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Shea gave the doctor a smile wave while Anasti debated whether or not she was glad to see the man. For a human, he was decently attractive, especially now that he had cleaned up some. But he had still turned her purple. The secretary turned to the hyrbid and handed her a lab coat. "You're ID badge granting you access to the Lab is the front pocket. I will arrange with Mario to have your clothing and prosthetics delivered to your apartment, and I will be over tomorrow at noon to assist you in dyeing your hair. The files are waiting in your room, and I will leave you in the capable hands of the Doctor to set you up with anything you need here in the Lab. Now, I have other engagements to attend to, please excuse me." the girl gave both Anasti and the Doctor a slight bow of the head before exiting the Lab through the same bubble they had entered.

Anasti turned back to the human now smiling up at her and gave him a smile of his own, folding the lab coat over her arm instead of putting it on. The power of sex was a great influencer sometimes and Anasti was aware that she had enough of a body to be going on about. "Yes, it only took two days for those particular side effects to fade." she said in a teasing voice. "Why, did you think I look better in purple?" she asked.

Somewhere inside a warning light went off in her head. Never before had she been this corgal to a human. At least...not since her mother and brother were murdered by one. It wasn't that she had ever found non-hybrids to be unattractive, she had simply been rather put off by the idiotic and egocentric human named Renegade who had decided to make a sport of hunting, raping, and killing her kind. That had turned her off of humans from that point on. But seeing as how she had not seen hide nor tail of that delectable puppy she had come in with, well...beggars can't be chosers. And there was something...interesting about the Doctor alright. Something she couldn't quite out her finger on...

Meanwhile, Shea had reached Marino's office and, knocking quietly on the mahony door, she slipped inside and waited for the man to address her presence.

Shameless Gawker

Cassandra stared at him confused, he wasn't even moving. It took her a bit to catch on, as she was not one to be embarrassed by much of anything, but when she did, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"The puppy's shy?" She laughed again. He looked so.. pathetic... but damned if that didn't strengthen her mood. "Nervous about public? Well, we'll just fix that." That was the end of it for her. She stood up, picked him up, and flung him over her shoulder in one big motion, stronger than she looked, not that she looked weak in the first place. His head was left bobbing behind her back, wrists still bound in the cuffs, and legs by his belt as she strolled her way out of the park and down the street, almost knocking over some poor guy with horns as she paraded her way down the sidewalk like that.

"That's it puppy. We're not leaving this room until I toughen you up." With that said, she made her way back to the room they'd been staked out in.

Doc couldn't help but let out another laugh.

"Well maybe the color suited you!" He had to admit to herself that the girl had a fine body to her, but he was rather good, as his profession called for it, at hiding his thoughts on such matters.

"Not that your natural coloring isn't pleasant to the eyes." He gave her a small nod. "But what brings you into the lab? More surprises to you than I expected I must admit."


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Q yelped when she picked him up. Q wasn't expecting that kind of strength from her. The current position was even more embarrassing than the previous. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to hold his sunglasses on his face as she dragged him about, him too stunned to do much of anything.

By the time they had reached the hotel room Q had almost lost his arousal entirely. Luckily for the hybrid Cassandra was more talented than Q had expected, and they both didn't even think about leaving the hotel until four hours later.

After that point he was in bed, his shirt still on (that was something he fought for), and trying to sleep. His sunglasses were on the floor somewhere, and his entire body ached, as they seemed to have been fighting more than anything for the duration.

He opened an eye and stared at Cassandra. WIth a sigh, he groaned a "When are you going to take these cuffs off?" the accent had disappeared.
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Anasti gave the man a look as he mentioned that purple might be an interesting...shade for her. Overall, she thought not, but she smiled at his....compliment? Insinuation?

Walking over to him, she nodded, gracing him with another of her warming smiles. "Yes. I have need to make a poison. I can't give you specifics of course, but the base poisons for this particular one of my own creation I already have, I merely need to tools with which to combine them. A centerfuge. Test tubes. Petri dishes. An alkaline base. And of course, the time and privacy to create said poison." she listed, trailing off at the end and casting him a look.

"It sounds exotic, but its actually a rather boring process. I'll need to stay nearby, of course, in case something goes wrong. Wouldn't want to kill everyone in the building, would we? But it takes two days for the materials to properly combine, and most of that time they would be in the centerfuge." she sighed, giving a playful pout. "All in all it looks like I have two very boring days ahead of me..."

Shameless Gawker

"Aw, I guess you've been a good boy now. I can take your leash off." She winked at him and tossed the key onto his chest. "Go ahead and keep them. I have another pair. Maybe you'll need to use them some day." She laughed and tossed her head back, reclining on the floor, having clothed herself again already. She was sore as well, but was a lot better at hiding it.

"So.. what's with the tacky necklace?" She nodded at the chain with the heart. "Nothing wrong with it, just doesn't quite seem you if you get me." She idly looked around for her other boot.

Doc nodded as she spoke, listening with the same intensity he gave everything. Though of course it never looked like he was paying all that much attention to the world, so he usually tried to ham it up a little and look like he was intent on the conversation, hence the nodding.

"I see. Well I won't bug you or anything about the poison, not really much for the killing, I like healing better." He turned his head toward his associates. "Such will probably leave me with being of little help to those gentlemen."


User ImageQ grumbled some choice words to himself at her calling him a good boy. Now that he was done with his... Activities, the more he thought back on what had happened, the more he thought he should have known better. She'd toyed with him yet again. He wondered if she'd tell Marino. Gah, even the thought was horrible.

He looked at the key thrown on his chest and tossed his head back with a loud groan. "You do it."
Q's wrists were already so bruised, he couldn't figure out how they were not bleeding. He'd have to find a new pair of gloves or something to cover it; it was obvious what was wrong with them. Even a retard would know Q had at least been cuffed, but given the context they'd be able to laugh about much more than just that.

"No, it isn't," he looked away from her with a frown, now referring to the necklace. No, it wasn't like him at all. "Just a keepsake. I don't know why I still wear it, to be honest." His voice said 'drop it'. But more in a way that it was a boring story not worth telling, rather than one implying he was annoyed.

He eyed the window, his turned over rifle still under it. The sun was beginning to set. "We should get back," he suggested. "I want to change before talking with Marino."
[[I want to make the comment that Doc remind me of 'L' from Death Note rofl ]]

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Anasti frowned slightly, unsure of whether to be angry about the fact that her slightly obvious advances weren't working, or to be amused with the Doctor's seemingly far off mindset. She followed his gaze curiously and the question rose in the back of her throat as to what exactly those men were working on, but she bit it back. This was neither the time, nor the place to be asking such questions.

"Thats a shame. I'm sure they would have found your input enlightening." she said simply, turning her back to men and focusing on the Doctor once more. "I really should get started. As I said, it's a rather boring process for the most part, but the first few steps are the most volitale, the originally mixing of the chemicals which...come to think of it, I don't have on me. I have a feeling that this lab could more then provide me with them, but to be honest, I'm a bit hesitant to give out the information of its ingredients." she gave a look back towards the bubble. "But I'm really not sure how to get from here back to my chambers. Would you mind accompanying me to retrieve them...just to help me find my way, of course?" she asked, her impassive face revealing none of her true intentions.

This was it. This was the stranger holding out candy, and although she did not appear it, she anxiously awaited his response. If he declined, then she would know where his mind stood. There may be another chance to pursue it at a later point, but probably not. If he accepted...well then, it might just turn out to be an interesting night after all...

Shameless Gawker

Can't do anything yourself, eh?" She sighed, more for effect than anything, than stood, walking over and uncuffing them, but leaving the key in them as she turned, finding her boot finally and pulling it on before she went to fishing a few daggers out of the floor boards they'd ended up stuck in.

"Fine fine. Whatever you want puppy. Men, always in a rush." She shook her head, but a smile sat on her face. Nothing big, but the little it was said a lot with someone like her. She wondered what he'd have to say to Marino, but didn't bother to ask.

"Oh right, your pants." She found them, lucky for him she was nice and picked them up from the park, and she tossed them at his face with a laugh. "You might want to actually wear those this time."


User ImageQ pulled his hands out of the cuffs with a slight wince, immediately rubbing his wrists afterward. He stared at them for a moment, taking in what sort of damage she'd done. They were swollen, and appeared to be bleeding under the skin. That was going to take a long time to heal. He was about to whine about it; the skin around his wrists was torn and his hands were still numb, but Cassandra threw the pants at his fast. He growled and shoved them off him.

He didn't like her being so happy. "Don't call me puppy. I'm older than you are," he growled. Pleasure and business should be separate, and after this predicament, he'd have to reserve pleasure with Cassandra to a bare minimum, if any at all. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. Or rather. Third time. Depending on how one looked at his mistakes with the assassin.

Q got up and quickly put his pants on, then followed with the belt, though it was evident he had trouble with it since his fingers weren't being too responsive. He left the shirt the way it was; no big deal. Luckily enough for him neither he nor Cass thought to take of his boots so he didn't have to bother with typing them back up. He didn't want to admit he probably couldn't have. If this didn't clear up he would probably have to admit what he'd done to Doc. Though with how smart that guy was, he could probably read it on Q's face from miles away.

"Let's go," he grumbled, once he was done. He, again, left the rifle. Though this time it was more from forgetfulness and laziness than annoyance with Marino. He walked off and out the hotel, on his way back to Marino's building. He had to stay away from this Cassandra, and restrain himself around her. She was dangerous, in more ways than one.

His walking pace was brisk; he wanted to get to the building before dark. Once he got there his pace sped up even more, as he didn't want the others to have too long to assess what had happened in between he and Cassandra. He went straight to his room and changed into something he didn't usually wear. Black jeans and a pull-over red sweatshirt.
He also, with difficulty, took off his fingerless gloves and put managed to find ones that had not been cut. He put them on, but they didn't cover his injuries. He feared the sweatshirt's sleeves wouldn't cover them either, so had to look around his things, half of them still in boxes, before he found some medical wrap and put it one on each arm, starting from the hand and up the forearm. Of course he had to replace his gloves once he had done this. And the wrap was tan colored. Not exactly the color of his skin, but close enough.

Q's hands had begun shaking, and he felt a little lightheaded. He'd waited too long between cigarettes. He struggled to get his smokes from his first pants, dropping the box twice and the lighter once. Getting the lighter to bare a flame was another matter entirely. Q became angry with himself and bit the filter of his cig. Though luckily, not threw it. After minutes of trying to get his cig lit, he finally had succeeded, and dropped the lighter to floor carelessly. Damn those handcuffs. His fingers weren't working correctly. If this ruined his trigger finger he'd kill that woman. Kill her.

He turned to go out the door, before stopping himself, looking at the holster of the gun and knife that had come off with his pants. He should bring them. They were his scapegoat when something bad happened.

Laziness and irritability prevailed. Q didn't want to mess with trying to put them on after the incident with his smoke (Which he now took annoyed drags from) so left without it. He'd probably regret it later.

He then walked out of his room and down the hall toward Marino's office. His shoved his hands in his pockets, not knowing what else to do with them. His hair were a mess, but his sunglasses were still on his face at least, so his pain, for the most part, would be hidden. Q would've fingerbrushed his hair quickly if he thought he could. He didn't want to bother.

Cigarette still on his lip, he barged into Marino's office, ignoring the secretary if she was even still there, and not waiting to see if Marino had any other company. Once he was in, he brought his hands out of his pockets - as that was the respectful thing to do - but tried to keep them still at his sides. They shook minutely, though Q hoped it would pass off as nicotine withdrawl. Though with Q currently smoking, it seemed a weird assumption to make.

"So I heard that mission was a fake," he growled to Marino. Q was pissed. His ideas for earlier today were shot. He was now too weak and too tired to pull off what he had wanted to do to Marino in order to get back for wasting his time. He'd just have to bite Marino with his words. Though there was a strong possibility that would backfire just as much, if not worse, than playing with Cassandra had.

Shameless Gawker

Cassandra watched him wince... it was so odd. She felt a little bad.. of course until she moved to follow him and felt pains of her own. He wasn't so innocent. Not to mention it all started when he got the drop on her.

"How can you be so sure?" She laughed, it was true, but did that make a difference?

She headed straight to her room to shower and change, not saying anything to anyone. She really didn't need talk about what happened between them floating around.

Marino didn't even look up as Q stormed into his office. He could tell who it was as soon as he started to speak. He would of smiled were he in the mood to enjoy the anger in his voice.

"The mission you knew was at least." He shuffled a few more things before finally looking up.

Back in the lab, Doc stood talking with Anasti. A small blush at the compliment.

"I suppose, but I'm not one as I said for harming things. You know, peace, love, all that."

Doc blinked at her, not really missing the offer behind it, but not sure if he wanted to take it.

"Well, I can always close my eyes as you find what you need?" He laughed. A little uneasy. He was not smooth when it came to such things.

(( xD I suppose he could be a little like L, were it sweets and not a little to smoke he was into. ))


User ImageQ plopped down on the couch behind him, his hands together in his lap as if he were still cuffed. He hissed inward slightly, but it became covered with a cough as the smoke went down the wrong pipe. Q couldn't let the cig fall from his lips, though. He had to finish it. Smoking wasn't one of his favorite activities, ironically enough, but he'd gotten used to it over the years.

"That was a severe waste of my time," he growled. He didn't really understand what Marino had said, and the pains in his body seemed to be flaring up. Ah.. What do they say? Delayed response? Whichever. Q was definitely feeling it now. He wanted to curl up in a chair somewhere and retire. "And yours," he added.

"There was no need to send me out there to be bored to death," he rushed. Q had to make an effort to stop his annoyance and take drags of the cigarette. Something was wrong, that was for sure. And it depended on him finishing his cancer stick to be sure he wasn't in any danger. Perhaps the Doc would pick up on it. Q wasn't sure how well Marino knew hybrids and their little... Health quirks.

"I'll get along with whoever you pair me with, provided we have some semblance of duty. They stick to their's, I'll stick to mine. There was no teamwork involved for that outing. None at all."
He took another quick drag, choking slightly, the smoke coming out from his nose. "You baffle me." The last part was honesty bred from pain and worry. His cig was almost done, so at least that part of his anxiety would be over with soon.
Q looked down. He was having a hard time sucking down this particular cancer stick. He should set a timer or something. It was probably the sex that had done this.
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Anasti smiled, a little too widely, revealing a little too much in the toothy grin. "Very good. I really think I would get lost without your assistance. As to looking away, from what you've told me you probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart, so i'm not really worried about you looking." she almost purred as she led him from the Lab, through the bubble room and onto the elevator. As much as she had used getting lost as a pretext for him to accompany her, it was really her who did the leading the whole way down to her quarters. She slid the door open and sauntered inside, a delightful swing in her step showed off her a** as she threw the labcoat down on the couch.

"Come in. I'm not sure exactly where I left them all. I was experimenting the other day, have to build up my own resistances you see" she explained. Not waiting for him to accept her invitation, she pushed a button on the wall and the door slid sut behind him, almost catching him in it if he had been a bit slow to enter.

"Make yourself at home." she called as she disappeared into the bedroom. Soundlessly, she pressed a button the wall in her room, subtely locking the door. The dear doctor was being a bit shy, and if Anasti liked anything more then a rough and tumble with the bad boy (she had a fleeting image of Q pass through her mind), it was breaking in a shy one. Quickly , she stripped off her normal work attire and through on a slinky, almost-see through neglige, usually reserved for getting close to a mark before slitting thier throat. But, if she had her way, the only blood that spilled tonight would be in play. She left her hair down-long and flowing as it caresed her curvy body, her fins and wings now showing once more.

"Damn." she said, reappearing from the bedroom with a slight frown on her pouting lips. "Its looks like I'm out of cyanide. I don't suppose you boys keep a stock of that in the lab?" she asked, moving across the room to the small bar, not making a comment or seeming at all perturbed about her change in appearance. She pulled two eight ball glasses from a shelf beneath the liqour cabinet and proceeded to fill them both with a generous amount of scotch. Walking over to the couch, she sat down on it, draping one long, pale skinned leg over the other and offering a glass to the Doctor.


Shameless Gawker

Marino shook his head though, looking at the man.

"It seems you two worked well enough together, mission or not." He hinted at knowing something, just not what. "I don't see that as my time being wasted. Besides, now I know I can trust the two of you with something big. You seem tough enough to handle the responsibility. Though maybe I was wrong?" He noticed the man didn't seem on top of things, but he wasn't one to ask about health. That was Doc's department.

If he was a man to care, he'd comment about how those cigarettes weren't so great for him, or suggest he pay Doc a visit, but he assumed him to be a big boy and able to go to him if needed himself.

"I have a few things that pay rather well in mind, if you're interested. But why don't you sleep on it." He laughed a little to himself.

Doc knew more than he let off, but he didn't say anything. He liked it that way. His eyes of course found themselves on her a** as he followed her, pulled into going to her room anyways. She must know what she was doing to him. Which of course became so obvious when she emerged wearing a lot less.

"Uh.. sure..." He could use the drink to maybe calm down.


User ImageQ waited to respond until his cigarette had burned to the filter, where he simply leaned forward and dropped it on the floor. He almost didn't make an effort to snub it out with his boot.

"You think you're so god damn funny," Q grumbled, a snarl on his face. He stood up. If he stayed here much longer he'd regret it. Either that or pass out on the floor. Which would probably be regretful, also.

Q stopped to the door, his back to Marino. "You'll get what's coming to you soon enough."
He opened the door with a grunt, his face not in the most comfortable of looks. This whole situation was Marino's fault. As soon as he got better he'd have to...

No, Q shook his head as he walked back to his room. He was still feeling light headed. He'd have to smoke again before he thought about anything seriously. But when Q got to his room he laid on the sofa instead, against his better judgement.

He was dizzy, and exhausted. Maybe sleeping would calm him down? He knew it wasn't true. But he let himself drift away ontop of the sofa regardless. He hadn't bothered to close his door and his hands were still numb.

--- [edited this part] ---

No sooner had his eyes closed than they popped right back open. Q couldn't go to sleep, what was he thinking? The man slinked his upperbody down off the sofa so his head was on the floor and his legs above him. His glasses fell down(or up, one should say) his face. Q tossed them off, and looked upside down underneath the coffee table, where extra cigarette packs of varying brands and lighters were stashed. His left hand reached out for one, but he couldn't reach.

He put his right hand to his chest with a grimace as his sweatshirt rode up body, revealing his stomach. Q was healthy looking, but he didn't have what one could call 'chiseled' features. Regardless, he had a new pain to add to his collection; his heart hurt.

"Hey," he hoarsed, giving a sideways glance to some passerby who had decided to look into his room. The other man tried to ignore Q, and began to turn away. "No wait. You, yeah you. I need you to do something for me."

The stranger reluctantly took a step into Q's room, an unsure look about him. Q began to sweat slightly, and he couldn't seem to keep his eyes focused on anything. He briefly wondered if this is how it felt to die.

"I need you to go get the Doc for me," he forced a smile. "It's kinda urgent. Okay?"

Q had a condition similar to dilated cardiomyopathy. Most of his arteries were larger than they should've been, his heart and lungs in particular. A condition not uncommon for sighthounds. Q, in the past, had been much less... Human, to say the least. He had an incredibly long medical history he didn't like getting into, as his father had spent quite an astronomical amount of money to make him as human as was possible. At least, that was, in looks. Q hadn't seen his father since he was 18. He'd regressed quite a bit since then, but Q enjoyed reveling in what he was: not human.

However, because he wasn't human, his circulatory system just about keeled over itself. Q had taken medication to keep him away from his chronic low blood pressure and his risk of sudden heart attack, but the way he'd left his Father was not the best, and so Q no longer had access to those meds. Not that he knew what they were. And he had been too afraid to inquire, as he didn't like dealing with his French background.

Q knew the basics of his condition. Low blood pressure, dilated arteries. Smoking was his way of self medicating; smoking hieghtened blood pressure, and shrunk arteries. It was a short term fix, though. Q had to smoke about one cigarette an hour to be perfectly safe, though usually he'd be okay if he simply smoked more than one cigarette at a time. He'd try to smoke before cardiovascular activities, but if he couldn't, he'd try to smoke as soon as was possible afterward.
Q never really had a problem before he had met Marino. He'd smoke before, during, and after sex. Even when Q was being submissive, he more often than not was still smoking during the act, as apparently with the crowd he generally played with, they enjoyed him doing it.

Q had never been as captive before as he had been with Cassandra. If he wasn't being embarrassed or trapped, they had been actively wrestling eachother. The fact that he had to smoke had skipped his mind; he figured he could just do it afterward. But apparently he had not done so soon enough. Too little, too late, was the saying.

Q looked to the man before him, who seemed to be just standing there. "I wasn't kidding. It's urgent," he warned. Finally the stranger nodded and jogged off. Hopefully he'd go do what Q said. Otherwise, Q was afraid he would pass out and die in his sleep. Though admittingly, he didn't really understand the dynamics of what would happen. He wondered if his heart would just stop pumping or if it was something more complex than that.

After a few moments of trying to recover, Q tried again to reach for the cigarettes. It took a few minutes but he finally had, and managed, after a few tries, to light one and start to smoke it. He'd never smoked upside down, before. He would've laughed to himself if there wasn't a looming feeling of doom.

He'd never dreamed the symptoms would come on so fast. But then again, four hours of rigorous activity wasn't exactly normal for him.


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When Ven arrived at the market square, he groaned.
It was already getting dark, he should have left a few hours earlier.
But at least no one would spot him at the ruins when it was night.

He hopped off his bike and made sure it wasn't going to get stolen before he hurried into the alley where most of the shops were located.
It was a rather shady place but he was used to it by now.
This was where he found most of the parts for his bike and he was friends with some of the shopkeepers so he felt almost "at home" there.

Ven entered a small repair shop that reminded him of his uncle's.
Only that thi one had way more stuff that interested him.
He needed to get some new tools for his trip since he had lost almost everything on the last one.

"Hey there, Ven," the shop owner greeted him. "Lost your stuff again? What do you need this time?"
Ven folded his arms over his chest and frowned at the tools lying in the shelves.
Like always when he was indecisive, he licked his lips, his silver tongue piercing clicking against his teeth, while pondering.
"I need a new hammer and pliers. Oh, and I'm sure you have some cigarettes left for me?"
"Sure" The man grabbed a package and threw it at Ven who caught it midair. "Thanks, Jake"
Then he paid for a new hammer and pliers, stuffed them into his shoulder back and left the shop to return to get his bike.

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