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Remy is back again....

Please don't kill me. D: 0.13836948391922 13.8% [ 185 ]
I'll be nice, I promise. 0.23186237845924 23.2% [ 310 ]
I'm back for now, we're all good right? 0.14210919970082 14.2% [ 190 ]
Wait... What are you doing with that knife? 0.48765893792072 48.8% [ 652 ]
Total Votes:[ 1337 ]

Cut the crap, I'm sick of your drama, Q.

You should be capable of giving people advice without sarcasm, little smart-assed remarks, accusing them or lying, underestimating their intelligence, or otherwise insulting them in some manner. There is no reason for that and your personal feelings about someone don't belong in the support thread. It creates a toxic environment for others, AND the person you're insulting. Everyone has a right to gain support from here no matter how you feel about them personally. Enough said on that matter.

It's not like I won't take any advice or that I just hate every answer people give me. But "suck it up and be called a lady" is not an acceptable answer in a situation for supporting FtMs in transition. It's not appropriate to exercise YOUR male privilege over other FtMs who are earlier in transition. It is not okay to try to use someone's non-binary or atypical gender expression against them as a means to undermine their feelings about their identity and how they relate it to others. All of these things are unconscionable and cissexist. Those are my final words on the matter. You can continue to argue but I took your good advice and I'm going to reject the ugliness. If it's the last word you want, by all means, have it. And be sure to make me look horrible and presumptuous while you're doing it.

I won't be participating anymore and since you're not a common ToS violator I'll probably just block you (I tend to not block people if I think they need to be reported for s**t). If you can't have self-control, then I will. You're trying to act like some kind of hero and giving me the "truth that I don't want to hear" but if that was REALLY true you could do it without the snippy little insults. If you're telling someone a "difficult truth" you don't really have to embellish it by being a d**k about it. So I'm not buying that excuse.

No, Q is right. This is just the s**t we have to put up with as transpeople until the world gets its head out of its a**. I had to work as a male for a lot longer than I cared to in order to survive, but it's what I had to do. I didn't b***h about it, I saved my money up until I could move to a much more accepting area. I've never been happier about it either, because now I don't even have to consider doing that. It's just what we have to do.

Hallowed Wench

Corrupted Coco
Cut the crap, I'm sick of your drama, Q.

You should be capable of giving people advice without sarcasm, little smart-assed remarks, accusing them or lying, underestimating their intelligence, or otherwise insulting them in some manner. There is no reason for that and your personal feelings about someone don't belong in the support thread. It creates a toxic environment for others, AND the person you're insulting. Everyone has a right to gain support from here no matter how you feel about them personally. Enough said on that matter.

It's not like I won't take any advice or that I just hate every answer people give me. But "suck it up and be called a lady" is not an acceptable answer in a situation for supporting FtMs in transition. It's not appropriate to exercise YOUR male privilege over other FtMs who are earlier in transition. It is not okay to try to use someone's non-binary or atypical gender expression against them as a means to undermine their feelings about their identity and how they relate it to others. All of these things are unconscionable and cissexist. Those are my final words on the matter. You can continue to argue but I took your good advice and I'm going to reject the ugliness. If it's the last word you want, by all means, have it. And be sure to make me look horrible and presumptuous while you're doing it.

I won't be participating anymore and since you're not a common ToS violator I'll probably just block you (I tend to not block people if I think they need to be reported for s**t). If you can't have self-control, then I will. You're trying to act like some kind of hero and giving me the "truth that I don't want to hear" but if that was REALLY true you could do it without the snippy little insults. If you're telling someone a "difficult truth" you don't really have to embellish it by being a d**k about it. So I'm not buying that excuse.

No, Q is right. This is just the s**t we have to put up with as transpeople until the world gets its head out of its a**. I had to work as a male for a lot longer than I cared to in order to survive, but it's what I had to do. I didn't b***h about it, I saved my money up until I could move to a much more accepting area. I've never been happier about it either, because now I don't even have to consider doing that. It's just what we have to do.

Even when I was a year into HRT I went to interviews as a guy. I figured get the job, test the water and then rock the boat if I felt it necessary.


I'm going to drop all of that, though my opinion remains the same. Except this part:
It's not appropriate to exercise YOUR male privilege over other FtMs who are earlier in transition.

Which I find considerably degrading.

Please let me know.
My male privilege is the same exact "privilege" anyone on the internet with an assumed male persona gets.

1.) I'm female, haven't started ANYTHING related to transition at all [yet]
2.) I can't do male[-only] jobs
3.) I live as a woman on the ship
4.) I live with ONLY women on the ship (in the woman living area)
5.) Even the people who know I plan to get surgery/transition still consider me a woman "until surgery" (Even got in an argument today about it, in fact)
6.) When I did go on T illegally, I developed hypoglycemia. It's still terrible. FML in that regard. Been too afraid to take up T again since.
7.) I am stuck being a woman for AT LEAST 3 more years. Meaning EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD (save 1 or 2 people) has or will progress in their transition LEAGUES AHEAD OF ME.

You already said you were diagnosed with GID, in fact. I haven't even gotten THAT far yet. Are you considering yourself earlier in transition than me? Because if you are, you're dead wrong.

The difference between me and pretty much everyone else in this thread (no offense to you all; it's truly understandable) is that rather than sit here and b***h and moan about how I was called a woman today, or how I'll never get to be a sniper because I have a v****a, or how when I finally do get out to get surgery I'll never be able to get back in the military despite loving it, I choose to focus on the FEW positive parts of my life.
Those positive parts being:

1.) The ~3 months out of the year (non-consecutive) that I get to live PART-TIME as a male
2.) The fact that I have a loving boyfriend, whom also considers me male
3.) various other job-related, but not gender-related positive things (like traveling the world, costumes, money, etc.)
4.) The fact that, despite everyone knowing I'm female, I know I pass and I can look in the mirror and convince myself I'm okay because I pass.

Re-evaluate your ******** life.
Yes I just went on the defensive.
That was my rant for the day.
I do not have it as easy as I let on.



Even when I was a year into HRT I went to interviews as a guy. I figured get the job, test the water and then rock the boat if I felt it necessary.
Are you MtF?
Sorry, I'm just a little confused if you're not. sweatdrop

Hallowed Wench


Even when I was a year into HRT I went to interviews as a guy. I figured get the job, test the water and then rock the boat if I felt it necessary.
Are you MtF?
Sorry, I'm just a little confused if you're not. sweatdrop

Yea I'm MtF.



Yea I'm MtF.
How far along are you?
I see you in this thread all the time, but it never seemed like you talked about your own transition.

Also, what does your sig mean? It's been bugging me for days; I feel stupid. ._.

Hallowed Wench


Yea I'm MtF.
How far along are you?
I see you in this thread all the time, but it never seemed like you talked about your own transition.

Also, what does your sig mean? It's been bugging me for days; I feel stupid. ._.

I'm around 25 months along, I usually don't talk about my transition since it can bring unwanted comments or arguments, which is the same reason I stopped going to a RL support group. Although if asked I answer questions or if I feel I have something to say about the conversation at hand.

It is a chicken that is a gynandromorph, one side is male and the other is female. It is a condition that occurs in birds, crustaceans, insects, and spiders. Pretty much just a statement on how I feel sometimes.

Shadowy Rogue

3,700 Points
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Signature Look 250
  • Partygoer 500

Yea I'm MtF.
How far along are you?
I see you in this thread all the time, but it never seemed like you talked about your own transition.

Also, what does your sig mean? It's been bugging me for days; I feel stupid. ._.

I'm around 25 months along, I usually don't talk about my transition since it can bring unwanted comments or arguments, which is the same reason I stopped going to a RL support group. Although if asked I answer questions or if I feel I have something to say about the conversation at hand.

It is a chicken that is a gynandromorph, one side is male and the other is female. It is a condition that occurs in birds, crustaceans, insects, and spiders. Pretty much just a statement on how I feel sometimes.

I thought it meant that your c**k curves to the right...

Hallowed Wench


Yea I'm MtF.
How far along are you?
I see you in this thread all the time, but it never seemed like you talked about your own transition.

Also, what does your sig mean? It's been bugging me for days; I feel stupid. ._.

I'm around 25 months along, I usually don't talk about my transition since it can bring unwanted comments or arguments, which is the same reason I stopped going to a RL support group. Although if asked I answer questions or if I feel I have something to say about the conversation at hand.

It is a chicken that is a gynandromorph, one side is male and the other is female. It is a condition that occurs in birds, crustaceans, insects, and spiders. Pretty much just a statement on how I feel sometimes.

I thought it meant that your c**k curves to the right...

Nah that thing is straight.

Shadowy Rogue

3,700 Points
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Signature Look 250
  • Partygoer 500

Yea I'm MtF.
How far along are you?
I see you in this thread all the time, but it never seemed like you talked about your own transition.

Also, what does your sig mean? It's been bugging me for days; I feel stupid. ._.

I'm around 25 months along, I usually don't talk about my transition since it can bring unwanted comments or arguments, which is the same reason I stopped going to a RL support group. Although if asked I answer questions or if I feel I have something to say about the conversation at hand.

It is a chicken that is a gynandromorph, one side is male and the other is female. It is a condition that occurs in birds, crustaceans, insects, and spiders. Pretty much just a statement on how I feel sometimes.

I thought it meant that your c**k curves to the right...

Nah that thing is straight.

Reminds me of a c**k fight I saw once...

... nevermind.

So I'm debating whether or not to meet with any trans groups when I move near Washington DC. Here in Albucracky everyone's a bunch of druggie twits. Still though, I haven't really needed any trans-group support; just to maintain my own grasp on sanity. But yet still, it could be a fun social experience anyway.
Late 10 month HRT update:
User Image



I'm around 25 months along, I usually don't talk about my transition since it can bring unwanted comments or arguments, which is the same reason I stopped going to a RL support group. Although if asked I answer questions or if I feel I have something to say about the conversation at hand.
Hunh. That's weird, but understandable.
I stopped coming here mostly because it made me emo to see everyone else transitioning and me being in the same exact spot. ._.
I like helping when there are questions that I can answer, though.

It is a chicken that is a gynandromorph, one side is male and the other is female. It is a condition that occurs in birds, crustaceans, insects, and spiders. Pretty much just a statement on how I feel sometimes.
Ohh that's cool. I didn't know that.
You know, occasionally arguments come about where I throw in that intersexed people exist, and it's utterly surprising that nobody believes me. I wish I had some print-out with statistics or something.
It's kind of sickening that intersexed individuals are like, some sick world secret neutral
They don't even give it a gloss-over in biology or anything.

Dapper Phantom

Not replying to the dramatic posts, guys. smile There is so much wrong with your post Q but I'm dropping it.

How do you guys feel about mixed trans/gay groups? We have them on Thursdays but I'm kind of nervous about going. I think it's ages 16-24, and my experience with these age groups is that there's a lot of mingling/dating, and my partner and I are in a committed relationship. I know I'm prejudging but I'm just slightly nervous. >.> I like the trans group a lot better than mixed groups I have been to in the past. Experiences? I know every group is different, and Grave (who posts here once in a while) goes to both groups so I'll prob ask him how they're different on Monday. :'3

I've never been to trans/gay groups, my last spat with a LGB group in my 20's as mostly as you mused - people looking for other people to commit to.
Or have sex with. I never went there for that, so after a while I stopped going.

But, as with anything, you probably should give it one good try(as long as it's nothing that will hurt you.) before 'bunking the idea. See if your beau will go with you too.

I've also got to agree with Dan there, If'n I happened to be a transgendered man, I'd take just as much offense to being called a woman as I do to being called a "f*****t" or "******".
These are pretty basic rights that should ideally not be violated - not to say that there aren't massive assholes and backwards societies - but that's not how it should be.

Bodily integrity is something that you can't really brush off if you want to live a happy live. Nothing gives anyone the right to call me a "******" and nobody has the right to call Dan a "girl".
Using Dan and "girl" in the same sentence still breaks my brain. It's like, "WTF, Dan's a dude! AAAAAH!"

Edit; Hurr Durr I can English.
Yeah, my BF said we should just go and if we don't like it or feel like people are trying to date either of us, we don't have to keep going.

Also, thanks. Look I get that people think they know all the answers but in a trans thread, you just don't tell someone to "suck it up" if they are experiencing trans discrimination. That's really the last thing that should be said in a thread like this. It's also just plain bullshit (and a defeatist attitude) to tell someone that if they are out as trans, they will "scare away" all employers. I got a job before, and they knew I am trans. It wasn't an issue, they let me use my male name, and I actually worked stealth there (only my bosses and a couple coworkers knew). However, I am sure I probably am not telling new employers the "right" way. I basically just need to know the most PC, professional way to disclose the information. It IS important, and I'm not just being a crybaby. I am not going to undo my transition to get a job. I've already started and have been living as a man for almost 4 years. Maybe if I was EARLY in transition, this suggestion MIGHT make some sense, but I was on hormones for over 8 months, and I am well settled into my new life.

Dapper Phantom

Corrupted Coco
No, Q is right. This is just the s**t we have to put up with as transpeople until the world gets its head out of its a**. I had to work as a male for a lot longer than I cared to in order to survive, but it's what I had to do. I didn't b***h about it, I saved my money up until I could move to a much more accepting area. I've never been happier about it either, because now I don't even have to consider doing that. It's just what we have to do.

Even when I was a year into HRT I went to interviews as a guy. I figured get the job, test the water and then rock the boat if I felt it necessary.
Was this without a name change?

Basically I DO see merit you what you and Coco are saying, but I am well into non-reversible aspects of my transition. I've been living as a man for nearly four years. And MtFs can go back to their "male voices" at will basically (even though I know most of them hate doing that). I cannot go back to my female voice. I can pass as a female in appearance but my voice throws it off. I am also VERY well known in my small community so I can't get away with working anywhere without my boss/coworkers finding out. I am not really a celebrity or anything like that but I am known by a lot of locals. Someone is BOUND to come in and call me Dan.

I am basically just going to change my name to fix this mess. I am RARELY required to disclose my gender so they'll just assume I'm male and that will make life a lot easier.

Basically I can't really hide the fact that I am transsexual. I am too far into my transition. If I knew how to do the MtF voice training it might be possible. But I've actually been trying that for months because I'm hoping it will help me sing higher notes. I'm not having much luck.

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