
[ / looks up from sketchbook ] Hmm?
OH! A visitor! Hello there! ^^
I'm Namine. It's nice to meet you.

I suppose I should give a brief introduction shouldn't I?
Well.. alright then. [ / taps chin ]
I am... a Nobody, one that was created when the heart of a princess of heart was released from the body it was in. Perhaps you have heard of Sora and Kairi? Well... they're essentially my parents. Here's a picture of them if you don't know what they look like.

User Image

Aren't they cute? I think they're just the most adorable couple ever! Though I'll admit I am biased. I am their daughter after all! [ / laughs ] A greater honor I couldn't ask, I'm so proud to be their daughter. ^^ Ah, but I'm getting distracted!

Because of the unique circumstances of my birth, I had (have? I still have them...) unique powers. I wasn't like the other Nobodies. I had no memory of my life as a human and my powers were very limited and specific. I could manipulate the memories of Sora, and anyone he held within his heart. Not very useful, right? Well sadly, someone DID find a use for them. Marluxia, number 11 of Organization XIII used me to turn Sora into his puppet. Here's a picture of Marluxia.

User Image

The events of Castle Oblivion were... horrible. I despise myself for what I did there. Being manipulated into using my powers the way I was. But... there is one bright spot to those memories. It was in Oblivion that I met Li. Though at that point he was still known as "the riku replica". I... really liked Li, even if I was forced to rewrite his memories so he would like me. [ / sighs ] Anyway, I also met Riku, DiZ and King Mickey there. The three of them helped me hide Sora and keep us hidden so I could fix Sora's memories.

I spent a year fixing Sora's memories. meanwhile he slept, and Riku acted decoy. After Sora woke up.... Well I faded out of the picture. My role was done and I only had one last task. To reunite with Kairi. I did eventually reunite with her. And I stayed within her for about a year. But then... for some reason, We split. I'm not sure either of us understood why. But at the same time we split, Riku's Replica reappeared as well. I've been living with Kairi as her "sister" ever since!

I enjoy Drawing, relaxing, and hanging out with Sora, Kairi, Riku, Li and Roxas. We can be doing anything really, so long as we're together I'm happy!
I also enjoy "role-playing" and have become quite proficient at it! I'm very literate though, so if you want to "RP" with me, you should keep that in mind.

Oh, I don't like random friend requests. You MUST talk to me first. and I will never accept a request from someone I don't know who doesn't leave me a message saying why they want to be my friend.

mmmm, oh dear, that wasn't very brief at all was it? ^^;; I'm terribly sorry. [ / bows ]
Well.. it was nice to meet you, anyway!


Viewing 12 of 52 friends


Namine's Sketchbook

who knows what secreats lie within...*cue dramatic music*


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/13/2016 4:10 pm


thank you for buying from my shop
Brotagonist DNA

Report | 02/16/2016 9:27 pm

Brotagonist DNA

Thanks for the buy!
Brooklyn Hyuuga

Report | 11/08/2015 4:04 am

Brooklyn Hyuuga

Jesus Christ! Hopefully today is better blaugh
Raven of the Darkened Sky

Report | 11/05/2015 7:41 pm

Raven of the Darkened Sky

Thank you for your purchase!! heart

Report | 11/04/2015 5:50 pm


thxs for buying heart
Brooklyn Hyuuga

Report | 11/01/2015 6:05 pm

Brooklyn Hyuuga

Im good!! Partied up this weekend hard lol. How about you?

Report | 08/15/2015 9:14 am


ah darn,hope you get better.

Report | 08/14/2015 10:53 am


I've been well,and you?

Report | 08/14/2015 7:53 am


Hey there~
Brooklyn Hyuuga

Report | 07/06/2015 7:40 pm

Brooklyn Hyuuga

Oh my god eek
You have been quite the little bee xd
Hopefully you're getting enough rest?


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