday, December 31st.

Weather: Temperature: Cold, High: 27°F Low: 15°F, Wind Force: Light (9mph)
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Tonight was the night. He would change into that creature again.
He was reminded of two months ago, Halloween night. When he nearly killed someone, including himself.

Today, Randall was just leaving the room he used to change. There his last potion of Wolfsbane was finishing brewing. By the time he got back it would have been finished and ready to drink.
During his stay at St. Mungo's hospital, he learned how to make the potion. A wizard from the Ministry of Magic was assigned to Randall for safety. He might have been only a student, but he was also a werewolf and nearly killed someone. Those things brought concern to the staff of the hospital. The Ministry wizard, though, was a nice man. He branch dealt with human-like magical creatures, and explained to Randall that werewolves have been shunted between the Beast and Being divisions of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures for years.

The wizard taught Randall how to perfect the wolfsbane potion and even provided him with a place to change at the end of the month of November.

Tonight's the night. He passed the Slytherin entrance, and decided to just go straight to the Main Hall. He'd seen a few friends who stayed behind, during winter break. Most were excited to see him, as there was a rumor going around that he was dead. After one or two times of not knowing how to reply, he just got around to saying it was a mixup and his uncle passed, and he had to leave to sort everything out.

In the great hall, Randall moved to the Slytherin table. It took a moment for his house-mates to notice, but when they did, most of them were pretty happy to see him alive and well. After exchanging a few greetings, Randall looked across the room to the Ravenclaw table. He wondered how Gabe was doing.

Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus was seated contently at the Hufflepuff table, fiddling with the bracelet he had gotten from Nyx as a gift as he chatted with a few of his housemates. It was good to be back at Hogwarts, he didn't feel as alientated here like he did at home. Then again, this Christmas holiday had been much better than most since Nyx was there with him. Although school hadn't technically started yet...at least not until tomorrow, he had the Hufflepuff Captain's pin displayed on his school robes, which he had donned for the heck of donning. His housemates were discussing how their holidays went and Titus was just content to listen in. His fingers glided along the smooth metal of the bracelet as he listened to one particularly funny story about one of his fellows' aunt. Chuckling along with the others, he let his eyes casually glide along the other tables, picking out any of his other friends and acquaintances. At the Slytherin table, he spotted Randall and he felt a surge of surprise and relief course through him. The guy was alright then...that was good to know. The last time he had seen Randall...well...it hadn't been pretty. Pushing the thought from his mind, he continued to let his eyes glide over the different tables seeking out familiar faces.

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Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx was glad to be back, but then again she was sad at being back at school. She enjoyed spending alone time with Titus. Here she did not get to see him a lot. Only at meals, and when they had a class together. It just was not enough for her. Sighing she clipped on the necklace that he had gotten her for Christmas. The only time she took it off was to shower. The cool metal sent shivers across her skin as it hit her warm skin. After she was done with her hair she pulled on her clothing, and started down to the great hall for breakfast. Students filled the hallways. The crowd grew larder as they got closer.

Soon enough they all branched off to their own tables. She headed toward the far left. There sat the Slytherin students. But before she could make it all the way there she noticed Titus at the table next to the house of snakes. She slowed her step as she gave him a soft smile, and puffed out her chest a bit. Showing off the snowflake on that rested right at her collar bone. That was when she noticed that he was also wearing the gift that she got him. Love swelled up in her as she stopped short of the Slytherin table. Backtracking and taking a seat next to the man that she cared about. Pushing her pride aside, and ignoring the looks that she was getting from the others around her. "Good morning Titus."



Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titushad been glancing around the hall to see if he could catch any of his teammates and friends when a new voice sounded beside him. Instantly recognizing it, he turned his head to find Nyx sitting beside him.
Smiling at the girl, he leaned in and gave her a quick hug, throwing a glare at the staring hufflepuffs behind him. They stopped staring and hurriedly focused their attention elsewhere, though Titus knew they were quite curious. Heck, he couldn't blame them. It was completely unheard of to see a Slytherin sitting at the Hufflepuff table...let alone Nyx Carrow. That was almost like hell freezing over. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the shocked hufflepuffs, he tightened his hod briefly on her waist.
Pulling back from the hug, he gave her a grin.
"Good morning to you too, Nyx. Ready for the next term of the Quidditch year?" He questioned, giving her a rather wolfish grin.


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((Sorry for taking so long to post, haven't been on the computer in a while and I had a bit of a brain fart so this post might be umm... bleh. ))

Invisible Codger

Anthony Quintus Aldermaston

Apparently, someone thought that there wasn't enough inter-house mixing going on because a Ravenclaw wandered away from their own table and came over to join the Slytherin and Hufflepuff pair at the Hufflepuff table. Anthony sat down, and shook his wavy dark head, laughing slightly. After a moment, one hand was stretched out for Titius to shake while the other was closed around an object - a captain pin to be precise.

"Good Morning." Might as well get to know the people you were going to be shaking hands with fairly regularly, right? Probably an idea to start by telling them your full name, right? "Anthony Quintus Aldermaston". Blue eyes watching the pair while he waited for a reaction to that.

After a moment, he put the pin down on the table and turned it so that they could both see why he was here. This left one hand newly free and he dug around in his clothes before coming up with a paper bag. Once opened, this revealed individually-wrapped striped sweets - muggle humbugs. "Want one?" offering the bag to Titius and Nyx.

Yeah, so it was a given that they likely knew his name because come on, Quidditch. Still, this would be amusing. And who knows, maybe they assumed they'd heard his name wrong on the pitch or something ... it's not like it would be the first time people pointed out the contrast. And it would be nice to talk to them outside of a game, anyway. Well, mostly Titus but the slytherins were occasionally fun to stir up.


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                                              Ever should have started for breakfast half an hour ago, but Rules for Radicals had her so engrossed and captivated she'd been hunched over a study table, reading, for three hours. The last chapter was reaching a close, and after nodding to the page in agreement on whatever final piece of organizational advice she'd just learned, her stiff fingers flexed, synchronizing with her toes as each cracked with satisfaction. The book had been an interesting find, although low income communities weren't even possible in her social circle, so organizing such people in order to empower them wasn't on the top of her list like it had been the author's. Still, advice was advice, no matter how it applied itself. Gently shutting the book, Ever left it there for the librarian to deal with and made her way across the deep red carpet, maneuvering herself through the crisscrossed bookshelves. The vast, cathedral like library was quiet and dark, interrupted only by turning pages as few students lingered here, obviously studying under the dim lamps placed at each table. The entrance, made up of massive wooden doors, welcomed her exit out of the cool, damp place into the hallway which was kept a neutral temperature provided by all the torches flickering against the stone walls.

                                              Hogwarts was stunningly beautiful, although if it had all been on ground level Ever would find herself a bit happier. Windows looking out over the grounds and the staircases indicating how high up she was made her squeeze her eyes closed for a quick minute.
                                              Janey Mack! It's only three stories, she thought, attempting to calm herself enough to reopen her lids. Still, she clutched the banisters that would lead her down to the Entrance Hall, watching her feet for a distraction. Once on flat ground, she heaved a sigh of relief and began straightening her uniform; grey pleated skirt, plain white buttoned shirt, green and silver tie and her black robes which were a little big on her and swept the floor more than they should have. After loosening her hair from it's original place tied and tightened against her head, she let it fall dramatically over her shoulders which had squared authoritatively as she made her way into the Great Hall.

                                              Winter break had ended and students were returning from their short vacations away from the castle. The smells wafting from the Slytherin table as she seated herself made her think the cooks weren't quite ready for the holidays to be over. And she was right, dishing herself up some egg casserole and potatoes, her hazel optics surveyed the gingerbread pancakes and french toast and she decided to stick to her familiar Irish delights. Fellow housemates were chatting beside her, but Ever had no interest in greeting them. The persons she associated with didn't look present, although she took her time to search specifically for Nathan Greengrass. The one male of Slytherin house she could tolerate; they appeared to have similar, if not the same, views concerning Pure-blood only interaction and anyone less than that was a waste of space. Ever didn't see him however, and began daintily forking food into her mouth, relaxing with the flavors on her tongue as she waited for an opportunity to either start something or chat with a friend.

                                              OutOfCatapults: Thought I would quote you since your character's name is in my post. Also if anything seems questionable you can let me know.


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Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx ignored all the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins as they stared at her. She just leaned into Titus hold. "Oh yes. Very excited. We are playing Gryffindor at the end of the month." She said as she started to put food on her plate. Though she was interrupted when someone came and sat down next to them. By his clothing she could tell that he was a Ravenclaw. He introduced himself, but she was not interested. Even when he showed off his captains badge. It seemed as though Ravenclaw got a new captain as well. It was not going to help though. Was her thoughts as she just ignored the boy. Slytherin was taken them on as the last game of the year, but since they had already lost to Gryffindor she did not worry about losing to them. She was even more disgusted when he offered her muggle candy. Even though she loved sweets. She would never touch anything muggle made.

As she finished with putting food on her plate, she caught the sight of one her fellow Slytherin's. Ever was not really a friend, but she was one of the few that thought the way that she thought. The only reason she was at the table of the badger was because of Titus. Other than that she would be with her fellow Slytherin's.





Lonely Gaian

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+++ Aaron +++ Soohoo +++
+++ 5th +++ Year +++
+++ Gryffindor +++

Aaron had a fantastic break. He received more Quidditch supplies for Christmas from his parents as well as even get to train with the English team in their preparations for the World Cup Qualifier against Morocco just a few days into the new year. It was a great experience for him. Aaron was more than prepared for the Slytherin match, learning some new moves to pass on to the rest of the team. The Slytherins will be in for a challenge at the end of the month...thats a fact.

Arriving a couple days beforehand, he was well unpacked and was still getting used to the scheduling back at Hogwarts. He missed the school, but missed his friends the most. Because of all the World Cup Qualifier madness he wasn't even able to write letters to his friends, wishing them all a Happy Christmas and New Year. He felt that he was being an arrogant S.O.B. because of it, yet he hasn't even seen any of his friends, let alone ones from his own house. "Whelp, I guess its back to being the introvert I once was. I can focus more on my OWL's after the Slytherin match." he thought to himself as he walked over to the Great Hall.

The tables seemed to be filled with all the assorted houses at each one. School wasn't back in session just yet, so it was alright to eat with other houses. He looked around to scan the crowd for anyone he knew. He spotted Titus first, but Nyx was right next to him as well as another Slytherin and a Ravenclaw. He did not want to deal with Nyx's disgust with him so he would not be at that table, but the one thats across the way. He went to where usually the Hufflepuffs sit in the back corner and got his food. The fan girling was all a thing of the passed as no one recognized him. "Lower the profile the better" he thought to himself as he got some food.

The thing with Nyx was that Aaron was never really the one to loathe her or any Slytherin for that matter. It was the whole stereotype of the rivalry of the Syltherins and Gryffindors, as well as his friends' hatred for Nyx that got him into the mix. He still felt that he could get along with Nyx alright...Aaron did not want enemies. Attempting to befriend her would have to wait till after the match. He went on to eat...


Casual Wear

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Invisible Codger

Anthony Quintus Aldermaston

Anthony chuckled and rolled his eyes when the paper bag was met with a disgusted expression. He pushed the paper bag over to Titus after drawing one himself then making a melodramatic production out of checking over his shoulders for professors. "Ravenclaw, remember? Not stupid. ", gesturing at the high table. He unwrapped the twist of cellophane and popped the humbug in his mouth. "See? I'm fine." after poking it to one side of his mouth.

Then he went back to rootling around in his pockets. This second rummage produced another packet of sweets. "No? These, then? offering the second bag to Nyx. This time, it was wizarding sweets, a packet of Pepper Imps. There, that should make the point that he could see things that were right in front of him and was in possession of an ounce of logic.

Ravenclaws: Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure and all that. Slytherins might be the cunning house but really. What did this girl think? That he was trying to poison her, right in front of the professors? Not likely. Again, the snakes may be 'cunning' but eagles weren't foolish either. That sort of reckless course of action belonged to the brash fools in red-and-gold. Not that the lions would tend to go for poison but ehh... fist-fights, maybe? The point stood though that harming here wasn't going to happen. Still, House Unity was a good thing. They needed everyone. Gryffindors... well, "fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

The girl... well, she wasn't turning out to be of much consequence, in his mind. Eagles don't hunt flies. Here, his mouth turned up as his inner thoughts were amusing him. Kind of ironic that it was his mother's influence that made him a Ravenclaw though. Ah, well. Still, something of the other parent's influence tugged and well... he may have no intention of hunting flies but he resolved to keep a close eye on Nyx.


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