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User ImageQ smirked at his victory over her. A woman like Cassandra giving up and losing her temper seemed like an oddity. Her words slightly disturbed him. He wasn't sure if she was still playing him or not. He decided to ignore them for now.

He gave her a stern stare, his eyes trained on her's like the eye of hawk. His lips loosened agains o his mouth was closed and no teeth showing. His tail, once partially upright, slowly began to fall down between his legs.

Q attempted to stare through her, simply to intimidate her. He did so for the awkward silence of several uncomfortable seconds before he clicked the safety back on and holstered his gun, loosening his posture and heading for the door.

"We're leaving," he said.

Q intentionally left his mess, and his new sniper rifle there. ******** Marino. A day and a half of doing nothing. As if Q would clean up after himself for that b*****d now. People had to earn their respect.

Q didn't know what Cassandra was doing, and it probably was a mistake to turn his back to her, but once he exited the room he slammed the door behind him carelessly, and began to walk toward the elevator. He'd go back to Marino's building whether or not she followed.

Though, if by the time he reached the street and she wasn't with him, he'd go solve other business. Like his former contractor. That man had a scheduled beating for this whole Marino situation in the first place.

Shameless Gawker

The hell? He was just leaving? All that and he is just going to walk away? She grabbed her stuff and followed him, staying behind several yards. Though as she realized where he was headed she speed up, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around and pushing him against the wall again.

"Look, we can't just go back like this." She'd ******** up basically, and really did not want to get on Marino's bad side. "I'm not getting my a** chewed out over the likes of you." She snarled at him.


User ImageQ had slipped his sunglasses on by the time he exited the elevator, and almost as soon as his first steps were taken outside he was ambushed again, pushed into the wall by the woman. He couldn't help but laugh.

After he was done with his chuckles, he grinned. "I'm sure a man as smart as Marino would know the risks of hiring a hybrid," he sneered.
"Unlike you, I am not afraid of him." He gave a heh, his grin changing to more of a smirk. His tail would've wagged if it were not blocked from doing so by the wall. He was enjoying her pleas.

"In fact, I'm quite excited to see what sort of punishment he'll dish out for this; if any."
Q slowly brought his left hand back up, wrapping it around Cassandra's. He wanted to slowly push her away from him. He knew she physically had the upperhand, but mentally and emotionally, he did.

If she backed up, Q would continue his way to Marino's. If only to piss the woman off more.
This was becoming quite a fun game. He was glad he had come out on top.
Then again, men always were on top, weren't they? He laughed inwardly at his own joke.

Shameless Gawker

Her eyes narrowed at him, as if they could pierce right through his sunglasses and to his. Cassandra couldn't believe the nerve of this man. The way he talked to her.. and about Marino.. it was.. was so aggravating. Her mind was always a destructive one, but whenever she thought about what she'd do to him... she had to stop herself. He'd gotten to her in more ways than one.

"I'm not afraid of him. I'm not afraid of anyone." She ignored his effort to push her off and instead shoved Q harder against the wall. "Besides..." The edge of her lip curled up in a small snarl. "Who do you think he's going to believe... some mutt he found on the street, or his second hand?" She leaned back a little, enjoying her blow. Marino would never believe anyone to get the upper hand on her.


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Q grunted briefly as he was shoved against the wall again. He took a moment to think. How to win this girl over?

"You are mistaken," he slipped into his softer french accented voice with a coy smile. "I did not mean his punishment for you; I meant me..." He reached his right hand forward to touch her hips. If she allowed him. If she did they'd slink elsewhere to rub against more sensitive parts of her body.

"If you really think we should wait," he'd move close to her if he could, his face to hers, "Then prove to me you meant what you said back there," he breathed. Of course, he was referring to her having feelings for him.

Shameless Gawker

Cassandra's body seemed to tense and relax at the same time, a shudder running down her spine. Damn him... And his accent.. she had a soft spot for accents. Everyone seemed to talk the same way around here, something foreign would always catch her attention. She tightened her smile, not foolish enough to stop his hand. This could play her way.

"Why go to Marino for your punishment?" She pushed him harder against the wall, pinning his hand where it was, and her body against his. "I know how to take care of bad boys..." She tugged on his lip with her teeth. "Besides, we're not expected back until tomorrow." Not that he had to come back with her... not all the ideas in her mind were ones he'd enjoy, she would though.


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His move came right back to bite him. The moment she mentioned bad boy and pinned him against the wall he was taken. His anger with Marino instantly evaporated. Q was all Cassandra's. Damn women.

A small, wanting whine came from Q when she bit his lip. Oh god, was he her's now. But if she crossed him again... Well, that wasn't in his thoughts. His blood had already redirected from his brain.
"Oh..." Was all he could think to say. Except it was more of a breath, really. It was hard to form words. The fact they were still in public made it all the more exciting. Q shuddered slightly from anticipation. Even for Q, public display of affection was a little out of his league.

His knees weakened and he felt as if he would just melt. He had to take actual effort to stand. He still didn't know what to do, however. He was nervous. Though that stemmed from being outside, rather than the mere act itself.

"Please do," he begged.

Shameless Gawker

She felt him crumble in his hands and damn did it feel great. Cassandra brought her knee up between his legs, pressing against him and holding him up against the wall as she reached behind her and grabbed a dagger, running it across his neck slightly, not enough to pierce the skin, but enough that he felt the bite the steel held at his skin.

Oh did it feel good to have him putty in her hands.. and it was a great opportunity at the same time... her other hand found the steel cuffs at her side and she made a show of putting them on his wrists.

"Bad boys need to be punished..." She closed them tight around one wrist, biting at his neck as she slid his arm over and hooked it to the other before pinning his hands above his head. Then she shoved against him again, before pulling the dagger and stabbing it hard between the bricks in the wall behind him, right through the chain of the handcuffs. She then took a few steps back, Q now temporarily stuck.

"But first you have to show me you deserve it. Can puppy find the master?" She ran her tongue down his cheek bone before laughing and taking off. It was time for a new test.


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Q hissed slightly at her shoving up against him. It hurt slightly, but he still liked it. Rarely did he allow women to overpower him. Only women he trusted, and he didn't fully trust this one. But then again, he wasn't thinking clearly. He was still nervous. There were people around him. Stage fright?

He took curt, loud breaths, holding them in as he didn't want to pant. Q was extremely vocal about what he felt in one way or another. Perhaps more than normal for a man. He sucked down a breath through his nose at the dagger, briefly wondering if she'd try something on him, but let a moan through clenched teeth when she bit his neck.
When his hands were lifted above his head, he leaned into her for more, but that was when she slammed the dagger to pin him there and ran off. He winced briefly at the loud noise of metal on brick, and a whine of disappointment escaped him when she left. If he had dog ears they would've wilted.

But his disappointment was short. Hide and seek was something Q was best at. He wasn't a wolf, in fact he descended from sighthounds, so while he sense of smell wasn't that great his sight and hearing more than made up for it. Plus, what dog didn't like finding things?

He watched her run off before he attempted to free himself. Pushing his back against the wall he shoved his hands forward. She'd stuck the dagger in the mortar pretty well; the action only resulted in Q's wrists being bruised. He winced briefly, and bore his teeth, shaking his head as he tried again, the metal of the cuffs only digging into his wrists more. It was becoming less fun, but he wasn't going to give up. This was a challenge he would overcome.

He resorted to panting through his mouth of course; he was still excited but now he was becoming impatient. He looked up, his mouth open. Q he finally thought well enough to contort his hands in a way so they at least somewhat held the hilt of the dagger(though it wasn't comfortable in the slightest) and with a beastly growl pulled it out of the wall with one shot, dropping it at the end of his arch and bending over to pant and recover.

The hardest part was done. His tail began wagging in small semicircles as a grin grew upon his face. It was time for the much more fun and easy part of this challenge. He took a jaunty step at first, unsure if he should run.
No, he thought to himself. He should make her wait too. It was probably just as agonizing for her to wait as it was for him.

Q crossed the road, as in front of the hotel building they were in had a small park. No doubt she was in there; he'd seen her run toward it, though he knew she would've altered her path somewhere down the line. Still, the park was where she would be.

He briefly went to the left side, before he corrected himself and went to the right instead. He did a few zig zags, stopping every now and then to listen for clues. Not even two minutes later he found her crouching behind a bush. He gave a small, almost malicious chuckle through his grin and raised his arms so he could pounce on the woman.

He probably wouldn't land on her; really, he wanted to land on his shoulder beside her. His hands weren't of much use in their current state. Pleasurably numb, in fact.
Once he landed, after a brief wince his grin would widen and through a small laugh, congratulating him of his own small victory, he'd say "Bonjour, Mi amore."

His tail would wag again in it's semicircles. Q was almost like a small child now; he was waiting for a pat on the head.
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Anasti gave Mario one of those half-sarcastic smiles, but was almost bowled over as Shea rushed into the room, the chesty secretary leaping into the obviously side batting designer.

"Mario, Dahlin'!" she said, incorporating his own accent into her voice as she reclined in his arms, her own around his neck. "It's been too long! You absolutely HAVE to come down to my apartment this weekend and go clubbing with me!" she exclaimed. Leaning in to whisper in his ear, she said, "Besides. You know that leather uniform of mine? Its ripped again, and Mr. Marino wants me to entertain some clients tonight? Think you can do a patch job for me, hun?", before sliding out of his arms and back over to Anasti who had watched the whole exchange with an interested look on her passive face.

"Sounds like you are the man for the job, Mario." she grinned. "I'll need 7 satchels identical to these sewn into the seams on the left side of the apron. Two of them need to have a shank knot worked in for quick opening in case of an emergencies, and two more need to be lined with aluminum to house liquid poisons." As she explained the specifics of the compartments, she stripped off her skirt, revealing that her part net/part material shirt actually extended into a bodysuit that fit snugly to her body and covered the essentials but that was about it, as it rose to a thong in the back was extremely complimentry of her long legs in thier striped stockings. "Don't worry, the compartments are empty." she gave Mario a wink.

"I'll take you down to the lab then, Miss Anasti? I'll arrange to have your clothes and hair dye sent to your chambers, unless you'd like to change?" she motioned to Anasti's outfit. The hybrid gave a shrug. "Its not neccessary." she replied and before she could snap her fingers, the girl had grabbed her arm, given Mario a parting wave, and led her out into the elevator once more.

Shameless Gawker

Cassandra didn't bother to move out of the way, half catching his pounce on her and using it to roll with and pin him down. It seemed like it took him forever to find him. No matter. She would keep making it harder on him. She'd never been much for a tease, but was finding she got a great kick out of doing it to this boy.

"What a good job... " Her hands found there way down to his belt, fishing it off. She purposefully ripped the button off, busting the zipper. She then continued to kiss and bite at his face roughly before pushing herself off. "Now let's see if you can find me faster."

Mario hugged the girl tight. She was such a sweetie, though sometimes he wished she was used like she was by Marino, he understood the business.

"Ah, I know this great place down Freemont, you'll loooove it!" He merely nodded at the rest of the statement. It wouldn't be the first time he'd had to patch up her work. Marino was too rough on the sweet thing.

Mario of course didn't bat an eye at the woman. He'd seen women in less, all it did for him was thrill him with ideas of what to dress them in. He loved a good challenge though, and this was going to be great to sew something like this.

"Honey, it's as good as done."


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Q's eyes brightened behind his sunglasses when she caught him and rolled ontop of him. He would've yipped like a puppy in delight if the nervousness of still being outside weren't still biting away at the edges of his mind.

He didn't resist her when she ripped off his belt. His breathing was faster now than it had been before and of course he wanted so much more. When she ran away again, he almost became frustrated. "No, no...!" he whined as she got up and left him there.

Q grunted and pushed himself up, though his face contorted to an uncomfortable look. His wrists were one of the weaker parts of him, and them being shackled together added to the difficulty of what should have been simple things.

Once he was up, though, he was up, and this time he didn't hesitate. He stopped briefly once to scan the area, but this time he didn't walk toward her, he jogged. His tail had slowed slightly, and Q held his pants in the front of him when he needed to. When he reached Cassandra he didn't pounce again, he stood and looked down at her. He still had the hints of a smile and his tail was still wagging, though it was no longer raised; it simply swatted from side to side at a quick pace. Q breathed through his nose and while he still was in the mood, it was waning quickly. Without much physical contact, Q couldn't stay up. Plus, the elements of being in a populated area worked against them both.

It was fun, sure, but too much more of the hide and seek would result in Q realizing he was simply being demoralized, and that would only make the situation worse for Cassandra.
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The elevator dinged open on the 15th floor, this time no corridor or hallway awaited them. Instead, a second set of double doors set directly outside of the elevator's and it was into a small slot on the leftmost of these that Shea now stepped forward and slid an ID card. The doors dinged softly and a rush of cool air mixed with the bitter scent of disinfectants accompanied a cool, almost musically robotic voice.

Welcome to the Marino Laboratory. Please watch your step while entering the disinfectant chamber and make sure to remove all metal jewelry before entering the Sanctum. Thank you.

Shea walked straight into what appeared to be a large, completly spherical room that was made of translucent glass and Anasti hastened to follow her. The doors slid shut behind them and she watched the busty secretary began to remove her jewelry as a soft, slightly pink-hued mist hissed into the room through several vents that had opened in the ceiling. "Don't worry, Miss Anasti, it isn't poison. The scientists here at the Marino Laboratory deal with several very delicate projects, so it is neccessary to disinfect anyone who is coming in from the outside. Also, I would recommend that you remove any metallic objects or piercings that you have." she paused, giving an obvious look at the hybrid's daggers which she reluctantly unstrapped and removed from thier holders at her waist. "There are very powerful magnets in the next room and I've seen more then one person have thier ear ripped from thier head by refusing to remove an earring. All of your personal can be placed in this box and will be available for you whenever you leave the Laboratory." she passed the box over to Anasti who felt a more then a little apprehensive about leaving her last line of defense in a box while she worked, but the need for the poison outweighed her reluctance and she dropped both her daggers, and her several other piercings into the box just as the mist finally cleared and the previously unseen door on the far side of the bubble room slid open.

Stepping inside, Shea brought Anasti over to a nearby group of men bent over a microscope and peering inside excitedly. One of them turned to greet the two woman as they approached and Anasti started with recognition. Shea smiled.

"I believe you already know the Doctor?"

Shameless Gawker

Cassandra grinned at him.

"Much better. Maybe I should reward you for that one." She reached over and tugged on the leg of his pants, pulling them down so he was left standing in his boxers. She leaned back for a minute enjoying the sight.

She pulled a thin dagger from the back of her head, out of her braid, and moving to her knees in front of him dragged it up and broke the thread on all his buttons, opening up his shirt. She then made her way up, biting at his flesh as she stood and pulled him out of his spot, taking his pants from his ankle. She took the belt and tightened it around his legs, groping at his thighs as she did it.

"This time, you get to keep whatever you catch." And she meant it. She just wanted one last time to string him along before spending the rest of the night making it up to him.

Doc grinned, looking odd with his hair pulled up and back, and more normal, lab appropriate clothing on. With a goofy wave he moved toward her.

"Why Anasti! What a nice surprise to see you! And not purple!" He laughed loudly. Though he did look back over his shoulder and wave the others he was with to move on.


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Q's tail quickened when Cassandra mentioned 'reward'. When she pulled down his pants, he was thinking completely different thoughts of what she would do. His breath became hasty when she dragged the dagger up all his shirt buttons, leaving it to hang haphazardly on his broad shoulders, displaying the his very effeminate silver heart with green gem inside. He probably would've been embarrassed if he had not been so turned on.

When she backed away from him, though. He became extremely self-conscious. They were still in a park, there were still other people around, and he was still very nervous about it. His tail froze mid-wag. "Wait..." He whispered, his mouth turning to a frown as he held his breath. She wasn't going to run away again, was she?

No, she did something much worse. Although he was temporarily derailed from his embarrassment by her groping, when she stepped away again, his brows creased and his frown deepened. His tail slowly dropped between his legs and Q suddenly felt very cold. He wasn't annoyed or angry, no. The primal part of him felt abandoned, and he was hurt by that.

Though the prospect of having his way with the woman excited him, his nakedness in public had very real consequences right now. The human part of him had left the building, as it were, and the only thing left was a puppy who had lost loving, adoring, mother.

He gave cursory looks around him, though his head didn't move. Because of his sunglasses, he would appeared to have simply been waiting. Q gave out a slight whine and crouched down like a frog, using his cuffed hands to hide the embarassment in his boxers.
"Please?" it was high pitched. Q's normal voice almost rivaled the range of a woman's who could sing tenor. Dogs were high pitched, and part of the reasons he had begun to smoke was to deepen his voice. Though in times of high stress, of course his tendons would stress and reveal the part of him Q defined himself as: just a dog.

No, Q wasn't budging on this one. Cassandra has overestimated Q's courage. It had dragged on for far longer than Q was comfortable with. Perhaps if it were in a private area she would've succeeded, but not here - not with people around. Not with humans judging his moves.

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