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Spicy Kisa's Wife

Dangerous Hunter

"Huh..." Kenny honestly had no idea. He sat up in the lame Urkel sleeping bag, stretching and yawning. As his eyes adjusted in the dark, he watched Kyle's backside. The redhead looked so small with how he was curled up. He noticed how the covers were drawn over Kyle's head, almost as if he were hiding from something. Somehow, Kyle seemed more bothered than he was a little while ago. Maybe thoughts of Stan kept weighing on him. Maybe he couldn't get to sleep. "You okay? Wanna talk?"

H i K u's Partner

Tipsy Bibliophile

Kyle suppressed a groan. He wasn't sure of anything. He didn't really want to talk, though. "I really don't." He told Kenny, feeling guilty. He wished Kenny would go back to sleep. He didn't want to look gay if he happened to cower against Eric's back. After a moment, he sighed and gave up. He wasn't sleepy. He was actually pretty freaked. He kept seeing that alarm clock come up and fall down again. Finally, he sighed and sat up, looking around.

He scooted close to Cartman, making sure the fatass didn't wake up, then laid down on his side, this time with his back to the other teen. "Now that fatass is passed out, you could come up here." He offered, a little hesitant. Kyle didn't really trust Kenny not to try anything, being the whore he was, but he also really wanted company and maybe some cuddles.

Spicy Kisa's Wife

Dangerous Hunter

Kenny nodded. He could understand why Kyle didn't want to talk. There was plenty he never wanted to talk about everyday. He figured he would extend the invitation, but he was not going to pry the redhead for information.

Kenny had to grin when Kyle suggested he should come up on the bed. He rose from the sleeping bag without hesitating, padding over to the bed. He snuggled in beside Kyle. He threw the blankets over them, as well as an arm around Kyle's middle. "Well, this is muuuuch better," Kenny purred. He nuzzled against Kyle's pale, freckled face, though he didn't push it further. He knew the timing wasn't right at all. "A lot warmer, too."

H i K u's Partner

Tipsy Bibliophile

The redhead snuggled back in, humming some in response. Kenny was cold, but he'd be warmer soon. Cartman's bed was very plush, and had a lot of warm blankets on it. Plus, Kenny had to press pretty close to fit without any worry of slipping off the bed. Kyle's back was settled against Cartman, and yeah, it was a little gay, but he didn't have it in him to care tonight. He felt safer with Kenny there too.

The nuzzle made him flush and he didn't return it, but he didn't pull away. He closed his eyes and sighed, slipping an arm around Kenny's waist to make sure the blond was secure and not going anywhere. He needed to try to get some sleep, though he wasn't sure he would want to go to school in the morning. He would have one pissed off Jew mom to deal with, too, because he hadn't told her he was staying with Cartman. "Goodnight, Kenny." Kyle said, and tried to relax enough to sleep.

Spicy Kisa's Wife

Dangerous Hunter

The proximity was welcomed. Sure, it may have been on the gay side, but Kenny did not mind in the slightest. The only one that could possibly judge them later was Cartman. Kenny never got too preoccupied about what his fat, bigot friend thought. Kenny's reputation as the town's whore led to the teenage boy being surprisingly fluid in his sexuality. He was partial to women and breasts, though he liked Kyle's company all the same. Besides, nobody else in town, male or female, had an a** like his.

Kenny was satisfied that Kyle stayed close. He yawned, growing sleepy again. There would be plenty of time to worry about Stan's death in the morning. Kenny usually ditched school, but he knew he would stick by Kyle whether he ended up going or staying home. "Night, Kyle," he replied before falling asleep.

H i K u's Partner

Tipsy Bibliophile

It took Kyle a long time to fall asleep for any number of reasons. Mostly, he just couldn't stop thinking about Stan... and the way the radio had moved. Ghosts totally weren't real, were they? He watched Kenny's face a while, then eventually squirmed around to lay on his back and resumed looking at the ceiling, now snug and secure between his friends. It was after four in the morning by the time he finally managed to doze off again, and he was pretty miserable.

Cartman's alarm was set for six thirty, and that hour came all too soon after all the events of the previous night. Kyle winced, disoriented from sleeping in a strange bed, and flapped a hand like he could find the alarm clock by sheer force of will. Then everything rushed back in. Sam was gone. He was at Cartman's house. Kenny was here. He forced his eyes open, finding them a little gooey from sleeping so briefly in his contacts, then closed them and brought his hands to his face to rub them before trying again. That was clearer. "Cartman," He complained, "Turn off the damned alarm."
Cartman slept like a log the entire time. However, he still wasn't ready to face the morning. "Myehhh..." he groaned, crabby and sleepy. He felt crabbier as the alarm clock's beeping intensified in volume. It also didn't help that Kyle was bossing him around. Cartman found that to be very typical of the Jew. He always seemed to be under the impression that he could be in charge. "You're closer, Kahl!" Cartman complained, pulling the covers over his head.

Kenny remedied their problem by shutting it off, the alarm being closest to him now. The clock was acting totally ordinary now; the bizarre ghost-like activity probably seemed imaginary or like a dream. "Man, I'm usually crashin' at this time... Not gettin' up," he observed, stretching and yawning.

Cartman wrinkled his nose in disgust. The large teen turned over, facing Kyle and Kenny. "Kenny, why're you in the bed? You're poor, and you smell like sour milk!"

"Kyle wanted me, fatass," Kenny shared, a broad smirk finding his lips. He purposefully made it sound dirty.

"Sick, Kahl! Poor people like Kenny are swimming with disease!" Cartman bellowed as if it were the most obvious fact in the word. "Could you be any more gay, dude?"

H i K u's Partner

Tipsy Bibliophile

Kyle sighed sharply and rubbed his face with both hands. "He didn't wake you up, Cartman. You didn't care while you were sleeping. The floor is cold. Get over it." The redhead sat up, then stopped, face falling. Stan... Stan was gone. He swallowed. He would have to talk to his mom. To Ike. He looked around, then slipped over Kenny to get up, completely disregarding the comments about being gay. He walked out of the room without so much as looking at either of the other teens and went to brush his teeth. Since he sometimes crashed here, he had an extra toothbrush in one of the drawers in the bathroom cabinet.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked almost as bad as he felt- too pale, with bags under his eyes and crazy, messy hair. He sighed and brushed his teeth before shuffling back into Cartman's room. "I have to go home and... talk to my family and get some stuff. Can I come back when I'm done?" He asked, not sure how pissy Cartman would be. Maybe Kenny was a better candidate for hanging out, but for some reason he wanted Cartman around too.

Spicy Kisa's Wife

Dangerous Hunter

Cartman pouted as Kyle was curt with him and made his exit to the bathroom. "Hmph!" Cartman sat up, folding his arms across his chest. The Jew was coping more of an attitude than usual. He attributed Kyle's attitude to Stan's recent death. He knew it put Kyle in a bad place. Things definitely felt weird without Stan around, but Cartman didn't know if he could really be torn up about Stan's death. In a sense, he felt like Stan had been asking for it with the way he was going. He was more bothered by the way it affected Kyle.

When Kyle returned, Cartman was still sitting, and Kenny was laying down. The bed was such a contrast to his at home. It felt good to rest there. Cartman was spoiled.

"Yeah, yeah. That's fine, you stupid Jew," Cartman grumbled, dismissive and clearly in a mood. "I'm gonna go tell my mom about what happened. Mine as well get something out of Stan dying. No way in hell am I going to school," he decided. He glanced at Kenny. "You should shower that sour milk smell off of you, Kenny. I could get my mom to wash your dirty rags."

"Whatever, fatso," Kenny answered with a shrug. He wasn't a fan of the remarks, but he never was quick to anger, and a hot shower sounded amazing. Kenny sat up in the bed. "Want any company walkin' home, Kyle?"

H i K u's Partner

Tipsy Bibliophile

Kyle frowned angrily. "Don't you dare look at it that way! Not then it's Stan. a*****e." He snapped, about ready to smack Cartman. He knew the fatass was a borderline sociopath, but he was very sensitive about it. His hand curled into a loose fist, but he stayed several feet away. It took a moment for Kenny's offer to sink in and he took a deep breath, turning toward the blond to try to relax.

"Sure, Kenny." He agreed easily, tone more gentle than before. "And I have a shower too, you know. Minus getting ragged on." Sure, Kenny's hygiene wasn't the best, but he couldn't help it. And the Jewish teen never thought of sour milk when he thought of Kenny. Even his bit of b.o. from time to time wasn't that bad. And with that smile and those eyes, Kenny could get away with murder no matter how long it had been since he showered. "Let's hurry, though," Kyle suggested, turning to go. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible and maybe just go back to bed...

Spicy Kisa's Wife

Dangerous Hunter

Cartman rolled his eyes. Ironically, he had not been intentionally trying to get a rise out of Kyle that time. It was just the way he felt. There was nothing else to really gain from Stan's death besides missing school. He never wanted Kyle to feel guilty about the stupid p***y that he had distanced himself from over the years. "Yeah, whatever, Kahl," Cartman dismissed. "Just come back. You stupid assholes better not be planning on ditching me." With that, he exited his room to go find his mom.

"Alright, cool," Kenny replied with a nod. He got out of bed, following Kyle out of Cartman's house. He held the door for him as they exited, and they began the walk back to Kyle's house. Everything was pretty quiet and still outside. It appeared as if nothing happened. Last night almost seemed like a dream. Unfortunately, passing by Stan's house was inevitable since he lived next door to Kyle. Kenny shivered a little, trying not to stare. The energy by the Marsh house definitely didn't feel right. Stan really was gone. Kenny tried to keep moving, hoping that Kyle would do the same.

H i K u's Partner

Tipsy Bibliophile

Kyle wasn't planning on ditching Cartman. He shot the other teen a softer look before he left, going outside with Kenny in his pajamas and slippers. He slowed in front of Stan's house, looking over there sadly. Randy's car was gone. Stan's parents were probably off making arrangements. He bit his lip, stopping briefly, then forced himself to move on, to head home. He let himself inside and his mother accosted them. with badgering and a hundred questions and nagging and bitching about him not calling last night when he didn't come home. "I was about to call the police! Your father is driving around the neighborhood looking for you! What happened?" She demanded.

Kyle was not up to all the questions. He put a hand up, trying unsuccessfully to get a word in edgewise. He didn't notice his little brother in the doorway. Finally, he interrupted. "Just SHUT UP and let me explain! Stan's dead, okay?" He said loudly. That stopped her in her tracks for a few seconds, but not for long. Ike bolted for his room as fast as his little legs would carry them, upset. Kyle hardly noticed.

Her fury at being told to shut up melted away into something even more awkward and annoying. Pity, maybe?"Oh, bubbela! My poor boy! Come here and let me hug you!"

"No." Kyle said flatly. He wasn't up to this. "Just leave me alone, ma. I'm going to get dressed. Then I'm going to Cartman's again. I can't deal with this right now." He stepped past her and headed to his room. Much to his surprise, She didn't shout after him or follow him.

Spicy Kisa's Wife

Dangerous Hunter

The scene was like something out of the Twilight Zone. Kenny couldn't recall a time where Kyle had successfully gotten his big-mouthed mother to shut up. He had to gawk a little, but he kept his comments to himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he had noticed Ike dart up the stairs. Instead of taking a shower, he felt like he should probably check in with the little d***o. He could always get clean back at Cartman's house.

"Uh, nice seein' you, Mrs. B. Wish it were under better circumstances," Kenny offered, awkwardly excusing himself. The blond followed after Kyle up the stairs. Once they reached the second floor, he spoke again. "I'm gonna go see if your little bro's okay. Lemme know when you're set to leave," Kenny said. He clapped Kyle on the shoulder before heading off to Ike's room.

He tried knocking on the door first. "Hey, Ike? It's Kenny. Can I come in, dude?"

H i K u's Partner

Tipsy Bibliophile

Kyle was actually really surprised too, but he wasn't going to bring it up for fear of jinxing it. He looked a little confused. Was Ike around? He hadn't thought about him at all. He shrugged and watched Kenny go, then figured he'd snag a shower as well. He grabbed his towel and some clean clothes, then padded off to the bathroom.

Ike was sitting at his desk, staring past his computer to the wall. He didn't know how to deal with this. Sure, Stan hadn't been around lately, but even as a drunk Ike had always thought he was cool, and way sexy. He'd never known anyone who died, either. It was times like this when being an atheist sucked a**. He didn't know what to think or how to feel. He looked up numbly as Kenny spoke, then shrugged. "I don't know, Kenny." He admitted sadly.

Spicy Kisa's Wife

Dangerous Hunter

Although he hadn't received a definite 'yes,' Kenny decided to let himself into Ike's room. He shut the door gently behind him. He slipped over to Ike's bed, taking a seat on the edge of it. He regarded the little guy. While he couldn't see his face, he could tell that Ike was absolutely devastated from his body language.

"I know how this is all kinds of lame... If you wanna talk or anything, I'm here," Kenny offered. "If it helps any, I know he didn't do this on purpose."

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