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d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

16,475 Points
  • Giving Spooks the Spook 100
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Senpai's Notice 100
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                                                                          t hadn't been until Alexander spoke up that Atticus realized that the elf was there at all. And when he did, a whole whirlwind of emotions bombarded him. He was surprised that he'd made it, that he was standing here as if nothing had happened. And the fact that Belva was even less surprised gave him reason to believe that his sister knew more than she'd been letting on. Had it been possible that the elf had arrived sometime within last night after her dinner with Sebastian? That she'd confessed her feelings for another, scaring off the prince and possibly any future interest in re-marrying? He wanted to be happy that his sister's sorrow had come to an end and she would no longer feel the need to grieve over the loss of Alexander but at the same time Atticus felt as if his arrival had been poorly timed. And if that wasn't enough it would seem that Alexander felt some sort of authority over the situation. Upon confronting the council in hopes of learning the details of the disruption of peace within the palace he'd heard them utter words of agreement in reference to a request made by a young gentlemen. They had suggested that whatever harm Belva had been subjected to would be righted immediately by her guardian. He'd dismissed this to be the promotion of one of the royal guards but it was clear now in how the elf was taking control of the situation and how the knights cast brief glances his way that it was he who had requested such a position at Belva's side. Atticus was stunned. Granted he was grateful for all that Alexander had done to protect his sister and restore her reign over Sonitus, he couldn’t help but find that his presence was somewhat burdensome. Belva needed to find a new husband. One to help fend off the threat Daemos brought upon her in his desire to take back what he felt was his. He could not do so if there was already a king in his place. But how were they supposed to accomplish as much if she spent her time in the presence of her former lover? ”I’ll send for our men to search the remaining suitors. No one will sleep in peace knowing that tyrant is on the loose. As for the man who accompanied her for dinner, I will personally see that he is dealt with.” This was his fault. In his blind desire to see his sister succeed in stabilizing her kingdom and her place as queen he had neglected to pay attention to who he allowed inside the castle. And if that hadn’t been bad enough, he’d considered the man who had attacked her to be of good standing. A perfect fit even. It only came to show him just how desperate he’d become to make sure Belva didn’t wind up like him. Unmarried, without a kingdom, and without hope.

                                                                          Atticus watched as Alexander went to his sister’s aid and knelt down next to her and the boy before summoning his father. Now there were few things Atticus refrained from saying to Alexander as he did not feel it proper to involve his sister with such company. But as bold as he was, he dare not make such remarks in front of the man’s father. Cavril’s reputation did not go unheard of even by someone as oblivious to the happenings outside of royal life as Atticus. He was a man to be feared, damned by the god’s for his destruction of an entire race. A wrath which had been brought on by the actions of one. Should he have been so easily angered then, one could only imagine the catastrophe such rage could bring to a place nowhere nearly as complex nor well armed as Rivdar had been. "I'll let the council know of your father's arrival..... Preparations.... should be made." But in reality there was little one could do to prevent a power as strong as his from decimating all that lay in his path. If the council feared corruption at the hands of what the keeper had created heavens knew what they would think upon hearing that his sister and her beau had invited the man himself into their home. Atticus feet turned to carry him down the hall but as soon as he turned away, intending to quicken his pace as he heard Cavril speak, he came to an abrupt halt. So long as you carry that child. His brow furrowed upon hearing the phrase and immediately thought of Bishop. But just as soon as he'd concluded that was who the keeper was referring to, he spoke of the boy in a way that suggested otherwise. Despite what Alexander and Belva may have thought, Atticus had thought of the possibility of a pregnancy just as soon as he'd been informed that the two had slept together. However in the excitement of finding her a new man to wed, his worries had been pushed aside and he'd all but ignored the signs of such an outcome. It was only now that he was faced with the reality of it all. Belva was pregnant. And it was very likely that the child could belong to the man he'd been working so hard to separate from her. "By the gods........." He breathed. Filled with both joy and horror upon realizing just how impossible this made it for her to marry. Not only was she in love with another man but if the baby wasn't Daemos's... it was Alexander's. A thought struck him then. One he'd feared previously but now saw as their only option. Belva needed a husband and a father for both her children. Alexander wouldn't let her marry without his approval. And Daemos was looking for an opening to worm his way back onto the throne......... Atticus needed Alexander to marry his sister. It pained him to have fallen so desperate but there was no other way. And so as soon as the man reached the other end of the hall he had a message sent to the council to warn them of their guests arrival as well as his own suspicions of having found a solution ( possibly temporary ) for their lack of a king before then searching out Silas and Lestat. He would need to discuss these matters with them if he intended to somehow coax their stubborn brother to take his place beside Belva in a more serious role.

                                                                          Belva on the other hand was not nearly as concerned with her future marital status as she was the safety of her children and those she held dear. Alexander's closeness served as a comfort to her and as soon as he had lowered himself next to her the woman reached out toa take his hand while the other placed his blade before them. Belva and Bishop peered down at the weapon curiously and were startled upon seeing another pair of eyes looking back at them. She reached out with trembling finger tips but did not touch the blade as Cavril spoke to her and nodded in agreement. He was right. Had Daemos wanted to kill her then, his ally could have easily done so. He needed power to take back the throne and the only way of doing so now was to strike fear into the hearts of those gullible enough to frightened at the mere mention of his name. People like her. Still, she was happy to hear that Bishop at least had some immunity to Daemos' influences and kissed the boys head at the mere mention of his safety before returning her attention to the keeper with a slightly calmer expression. "Yes.... Yes of course. I'll try my best. And thank you Cavril. You haven't begun to understand just how much this means to me. To us." He could be punished. And she hadn't known the extent the gods were willing to go to ensure that Cavril did not leave his post. Therefore she could only hope that they found mercy upon him as he was doing this act out of the pure kindness of his heart without so much as an inclination to receiving something in return for his trouble. "I'll make sure that accommodations are made for you. It's not everyday that one has the pleasure of meeting the keeper and the father of my children's father. We look forward to your arrival." Belva said with a steadying tone as she returned the smile he'd offered. In truth Belva was rather excited with this new development as it was a chance to learn more about Alexander and get to know his family. And if Cavril could help them better fortify the castle then that was an added bonus. She could only hope that the council was just as receptive of this news as she was.

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                                                                  Silas and Lestat were both thrilled to hear that Cavril was abandoning his post in the underworld, for the sake of making sure that his family would be able to hold up against the immanent threat of Daemos. However, they weren't so happy to have the added pressure of ensuring that the Queen would be wed. Her pregnancy was unexpected, and it's timing was incredibly inconvenient given the circumstances. No man would be willing to marry a Queen, with not one, but two children that did not belong to them. Especially, since one would be calling his wife's Royal Guardian 'father.'

                                                                  Both men thought the world of Belva, and loved her dearly, but they had no idea how to get an elf as hellbent against marriage as any, to propose. If only Atticus had known what had driven Cavril to kill off all the elves in Rivdar, then he likely wouldn't have wanted such an unstable husband for his sister-- baby, or not. He did not know that Indigo had been the love of the Keeper's life, and she had been impregnated by another. Then, he had even been tricked into his killing Saorina. And ultimately, his wife's affair had also caused his only son to stop loving him. The man had been through so much, but it seemed even a curse of the gods would not keep him from righting at least one wrong.

                                                                  In no way was Cavril dangerous to Sonitus, although they knew the council would be in an uproar, and Atticus was obviously nervous about the news. But Lestat comforted him with a firm hand on the shoulder, telling him of all the good that could come from this visit. He was, after all, the father of Alexander. If anyone could talk him into making the Queen an honest woman, it was him. Not only that, but no one felt safe inside these walls anymore. With all of the Kingdom aware that they had a force like Cavril on their side, fear would quickly flee, and with it, the threat of losing to Daemos' forces.

                                                                  Probably more than Alexander, Lestat had longed for a chance to see his uncle again. One day was a short time, but he knew that any length of time at all was more than he could ever hope for. There would likely be a huge celebration, and he could then announce his intentions to marry Ana at dinner. Perhaps that would put more pressure on Alexander as well. If a mere maid was being guaranteed a future with the man she loved, certainly the pregnant Queen deserved such security as well.

                                                                  In the meantime, the elf put his sword away, before his father could come up with more brilliant ways to get himself killed. Then proceeded to escort Belva and Bishop back to their quarters. It was getting late, and he thought that maybe they could use a good night's rest. The image of a dead body, especially of someone familiar, could be hard on a person who didn't deal with such tragedy everyday. So he didn't plan to leave Belva unless she asked him to. Perhaps it wasn't appropriate for him to stay in her chamber with her, but he would stand just outside the door, giving her access to him should she need comfort. He had never been very good at such things, however, it was his job now to at least try.

                                                                  Alexander lifted Bishop into his arms and cradled the boy all the way down the corridor. This child was his pride and joy, just as his father had said so boldly about him to the council. And although, he didn't remember a time when the man held him, the words were touching, mostly because he knew that Cavril meant them. If anything, he wasn't liar; the liar had always been his mother. They were on two complete opposite sides of the spectrum. There was hope that maybe his father could redeem himself for killing Indigo. As much as Alexander hated his mother, he didn't think that she deserved to die; she was suppose to be the woman he loved, after all.

                                                                  In any case, he tried not to dwell too heavily on the past. His future was bright, and that was all that mattered. "Listen, kid. I'm sorry that I...disappeared for a while. I did get 'urt on that mountain. But the water from Oasis cracked in my pocket, and it revived me." In some weird way, he did owe Rochelle a debt of gratitude for that. "Still, I shouldn't 'ave left you in the first place. My intentions were good, but we were suppose to make the journey as a family."

                                                                  Alexander ran his fingers through the boys hair as they walked, and kissed his forehead. "When I leave from now on, I promise to tell you where I'm going and when I'll be back. Deal?" He smiled, as they reached the room and he opened the door, allowing Belva to go in first; placing Bishop on the ground, he walked the quarters to make sure that they were safe for them before returning to the door frame.

                                                                  "I'll be out 'ere, if you need me. Now that you're 'ome, it's not exactly alright for me to stay in your...room." He folded his arms across his chest, his azure eyes finding hers from beneath his hood. She was so beautiful that it almost took his breath away. "What the 'ell are you wearing?" It wasn't exactly what he wanted to say. But it would have to do, since he was no longer courting her. "I said cover up, not bundle up." He teased her with a devilish grin. "Will you be alright for the night?"

d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

16,475 Points
  • Giving Spooks the Spook 100
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Senpai's Notice 100
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                                                                          elva was disappointed to see Cavril pushed to end their conversation so quickly as it seemed the man was both kind and interested in the survival of his family. Something that his title would have suggested otherwise with no help of his past actions against those he cared about. Still, she did not argue as Alexander removed the blade from view and began to lead the way back towards her bedroom, all the while discussing the matter of his disappearance with the boy as he held him lovingly in his arms. Bishop, of course, was almost immediately receptive to the apology. She had no doubt of the child's ability to forgive and forget when it came to Alexander. The two were as close if not closer than most sons and father's and she was certain there was little he could do to disappoint the boy. "Deal. Though.... You could save us both the trouble and take me with you!" He said with a smile and wrapped his arms around the elf's neck in a brief hug before looking back at Belva with a glimmer in his eye, and she knew.... He was happy. It was amazing to think that she'd actually been able to provide for a child and ensure that he had a life he was content with. Yes, it had only been so long since Bishop had fallen into her care but the progress was astronomical. And if she could, she would do all it took to make sure that the smile he wore now never parted. For it was truly one of the greater gifts of having the opportunity to be the boy's mother. "Hm?" Belva was surprised to hear that Alexander wasn't coming into the room with them and though she wasn't surprised by it, she was slightly concerned. Not because she was afraid of being left alone. Not because she felt him incapable of protecting himself as well as Bishop and her. But because she found peace of mind knowing he was within eyesight. Whether he felt disrespected by the gesture or not, Belva would always fear losing Alexander. Because it had happened before. And she didn't think she could handle such an incident in the future.

                                                                          "You know... Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just stick to my more revealing attire and show off Thalassa's culture in all its beauty. Or better yet, I could attend the next couple of dinner's stark nude. I'm sure that will keep my suitors attention seeing as this certainly didn't do the trick. But don't worry. I'll let you pick out my earrings." She said with a sly grin and turned away, snatching up her nightgown as she stalked towards her bathing room and leaving Bishop alone with the elf in a fit of giggles over his parents unusual banter. "You're not coming in? Not even for a little bit?" Bishop asked with a pleading look on his face. By then Belva had returned and began combing through her hair with her fingers as she sat on the bed with her back against the headboard. "It's my fault Bishop. He thinks I have cooties." She said in an exaggerated tone and smiled at the boy amusingly. "Dad... It's okay mom doesn't have cooties." The boy was quick to catch onto her game and was quick to join in on her taunting tone. "You won't give him cooties, will you mom?" She shook her head with pursed lips as she debated the matter before she leaned down and plucked Bishop off the floor and tossed him on the bed beside her. "No but I might vomit on him." She said and the boy let out a shriek as she leaned over him and tickled his stomach relentlessly. Once she finally let up and allowed him a moment to breathe he looked up at her with an immense amount of contagious laughter spewing from his small frame. "You would not! I promise she won't! Please?" Belva furrowed her brow in mock suspicion of his promises towards Alexander and lifted her hand, threatening to torment him again should he not answer her accordingly. "You don't know that, that's impossible!" Bishop's face grew very serious upon hearing her accusation and gave her a stern look. "Mom I can see the future. Remember? I'm gifted?" He held the expression for a bit longer but she clearly wasn't fooled and before long he broke into laughter once more.

                                                                          "Clever boy." Belva muttered and pulled Bishop up into her lap with her arm wrapped around him before looking up at Alexander. She wanted him to stay. Bishop did as well. It was only a matter of whether or not he wanted to that would determine how the night continued. Whatever Alexander chose to do, she would find no fault in it nor would she hold his decision against him. She found that there was a reason for everything behind the man's words and even when enraged there was always some underlying emotion that had caused him to react that way in the past. But something seemed different about him since his arrival. He was more... open. Not entirely so but enough that she felt like he was very, very slowly letting her in. Surely it wasn't as quickly as she would have liked. After all, in her own mind she had settled upon the fact that she would want nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with this man and raise their children together. She'd even contemplated what it would be like should he propose. But she knew they were far from that as he did not seem the sort to jump into committing such acts of affection unless forced or persuaded. And marriage was something she wouldn't dare use either to get him to commit to. The man hadn't even said he'd loved her yet. And although she knew he did through his actions and through implications, it was something he'd refrained from openly stating. She wouldn't press the matter. It was something she knew had to come at his own pace. But sometimes it was hard for even her to remember as much. "Come." Belva did not speak in a demanding tone, but an inviting one as she held Bishop to her in one arm and extended the other out for Alexander. A smile firmly planted on her face as she watched him and awaited a response. It was up to him to decide whether he would take it.

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                                                                  Alexander's blue eyes grew wide in surprise as the woman so boldly stated that she would go back to her old attire, or worse-- walk around naked. She didn't know it yet, but he remembered that body in all it's glory from the one night they had spent together. And the thought of someone else looking upon it-- or touching it the way that he had, made his skin crawl. Certainly, if a man wished to see such things he could wait until they were properly wed, and even then, Alexander didn't think he would be alright with it.

                                                                  He was actually starting to come to grips with what Silas had said to him only yesterday. Could he continue to stand by and be a father, only to watch another man reap all the rewards? Perhaps it was foolish to think that he would be able to bare someone else kissing Belva, or laying with her in her chamber at night-- but he needed to try; he needed to make this work.

                                                                  Marriage, and love were dangerous. He had witness the heartache of all around him-- seen lives ruined by carelessness. Alexander didn't know what he would do to the woman, should he give her all that he had, and freely admit his love, only to find her wrapped up in the arms of another man. Or better yet, bound to have his child. Even now, knowing that she was pregnant hurt him. He hadn't understood the gravity of the situation in it's entirety until this moment; he realized that he was likely not the father. He had only been with her once, and certainly Daemos had known her many times. The man showed certainty that the seed she held was his own. Despite the fact that she had been unfaithful. It was possible that he had already done some sort of a spell to determine the father.

                                                                  Whatever the case, with every passing moment the elf felt less and less confident in his abilities to raise both children equally. Should the child be born with Daemos' genes, it would surely be powerful. He may have been mortal now, but he wasn't during the conception. Belva would have to raise not one, but two prodigies. She was lucky. The gods saw favor in her, although it may not have seemed like it now. In time, things would return to normal, Alexander had faith. And both Bishop and this new child would have great influence and authority in the Land. It made his swell with pride just to know he could see it come to fruition.

                                                                  Still, the Queen spoke as if the baby was the elf's. As a matter of fact, she seemed to have no doubts whatsoever. And the idea that she was pregnant did not seem to frighten her either. It shouldn't have surprised him. Alexander knew her to be fearless. Shameless, as well. "Is that anyway to talk in front of the boy? Just speak of walking around indecent before men that you want to make an 'onest woman out of you!" He growled as she walked off, obviously unphased by his anger.

                                                                  Bishop spoke then, quelling his rage. He was obviously finding enjoyment from this, and Alexander could only smile at the sound of his infectious laughter. However, when Belva returned, his face immediately turned back into a snarl whilst she joined Bishop on the bed. From there, they teased the elf, and each other. "She does 'ave cooties. All women do. Don't forget what I told you. The opposite sex are ungrateful leeches who pray on the willingness of men."

                                                                  Now he was grinning again, finally able to relax for a second. The mention of Belva's immodesty had almost ruined his night. She knew it would. The woman was a master at making him indignant. Still, it all washed away just as quickly. Like a siren hidden beneath the dark waters, she coaxed him into a false sense of security with the pleading her indigo eyes, and tepid tone. He hadn't even noticed that he had taken her hand until the cool press of her skin brought him back to reality. How he wished he could join them in the comfort of this bed, and listen to them breath for the rest of the night just to know that they were alright.

                                                                  But that was an impossibility. He couldn't continue to let Belva believe that this was going any father. He squeezed her hand and leaned forward, kissing Bishop's forehead for the second time today, then moved up to that of his mother's. His lips lingered there for a while, before he stood up and released her hand. She wouldn't understand until someone explained that he was no longer just the man who would help her raise her children. He was a Royal Guardian now-- nobility, and to taint her by sharing her bed while suitors were here in pursuit of her hand, was a swift way to get his title revoked.

                                                                  Alexander knew what such was like, and did not wish to endure such heartache again. Nor did did he wish to cause her anymore pain. She had Bishop. That was all she needed. "You know I can't stay 'ere." He whispered to her. "'Ave a good night, your 'ighness." With that, he turned and left the room, his gaze falling in sadness, before he closed the door behind him. The elf would stand guard until Atticus came for her in the morning. No doubt her suitors would want to hear from her, and be reassured that they had matters under control before Cavril showed up.

d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

16,475 Points
  • Giving Spooks the Spook 100
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Senpai's Notice 100
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                                                                          elva had tried to reassure Bishop that Alexander hadn't meant anything serious by his decision to leave and stay outside of the room. But how could she make him believe something even she didn't? As much as she hated to admit it there was a heaviness about his voice that spoke so much more than simply declining to stay with her that night. It was his way of declining to stay with her any night. It dawned on her then that nothing had changed between them. The child she bore and the possibility of it being his meant nothing to him. He still felt inclined to watch her marry another and she wondered.... would he be just as persistent in saying as much openly as Atticus had been? The very thought made her bitter and though she smiled at Bishop and kissed him on the head, watching as he slowly fell asleep beside her, all that lay within her was in turmoil. She tossed and turned as morning called out to her and in an equally obnoxious way, so did Atticus. After having spoken with Silas and Lestat he came to the conclusion that if Belva could not choose at least one of the remaining suitors, then Alexander was their only option. And so he came to retrieve her so that she might greet the men in the throne room. Unfortunately for him Belva was less than happy to having been dragged out of bed despite having had little to no sleep and was even more sour at the thought of putting on a cheerful expression as if on display and pray to the gods that one of the men in the room had the strength and courage to take on the responsibility of raising two children all the while putting romance on the back burner as she had no interest in their services other than that of being the king Sonitus needed. "Belva dear.... You're not ready?" Belva looked up from beneath the bedding with a glare so enraged that it caused Atticus to lift his hands in hopes of shielding himself from her gaze. The queen grumbled as she tore the sheets off of her and clamored for a gown and white cape that hung effortlessly in her wardrobe before storming behind a small room divider where she stripped down and dressed into her new attire, allowing Atticus to zip the back before making quick work of her red locks and practically jamming her crown on her head, leading the way out of the room without so much as looking towards Alexander in fear of showing just how upset she was over having been rejected. Again. for the umpteenth time.

                                                                          "Belva! Belva slow down!" Atticus hissed as he rushed to her side but the queen had no intention of stopping. "I'm tired." She huffed to which Atticus grabbed her arm sternly and forced her to lessen her pace. "You need to calm down. Stress isn't good for a woman in your state. Now, what's wrong? You were fine when I left you." Belva drew a blank stare as she looked at her brother and merely stood in silence. Atticus shifted uncomfortably and glanced around them as if expecting her to be staring at someone else before finally narrowing his eyes and clenching his jaw in annoyance. "What?" Belva slowly tilted her head and crossed her arms, allowing a small sigh of disappointment to part from her lips as she looked him over. "You know, I've been awfully selfish. I hadn't known my foul mood would have any effect on your day whatsoever. I mean, after all you've gone through all this trouble to try and marry me off to a complete stranger, I might as well go out of my way to make sure you feel comfortable while I go in front of an audience and speak of how they might go about pining for my attention. That would suit you just fine now wouldn't it?" Atticus was practically speechless. It had been so long since he'd seen Belva throw a tantrum that he'd almost forgotten what it looked like. Though this was certainly an excellent reminder. "Belva can we please talk about this later?....." He whispered as they now stood before the doors to the throne room. The sound of hushed tones talking casually to one another could be heard and he was thankful for the doors having been so thick that they were able to escape the enraged voice that Belva carried with her up until this point. "Oh I'm sorry. I wouldn't want to keep out guests waiting." She spat and pushed the doors open without so much as waiting for the servants on the other side to announce her presence. Atticus followed in suit of her frantically, practically tripping over the back of her flowing silk cape as he tried to give the suitors a smile of reassurance that all was well, despite Belva's incredibly abrasive manner. When she finally stood at the top of the stairs leading up to the throne she turned and looked down upon the men who eagerly awaited for her to speak.

                                                                          "Go home." By now Atticus stood a mere few steps below her and turned back to see the council and men alike in complete and utter shock. "Your highness.... these men have come all this way to see none other than yourself. They simply wish to have an equal chance at earning your trust and possibly seeking your hand in marriage. Sonitus is without a king and you, without a husband. It is your duty to-" But she would not allow the councilmen to finish. She was finished with this charade. "That be as it may, are they prepared for the responsibility of raising a child? What about two? And what of it if those children are not their own, hm? Should one of you, any of you, feel you are capable of taking on such a task and willing to look past such factors, speak up now or claim otherwise in your silence." No one spoke. Not one. And that alone cast a shadow over the woman as she looked upon the now shamed faces of the men who her brother and the council alike had thought fit to take Daemos' place as her husband. "I thought as much. Gentlemen, it was a pleasure. May you have a safe journey back to your respective kingdoms and marry into happiness. Just know that it will not be here." And with that she left the council to handle the arrangements of returning the princes, leaving the throne room in an uproar of surprised as well as offended whispers. Atticus hurried after his sister and closed the doors behind them only to turn and see that she was already on the move albeit slow and almost mournful in appearance. "What has gotten into you?! You're a queen not a child! Belva you need this. If you don't marry one of those men then the only other option you have is-" Belva stopped then and turned to face him with a disgusted look on her face. Clearly, he'd said something wrong. "Do you hear yourself? Atticus you were just in that room with me. None of them spoke up. And had they done so it would have been for the wrong reasons. Look at me Atty! I'm used, in love with another man, pregnant with the child of one of two men, and openly advertising myself for marriage in a desperate attempt to ensure my place as queen. I'm done with it. There will be no king of Sonitus because no one wants to marry me!" She hissed and with that the queen stormed out of the palace and into the gardens in hopes of finding peace there, leaving her brother in a stupor of his own. "......Don't call me Atty....."

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                                                                  While Belva was in the garden-- Lestat, Silas, Alexander, and Bishop prepared for the arrival of the Keeper. Although Cavril had said he would be here in the morning, the elf still found himself a bit skeptical. Being a guardian of the underworld was not a task to take lightly. And there was no doubt that punishment would come on swift wings to the man should he not seek the gods permission to depart from the gates. Yet his brother and cousin were not nearly as cynical. Both were dressed like men, but giddy like children. And Bishop simply clung to Alexander's shoulder as he hoisted him onto his hip.

                                                                  All four men stood on the left side of the entrance, as four of the councilmen stood on the right. Many of the townsfolk had gathered just outside the gate, where the open archway sat at the bottom of the polished marble staircase. And with every passing moment, as the banter grew louder, he could feel his throat getting tighter and tighter. Alexander tried to take deep breaths, but nothing was working. The elf was so nervous about seeing his father again, or worse yet, not seeing him at all-- that he damn near fainted when he heard the guard blow the trumpet. Lestat moved forward, but Silas held out a hand to stop him, eying the man in annoyance. More then anyone, the pirate captain had been waiting to see his uncle again. The man was spitting image of the father he had lost. And he only wished to be held by the arms that reminded him of the past he once knew.

                                                                  An eerie wind rustled through the quarter, and Alexander lifted his eyes to the azure sky, seeing no change in the billowy clouds, or shimmering sun. It was an almost immaculate day. And certainly a good omen for things to come. Like thunder in the distance, he could now hear the hooves of a pair of horses pounding the dirt path, and the rusted squeak of a carriage-- creating a blend of sound that almost pierced his heart. Alexander had no choice but to be brought back to his time in Rivdar, when he would wait with his mother for his father's return after being away for so long. He remembered the adrenaline as it pulsed through his body in anticipation of seeing his father's charming smile once again. And even now, the elf could feel that energy surging through his body, and rushing through his veins, as Lestat reached over and eagerly clapped a hand on his shoulder. "He's coming." The man whispered, almost in tears as he looked on toward the archway, waiting for the man to ride beneath the threshold and up to the stairs.

                                                                  It felt like hours they had been waited, until eventually the a blur of white galloped down the path toward the castle, their manes made of fire-- a flame dancing upon their heads. And the behind them, was the very vehicle his father had always used to get around. The chariot was a mixture of gold and emerald, it had no windows, and only one door. Oddly, there was no chauffeur to direct the horses on the ledge out front; it was as if the animals knew exactly where they were going. Certainly, they were not creatures of this world, their skin was pure like snow, eyes black like coals, and hair still ablaze even as they came to a halt.

                                                                  Lestat could not be stopped at this point. He broke free of Silas and practically fell down the stairs as the council looked upon Alexander for answers. Yet he had none. His throat was completely dry, and the poor elf could barely breath, let alone hold up Bishop-- who he was forced to place down at his side. At the bottom of the stairs, Lestat rounded the carriage just as the door opened up and the Keeper stepped out. He was dressed in black and red-- his crimson locks whipped around by the wind as the former captain rushed into the man's arms. The two embraced, and Alexander finally found his breath, relieved to see that Cavril received the gesture well. Lestat wept on his uncle's chest, as the very tall man laughed and patted him heartily on the back, exchanging kind words-- all the while the sparkle of his smile seeming to send those outside the gate into a fit of applause. Alexander had to admit that his father was a bit of a giant. He was at least six foot five. And as a boy he had considered the fact that maybe he wasn't merely human. Even now, as he looked upon his demanding physical nature, he couldn't help but find himself envious and proud. Yes, there was still work to done. But there was time for that. For now, he wanted to enjoy the scene.

                                                                  Once the embrace had ended, Lestat cleared his eyes and lead Cavril toward the stairs, both men engaged in joyous laughter that seemed to put the council in good spirits. All four elders were smiling. Alexander wasn't even aware that they still knew how to do as much. "What a pleasure it is to see you again! King of Rivdar."

                                                                  The red haired man bowed deep, watching as they departed from the platform and headed inside the castle to let Cavril had a moment with his family. Silas was the first to step forward, wrapping his arms around the man torso tightly. "I don't know how you managed it. But thank you."

                                                                  Bishop was next, scurrying forward as the Keeper scooped his up into his large arms and held him out in front to get a good look. His cerulean eyes scanned his face suspiciously for a moment, causing Alexander to get a bit nervous, before he yanked the boy in for a hug. "I always wondered what a grandson felt like." Leaning down he blew into the boys neck, sending him into a fit of giggles, then promptly sat him back on his feet. "Son, where is Belva?"

                                                                  Honestly, the elf had no idea where she was. He would have expected her to be here, but perhaps she got caught in castle business with Atticus. "I 'aven't seen 'er for an 'our or so."

                                                                  "What kind of Royal Guardian 'asn't seen the person they should be guarding for over an 'our?" Cavril asked, his eyebrows knitting together curiously. "Are you fearful that 'er pregnancy will rub off on you?"

                                                                  "Dad, not right now!” Alexander growled turning away from him, to lead the group inside.

                                                                  "What do you mean not right now! The castle is dangerous!"

                                                                  "You said she would be safe as long as she 'ad the baby."

                                                                  "So that means you let 'er just run off!"

                                                                  "She is a big girl. I'm sure she 'andle 'erself." Alexander rebutted over his shoulder. He knew it would come to this. If his father thought he was going to talk him into spending every moment with Belva, he had another thing coming. He wasn't her keeper.

                                                                  "She is in the garden." Silas interjected quickly, before Cavril could reach out to stop Alexander, who was already on his way toward his chamber.


                                                                  "Well, this entire situation is a bit of a mess, you know?"

                                                                  His father looked up at him, as he ascended the stairs in order to get as far away from his judgment as humanly possible, before drawing a deep breath. Cavril's intent had not been to push Alexander away. All this time, he had been trying to let him do things on his own. But when it came to Belva, everything was different. The only reason the elf was so distant, was because he feared being like him. He had gone on a rampage after finding out about Indigo's affair. And he knew that son feared relieving that pain through his own eyes. "'Ey, kiddo." Cavril said, reaching down and patting Bishop on the head, "I'm going make sure your mom is alright." He messed his hair briefly, before bidding farewell to Lestat and Silas.

                                                                  Outside, he found the woman on a wooden bench, looking more lovely than he imagined possible. He could see why Alexander cared for her so much. Even her inward beauty seemed to exude from her skin, making her glow like the moon itself. "Why 'ello there, young lady." Cavril spoke cheerfully as he approached, announcing his presence so that he would not startle her.

                                                                  From a distance he could tell that something was bothering the Queen, and so he offered her his ear; kneeling down before her, he took her hand and kissed it. "'Ow are you? And my new grandchild?" He placed his free hand on her belly. "And why are you out 'ere alone?"

                                                                  His cheerfulness left him momentarily, and he was left with a very serious expression. "Belva, I know that this is not easy. But do not give up." He reached up and flicked her chin before having a seat beside her.

d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

16,475 Points
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  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Senpai's Notice 100
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                                                                          elva was having a hard time coming to terms with what had just happened. All her life she had been pined for. Perhaps not to the extent that men wanted to wed her, but desired nonetheless. It was one thing to be rejected by one man…. But an entire room full? It was something the sea nymph just couldn’t understand. She knew she was beautiful. But she’d never flaunted it through voice. She hadn’t the need to. But it seemed even doing that much hadn’t changed the fact that she was unappealing to not one, but all of her suitors. Now Belva wasn't superficial. If anything appearances only made up a small portion of what she was looking for in a husband. But she was still a nymph. And such a race was notorious for their self confidence in their appearance as well as their ability to woe others. Something she done unintentionally with these men and therefore had plenty to choose from. Before, she had taken this for granted as she knew she wanted nothing to do with any of them due to grieving over the loss of Alexander. And upon his return this decision only intensified after having heard he'd purchased a ring and then by the way he'd reacted towards her being pregnant..... Well she'd hoped that it would have meant something to him and that whatever that something was might possibly lead to marriage in the future, if she was lucky. Had she not said she loved him? Had he too not implied as much? Why else would he have bothered to stay by her side for so long? He was a good looking man, he needn't any help finding a woman. All throughout their journey there had been women on the side lines who had been watching him curiously and whether or not he had noticed, she had. If he wanted he could very well leave this place behind and settle down with some broad outside of the castle walls and still be around to raise Bishop. And yet he lingered, offering her affection and gazing upon her with his smoldering eyes lovingly. He spent plenty if not all of his time ensuring the safety of not only her but Bishop as well. He hadn't been asked to do as much. If anything he'd been the one to suggest he wanted to stay with them.

                                                                          She had not forgotten that moment together when traveling to Ashu and how he'd held her upon discovering her feelings for him. How he'd encouraged her to feel as much with his passionate kisses, the soft tone in which he spoke, and even going to far as to share a moment alone to gaze at the stars. A gift to her. But now that they were no longer traveling and were granted the safety of a home Alexander's interest in her had.... dwindled. Last night she'd been so determined to allow him to take the time he needed to admit his feelings for her. But instead, he'd denied them. He'd pushed her away and only confirmed her worst fears. He wanted nothing to do with her. And without the hope of marrying the one man she loved, the father of her children, she'd been forced to reconsider those who had traveled to meet her. But now not even they were interested in doing as much. She was unwanted. And it only made Alexander's rejection all the more painful. Not only was her beauty no longer enough to earn her a proper proposal, but her personality was just as worthless. That much had been proven by Alexander. He'd spent all this time with her, ignored her beauty, and gotten to know the woman within. But it wasn't enough. She was still alone. And now she was forced not only to raise her children unwed but rule an entire nation without the help of a king. It would require an immense amount of strength and bravery that she wasn't sure she was capable of possessing. "Cavril!" She'd forgotten. In her own self pity she'd completely ignored the fact that Sonitus would be visited by the keeper. Guilt filled the glossy eyed queen as she looked up towards the man who now knelt before her. Kissing her hand as if she were the one granting him her presence when really it was the other way around. Her worries diminished in that moment as she realized just how much Alexander resembled his father and a sad smile swayed her lips upon noticing as much. He even went through the effort to try and encourage her before taking a seat by her side. "Yes sir, I'm trying I promise..... I'm so sorry, I should have been there to greet you. I meant no disrespect" She said turning to him and grasping for the words that would properly explain her unintentional absence only to wind up defeated. It was inexcusable. "The baby is well. However I fear its mother is having a fit of her own. The roles have been reversed I'm afraid." She muttered in hopes of downplaying her own inner turmoil. But again she found such attempts to be just as useless.

                                                                          "Well.... You see...." She wrung her hands meticulously. The last thing Belva wanted to do was prove herself to be just as impossible as she was in front Alexander's father. What sort of mother would she be if she only worried about herself? What sort of queen would do as much in front of someone she'd had hopes of impressing? And yet she could not stop herself. "Nobody wants to marry me. I'm pregnant, quite possibly with my guardian's child, the man I'm in love with and father to my son, all reasons of which I denied ever wanting to wed in the first place. Because I had hoped that he might one day consider marriage as a possibility. Maybe not now but at least one day. But last night he made it clear he has no interest in me. And so in desperation I turned to those who had expressed as much in hopes of finding Sonitus a king if anything. But in knowing that I am pregnant with another man's child they too have denied me and so I sent them all away....... And now I'm pregnant and alone and I have to figure out how to be a mother and rule Sonitus without neglecting either of my my children or my people. It sounds so silly when I say it out loud...... I'm sorry. This isn't at all the impression I wanted to make on the father of Alexander. I shouldn't even be worrying about this, it's so trivial. I just feel so..... confused and foolish for having assumed that he would have wanted anything more from me just because I might be bearing his child. I thought he loved me. But I know now I should not have assumed as much. He never said it. So I shouldn't have thought it.... But he bought a ring and then when he found out about the baby he seemed happy And I just-....." Belva let out a huff as she looked back down at the ground and rubbed her eyes. She felt so childish. No, this was certainly not what she'd intended her first conversation to be about when greeting Cavril. Realizing that she was complaining about the man's son and quite possibly making him look bad by relaying all that she had, Belva turned back towards Cavril with wide eyes and shook her head frantically. "N-Not that your son is a bad man! He is anything but and I feel so privileged to have met him at all as well as you for that matter. He's thrown his life away to protect me and Bishop and there isn't a man more honest, willing and selfless than he. Nor as dedicated when he could just as easily find comfort elsewhere..... I shouldn't even be behaving this way. He's done so much for me as it is, who am I to ask any more of him?" It was true. Alexander had done far more for her than a mere husband would have let alone a room full of suitors. She was right and she knew it. She had no right to ask any more of him nor did he have an obligation to love her. But that didn't lessen the pain in knowing he didn't.

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                                                                  Cavril hid his smile from the Queen, mostly because he didn't want to insult her with his assessment. If only Indigo had been half as passionate about their marriage-- perhaps none of this would have happened. Alas! He had all the power in the world, but he still was without the capability to go back in time. Their wedding had been arranged by their parents, and so it was, and so it ended. He had lost himself in rage, and now his son found comfort in doing the same. The elf had been through a lot, and so his father didn't fault him. But to not see the potential of courting a woman like Belva-- that was plain idiotic.

                                                                  Cavril knew that somewhere deep down, Alexander loved him. He had stopped after Soarina's death, but as some point during this journey he had started up again. This was a second chance for him to make things right with son. And that started with helping him realized that every relationship wouldn't end in failure. Just because his mother was a whore, didn't mean Belva was one too. Then again, she was still married, and pregnant. But that was obviously an act of love-- one that couldn't be prevented.

                                                                  Cavril still wasn't aware of the details. Alexander had not told him he was having a baby, but as the Keeper, he could feel life. And this woman was indeed, with child. Still, this early in the pregnancy he couldn't determine whether the fetus had his blood or not. Whatever the case, it had great power-- either that of a witch, or that of an elf. It's connection to the Earth was strong. And soon, the illness would pass and Belva would start to feel rejuvenated. Her skin would glow, her eyes would deepen, and even with a round belly men would flock to be with her.

                                                                  Silas had been very brief with him, when discussing what had happened this morning with her suitors, but Cavril could see that it wasn't their rejection that hurt her. Still, he could feel strong magic at hand-- all romantic feelings for the woman were being repressed. The spell on this castle was strong; it wasn't that of one witch, but two. Luckily, he possessed both Silas and Soarina's powers, and their father was the most powerful warlock the world had ever seen. Cavril could break the spell, but he would need time.

                                                                  For now, he would comfort his soon with be daughter-in-law with words of wisdom. His large hand found her back and he rubbed circles into it to calm her nerves. Her chuckled softly, now that she had finished, and looked on into the greenery with a sigh. Oh how he missed the outside world. "When I was leaving Rivdar last night, I thought about what it would be like to see my son for the first time in so long. 'E and I 'ad left each other on bad terms, and Silas and I, were on even worse terms-- if that is even possible. Anyway, I imagined that 'e would run into my arms and cry on my shoulder, and tell me 'ow much 'e loved me. And I got that. Just not from my son. Lestat was my late brother's only child...my nephew. I care for 'im deeply, but...'e is not my child. Not the one I bore. Even Silas, came to me with glad tidings. But my own son met me with 'ostility."

                                                                  Cavril broke into a smile, remembering the elf as a boy. "'E marched straight up to 'is room like a child." He slipped his arm around her and squeezed her with gently, turning his head to look down at her. "And 'e wasn't even under a spell." The man explained. "There is a powerful magic 'ere, one I assume is suppressing any romantic feelings one might 'ave for you. It wasn't cast by Daemos, but two witches, or rather...warlocks. Once it is lifted, men will come flocking to your chamber with apologies, and marriage proposals, because believe when I say-- for a woman as beautiful as you, none would mind raising a child or two that is not theirs. Daemos is aware of this. Alexander is aware of this. As a matter of fact, my son 'as agreed to be the father to both your children. In no way are you alone. 'E is no liar. And will be there for you until the end of time."

                                                                  He released her, and placed his black leather gloved hands into his lap. "After I break the spell, the suppressed feelings that Alexander 'as for you, will go away as well. 'E still won't want to marry you. But, I 'ave faith that in time-- after all 'is doubts about the child you are baring 'ave fled, and you 'ave spent more time together, 'e will see that 'e is losing out on someone very special. When I said don't give up, Belva, I meant on Alexander. If you love 'im, then 'e worth every moment of sadness, or 'appiness that 'e brings you."

                                                                  Cavril sighed, and waved his head left then right as if he was trying not to say what he really wanted to say. "It might 'elp if you made 'im a little jealous. Not like my wife did, by 'aving coitus with the most powerful warlock in the world, but by pretending you 'ad a nice time with one of these suitors. You see, you spend a good amount of time chasing 'im. Let 'im 'ave a moment to chase you. Granted, it won't go on for long. But once you truly see in 'is eyes that 'e loves you-- because let's face it-- 'e is never going to say it. Then, you won't be so worried about the future. I 'ave no doubts in my mind that you can mend Sonitus all on your own. And raising children...that will come naturally once your baby is born. But Alexander is not going anywhere. 'E cares for you more deeply than 'e knows. 'E just needs 'elp realizing that not every woman is like 'is mother, and 'e won't turn out like me, even if 'is relationship does fail."

                                                                  It was true, but it was also true that he wanted his son to be King, and possess the woman of his dreams. "It'll take me an 'our to lift the romance spell. And then I'll work on deciphering the others." He patted her leg and stood up. "Perhaps you could show me to my chamber?"

d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

16,475 Points
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  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Senpai's Notice 100
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                                                                          elva was astounded by this man's wisdom. Not only had he managed to comfort her but he'd renewed hope in her future with Alexander, all while keeping his wits about him and showing control over the situation. She was impressed though she shouldn't have expected anything less from the keeper let alone father to Alexander. Was this what it felt like? To have a father? Belva's own had always been there for her but never to this extent. Most of his time had been dedicated to preparing Atticus to take over the throne or taking care of matters of the political sort. He'd always loved her, and he him. It's just that when it came to moments were she needed guidance of the romantic sort he'd always left it to her to figure out on her own. Something that she knew now to be one of many reasons she'd fallen so quickly for Daemos. He had been among the first to catch her eye and it had not been his looks that drew her in but rather his attentiveness. He offered her the security she lacked and reassured her when she'd questioned herself. He'd told her what she wanted to hear. And being a woman who'd had little to no experience with men prior due to a protective brother and an intimidating father, she jumped at the first sign of affection she received. She truly had loved him then. Or at least, she'd loved the man she thought he was. And after having been shown that he what she'd seen was merely a ploy, the beginnings of his unveiling his true form, Belva had felt betrayed. She'd been left to make a decision on her own and in the end she'd decided to try and save a man that did not exist...... And then she'd met Alexander. Despite their unusual beginning and the horrible way in which they'd treated each other, Belva had learned to love a man and in turn it came naturally to her. Where as Daemos had shown her everything he wasn't, Alexander had been straight forward from the start. He did not hide behind the expectations of others nor did he refrain from speaking what was on his mind in fear of offending those around him. And in that sense he was pure in the strangest way possible. Because he was unfiltered. Over time he had become refined and his views of the world and her had shifted. But he was still just as bold, and just as honest. And it was only a handful of many reasons why she loved him. He had changed, but he hadn't changed in the sense that he'd lost who he was. He was still the same man, just better. Cavril was right. She couldn't give up. Not on him. Not ever.

                                                                          "Thank you Cavril. Really, you..... You can't even begin to imagine how much all that you've said means to me, let alone the fact that you've come all this way.... And I've only just now met you." She smiled at the keeper and watched as he stood. Nodding as he asked if she would show him to his room and standing to join him before wrapping her arms around one of his happily as she gracefully led the way back into the castle. "Honestly.... whether both of you feel as much, I don't think that him turning out like you would be as disastrous as he might think. He's more like you than he's willing to admit. Both of you have a good heart and care strongly for your family. Protecting them no matter the cost. He has a determination unlike any I have ever seen before and is self confident. He knows how he feels and is determined to stick with what he knows is right. And more than anything, he only wants what is best for those he cares about. All of which I can see he inherited from you. He once told me that you can not change the past. That what is done is done. And I agree. But I also believe it does not define a person. If we allowed each and every mistake to haunt us then the world would not progress. We learn from the faults of our ancestors, and therefore we understand how we can change for the better. You may have done things in the past that you, nor he, are proud of persay.... But it's made Alexander who is. You're right. He is worth it. I hope you won't give up on him either. Because no matter what, you're his father and I know that had he not cared for you he wouldn't have called upon you when he did. He is a stubborn man after all. A great one. But stubborn nonetheless. And I feel that even if he has a hard time showing it, he loves you too." She could feel the corners of her lips tugging as she spoke and continued to walk with Cavril. Despite the council's panic and nervousness over the man's presence there was something incredibly calming about him. She did not associate him with death, nor destruction as his title entailed nor did she call to mind the fact it had been he who had given Daemos the power he'd possessed through the book of souls. Because for some reason she could not see Cavril as an evil man. He was anything but.

                                                                          The room Belva had prepared for Cavril was immaculate as she'd wanted to ensure that his stay was as comfortable as possible. Several times the servants had changed the bedding in hopes of finding some as soft as could be and had wiped down the room till their palms grew raw. Everything had to be perfect. So when she opened the double doors to his bedroom and released his arm only to take his hand, she could only hope that he found favor in what she'd left him with. "Again, thank you for everything Cavril. Should you ever think of a way I can repay you for what you've done for me, my family, and my people do not hesitate to request it. Should you need anything at all let me know and I'll see to it personally that it is taken care of."

                                                                          "Belva I-...... Oh... Good morning sir." Atticus stumbled over his words upon realizing that the queen was not at all alone. The presence of Alexander's father was somewhat daunting on the man as he'd proved to behave terribly around the elf. And to know that the man who had raised him, a very powerful being, was in the very same vicinity was particularly mortifying. "Excuse my interruption. I was merely hoping to see to it that the queen was safe. Though I now think it best she let our guest rest some, hm Belva?" He said in an uncharacteristically polite manner. Belva nodded in agreement before looking back towards Cavril one last time and giving the man an abrupt hug before then turning to join Atticus. "If Alexander doesn't claim you as his own soon, I would be happy to take you as my own father!" She called over as she cast a parting look over her shoulder. "Belva!" Atticus hissed in a hushed tone but she merely laughed and turned back to wave goodbye. Atticus reached up for her hand with a sigh and hauled her off before she made any more of a fool of herself then she already had. And only once they were well out of sight did he release her to go about as she pleased. And that was directly to Alexander's room where she gave a gentle knock on the door, having felt incredibly restored after having spoken with his father.

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                                                                  Alexander was in an uproar; the complete opposite mood of that of his father, who was content-- still grinning from the kind words that Belva had spoken to him in his chamber.

                                                                  Only a few rooms down, the elf was pacing back and forth-- his body practically catching fire from the friction of his boots against the carpet. He didn't know why he was so angry, but once he got started he couldn't seem to stop. Perhaps it was all the memories of the past. The longing for his sister, or at least for his parents to have worked out their differences-- how he pined for his old Kingdom and for things to be the way they ought. Instead he was here, after one hundreds years of wanting to make his father see that he didn't need him; only to use the man as a crutch.

                                                                  Without Cavril, none of this would have been possible. Although, most probably believed it was the Keeper's fault that Daemos was so strong in the first place. Alexander knew a man looking for power would resort to anything he could get. Had it not been the Keeper, Daemos would have found someone else. Possibly Olivera, or a witch even more powerful and evil. Silas' father wasn't exactly an upstanding citizen either.

                                                                  Most anyone could have told him how to create a beacon such as the Book his father had given him. And certainly Cavril didn't know that Daemos would use it to do such horrible things. He had gotten his souls, and that was all he had wanted from the deal. Alexander didn't doubt that his father was even more powerful now that the Book was destroyed. Still, he had wanted to do this on his own. And now with the man here, it would be hard to continue being so prideful when he was now fully aware of where all his power had come from.

                                                                  For some reason, his father's presence was cutting him much deeper than he thought possible. Indeed, he had wanted to greet him with a tearful hello as his cousin had done, but Alexander was not capable of such emotions-- not outwardly. He could only rage like the sea, and collapse over himself live the waves inside it. The elf didn't expect anyone to understand. And unexpectedly Lestat and Silas, weren't even concerned with his inner turmoil on such issue. Instead, they were pressing him on about Belva. Another topic he wished would just go away.

                                                                  "Atticus had made it quite clear that the Queen is not interested in marrying while she is pregnant."

                                                                  "She doesn't 'ave a choice." Alexander growled through clenched teeth. "Tell 'im to stop giving 'er a choice! Just put 'er in a dress and tape 'er mouth shut!"

                                                                  His companions sat on the edge of his bed watching him as he moved back and forth, left to right erratically. "If the baby is yours? Even then, you won't think of marrying?"

                                                                  "Silas, I can raise a child without being married to it's mother." He hissed.

                                                                  "That's what the baby is now? An 'it'?"

                                                                  "You know what I mean! 'Im, or 'er...whatever! You get the point."

                                                                  "And what of Cavril?" Lestat almost whispered the Keeper's name, knowing that it would cause Alexander pain.

                                                                  "What about 'im!?" Alexander asked incredulously, turning to face the men. "I did not ask 'im to come 'ere! If 'e wants to 'elp, fine! But 'e and I don't need to friends, or take a walk down memory lane!"

                                                                  Silas rolled his eyes, as the former captain reverted his gaze in dejection. "Don't you think you're overreacting...again?"

                                                                  "OVERREACTING! That man killed my mother! He...murdered our sister! Took your powers away! Created a monster like DAEMOS! Are you ******** kidding me!? I should...I should--"

                                                                  Silas shook his head and got up, walking over to his brother with true saddness in his eyes. "Stating the reasons you should be upset with him, doesn't make you upset."

                                                                  "But I want to be." Alexander whispered, his body almost giving way under the pressure of all that was happening.

                                                                  "It's okay if you're not. He's your father. And therefore, you would be the first to forgive his sins, even the unforgivable ones."

                                                                  "What if 'e doesn't care about me anymore?"

                                                                  Silas smiled. "If he didn't love you, he wouldn't be here." Alexander knew he was right.

                                                                  "He deserved a chance." Lestat said, getting up from the bed. "At least have a normal conversation with him. He may never be able to leave the underworld again."

                                                                  All three men exchanged glances, feeling the heavy atmosphere in the room slowly beginning to dissipate. That is until-- "So what about Belva."

                                                                  "Silas! Are you kidding me? Can I 'andle one thing at a time?"

                                                                  "No, because the poor girl feels alone in this damn pregnancy!"

                                                                  "I told 'er I'd stay."

                                                                  "Did you tell her you'd raise the baby, whether it's your or not?"

                                                                  "That's an awful big commitment."

                                                                  Silas and Lestat both looked amused by how selfish Alexander was being. But something about raising the child of a man he was about to kill, didn't sit well with him. He didn't know if he was capable of loving this kid. It wouldn't be born innocent like Bishop-- if the blood of a man like Daemos ran through it's veins. There was no telling what trouble Belva was about to bring into the world. However, he did care about this woman. And certainly, he could find it in his heart to sacrifice for her. That was his job as her Guardian, right?

                                                                  Alexander felt so conflicted, he thought he might burst. Then, there was a knock on the door. Silas went and answered it, and upon turning around, he saw that the visitor was Belva. He was surprised to see her. She hadn't spoken so much as a word to him in passing this morning. In honesty, he was slightly bitter about it. It just didn't hit him until he saw how beautiful she looked. His face immediately feel into a frown, and Lestat gave him a nudge before passing by. Both men offered the Queen a kiss on the cheek before departing to let the two be alone.

                                                                  "Now you suddenly 'ave something to say to me? After I spent all night guarding your bedroom without so much as a good morning?" He growled, looking away from her. His fowl mood was widespread. And he didn't care about exposing it to the world. "I don't want to talk to you. But if you need to be escorted somewhere, I'd be 'appy to do that, as your 'umble servant." Alexander practically hissed the words, folding his arms across his chest. "I was trying to conserve your decency! Show you as a modest woman! Surely, you don't want your suitors to think that this child does not belong to your 'usband? Because believe me, if one of them sees me leaving your quarters in the morning...they will know something is awry. And if someone says anything bad about you or that baby...I- I'll kill them..."

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                                                                          elva was surprised by just how upset Alexander was about her having not spoken to him that morning but despite his harsh tone her eyes only softened as he turned away from her. The way he referred to himself as a servant stung, but she refused to allow it too get to her. Instead the woman was hung over the ending part of his statement as he went on to speak of what he should do should someone speak poorly of her or the child. It touched her. And she couldn't help but feel the need to comfort him during his distressed state. "No. No you're right. And I'm sorry, I should have said something. I've been awfully selfish in my behavior this morning and the last thing I intended was to offend you. My mind was clouded and I didn't sleep well and it did not help that Atticus was persistent in having me speak with the suitors. But that's no excuse for how I treated you. You've done a lot for me. You've put so much on the line and it seems like I've never really appreciated just how much effort you've put into taking care of Bishop and me. And now the baby too..." Belva walked up behind him slowly, not wanting to provoke him any further but unable to stand the distance between them for much longer. She laced her arms around the elf's waist and lay her chin atop his shoulder as she looked up at him. "Thank you for looking out for us. I know I'm not easy to be around at times but I want you to know I appreciate you tolerating me, even when I'm acting like a spoiled brat." The queen offered him a soft smile before gently kissing his neck and laying the side of her face against his back. Despite how blunt Alexander could be she knew that this was simply how he expressed himself. She'd hurt him by putting him off in her own fury and hadn't so much as returned to apologize even after having dismissed herself from the throne room. It was something she felt increasingly guilty over and wanted nothing more than to make things right by showing him she did care about how he felt.

                                                                          "And I'm sorry for not being there to see your father arrive. I should have been there to support you. I don't mean to wallow in self pity. I'm merely a woman. It's what we do. Especially the pregnant ones." And then there was the matter of addressing the way he referred to himself. Belva didn't want Alexander thinking she was taking advantage of him and she didn't want him feeling as if she were going to treat him like a servant or anything less for that matter. He was helping to keep her afloat despite all that was happening around them. And she needed to do the same for him. "I didn't come here for you to escort me, I wanted to see how you were fairing. I can only imagine what little rest you had while sitting outside my room. And I appreciate you having putting my best interest at heart. I know I can be a bit reckless when it comes to.... expressing how I feel about you. And I should be keeping that in mind. It's just difficult when you know someone else is giving up something for you and it's all you can do not to reach out to them.... Please don't be angry? I hate knowing you're angry and I caused it. And I can't stand it when you won't talk to me." She pleaded and let out a sigh as she tightened her hold on him. The last thing she wanted was to relive that week spent without so much as a word shared between them. And to think such an incident was possible now when both of them needed each other was unbearable. The mere thought alone made her want to implode. And there was no telling how long Alexander could carry out the silence. After all, she'd been the one to break under the pressure and pull him aside in hopes of getting him to forgive her. Knowing that was the case, would he hold out even longer for the sake of making her squirm. No..... No she had to make this right. Cavril had been right in reassuring her that he was worth all the pain and suffering. Because as difficult as those times were, the kindness he showed her was twice as rewarding in the end.

                                                                          "And since I haven't spoken to you all morning.... Might I ask how you are feeling? That is.... if you have changed your mind. I won't force you to speak to me. But I do want you to know that I am here if you need to. And I do care for you even if I treat you poorly now or in the next few months when I'm swollen, fat, and cranky. So with that being said, I'd also like to ask if you would be alright with me, escorting you to dinner tonight." She glanced back up at him, hopeful that he would be receptive to her words and yet preparing for the worst. Alexander was a proud man but she hoped that in humbling herself she had shown that he had just as much power over her as she did him if not more so. She depended on him. And he knew she loved him. She could only pray that it was enough to earn his forgiveness so that they might look past this small dispute and move on. Especially now that his father was amongst them. The last thing she wanted was to have put him in a sour mood while his father spent his only day with them for heavens knew how long.

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                                                                  Alexander felt her arms around his waist and all was forgotten. It was as if the weight on his shoulders had shifted. It wasn't simply resting upon him alone, but it was shared-- as it always had been. His mistake at Ashu had been believing that he had to do everything himself. Perhaps, he never really did anything alone. All this time he had companions, and now, his extended family had grown into something much more inspiring than he deserved. He was selfish, and full of far too much pride. His father had the same issues-- it seemed only now that he was cursed that he had actually learned from them. Was Alexander to wait until he had burning down an entire Kingdom, and was sentenced to guard souls in the underworld, to learn from the past? He had a perfect example of what not to be.

                                                                  Now Cavril was a perfect role model. A man who wanted to be there for the little bit of family he had left. He saw an opportunity and wasn't too afraid to make the most of it. Alexander owned the man an apology. But first, he needed to make things right with Belva. She had opened her heart to him, and he had completely shut her out. Yes, he had explained that he couldn't give her more than this, however, they had also made a deal-- they would not shy away from this undeniable connection that they had until she was to be wed. And seeing as she had sent all her suitors away, Alexander could see no harm in one more kiss. As a matter of fact, the way she pecked his neck and pulled his body against her own made him want to do much more than that. Still, he didn't want to over step his boundaries. If he became too involved he would be too distracted to do his job. Protecting Belva came before any romantic actions that may transpire between the two.

                                                                  She knew how to make him submit. Even if she believed that she was the one giving in, it didn't feel that way. Alexander felt like he was always doing exactly what she wanted, when she wanted. But she was right. The Queen was pregnant, and likely to be very unstable the next few months. He couldn't very well treat her poorly and have that effect the baby. No, he would have to filter himself. And try and treat her as kindly as possible. Although it seemed, she didn't much mind when they argued over frivolous things. The more serious situations, such as their feelings, had hopefully passed. How they felt about one another was already out in the open, and he had no more words to express what this woman made him feel inside; mostly because he didn't understand it himself. This was new to him. And as much as Alexander wanted to explore, he knew that wasn't best given the situation. Perhaps if she weren't a Queen, with a duty, things would be different. But he couldn't change the past. This was the hand life had dealt, and even if he could only be with her this way for a short time-- he would find a way to be alright with it.

                                                                  The elf was use to her arms being bare, but as he reached down to gently pull her off of him, he realized that she was rather decent. He turned around to look her in the eyes, but only found himself at a lost for words among her radiant beauty. It was always shocking to him, and it would forever be a mystery as to how such elegance came to exist.

                                                                  He pulled both Belva's hands into his own and stepped into her, leaving only a small space between the two. His could still feel his skin tingling. The sensation was enough to cause his jaw to ache. He yearned to kiss her again. "Are you courting me now?" Alexander asked suspiciously, narrowing his gaze upon her in a playful manner. He didn't know what had changed, but he suddenly felt different-- more like himself. Perhaps that was his father's doing. He felt like a spell had been lifted. "If I am forced to attend dinner, then I guess I see no 'arm in us going together." The elf whispered softly before his hands left hers and his strong arms wrapped around her waist this time, pulling the woman close.

                                                                  Their bodies gently bumped into one another as he thought about engaging in certain acts, before putting them out of his mind momentarily. He liked the way she felt here, like she belonged, and it frightened him to think what that meant. "Do not apologize. You only do it because it makes me feel like I should be the one doing so." He offered her a grin, to show her he was partly joking. Alexander knew she was sorry, but it was his way of showing his contrite as well.

                                                                  "You are still an insufferable pain the a**, but somehow I'll manage." Deciding that it was best not to kiss the Queen. At least not here in his chambers, he released her reluctantly, allowing his hands to fall by his side. "I'm alright. I'm just dealing with the fact that my father is 'ere. I need to be more grateful for 'is 'elp. This isn't just about me, and my unwavering pride. It's about you and Bishop...and..." His eyes fell to her stomach. "The baby..."

                                                                  Alexander barely got the word out, before he needed to clear his throat and look away. He stared off toward the dresser for a moment, before he recomposed himself. "You know, I'm not very good with this emotional stuff, but...somewhere, some part of me wants this child to be mine." He looked at her with pleading in his eyes. His shoulder slumped forward slightly, feeling like a great deal of energy had just left his body. "But even if it's not, I'll still be a father to it. If...if that's what you want. Because...it's what I want."

                                                                  Alexander would not sell himself short. Certainly he could do this. It was a baby, one that did not have to pay for the sins of it's father. He just needed to remember that. And everything would be fine. Belva gave him the confidence to do anything. She did not run when he became irrational. It seemed that she just cared for him even more. He reached up, and ran his hand through her hair, settling his fingers between several strands as he pulled her face close.

                                                                  "You are always swollen, fat, and cranky to me." He said in a gravely tone, as he leaned in and pressed his lips to her own. There was no preconceived notion, it was just something that happened. And for some reason, he simply didn't bother to fight it. His other hand disrespectfully found her rear pulling her body even closer to his than it had already been. Against his own, her mouth was was cool and moist, fueling him with the desire for more. He moaned softly, "I forgot to ask," Alexander's hand cupped her head breathlessly, dipping it back as he deepened their kiss, "How are you feeling?" He didn't care. The elf merely wanted to keep his wits about him. He needed to stay grounded. Or he thought he might fly away, and make her a dishonest woman again.

d r ii BONES's Fangirl

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                                                                          t wasn't the thrill alone of seeing him look at her in such a playful manner, but the feel of his body as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Belva's hands came to rest on his chest as he accepted her offer to join him in walking to the dining hall and for a split moment she felt like shrieking out of pure joy over having received his approval. But for the sake of sparing the moment the queen stayed quiet and paid close attention to what he did next. It seemed Alexander's humor only grew with the passing moments and he continued to try and make light of the situation through small teasing remarks, all of which held some truth to them. As the elf mentioned her being insufferable the queen could only laugh and only ceased when he broke his hold on her and allowed his arms to fall at his sides. Belva pursed her lips in silent disappointment but allowed him to continue and slowly nodded as he went on to mention his father. It wasn't easy for him, she knew. There was plenty for him to be upset about when it came to Cavril but Belva had faith in the man and his ability to see past such faults. Especially taking into consideration that it was his father. Had it been anyone else she was certain that Alexander wouldn't have given them so much as a second thought. There was few outside of his immediate family that he was willing to give the time of day and it took a good amount of faith and time to earn the elf's trust. Something she had learned herself during their travels. But as it would seem, such was soon to change as Alexander then made mention of the child. Belva's brow furrowed for a moment, curiously, as he slowly brought to light his having mentioned his difficulty in expressing himself. He wanted the baby to be his. A statement alone that widened Belva's eyes and made her heart swell with joy. And as Alexander elaborated on the statement he began to fully explain how he felt about her being pregnant and the child's father.... and how he wanted to be that man.

                                                                          She could feel him now, his hand playing with her dark tresses as he looked down at her, slowly drawing her in like a snake charmer. She was hypnotized by everything he did from the way he breathed to the way his eyes watched her and his fingertips slipped over her face. She wanted closeness. She needed it. And as if he'd already known what she desired, Alexander grabbed hold of her and pulled her in. She could feel her heartbeat quickening as his lips found her own and the ends of her mouth upturned in a smiled at the statement made before he'd enveloped himself around her. She hadn't even noticed that her hands had begun to travel up his back. It simply came natural to her at this point that whenever he held her she merely wanted to do as much back. There was no describing the euphoria of being around this man. His very essence was intoxicating to the point that she no longer felt capable of making sense of whatever was happening between them. She didn't care if Atticus wondered where she was, nor if the council questioned her ability to make decisions based purely on logical standpoint. There was nothing logical about how she felt for Alexander. All she knew was that it felt right. She could feel his lips shake ever so slightly as he moaned and in turn she held on to him tighter to the point that her ribs creaked beneath the pressure. "Hm?" She hummed in a disoriented tone as he pulled away and felt her chest heave as she gasped for air. "Oh.... well.... You know..... Hanging in there.... Better.... Now shut up." She said with a breathless laugh and pull him in again. Her eyes shut and for a moment she thought she could see the flutter of movement on the side of her eye, but upon looking up found nothing to be out of place. Finally she pulled back, seeing as he was concerned with making conversation, she would play his game. "And you? You seem winded? You alright?" She taunted and grinned at him curiously as she tugged on his jacket.

                                                                          All the while just down the hall, Atticus stood next to Silas and Lestat after having passed Alexander's room and catching a glimpse of his sister in the arms of the elf. He wasn't at all pleased by this notion but knew that he was her last hope. And after much reluctance, he had to admit, it was nice to see her smile in the presence of a man who seemed just as passionate about her. Alexander's words had not gone unheard and Atticus was surprised to hear that the man intended to raise the child with Belva no matter its roots. Of course, such details would remain under lock and key and as much as Atticus would have liked to listen in on the rest of their conversation he was far too close to the keeper's room for comfort. The fact that Belva had wandered back down the very same hall almost immediately after having spoken with Alexander's father was particularly frustrating and had he not been so fearful of the keeper, he no doubt would have walked into the room and ended whatever they thought might happen at once. "He wants to be the father. He said he wants it to be his, but he wants to take care of it nonetheless." Atticus mumbled as he eyed the two men and tried to cleanse his mind of his sister wrapped in the arms of the elf with his hand so perversely placed on her back side. "I have to admit I'm.... surprised." In fact he wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

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                                                                  Belva may not have meant to be, but she was a tease. She knew he could not have her, and yet she wriggled on every stone of the wall he had put up until one of them came loose. He felt like there was a hole somewhere, and she was pouring in. Alexander could have put the stone back, but he didn't want to; the way she laughed when he spoke, and joked-- the way she told him to shut up with no fear of him lashing out-- made him want to go lock the door and let whatever was suppose to happen when two people felt this way, happen.

                                                                  And yet, there was always that nagging in the back of the mind. The elf still wanted to do right by her. Surely, if he wanted to bed her again he could have the decency to marry her. An option he had already chosen to decline. Still, kissing her left him as breathless as a marathon. She made his heart race, and his palms sweat. He felt like a child again. And there was something awfully romantic about sneaking around the way they did. Albeit, neither were very good at hiding the fact that they had just engaged in an act that they likely shouldn't have. But they at least attempted to keep things tasteful.

                                                                  Alexander wasn't sure if Belva loved him, or was in love with him. She hadn't specified, but he didn't have the courage to ask. He all of a sudden felt the urge to talk about things he had only moment ago, found appalling. However, with the way she taunted, and pulled against his jacket sensually, he feared if they didn't blather about something, they would find themselves in another predicament. Luckily, the woman was already pregnant.

                                                                  For once, he wished he didn't have to restrain himself, that he could just let go and show her how much she meant to him. The few times in his life that he actually felt this euphoric, were with the Queen. He had no blissful memory without her in it. She was his shinning light. And no matter what happened, Alexander would not leave her. Even if she had ten more children that did not belong to him, he would take care of them. Because she was that special. Belva made him feel alive, after years of emptiness, sadness, rage and anger. She could flip his emotions like a sconce.

                                                                  There had been a point when he hated her control, but right now, he was basking in it. The way her small fingers played with his jacket, how her eyes glinted playfully in his direction-- how she teased him without remorse. She feared not the idea of him taking her right now in his chamber. As a matter of fact, he was under the impression that was what she wanted. It seemed that for the first time, they may have both been on the same page.

                                                                  Alexander drew a deep breath, his hand falling from her hair, but the other remaining firmly on her rear. She had said nothing about it, and for some reason, it made him feel like he had a bit of power. Should another man touch her this way, she likely would have cut his hand off. "Yes well, you're a fish. You never come up for air, so neither can I." He whispered almost seductively, leaning in again to kiss her mouth. It was quick, but tender. And he didn't stop, he did it over and over again-- pecking away at her rose colored lips, and becoming intoxicated by their closeness all over again.

                                                                  Alexander slipped his other arm around her body then, snaking it beneath her arm as he leaned over her and elongated the kiss, allowing his hair to fall over her shoulders, as his mouth began to trail across her jawline toward her ear, "Woman, I want you." He whispered, feeling his body giving into the moment.

                                                                  And then, it was over.

                                                                  Alexander pulled away from Belva, his hands falling to his side as his father came barging into the room. He was big man, and therefore could do nothing quietly. Cavril grinned from ear to ear, crossing his large arms over his chest in satisfaction. "Looks like I broke the spell."

                                                                  "Good for you..." Alexander mumbled, suddenly feeling embarrassed. He didn't feel this way often, but when he did, he loathed it. His face heated up immensely, and all he could do was direct his gaze toward the ground.

                                                                  "I was thinking we could talk."

                                                                  "We could, but I'm busy."

                                                                  "Yes, I see that. So you're lucky I interrupted. I can't see the future, but your son can, and I'm sure you don't want 'im to see what was about to 'appen in this room."

                                                                  Alexander, who had been aroused only moment ago, was now exasperated. He pursed his lips together in annoyance and nodded his head in his father's direction. "Yeah, dad. Let's chat."

                                                                  "Oh goody." Cavril replied, his friendly, yet suggestive smile unwavering. He only looked at Belva, as if to chastise her for something in a playful manner, before Alexander bid her a farewell and departed from the chamber with his father.

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                                                                          s soon as Belva felt Alexander release her face only to wrap his arm around her, she lost all control. The feel of his warm lips against her cool ones as he bent her back. The way his hair tickled her neck as it slid past her shoulders. Even the look in his eyes as he loomed over her. It was overwhelming and it was all she could do not to tackle the man to the floor, his gentle kisses lining her jaw as he made his way closer and whispered admittance to having felt as much for her. Her eyes widened upon hearing such words leave the elf as she hadn't known him to openly speak of feeling strongly for anyone in such a manner, let alone her. Still, she did not back away and instead turned to kiss him only to have the man rip away from her, causing the queen to stumble back in a desperate attempt to avoid falling without the support of his arms around her. It didn't help that in the midst of the encounter she'd gone rather weak kneed and had to grab hold of the wardrobe next to them to steady herself before looking up to see Cavril standing in the doorway. The man was grinning at them, clearly pleased with the outcome of his having lifted the spell and suggested he and Alexander speak with one another. The elf on the other hand did not seem nearly as happy with his father's interruption and spoke against his offer to talk for the time being. Possibly out of the desire to finish what they had started. Belva smiled sheepishly at the gesture but bit her lip regretfully for having found interest in his wanting to continue as Cavril brought up Bishop. He was right. To commit such acts in knowing that the boy might sense as much would have been terribly irresponsible on their part as it seemed that whatever Bishop focused his attention on, or whoever he felt strongly for, they usually ended up as the subject of his visions. And lately both Alexander and Belva had given him ample reason to think of them after discovered the pregnancy and discussing the man's new title as her guardian. The trauma of seeing his parents..... She didn't want to even begin to think of how she would need to handle such a situation.

                                                                          It would appear that she wasn't the only one disturbed by such thoughts and it wasn't long before a look was passed between Cavril and Alexander as the elf agreed to speak with him alone. The keeper looked to her, expressing mock disapproval to which she tried to cover the smile that was practically splitting her face in two. The two men dismissed themselves shortly after having said farewell and Belva watched dotingly as the duo went on their way leaving her in the room by herself. The queen was ecstatic and immediately began bouncing on her heels erratically in an attempt to release some of the energy and excitement bubbling within. But despite even doing that much she was still left with a sensation euphony flooding her system. "Belva?" Atticus peeked into the room after having been witness to Cavril and Alexander's departure and wore relief in seeing her completely clothed albeit a bit flushed from the passionate moment between her and the elf. "I've been.... meaning to talk to you about something. It's about-" But Belva wasn't listening. Just as soon as he'd paused mid sentence the queen had brushed past him and began happily making her way down the hall and kissing Atticus, Lestat, and Silas on the forehead as she pressed on happily in search of her son. But Atticus refused to let her escape so quickly. "Belva! Belva wait!" He called after her and rushed to her side where he gasped for breath. Amazed that his sister was capable of walking so gracefully and yet get so far ahead with such little effort put into her strides. "You were watching us." She commented and Atticus froze upon having been found out. "You knew?" Belva's cheerful expression did not falter as she looked on ahead, her body swaying slightly as if she might break out in a waltz. "You're not nearly as sly as you'd like to think. You were terribly obvious Atty."

                                                                          "We're not kids anymore, I'd prefer if you refrained from using your little pet names on me..... We need to talk."

                                                                          "What ever for? Can I not simply enjoy this... feeling? If only for a little while?"

                                                                          "You can dwell on your beau later, Belva. I have more pressing matters I'd like to address."

                                                                          "My beau.... I don't think I like that. Though I don't suppose I'd call him that out loud, it sounds too demeaning. He's so much more than a beau, Atty, he's-"

                                                                          "You need to marry Alexander."

                                                                          Belva froze in mid step and let out a sigh. Of all people, she had least expected Atticus to suggest such a thing. Silas, maybe. Lestat? Possibly. But certainly not Atticus. He'd shown nothing more than disdain for Alexander and had seemed more content in her choice not to wed at all than to bring up such a possibility. "Does.... that idea not suit you?" Her smile had faded and Belva bit her lip as she walked over towards the nearest window that overlooked the west wing courtyard. Bishop was there, sitting amongst the grass with his hands folded in his lap as two tutors went about teaching him his lesson for the day. She was so proud of him. Even before he'd come into the royal life he'd always been such an intelligent boy. She could only hope that he continued to be happy here as he grew older and that he was given every opportunity life had to offer. "Belva?...." The queen remembered the initial reason for her sudden disinterest in her brother's presence and cleared her throat briefly before running a hand over her stomach. "I won't lie.... it has been on my mind." She swallowed hard as she recalled how she'd felt upon hearing he'd purchased a ring. The images that had swarmed her mind and the life that she'd hoped to one day possess. And yet.... [color#0B3861]"Atticus I would love to marry Alexander. Any woman would be blessed to call that man her husband as would a nation to call him their king. But neither I, nor you can press him into making such a commitment. He does not want it. And as much as I... yearn.... for such a relationship with him I can find comfort in knowing that he wants to be with me at all. He wants to raise not just my son, but the baby as well. And that's more than enough for me."
                                                                          But Atticus wasn't biting the bait. He knew his sister. And he knew what she wanted. "Don't lie to me. You and I both know that's not true. I've grown up with you Belva, I know how incredibly possessive you can be. I can see it in your eyes. You want that man. And it burns you to the core to know that he doesn't want anything more from you." Belva clenched her jaw at the accusation but did not deny it. Instead, the queen left her brother in the hall and went out into the courtyard where she dismissed the tutors for the time being and took Bishop up in her arms lovingly, carrying him off to prepare him for supper.

                                                                          "Mom are you okay?"

                                                                          "Yes.... Yes I'm fine. It's just been a long morning. Lets go get you cleaned up hm?" And with that, they departed.

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