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User Image Floria smiled softly at the small kappa's enthusiastic reaction to her story. It had been a long time since she had simply told stories to anyone, and the ones she knew she learned from her father. Lifting her hand off of the ground, Floria's magic retreated and faded, evaporating into the air like a fine blue mist. Floria leaned back against the tree, her eyes heavy lidded as she began remembering her past life on that small farm.

Suiteki mentioned something about Mistress being nearby, to which Floria let the young Kappa head off to deliver her message. By this point Dantilus was hoping about fending off imaginary demons with a stick he picked up. Floria sat back and waited, she wasn't one to seek others out and impose on them. Her patron would arrive at her own pace and leisure, and then she might tell her a story, with a less happy ending.

Malevolent Star

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Location ~Zen Gardens~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kimono ~Fire Orb Necklace and black and white Sakura~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Music ~Sayuri's Dance~

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Looking up to see the small bundle of trees Suiteki was speaking of, Mistress nodded slowly and did see a bit of blond hair through the green of leaves and bushes. Yes, Floria's soul signature was just beyond the sea of green, but there was another. The other signature was less developed, was there a child here at Blooming Lotus? Mistress was very interested in finding out. Indigo eyes trailing back down to the green kappa, the hostess smiled, "Thank you Suiteki-chan, I am looking forward to seeing your work first hand. I know Ryuu-chan would not be safe right now without your help. You forever hold a place in my heart for saving my dearest sister." Thinking of Ryuu's possession, Mistress' thoughts drifted to Spike. He too had helped to save Ryuu and has been by her side ever since, his loyalties are firm and she didn't question his devotion what so ever. He is a wonderful human and Mistress was extremely thankful to have him around.

As Mistress fanned herself slowly with her black and white Sakura fan, Mistress turned her attention back to Autumn, "Anything I can do to help you figure out what happened I will put the effort into doing so. Even if you do not have a lot of information about it right now, I'd like to hear about what you saw and to be updated. You showing interest in defending yourself against the paranormal with ultimately benefit you and Suiteki-chan and I can both giving the knowledge and tools to do so. You are more than welcome to attend the Spiritual Cleansing Class I am holding soon, in fact I insist that you join us. Knowledge is power and faith in yourself, as Suiteki-chan said, means that you are twice armed and stronger than any opposing force." All these encouraging words were to build confidence, Mistress wanted everyone to be in their best mindset for this battle. These words were not directed at herself for she still harbored doubts about taking on Mr. Scratch, could she defeat him? It was all up in the air, she couldn't be sure that she wasn't going to be tempted by the tainted soul within the darkness he harbored in him. Scratch could be very... persuasive...

There was only a moment in these thoughts that Mistress betrayed her calm collected features, for a mere moment there was a look of worry in her eyes, but she had turned to look up into a tree. Bringing her fan up to hide the look of concern, once she gathered herself Mistress was able to look back at the group that had formed around her and continued their walk through the garden.

As Suiteki, Autumn, and Mistress rounded a patch of violets, Mistress spotted clearly the blond woman of magic as well as a little boy swinging a stick. Mistress let out a good-natured chuckle as she realized from his grunts that he was pretending the stick was a sword slaying demons. The group approached the pair that had been hidden behind trees earlier and Mistress smiled to Floria, "Good afternoon Floria-san, would you like to join us on a walk through the garden?" Mistress held out her arm for the blond woman to link with should she choose to, "I shall be holding a Spiritual Cleansing class afterward also, you and.. oh dear I believe I haven't meet the little slayer," she laughed lightly, "If you and the little one would like to join my class you are more than welcome. What is the little slayer's name?"

If Floria had taken Mistress' arm, the group will have continued their walk to the bath house to show Autumn where it is located. The garden was full of life and color, roses, lilies, tulips, violets, roses, and all the trees. The cherry blossoms held extra bright color, a bold pink seen every so often through their tour of the garden. The Bridge have the most cherry blossom trees in blooming lotus, but throughout Zen Garden they were also dispersed to shower everyone walking through in pink petals. The bath house coming into view, Mistress commented, "The bath house can be found through the garden and if you are coming from the main building merely take the cobbled path to the right in order to get their directly. Water is not in short supply here for underground is a spring that comes up from a large river running underneath the inn." Pointing to a small waterfall that could be heard, but was hidden behind large leaved plants, "The Hot Spring is just beyond the leaves next to the bath house. The small waterfall keeps it clean and fresh." Looking to Autumn as she complimented Mistress' home, the hostess smiled brightly, "Thank you dear, I'm glad you enjoy the scenery of my home. Blooming Lotus is my pride and joy," her voice carried a sweet tone.

As the group rounded the corner, the main build was now in view, back porch fixed it was practically waiting to be used for Mistress' class. "When the gong strikes twice," Mistress announced to everyone walking with her, "the Cleansing class will begin here on the porch." Turning her attention to Floria, Mistress inquired, "Would you like to follow me inside and speak with me while I get the class tools together, Floria-san?" The group was now ascending the back porch stairs and since the class was going to be starting in a moment, she needed to gather her tools, so made her way to the sliding door connected with the Sitting Room and slid it back to enter. Going to an alter-like corner of the Sitting Room, Mistress had unlinked herself from Floria had she taken her arm then knelt down in from of a scroll written in Japanese hanging on the wall above a small cabinet. Placing her palms together, Mistress bowed to the scroll as well as the statue of a woman dressed in loose robes rearing back an arrow in a bow. This was the huntress Artemis, the moon goddess, and in her honor Mistress lit a stick of incense and placed it in front of the small statue. Opening the cabinet, Mistress' was gathering her things and also waiting for the blond woman to begin her tale. Mistress was going to make sure everyone had a chance to tell her important information so the class could wait for a mere few moments as Floria expressed her concerns to Mistress.

Can life just stop being ridiculous so I can get some roleplaying done please? Grrrr... I'm really tired right now and reserve this spot for the announcement of classes starting.

Floria I'd love if you'd join us :3 as well as Autumn of course <3



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OOC: for which, the cleansing class or the RPing?

Malevolent Star

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Floria Thoughtcast
OOC: for which, the cleansing class or the RPing?

The Cleansing Class :3

Malevolent Star

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Post edited, I'm going to hear out Floria first since she needed to talk to Mistress. Then class will FOR SURE start afterwards. If Spike and Ryuu would like to help set up, I was going to take the cushions from the Sitting Room and place them outside on the porch. Just saying :3
User Image Floria noticed calmly as the Mistress approached her. Lifting herself off the ground, Floria nodded towards the Mistress' greeting. Looking back at Dantiuls playing happily in the garden, Floria decided to let him have his fun for the time being.

As Floria walked with Mistress, she let the magic glow slightly in her eyes as she placed a finger upon her forehead. A small blue light shining softly from her finger as slight magic wrapped around it. When she had the Mistress' attention she placed her glowing finger upon her forehead, creating a small blue mark as some of Floria's magic flowed into the hostess. With the magical connection made, Floria's voice could be heard by the Mistress as she talked within her mind, even images could be transfered.

"When i was a child, there existed a small country caught in the midst of a war that spanned the world. The country like many other believed itself to be just and right in it's beliefs and that it had to protect itself at all costs. Men who considered themselves pioneers of progress realized this and began doing horrific experiments in an attempt to create the ultimate weapon to protect the country"
Flashes of images could be glimpsed, Men in white coats, horrific apparatus', a screaming child, a pillar of magic. Regaining her composure Floria continued her story.
"However the greatest flaw in their act of defense was their success. They managed to create the greatest weapon the world had ever scene. The power to eat the life and soul of whatever it touched was grafted into a single man. However life is memory and consuming the souls of many he began to hear their voices, the screams of suffering drove him to madness. So he rebelled. He destroyed the people who made him and let his madness eat at him.
Another image, a man shrouded in darkness and fire standing among the flaming wreckage of a city. His laugh hideous and hollow echoing around him.
"His touch does not only kill though, it can corrupt. Tainting the victim with a fragment of life, twisted by his own corruption. The corruption cannot be purified and slowly taints the user and drags them into madness. The worst part is that he has tainted me. In his last show of kindness and his worst act of brutality."
The final image appearing, the man clad in darkness, eyes glowing red, grinning with maddened glee as his right hand was stained in blood. A young Floria, no more than 13 years old lay on the ground, her throat torn out, blood pooling around her. The man standing over her let a black shadow swirl around his hand as he stabbed it into the center of the young Floria's chest.
"He will follow me, for not only have i been tainted but because of my magic and it's unusual nature. I was fused with so much magic that I create almost too much of it. My power is the ability to turn thought to reality, which can cause some accidents if I am not careful with my thoughts. Which brings me to the question. If that man comes for me, i will flee, but the child, i wish for him to stay here if i should have to run.
Letting the magic fade Floria relaxed a little bit, not noticing how much she was trembling. She didn't tell them everything, how could she, they would hate her for it, for the danger she possibly posed for them by just being there. Mr.Scratch was one thing, but that monster, the one that she watched rise to power, he terrified her.

Interstellar Traveler

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The Kappa Patrol
Active: Suiteki (Koi Pond: Hasuike, Numa, Chou, Yudama and Kui.)

Patrolling: Inn - Back porch
Under Orders From: Oni Lord Nigorimizu
Company: Mistress, Autumn, Floria, Dantilus
Mission Objective(s): Spiritual cleansing demonstrations
Squad Theme: Splaaash Boogie


Blinking up at Mistress whilst she walked alongside the hostess and the masked woman, Suiteki's smile increased once again at the kind words expressed, her expression almost joyful in spite of thinking back on the instance concerning the creature in question and its attacks against the Mistress' sister in particular. The somewhat unpleasant consequences if her assistance had not been successful during the malicious attacks from the creature did not bear thinking about, let alone the damage it had already done elsewhere besides.

"You are very, very welcome! Suiteki will do her best to demonstrate some useful techniques!"

Seeing the woman alongside Mistress was smiling, albeit perhaps a little weakly, Suiteki turned her attention to her and smiled encouragingly whilst she listened to her speak with Mistress, a look of intrigue on her frog-like face as they proceeded along through the garden. Once they reached the cluster of trees where Floria remained with Dantilus, Suiteki immediately began to wave furiously at the woman in greeting before continuing to march along, swinging her arms back and forth cheerily whilst observing Dantilus continue his ongoing battle with imaginary demons with a stick. The urge to join in was considerable, although the small kappa knew she had to retain focus, important business was at hand and now was not the time to become distracted with games, even if she adored them immensely.

Successfully tearing her attention away from Dantilus and consciously stepping over the small stick on the ground she would otherwise have used to join the child's imaginary battle, Suiteki followed along with the group steadily increasing in number. Although what she assumed was thought transference from Floria to the Mistress did not go unnoticed by the kappa, what was divulged of course she could not decipher, but the action of doing so interested her regardless; Floria certainly seemed to be quite the remarkable being. Looking skyward as innumerable petals showered from above, Suiteki inhaled deeply and seemed to calm slightly; her excitable child-like nature was always plainly visible, although she could just as easily switch to a much more mature mindset befitting her true age, it truly varied on the situation at hand.

Reaching the main building and approaching the porch, following along at the rear of the group, Suiteki hummed to herself absent-mindedly as she hopped up each of the steps in turn until reaching the top and stepping up onto the porch. Hearing the announcement made by the hostess, Suiteki bowed once again before nodding, her manner significantly calmer than earlier.

"Very well Mistress-san, Suiteki shall wait here until you need her!"

Watching as Mistress proceeded into the building with Floria, the small kappa looked about her for several seconds before hopping up onto the railing and seating herself. Starting to blow bubbles into the air and watching them drift along in the breeze, Suiteki's attention returned toward the masked woman whom had also opted to join the class. Stopping the action of blowing bubbles, Suiteki shuffled along the railing until she was close enough to the woman to converse, even on the railing she still had to look up a considerable degree to observe her reactions.

"Hello again! You are not familiar but Suiteki likes the look in your eyes! You will learn much from the class today, Suiteki is sure!"


OOC: Noted Mistress. -Salutes-
I'll wait to give Hanyo the chance to post before I add anything more.

Hilarious Fatcat

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(( I'm packing and getting ready to go home for Thanksgiving break, but I can't guarantee I'll have a lot of free time. XD Family and friends like to attack me when I come home. ))

The word 'toys' in the same sentence as 'Hanyo' was a curious thing, but the Nekojin wasn't going to question it. Toys could be different things depending on the person... Like, Yuni's toys were things that exploded and could easily be set on fire.

When Amano settled on the idea of pranking Spike, she looked down at him and grinned. "Good idea. He can shoot me too! I'm used to bein' shot at." Said the girl as she scuttled out into the hallway to sniff around, allowing some time for Amano to leave the crazy man's room before quietly closing the door. Which door smelled like the Spike-man's?

Yuni remembered through her furry memories what Spike smelled like, and she followed the drafts till she came to Room #3. Curiously, she looked back towards Amano and poked the wood of the door. "This one is Spike-man's, right?"

Omnipresent Noob

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Listening to:

xxxx☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠

                                            Now I lay you down to sleep. For your soul is mine to keep...

                                            ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇

                                            "Remember son, sexy equals dangerous"
                                            Words from his father echoed in his head. " Dangerous equals fun."

                                            Nolan smirked at the memories as she had his head turned to the side, feeling her breathe as she whispered in his ear and started to nibble just a little. Someone was going to have to take a fire hose to this woman before he did something he might regret. Not that he'd really regret the 'in bed' part but what of his blood. Twisted in rituals and bonded together with the very essence of a banshee. Plus the spells on him that allowed him to sacrifice blood to keep on 'energizing' a party member. Sort of like a blood battery.
                                            " Not only do you turn it..." he laughed " we are gonna get in trouble here"

                                            Amano walked over to the door with her. " Yeah smells like him. Room 2 smells like old farts. They should lay off the veggies for a while....hey you wouldnt to have any stink bombs or anything...or..haha better yet."
                                            The cat run off and come back a minute later with a mushroom that looked a lot like a shitaki. " too bad he doesn't have a fridge in here where I can lace his food with this...anyway hold this. You got pockets. " he handed her the mushroom. " don't eat it. Or do. but if not, we will wait till dinner to strike."

                                            ( just watched that cowboy bebop episode where they ate those trippy mushrooms.
                                            also woo classes )

                                            ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇

                                            When you die, you will wake. Now your bidding is mine to make...

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T H ExxM I S T R E S S ' xxY O U N G E RxxS I S T E R
T H ExxI N NxxG A R D E N E R

MOOD ( » Contemplative ) x xWEARING ( » Floral Blue Kimono ) x xLOCATION ( » Hallway-Sitting Room )

As she and Spike let the kitchen, she glanced out the window to see her sister walking with Floria. She gestured with her left hand, her right still enclosed in his.

"It seems we aren't late after all, Spiegel-kun," she said as she pointed her out to him. "My sister must not have started yet. Why don't we lend her a hand, hmm?" she asked brightly, leading Spike to the sitting room.

She walked in, and had already leaned towards a cushion to pick it up, when she happened to glance at Nolan and Lady Hanyo, who were still together. Very much so. She watched as the succubus nibbled on the man's ear. The action was so ridiculously lewd, Ryuu couldn't help but let out a small gasp. She lifted the cushion to hide her face which had grown scarlet and burned so brightly, she was surprised the cushion didn't start to sizzle. Not wanting to draw any attention to her embarrassment or intrusion, she hurriedly turned with the cushion still covering her face, and made towards the door. She didn't get very far, not being able to see where she was going, and bumped right into Spike. She bounced backwards almost comically, still shielding herself as if from a bright light.

"Oh... I, well..." she stammered, completely flummoxed.


Interstellar Traveler

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The Kappa Patrol
Active: Suiteki (Koi Pond: Hasuike, Numa, Chou, Yudama and Kui.)

Patrolling: Inn - Back porch
Under Orders From: Oni Lord Nigorimizu
Company: Autumn
Mission Objective(s): Spiritual cleansing demonstrations
Squad Theme: Splaaash Boogie


Swinging her legs back and forth somewhat childishly whilst she sat upon the railing, the small kappa smiled up at the woman, although this time not with the same air of overenthusiasm and instead an unusual sense of calm rationality.

"The hidden harmony is better than the obvious."

Unwavering smile upon her face, the kappa proceeded to nod following her slightly abstract comment, watching as the woman relaxed somewhat and resting her elbow upon the railing with a vague chuckle following a small curtsy.

"Hmm...Suiteki remembers hearing of you now; Autumn, wasn't it? A pleasure to meet you too!"

Yet still looking up at Autumn, Suiteki's smile broadened at the mention of her age; the kappa rarely made a point of disclosing it, largely because she enjoyed the freedoms permitted from having a childish nature and an assumed age befitting of such. The tone of curiosity and a harmless one at that from Autumn did not bother Suiteki in the slightest, although the quirked eyebrow alongside this question did not go without the kappa's notice.

"Suiteki has seen a great many things, but the passage of time can grant greater wisdom at any stage in anyone's lifespan."

Chuckling at this, and starting to blow bubbles into the air once again, the little kappa looked more amused than anything else as she paused blowing bubbles and resumed her answer.

"Suiteki is here to help of course! Lord Nigorimizu wishes it and we kappa obey. the watery realm we inhabit is very different from here, but Suiteki likes it just as much!"

Pausing for a moment, the kappa blinked several times before her head tilted sideward very slightly.

"You have experienced much sadness and yet you are here to help too, Autumn-san?"


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Location: Sitting Room-Nolan's Lap
BloodLust Level: Moderate


Her fangs led another trail to Nolan's neck, letting herself bite just a touch harder. Meanwhile she kept her vice-like grip on his head, holding him down. It was a very primal, powerful, predator and prey gesture.

"Darling, I AM trouble." she cooed against his neck. "Does that mean you want to get in me?" she asked silkily.

She shifted her position so that her legs were now either side of his, a more straddling position. Her tight skirt made this gesture look rather impossible, but somehow she managed to do it without tearing a seam or overexposing her nether regions. It was just then that a small gasp made her look up. Her hands still on Nolan, she glanced around until she saw Ryuu, and laughed.

"What's wrong, Madame Ryuu? Don't you want to stay and pick up pointers?" she teased, seeing the the sophisticated woman's blush peeking out on the exposed part of her forehead. "If I can't have Spike because he belongs to you, you had better treat him right. Make me proud, Miss Ryuu."


Interstellar Traveler

User Image Spike Spiegel

● Status: Agitated/unclear.
● Current Location: Sitting Room
● Objective: Attend Mistress' class

● Theme: The Real Folk Blues

Shifting his gaze from the hallway ahead upon hearing the prompt from Ryuu, Spike paused, turning to look in the direction of Ryuu's gesture toward the the window before presently giving a small nod upon sighting Mistress.

"That's good; alright let's see if we can help out."

Retaining his hold on Ryuu's hand as she redirected them toward the Sitting Room, Spike calmly set his sights on the doorway a short distance away, but not before catching sight of the strangely familiar girl and Amano more clearly this time. Both the girl and the feline still appeared to be skulking about in a suspicious manner, but the fact they were further down the hall in such close proximity to the numbered rooms in particular did raise Spike's suspicion all the more.

"Hey, I don't know what you guys are doing but lurking doesn't make you invisible."

Simply sparing a warning and thinking little else of it, Spike gave a nonchalant shrug as he released Ryuu's hand, allowing her to proceed into the Sitting Room, pausing the watch the two of them for some seconds more before stepping into the Sitting Room himself.

Barely taking a couple of steps into the Sitting Room, Spike came to an abrupt halt upon Ryuu walking straight into him, oddly with her face largely concealed by a cushion she held to cover it.

"...What are you doing?"

Responding with a slightly confused smile but in an amused tone of voice, Spike spared her a questioning look whilst moving to briefly place his hands upon Ryuu's upper arms to help steady her once she bounced back blindly. Hearing her stammering response, the look of confusion on his face increased until he heard Hanyo's laughter from the other side of the room. Pausing to look in the direction of her voice, it was abundantly clear she and Nolan had not moved since both he and Ryuu left the room earlier, the only difference was how advanced a stage their 'discussion' had reached. Frowning somewhat at her comment, Spike's grasp on Ryuu's arms increased slightly as he looked straight toward where Hanyo was perched upon Nolan in a position most likely ill-suited for a public place. Although in spite of his clear annoyance, Hanyo's words along with her current position with Nolan unavoidably mixed Spike's current thoughts with those that likely would be considered inappropriate, especially in a situation such as this. In spite of this however, his composure was unscathed, Spike's interest in defending Ryuu was too great a priority, especially when the succubus was clearly taunting her for being flustered and her discomfort was abundantly clear, to which his voice was unusually low and considerably less friendly than could be deemed usual as he responded.
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"Ryuu doesn't need any pointers, behaving like that hasn't been necessary to keep my attention either."

Slightly irritated by Hanyo's audacity, Spike carefully released his hold on Ryuu's arms, moving past her and retrieving another couple of cushions, sparing another glance in Hanyo and Nolan's direction before returning across the room toward Ryuu, making a point not to look back a second time. Seeing Ryuu still appeared to be standing in place grasping the cushion in her arms to which Spike gave her a gentle nudge to encourage her movement out of the room.


OOC: Tension indeed. xd
I'll be back to post tomorrow Mask, you have my word.

Spike is acting in defence of Ryuu rather than being directly angry with Hanyo lol.
Ryuu was pretty unsettled with the situation concerning Hanyo beforehand and clearly feels similarly now, so Spike is being mindful of that.

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