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Did you see the Time skip announcement in the OOC thread?

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Yamashii's Partner

Scholarly Bibliophile

27,515 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
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              S I M P L E & C L E A NB U T W I L L Y O U S T A N D W I T H U S ?
              ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ SIMPLE & CLEAN ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰
I am not afraid ! ! of the STORM that comes my way ↙↙
S I M P L E & C L E A N ;; S I when it hits it ShAkEs me to the ↦[ c o r e ]↤

                    Zidane was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe. He knew he had picked the right victim for his prank the moment Bartz smiled at him. He allowed the other the small victory of hitting him with the shirt and twirled it in front of himself to get the water out of it.

                    When he could finally speak he shrugged, still chuckling some. "Complimentary service, with a smile no less! Trust me, it was my pleasure to awaken you, oh sleeping beauty." He teased, sweeping into an elegant bow.

                    More seriously he added, "Man, you are toned. How'd you get so buff anyway? That's... not even fair. Here, put a shirt on. I don't want Dagger seeing that and changing her mind about me!" He informed the other and snapped the wet shirt out at Bartz, letting go of the end so it wasn't a rat-tail whip and instead snapped at the other and flew at him.

                    "So now that you're all clean thanks to my loving wake up, you wanna go grab some food? I'm starved, been working on that for hours. Plus I have a few ideas I'd like to discuss with you about brightening things up here. Its about as cheery as a graveyard." he added the image of pure mischief.

                    (( ))

    I think it might wash away tonight ___________________ Awaken ↗↗ from this never ending fight
    ________________________I t_ t a k e s_ m o r e_ t h a n_ m e e t s_ t h e_ e y e
    ________________________________________This war we're fighting is not just rotting

Yamashii's Partner

Scholarly Bibliophile

27,515 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Worthy Challenger 25
  • Hotblooded Hero 50
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I'm ready! ! for more Ƀ ム Ŧ Ŧ Ł Ξ ₴ ℭ ム ℟

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                                          He jerked at the female voice and was completely unprepared for the sight that awaited him when he looked at the source.

                                          He felt himself going darker and darker red as he couldn't stop his eyes from moving head to toe on the girl before him. She left very little to imagination in that outfit and as a knight from a medieval world it was far more than just embarrassing to him.

                                          "Ah.. d-didst thou... f-forget to finish dressing?" He asked, the words slipping from his mouth before he could stop them. He quickly turned around and tried to recover but was far to embarrassed and uncertain how to proceed. Wasn't she cold, dressed like that? Perhaps she couldn't afford more coverage? Ideas raced through his mind as he tried to figure out how to help the poor girl.

                                          Until his stomach rumbled loud enough for them both to hear.

                                          Mind back on the more pressing problem at hand he turned around, trying to focus on her face only. "I.... dost not know what art food, or... anything... this room art totally foreign to me." he admitted shyly, rubbing the back of his head and looking distressed. He disliked being helpless and he was still flustered by his words to her and her appearance.

                                          (( ooc: [ / can't stop laughing at poor light ] ))

take a >look< into my eyes ① last time
So we never ✖ forget --- the way we were before ↶
W h e n _ w e _ c a m e _ a l i v e _ a t _ t h e _ m o m e n t _ w e _ m e t
「 T h i s 」 is still worth fighting for!!

Quotable Seeker

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                    aerith gainsborough
                    I NEVER BLAMED YOU.


                                  She had meant to just greet Genesis a good morning and than would have been on her way. While she had noticed that the male was standing in front of Zack's door, Aerith had planned to check on him after breakfast was over. She didn't want Zack to think that she was clingy or too eager to see him if he found her waiting outside his room first thing in the morning. But before the female could go on her way, the said person who she was thinking of opened his door.

                                  But Zack didn't seem to have noticed either of them as he began his morning stretch and squats.

                                  It wasn't until he spotted Genesis and stumbled back a bit was when Zack finally noticed. Letting out a small chuckle, the former SOLDIER turned his eyes towards her direction. "Good morning Zack" Aerith greeted. He still hasn't changed a bit. "My morning has been going pretty well so far" she replied. "In fact I was actually on my way towards the kitchen to help start breakfast for everyone" she then turned her gaze towards Genesis, "But then I noticed Genesis here" Why was he standing in front of Zack's door anyways?

                                  She had a guess that it had to do wanting to catch up or something close to that. After learning last night that Genesis and Zack had known each other when they were both SOLDIER's, Aerith wouldn't be surprised if Genesis wanted to take some time to chat with him. Realizing that, she probably should give the two some time to do so.

                                  Taking a step forward, the flower girl was already planning on moving along, when she heard what Genesis asked. The brunette couldn't help but pause in her tracks. What happened after Zack left with Cloud? Was Genesis referring to what Zack had told her yesterday? Aerith pursed her lips a bit. "Maybe I should go?" she suddenly said, before Zack could say anything. This sounded like something they should be talking about alone. "And leave you two alone for a bit?"

      LOCATION: new york city; the wave
      WITH: Gensis and Zack
      MOOD: a bit curious, stomped, but also trying to move on.

      OUT OF FLOWERS: text.
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                    Z A C K F A I R
                    HEY, WOULD YOU SAY THAT I BECAME A HERO?


                                  Zack tried his hardest to not let his upbeat side down. But he could help but continue to wonder if the two did have..something with each other. He didn't want to admit that he was beginning to feel jealous for no reason. Zack held chuckled a little as he covered himself for a slight moment and leaned against the opposite wall that Genesis had been sitting against. He crossed his arms and thought of the situation more. 'It's impossible...they wouldn't even look good together...w-would they..?' His head got hazy and cleared his throat which somewhat helped to push those thoughts out of him.

                                  He listened to Genesis as what he hoped for not to happen....happened. His smile slipped away as then he had to tell his story to another person yet again. Aerith was one of the people he definitely would tell about it but it was still hard to tell her anyway. And it would still be hard to say it again.

                                  Zack didn't want to remember. It was scary to face death...but..he remembered seeing those wings...those liberating wings. He remembered seeing Angeal take his hand as Zack slipped away into the lifestream. The feeling of paradise was amazing and he could never forget that even though it sort of depressed him. What else could he have done in that moment? He just learned to accept death at that moment.

                                  He sighed and rubbed his neck before Aerith spoke. "I'll take you out after breakfast. How does some fresh air sound?" His smile somewhat returned as he awaited an answer from her. As soon as she answered he nodded and went back to Genesis' question. "Well, we were heading to Midgar, attempting to escape both the Turks and Shinra Army. Cloud and I were on a truck on our way there before a Shinra sniper tried to assassinate him. We ended up getting out but, they were still onto us. Before I even knew it, they were on our tails and I had to do something to protect Cloud. I had to drag him behind rocks so that he would be safe..." He informed Genesis as he swallowed hard and made eye contact with him.

                                  "He needed to live..that world needed him. My story was to end..and I went to face my fate so that I could protect him. And so, I went to face the Shinra army. I battled and fought to the bone...and...I was soon shot by surprise." He felt weak as he told his story and especially felt a little embarrassed in front of Genesis. "I remembered suffering as these few bullets in my body were slowly killing me...and Cloud soon came to me and I gave him the Buster Sword. He was...my living legacy. And I um..." He sighed softly, scratching his arm. "I died soon afterwards..but ended up here."

                                  In the back of his mind, he continued to blame himself for dying even though it was for the good of his best friend. Aerith soon died in the process in which Sephiroth killed her. And he wasn't even alive to save her. It was his fault and even though Aerith told him otherwise, he continued to believe it. "Any other questions?"

      LOCATION: Hallway - The Wave
      WITH: Genesis, Aerith

      Credit to xXxNam-niCxXx

      ☆OUT OF MAKO☆: Oh Zack... -3-

      chouette - - SESSHYxx




Desirable Sex Symbol

27,700 Points
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                                x x xEVEN IF THE ◞MORROW IS B A R R E N OF P-PROMISES
                                genesis rhapsodos—{ ● ● ● NOTHING SHALL FORESTALL MY RETURN
                                xxx███████████████████████████████████ ░░ ███████████████
                                User Imagex x x xLOCATION
                                x x x xThe Wave: hallways
                                x x x xCOMPANY
                                x x x xZack, Aerith
                                x x x xTHOUGHTS
                                x x x xHe certainly hasn`t changed much.
                                genesis rhapsodos.. }—
                                x x x x x█ ██ TO BECOME THE ◞DEW THAT QUEN:CHES THE LAND↴
                                x x xTO SPARE THE ◞SANDS }- THE ◞SEAS }- THE ◞SKIES }- x ■■■■■ xxx .
                                                      User Image
                                                          xxx●● █ I OFFER THEE THIS↴
                                                          genesis rhapsodosS I L E N T x S A C R I F I C E
                                                          ohbbyyyyy● ● ● ■■■■■ ████████████████████

                                                          Well, that certainly wasn`t what he`d wanted to hear. He thought surely that Zack, of all people... "I was certain that you would go on to survive for much longer. My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams; no honor remains. The arrow has left the bow of the Goddess." He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, shrugging. "What a cruel fate for one such as yourself. You certainly deserved better."

                                                          Zack had been an interesting foe. And at times, Genesis hadn`t seen him as an enemy at all. He was merciful, friendly. Not at all like the kinds of men the ex-SOLDIER was used to. So it was almost painful for him to hear that the puppy had died, and so early, too.

                                                          But there was still something else. "I`m sure you`ll be pleased to hear that after you left, I did live on. Though things did not get better for me at first. Some men that I assumed were with SOLDIER came to collect me. However, when we arrived in Midgar, to a place I had never known existed. They asked me to help them, but their desires were detestable and I left them." He shook his head, chuckling slightly. "I knew they would continue to pursue me, so I sealed myself away. But when I did, I turned up here. It`s been a year or so since then. I`ve lost track of the time."

                                                          He tilted his head and smiled at the raven-haired young man. "But despite all of the things that have happened, you seem to be doing very well. You`ve obviously adjusted nicely to this new world. Though it does have many similarities to Midgar. I`ve met others who are having a much more difficult time getting used to this place." That newcomer, Freya, especially. For her appearance among other things. Though she`s really the only one he`s spoken to, other than that insolent little girl.

                                                          "I would like to know what exactly happened to Sephiroth after I saw him in Nibelheim, though. I was busy elsewhere and didn`t hear anything afterward."

Quotable Seeker

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                    aerith gainsborough
                    I NEVER BLAMED YOU.


                                  Even after years of knowing that Zack had died, hearing him explain what happened still caused Aerith to feel pain. Even before she suddenly had that feeling that allowed her to know that Zack was gone, she had gone through years of worrying and wondering what had happened to him. Had he forgotten about her? Did he find someone else? Did he read her letters and just ignored them? Had she been coming off a bit too clingy? Aerith had thought of so many different reasons onto why Zack was gone, that was she learned what happened, she didn't know what to think. And then seeing him yesterday after so many years, she realized how much she missed him and just how much she actually loved him.

                                  So listening to him as he told Genesis what had happened to him, the brunette couldn't help but let her smile drop a bit. She just learned the full extent of his story yesterday and it was still hard to believe what had happened. To think, if he didn't go and face the Shinra army all on his own, than he probably would have still been alive today....then again, if he hadn't done what he had done, than who knows what could have happened. For all she knew, both Zack and Cloud could have died that day and then where would they be now? She probably wouldn't be here since she wouldn't have met Cloud, and if she wouldn't have met Cloud, than Sephiroth probably wouldn't have killed her...but then he would have became a god. But then at least Cloud would have been here with Zack! But—Aerith shook her head.

                                  She was thinking too much.

                                  Zack was here and with her now and hopefully Cloud was safe with the others back in Midgar. That's all she should care about right now. Though at the mention of Sephiroth's name, the flower girl pursed her lips together and shifted her gaze towards the floor. She really didn't know what to think of that man. He had been insane when he had killed her and she knew that he only did so because she was getting in the way. But then again, if she hadn't gone in the way then Sephiroth would have killed everyone.

                                  "He tried to injure the planet by calling Meteor" she finally spoke, after being silent for a while. Aerith took in a deep breath and lifted her gaze to glance at the two males before her. "I mean I don't know exactly what had happened after you were last with him Genesis, but what I do know was that at some point he wanted to use the Meteor to injure the planet and merge himself with the Lifestream so that he could become a god"

      LOCATION: new york city; the wave
      WITH: Gensis and Zack
      MOOD: confused, upset, reminiscing

      OUT OF FLOWERS: text.

Kawaii Prophet

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                                                                                .Ⅴ | BARTZ KLAUSER

                          tab WE'D use each other's a i r just for the people to s e e
                          tab tab and stay up all night like when we needed to sleep
                          tab tab tab We'd go ⓐⓝⓨⓦⓗⓔⓡⓔ, our minds would take us-------

                                                                                tab ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ☆ ☆

                          Naturally, it would be Zidane who set this up. “Oh, what a service it was. I would recommend it to a few people, I can think of.”

                          Bartz looked down at his body and shrugged. The time he spent travelling had toned his body while his battles working towards Exdeath had increased his muscle. Yet, he had never noticed before. The fact made him ponder how much he had missed. “I’m sure it’ll take a lot more than a few muscles to sway her heart,” The wanderer chuckled, remembering how he had always shied away from any aspect of relationships. “Not that I would try, of course. Plus I’m sure whatever she sees in you is worth it.” The brunette winked at the shorter man.

                          “Yes, and what a wonderful shower it was. One of the best, I’ve had in a loooong time.” He laughed with half a heart in it. “Oh, a few ideas, eh?” Bartz replied, jovially, catching the shirt, “Just let me grab a more, er…dryer shirt.” The garment was held away from his body, eyeing it a bit as a few drips fell here and there, before turning back into his room. The young warrior made a quick change into a fresh assemble, decidedly and exited his room after taking a deep breath to calm himself. A bright smile flushed his face as he look at Zidane. “Wonder what’s for breakfast.”

                                                                                location with Zidane, there was a promise of breakfast!

Mysturei's Wife

Mewling Kitten

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                                                          Y. R. P. Iɴ ᴘosɪτɪoɴ. Iτ’s sʜowτɪм, ɢɪʀʟs.

                                  royalblue = "Speech." crimson = 'Thought.'
                                  Rikku looked at the man in confusion. Did she forget to finish dressing? Ummm... She looked down at herself, looking over her clothing. She was in her usual outfit, minus her scarf. It had seemed like too much just to come get some food. Though it was a little chilly, that's why she had grabbed the afghan, to help keep her warm. Not that she had it around her at the moment. She knew it would hinder her movement, so she had draped it over a chair.

                                  The girl looked over at Light, grinned at him, and fired right back with her own question, avoiding his, "Aren't you a little over dressed for breakfast?" Not that she had meant for it to come out as snippy as it sounded. She was trying to be casual, but his comment did hit her right at her core. Mostly because, she felt, that he might have been right. But she didn't have any other clothing. The blonde was unsure of what was normal here, too, which made it a little more frustrating for her. What if they actually wore armor, like Light's, all the time? Though Aerith, Hope, and Genesis seemed to dress much more casually, what if they were only putting on appearances to make them all feel more at ease?

                                  The girl shook her head, trying to pull herself from her thoughts. 'Too much to think about. Worry about food,' she thought, trying to remember what she was even getting to eat. 'Cereal,' she reminded herself and went back to the task at hand, grabbing two bowls, for Light and herself.

                                  She looked over at him, sheepishly, her earlier behavior making her feel bad. His rumbling stomach interrupted her from her apology, instead making her giggle. "Here," she said, handing him a bowl with some cereal in it. She then went over to the fridge and grabbed the milk, pouring some into each other their bowls. She remembered someone--whether it was Hope or Aerith, she couldn't remember--explaining how cereal was made. Definitely simple enough for Rikku. "Apple Jacks," she explained, handing him a spoon. She took a bite from her own bowl and sighed. Her stomach was already thanking her.

                                  The girl stood against the counter, her bowl in one hand, her spoon in the other. Eating quietly for a moment, she looked over at Light and blushed slightly, still embarrassed. "Hey, I'm... I'm sorry. For the way I acted," was all she said before putting all of her attention back into her cereal.

                                  The girl was completely embarrassed, but she couldn't help lashing out. Things were so different here, and while she would probably adjust easily, she couldn't help but feel a little lost. It was all new to her and it was scary. But she was unsure of who to talk to all this about. She didn't want to break up Yuna's happy reunion, but she was so confused and she felt on her own. Finishing up her cereal, she rinsed out her bowl and leaned against the counter again, wrapping her arms around herself and trying to calm down. She'd get through this. She knew she would.

                                                      ʟocᴀτιoɴ ;; At the Wave, in the kitchen.
                                                      coмᴘᴀɴʏ ;; Warrior of Light
                                                      τʀᴀɴsʟᴀτιoɴ ;; ~
                                                      wᴇᴀᴘoɴ ;; Twin Daggers
                                                      мᴀɢιc ;; Cura, Fira
                                                      ᴇмoτιoɴs ;; ... Sorry.
                                                      ooc ;; Let me know if I need to change the cereal. It was the first one I thought of because I have it. XD

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Dapper Pirate

15,750 Points
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                            "Ohohoho~" A cheery laugh filled the kitchen as an old man in a swank purple suit entered the room. He wore sunglasses over his eyes and had a jagged white beard. There was an air of mystery and good nature about him as he made his way towards the two.

                            "Enjoying ourselves are we? Its always nice to see new faces." He moved in a strange bouncing motion and had a twinkle in his eye, like a favorite grandfather. He examined the contents of the cereal bowls and wrinkled his nose, shaking his head.

                            "What an unhealthy breakfast! Out out both of you, Hope and I shall fix a proper meal! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you'll need your strength for what's ahead! Shoo!" He ushered them both out of the kitchen and dragged Hope down to the kitchen, never once introducing himself to the perplexed Rikku and Light.

                            Delicious smells and strange sounds began to issue forth from the kitchen, which now was closed off to everyone but the two men inside it. At exactly 9:30 an announcement went out over the intercom (and yes, the apartment complex did indeed have an intercom system in every room. Possibly a tribute to the owner's eccentricity, or his genius) that breakfast was ready and everyone was expected to show up.

                            What greeted the heroes as they arrived was a veritable feast. Eggs in every style you could want, 5 different kinds of toast, 3 different kinds of breakfast meat plus a vegetarian protein option, hash browns, milk, orange juice, and grape juice were spread out across the giant dinning room table. In strategic locations were fruit bowls filled to the brim with the fresh fruit of the season. A rainbow variety of Apples, pears, pomegranates, bananas and others. At the head of the table looking pleased stood the mysterious man, with a tired looking Hope collapsed in the chair at his right hand.

                            "Ohoho! Welcome Heroes from all walks! Please, eat!" He announced, spreading his arms out at the feast before him. Strangely he still looked as put together as he had when he had shooed Rikku and Light from the kitchen, without a single stain or smudge in his clothes. With that he allowed everyone to dig in, eating himself and then wandering around and harassing those who tried to skimp on food. Once he was satisfied that everyone was eating decent portions he returned to the head of the table and cleared his throat.

                            "As some of you know, and others may have guessed, I am Bugenhagen, the owner of The Wave and something of the leader for our little band. As I'm sure you noticed, I missed dinner last night. The reason? I was following an energy reading we had picked up. This reading was similar to one we had picked up before. A distinct signature that lead us to a crystal shard. A crystal shard that was guarded by giant monster. Just as expected, we uncovered a crystal shard, and it too is guarded by a giant monster." He paused here to drink from his glass before continuing.

                            "So we're going to send you all out to fight the monster and gather the shard. We, Hope and I, believe that the shards are the key to fixing the rift and returning everyone to their rightful home." He paused once more to allow the information to sink in looking at Hope to see if he had missed anything important.

                            "If there's no questions I suggest you finish up quickly and get ready for battle. This will be no easy victory like the one you earned against the Ochu yesterday." He instructed then with a twinkle of mischief in his eye. Most likely Hope had informed him of how the Ochu was not at all an easy victory and was thus trying to warn them not to get overconfident.

kitzu-jama's Partner

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thiis is a spacer

✤____________________________l i g h t n i n g . f a r r o n‌xxxx
                                          location : new york city ; the wave ; dining room
                                          mood : determined
                                          doing : talking with bugenhagen ; eating

        'So it wasn't a dream.' Blue eyes opened to see the unfamiliar ceiling of her apartment. Annoyed at how naive she felt for wishing it'd been just a short mind trick from Bhunivelze, the pink haired woman sat up and looked out the window. It was possible, she supposed, that she was simply still dreaming but it wasn't like she could figure this out right now. Lightning was hungry and still a bit off balance from her new surroundings. She prided herself on being adaptable to hard situations quickly but felt unsure how to navigate this new challenge of figuring out how to get back to her world- or consciousness.

        "Get up." A shower later, the woman had pulled on her clothes and headed out to rap on Snow's door. They hadn't gotten to talk much last night, being that both were distracted by all of the information they'd needed to take in, so she planned to keep an eye on him today. It was irritating to see him but also comforting in a way that she'd never admit to. Hope was her partner but he was also... questionable. Unable to trust the boy currently, it was nice to see another familiar face that was too stupid to be used by God to approach her. It sounded harsh but it was his charm to be so heartfelt and open with his emotions. Perhaps that's why Serah had been drawn to him. Lightning couldn't deny that she'd been closed off to her sister...

        "I'll see you at breakfast." Bugenhagen's announcement sounded and it was a relief to hear someone had already prepared something for them to eat. She preferred to be independent but hadn't had time to set herself up yet. Heading down to the dining room, she took a seat near the head of the table to get a good look at their benefactor's face. Hope sat beside him and looked a bit tired-she wondered what he'd been up to this morning. The female warrior had slept in later than she'd intended but several of the others seemed to have arrived before her.

        "How did you take this energy reading? Is there a device we should be carrying to find others?" Even though the bald headed man had stated to focus on today's battle, Lightning felt confident that she'd be fine. There wasn't much that could take her down-hopefully not even a god once she returned home. The others had done alright in the battle against the Ochu so they weren't incompetent in battle. All together, it added up to no trouble in her mind.

        "And I'm ready to head out any time." She'd picked out a mostly balanced amount of food on her plate, careful to give her body enough fuel to power through the day. One could note that she seemed big on protein and meat but it wasn't a ridiculous ratio. Finishing off her meal quickly, the woman didn't bother savoring any of the flavors, wanting to get going faster. If the crystals were the key to getting her back home to save Serah then she wanted to find all of them as fast as possible.

Mysturei's Wife

Mewling Kitten

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                                                          Y. R. P. Iɴ ᴘosɪτɪoɴ. Iτ’s sʜowτɪм, ɢɪʀʟs.

                                  royalblue = "Speech." crimson = 'Thought.'
                                  If this was a proper meal, Rikku wanted this every morning. The table was littered with everything you could think of to eat for breakfast, from eggs and toast, to fruit, to different juices and other drinks. The girl started drooling just looking around.

                                  After being shooed out of the kitchen, Rikku had decided to go get cleaned up, not that she really needed to. She HAD taken a shower the night before, but with this newcomer who had given her the boot from the kitchen, she felt she needed to make she sure was squeaky clean again for some reason.

                                  Going back to the apartment, she found the bathroom unoccupied, so she hopped in quickly. It didn't take her long. After she got out, she started to put her hair back up into her usual braids and tail. After that, she felt a little more like herself. But then she looked at her outfit and wondered if it was alright. Light's words came back to her. She decided not to worry about it until after breakfast.

                                  Heading down to the dining room after the announcement, she found a seat and quickly started loading up her plate. The girl may be in a new place, but she was curious to try new things. She grabbed some eggs—scrambled, toast, and some strips of meat that smelled delicious—she later learned it was called bacon. She also grabbed some hash browns, liking how crispy they looked. The girl grabbed a glass of juice that was really sweet and yet still kind of tart, then she proceeded to dig in, loving it all. After her first plate was gone, she decided to try some of the fruits. They looked interesting enough.

                                  Picking at the fruit she had grabbed, she listened to the old man—Bugenhagen—explain why he had missed dinner. It made Rikku excited, knowing that these crystals could be what could get them back home. But how did he know for sure? Had they been doing research on it? Rikku knew that Hope had been here for some time, the girl wasn't sure how long exactly, but she wasn't sure how the technology in this world worked. She didn't know how to voice her questions though, so she kept to herself, eating her fruit and thinking everything over.

                                  After the woman with the pink hair—Lightning, Rikku remembered her from yesterday—had asked if there was a device they could carry, Rikku looked to Bugenhagen for the answer, hoping there was. It would make things simpler.

                                  Finally getting her question worded right, she spoke up, "What kind of research have you been doing? Is there any way I could help with that? I know I don't really understand the technology here, but I wasn't too shabby with it on Spira." Rikku flushed. She didn't want to come off as arrogant or conceited. And she wasn't, whatsoever. She was Al Bhed, so of course she knew how a lot of things worked, technologically speaking. The girl knew she wasn't always the best in a fight, but of course, if that's where she was needed she'd fight. She just felt she might be able to help more with analyzing the crystals than she would anywhere else at the moment.

                                                      ʟocᴀτιoɴ ;; At the Wave, in the dining room.
                                                      coмᴘᴀɴʏ ;; Everybody
                                                      τʀᴀɴsʟᴀτιoɴ ;; ~
                                                      wᴇᴀᴘoɴ ;; Twin Daggers
                                                      мᴀɢιc ;; Cura, Fira
                                                      ᴇмoτιoɴs ;; Really unsure, but also a little excited.
                                                      ooc ;; Sorry I didn't finish this last night. Let me know if this is okay.

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Yamashii's Partner

Scholarly Bibliophile

27,515 Points
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              S I M P L E & C L E A NB U T W I L L Y O U S T A N D W I T H U S ?
              ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ SIMPLE & CLEAN ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ ▰▰▰
I am not afraid ! ! of the STORM that comes my way ↙↙
S I M P L E & C L E A N ;; S I when it hits it ShAkEs me to the ↦[ c o r e ]↤

                    Throughout breakfast, Zidane sat huddled in a corner of the table with Bartz, eating and talking in hurried whispers. There was a paper between them and they kept sneaking looks at the various people around the table, apparently discussing something, though what was a mystery.

                    When Bugenhagen began talking Zidane leaned back in his seat and listened intently. All the talk about the crystal was way over the genome's head but he could tell it meant quite a bit to others at the table. Including his dining companion and that white-haired guy in armor.

                    "Ohhh! was it that thing you showed me last night Hope? That uh...." he paused, trying to remember which of the strange words he had learned the night before the device was called. snapping his fingers he finished his sentence, "sell phone! Though why you'd wanna sell something that cool is beyond me. So do we get one?" he questioned, tail waving excitedly behind him. Like he was ready to pounce on Hope. Despite being at opposite ends of the table from the white-haired youth.

                    "Anyway, I'm ready whenever." he added clearly as an after thought since he barely took his eyes off Hope while saying it, intent on getting a "sell phone".

                    (( ))

    I think it might wash away tonight ___________________ Awaken ↗↗ from this never ending fight
    ________________________I t_ t a k e s_ m o r e_ t h a n_ m e e t s_ t h e_ e y e
    ________________________________________This war we're fighting is not just rotting

Yamashii's Partner

Scholarly Bibliophile

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I'm ready! ! for more Ƀ ム Ŧ Ŧ Ł Ξ ₴ ℭ ム ℟

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                                          Having been ejected from the kitchen Light went to his room and paced a little. then began to get ready for the day. He had a feeling he would want his weapons and full armor.

                                          The breakfast was almost as overwhelming as the company that was attending it. He looked around at all the colorful people, helmet under his arm and finally decided to take the open seat next to the pink haired woman. He remembered that stern gaze and her sharp words the night before. It was.. reassuring to have someone so serious and grounded in the group and he figured she would be a good dinning partner. At the very least he could speak without worrying about her teasing him about his speech. "Might I take this seat?" He questioned and took it when she indicated it was fine.

                                          The rest of the meal was mostly silence as they both ate. Light was busy focused on not spilling strange food on his armor and not harming anyone with his pointed pieces of armor. He once again made a mental note that he needed to find clothes that were not full plate mail.

                                          As Bugenhagen began speaking Light frowned, fist clenching. "The crystals..." He muttered looking frustrated and upset. He had been given a mission to protect them, and now there were an unknown number of crystal SHARDS on this world. It was like a fatal blow to his heart, a wound that would not be easily healed. He stood up suddenly, slamming his hands on the table to get everyone's attention.

                                          "If the crystals art in danger we hath no time to lose! We must make all haste to protect them and ensure their safety!" He exclaimed clearly mixing up his former mission with the new one Bugenhagen had just given them. He looked around, meeting everyone's eyes with urgency and frustration in his own. Why were they not jumping up to act?! Why did they simply sit and give him strange looks?

                                          (( ooc: ))

take a >look< into my eyes ① last time
So we never ✖ forget --- the way we were before ↶
W h e n _ w e _ c a m e _ a l i v e _ a t _ t h e _ m o m e n t _ w e _ m e t
「 T h i s 」 is still worth fighting for!!

Kawaii Prophet

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                                                                                .Ⅴ | BARTZ KLAUSER

                          tab WE'D use each other's a i r just for the people to s e e
                          tab tab and stay up all night like when we needed to sleep
                          tab tab tab We'd go ⓐⓝⓨⓦⓗⓔⓡⓔ, our minds would take us-------

                                                                                tab ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ☆ ☆

                          The announcement had, frankly, shocked the young man a bit but he managed to regain his composure at the promise of long-awaited food. Upon entering the room, the bountiful feast had taken Bartz’s breath away.

                          “Wow…!” he murmured softly as he followed Zidane to a seat at a corner of the table. He quickly placed bits of food on his plate and proceeded to eat bits and pieces as he chatted with Zidane, happily. The old man had taken Bartz a bit by surprise when he first entered the room but now he smiled it off as breakfast continued before the conversation died to focus on the words coming from Bugenhagen who'd retaken his place at the front. Half listening to the elder called Bugenhagen and half enjoying the feast. Though there were an occasion or two that his entire attention was Bugenhagen, particularly towards the end where it was clear that he would be fighting. A grim look almost took over the brunette’s face but only a smile crossed his lips instead. His companion went to Hope about something he didn’t recognize.

                          “Eh?” He questioned lightly, “What’s that?” Bartz blinked, trying to follow the question while thinking what this phone or sell phone could be. Of course, Bartz wasn’t ready to fight. He would if he had to just like back home but actually wanting to was a matter the vagabond preferred to ignore. Though, he was pretty sure he didn’t get much of a choice in the matter, judging from the bits he heard so he took final bite of his toast and attempt to roll with the punches, somewhat literally speaking.

                                                                                location with a lot of people and FOOD!

Bashful Senshi

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____ Seems you've been e v e r y w h e r e , Zidane. The only other I've visited are in b o o k s_

                Garnet hadn't slept at all. She knew this world wasn't a dream, but she didn't want to see her home in her dreams and be sad all over again when she awoke to find that this was her reality now. She had spent the night pacing her room, mulling over all the things that had happened the day before. She hadn't seen much of Zidane, except at dinner and Freya hadn't even made an appearance. She felt so lost and alone at the moment she didn't even think she wanted to leave the room, but she knew she must.

                The sun had risen had risen a few hours ago. At its first light she had made use of the rather strange washroom that was adjacent to her new chambers. it had taken her a while to figure out how to use the standing rainbox that was used for washing. At first the spray was cool, and the heated up to a temperature that she wasn't sure her body could handle, but she stayed under it, feeling some of the emotions wash away from her. She used all the good smelling body soaps and hair washes. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this clean. It had to have been her coronation. Beatrix had slaved over making sure she was perfect and Stiener had made sure everything was safe.

                With a heavy heart, she stepped out of the rainbox and wrapped one of the big fluffy towels around her now cold body and twisted another around her hair. The warmth trapped in them made her a little less sad about missing her personal guard. She wished they were here with her now. She would have loved to have them, but knew that if she wasn't home at least someone was there to make sure everything was okay in her kingdom. She knew they must be frantic with her missing and only they could control the people.

                She dressed back into her clothes, not feeling like putting on something in the bare drawers. She felt comfortable in her orange jumpsuit, so she kept it on. She placed her weapon in another of the empty drawers. She didn't feel the need to kept it on her while in the Wave, but if she were to venture into the streets, she would sure be making her way back to her room to get it. She knew not was lurked in the streets, so she would want the extra protection.

                Garnet looked back out the window to the world below. She needed out of the room. She felt like she was going crazy keeping herself locked in here. Garnet pulled her hair into her metal clip and exited the room after slipping her boots back on. She wanted to badly to see Zidane, to look into his blue eyes and feel safe again. She hurried along the hallways, not running into anyone on her way. Just as a voice filled the space around her. She jumped and her hands flew to her chest. She listened to the voice and knew where to go.

                Garnet entered the dinning room just as the small bald man was speaking about a crystals and battle. Her heart began to race. And not out of fear. A possible way to get home? She was looking forward to it. She felt like she needed a good fight. A smile played on her lips as she looked around the room, looking for just the right person. When her eyes fell on Zidane and the boy next him she felt her heart skip a beat. She felt like it had been ages since she had seen Zidane. She didn't walk any farther into the room or speak, she just stood int eh doorway and looked at everyone. What a motley crew they were. Some in normal clothes, others in armor. No one looking like anyone else. She smiled and leaned against she doorjamb.

                She wasn't hungry so she didn't sit to eat. She thought of a good fight had filled her hunger. she smiled at Zidane and gave him a light wave from where she stood. There was plenty of empty seats, but none of them called to her. She looked around the group again. Freya wasn't among them. Where could she be? She looked back at Zidane again and then out the door. She wanted to stay here, but she was worried about her friend. Torn at what to do, she kept her place. It made an easy exit if her brain told her to go look for her friend, or if she stayed.

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If ℑ should leave this behind ,
Your voce will still remember our m e l o d y

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