Welcome to Gaia! ::

Which will you chose if you could?

Digi Destined 0.37837837837838 37.8% [ 14 ]
Digi Tamer 0.16216216216216 16.2% [ 6 ]
Digimon - Good 0.081081081081081 8.1% [ 3 ]
Digimon - Evil 0.18918918918919 18.9% [ 7 ]
The cupcake ^-^ 0.18918918918919 18.9% [ 7 ]
Total Votes:[ 37 ]
< 1 2 3 ... 14 15 16 >

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10 year old Sai Flashback

Sai looked around the village and saw little white creatures picking up food from the ground and taking them to a small pond and washing them off. He wondered what they were and what they were doing. "Hey Tsunemon, What are those things?" He asked. Tsunemon jumped up and Sai caught him. "Well they are Digimon just like me but they are Bokomon." Sai laughed and said they were cool. He went up to the group, "Hey Guys, do you need any help?"

Sai looked around and saw that they were picking up vegetables and meat off the ground and washing them off so they could eat. He thought that they were the coolest thing he has seen, besides Tsunemon. So is this how all of the digiworld is like? He thought to himself. If it is I would like to come here everyday and just explore.

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
What's the point...

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The Crest of Darkness


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Ice Doll was glad she had made it back in time to not throw suspicion even more and yet she knew she would have to follow Lord Devidramon's orders soon. Yet she was enjoying herself and wished it to continue, however like all good things it must come to a end. Before Ice Doll could respond she felt a bump and looked down towards someone who made her eyes widen some. How did he find her, that stupid bat digimon was ruining her cover but a shiver traced her spine to the digi portal he flew from. Devidramon was upset and at her of all people, what did she do wrong. Listening to Demidevimon she tensed to Shinji and Candlemon, they did it they got her in trouble. Anger swelled inside her lessening the light till the crest well hidden had darkened once more.

Hearing Candlemon's attack she lifted her left hand as a vortex of black feathers almost like a raven's swarmed around her and Demidevimon to protect him from the strike. Now they were attacking her and Demidevimon, they weren't friends.
"Friend, who said anything about being friends. Your just a digi destined I failed to steal the crest from or even corrupt. The girl too I failed to take hers as well it seems, no matter we will return to destroy you and your friends soon. I miscalculated my plans." As the feathers fell from the barrier wall she grabbed Demidevimon harshly before walking for the portal knowing he waited on the other side. What possessed her to keep from stating Monmon failed as well baffled her as she stretched at Demidevimon's head some as she had before.

As the feathers fell fully she stopped at the portal refusing to look back towards the two.
"Instead of me, someone else needs you more. Honestly what kind of friend leaves their first friend alone on a island just for a pretty face. When we meet again Shinji I will inform you the name I go by and then you and those who stand against my Master will die" 'This is for the best...isn't it? Blank wine colored eyes stared emotionless towards Demidevimon as she had spoke before stepping into the portal which closed behind her. Standing in the dark a moment she felt it pull at her corrupting her more while images of her pained past ensured within her vision only.

"Demidevimon.... if you could have anything, what would you want?" Resuming her walk she sensed the aura of Devidramon and flinched absently before walking. If she could have at least one wish, it would be to erase all that pained her and confused her. To be an actual doll that felt nothing at all and yearned for nothing as well. Ice Doll exited the closing portal with Demidevimon in her clutches as if holding a doll while her gaze never lifted to the larger digimon. "Forgive me, I....I wished to try and do it on my own to show I was capable. But, Lord Devidramon if I may ask....what am I? Am I a digimon, a human, what am I?"

At this tears struck the top of Demidevimon as she then looked up towards Devidramon with tears still falling from her eyes of wine color. She was just too confused, she looked nothing like a digimon, she could not digivolve or speak an attack like they did. But that human boy looked as she had though not act like her and it confused her greatly. No digimon knew what she was and when she tried to remember she was greeted with only broken memories too distorted to make focus on.


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Guarding her is: Icedevimon
Crest Status: Corrupted
Digimon Status:Missing
Who are you talking to? Demidevimon, Shinji, Candlemon

Things would be easier if everyone suffered as well

To whom I truly am...
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Akemi HomuraThe crest user of Light

Daruku Kurokawa
Shinji and Candlemon

Ryu Strife

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
So this is why my sister is lost more in the darkness

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Sanosuke Niwa

The Crest of Patience


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Sanosuke questioned Strabimon's behavior before turning towards the four upon hearing Mr.S earning a sheepish look and faint blush to taint his face. "You may thank my partner over there for such a name, said it would sound cooler to be secretive in my name. Though my name is Sanosuke, my partner is known as Strabimon a rookie level digimon. I am also the digi destined of Patience, but since my crest has not reacted towards you both it would mean you two are not other destined though still important. Sorry, um Magnadramon requested we assist her in helping rid the abundance of darkness recently building on selective islands. Mainly this one as it holds the looks to be a new base of operations".

Sanosuke was not one to be a leader yet he figured if Magnadramon held faith in his abilities he would have to hold strong for the time being. Rubbing the back of his head some to ruffle the soft spike crimson locks that stuck out in various places he was unaware his crest had sparked to a faint glow as if sensing another destined like himself. Though Strabimon knew as he had moved more from the group to look in the direction he sensed. He wanted it to be Renamon but the feeling did not match that of his twin sister, still a comrade was out their and most likely in danger. He then glanced back to Sanosuke only to spot the glow that only he could see being his digimon and partner.

"Sorry to cut your introductions short but we need to go now, a destined needs us Sanosuke so either take them with us or leave them behind to wait. I sense digimon like myself nearby in that direction, we can not turn a blind eye. It could be them" At his words Strabimon stuck a clawed finger behind him in the previous direction he was looking towards. He knew it was not Akemi and Renamon however he needed to get Sanosuke's focus and dropping the big sister card had always worked. He noticed it had by Sanosuke's look alter a bit as he turned towards the feeling again to sprint off for it.

Sanosuke stood for a moment before walking in the direction ready to sprint off after the faster of the two yet moved to pull out his digi crest from under his shirt noting the light gray gleam around it with his mark showing. It was a sign his crest was active but he knew it meant another was near and in danger.
"Sorry my friend is correct, I'll explain later and answer any questions you two may have but for right now someone needs our assistance. If you two wish to stay it is quite alright, but I need to go help Strabimon and whoever is resonating with my crest". Bowing towards the two he soon dashed off after Strabimon with hopes they would make it in time.

As he ran to try to catch up he thought of what if it was his older sister, could he actually talk to her this time. Would she herself respond and was she cured of her corruption, no something he could not place informed him she was still in need of being rescued. Running through the thick jungle he would have been lost if not for Strabimon waiting for him a top a tree branch before leaping off across the trees to cover more ground. Crimson eyes kept on to the blur of blueish gray rather amazed to how serious he could become. Moments like these reminded Sanosuke on how cool and ninja like his partner appeared, part of him wonder if he and Renamon use to train as such since they did give off that outlook. Sanosuke also wondered if the two followed after him or not.


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Crest Status: Active as Patience
Digimon Status: Rookie-User Image
Who are you talking to? Nitza, Palmon, Sai, Gabumon, and Strabimon

I'll save her, I'll gain her acceptance in my own way

I have a older sister who is a Digi destined... her name is,
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Akemi HomuraThe crest user of Light

Dragoness of Silence
Nitza and Palmon

Hunter R1
Sai and Gabumon

Dedicated Seeker

7,050 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Wall Street 200
To be strong and believe in ones self and convictions...
That's true courage.
Saiga Takeba

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"I know, Lalamon.. I know!" Saiga retorted back towards the plant digimon hastily, it was clear that they both had Tsukiko's best interest in mind. Though burning the trees to scare it away could be bad for them as well if it follow real world logic as the increasing smog would probably choke them all out. Unfortunately all this planning ahead on the spot wasn't the rash teenager's strong suit when in such a pinch of danger at their heels. Soon his digivice began to shine once more as he glanced towards it, Coronamon had been stepping up faster than he was empowering up another attack though at that glance Saiga finally noticed the blank crest slate that illuminated an orange aura. "What the...? It's just like..." the moment he was about to go into a temporary thought process his attention snapped once more as the buzzing from Flymon echoed in the vicinity once again.

"This... This isn't going to be good....." He couldn't help but whisper to himself as he stepped back a few steps feet crunching against the trampled grass with his arms extended across the opening of the cavern the four had cluttered in front of. "I will not... Let anything happen! We will get through this!" fire had been set within his gaze, Coronamon now fully ready as his hands ignited within a blaze by the wristbands.

"It won't get by us! Not easily!" Coronamon stated within its stalwart nature standing firm and as a form of guard alongside Saiga. "Lalamon! Make sure you take good care in protecting, Tsukiko!" at that point the Flymon had started to close in more with Coronamon only running forward within a dash. It truly was a warrior of justice as it was quick to fight without a second though or regret. Once he had made it under the head region of Flymon his elbows would thrust back and his knees bent only to push them upward and stretch out his arms upward as the fire ignited fiercely around his fists "Corona-KNUCKLE!" no sooner it collided into Flymon's face flinging it back some only mildly disorienting it but doing no real major damage.

Once landing on the ground Coronamon jumped back and slid against the dirt some only to have his attention pulled towards the strong feeling... One that was the same Tsukiko and Saiga gave off but not within their direct area. Another user of the crest...? It seemed their luck was piling up on the good side and it was only a matter of time of holding out a bit longer. "Just...A bit longer..! We can hold out.. Just a bit longer, right guys..!?"

Saiga himself couldn't sense the aura of a crest but his own had been wildly glowing with the mixture of his own courage and resonating with Tsukiko's and now this new one now approaching them. "Right! This Flymon doesn't know the resolve of the Flaming Duo!"

Digimon: Coronamon
Crest of Courage: Illuminating
Card Status: Not yet Achieved
Location: Jungle Island - Lost / Near a cavern
With?: Coronamon, Tsukiko & Lalamon
Attackers: Flymon
Digital Outfit:Saiga's 'Digi-World' Outfit

Attack used: Corona-knuckle: Releases continuous punches with its fists heated by the power of flame.

Blade Havok

Dedicated Seeker

7,050 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Wall Street 200
Bokomon - (Flashback Link)

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The entire cleaning crew of the Bokomon stopped and glanced over towards Sai, their heads tilting towards the side trying to determine what this creature was. Surely it couldn't have been a digimon - right? But then again perhaps..... As they dropped their original plans to surround the young boy and poke at his body. Pressing their many small blackened fingers against the creamy flesh of his arm and face constantly prodding the base of their fingers against him before they all leaped back within astonishment "W-what are you!? Such a weird looking digimon!" Many would believe all if not most digimon would be aware of Humans but that wasn't entirely the case. They were no different than humans, if information or knowledge was never imparted onto them by those of the first of their kind and their passed down it'd had been lost until rediscovered.

Soon one in particular stood forth, cane within its hands as a form of walking stick with wrinkles lining over both areas of his eyes. A lengthy beard covered around its mouth with a hunched posture wiggling back forth as he scanned the human boy and then glanced towards Gabumon. "Well.... Don't we have many oddities within the Digital World today...! A Gabumon way out of its lands and even an unknown digimon gracing their presents within our village. To what do we owe such visitation?" While he was a friendly Bokomon, his age had also caused him to be cautious and protective of his flock, especially with ones uncommon towards the area. Though through his mind he attempted to shift and re-evaluate what this new form of creature could be swearing that he could remember the correct name and phrase and yet due to his aged years the data of his memories were easily slipped and deleted.

Hunter R1

Distinct Hunter

1,450 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Nudist Colony 200
  • Signature Look 250
Didn't believe it at first .. until I saw Palmon and my digivice..

Nitza Mori

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Nitza blinked quietly upon reaching her partner's side, seeing how young Mr. S was and was later confirmed of him being the one. She smiled softly towards the boy, hearing before blinking as she reached turned and flipped her sketchbook to a clean sheet of paper. 'To think the one who would allow me entrance to the digital World to be young .. and a bit of a cutey .. but I am here now .. and will follow him' she thought to herself as she wrote quietly on three pages. Palmon blinked quietly to the boy and waved her leave like hand, "You will have to be .. patient with my partner .. she doesn't speak .." the plant digimon informed though let out a soft giggle of sort, telling the digi destine of Patience to be patient. She turned to face Sai and Gabumon, thinking back to his worrds when they running, "Nitza explained .. he was the one that allowed us in .. and he is the leader or gatherer of the Tamers " the plant digimon tried to be less scolding to him this time.

Nitza blinked quietly, noting that Sai and Gabumon were behind her but she turned to Sanosuke, turning the book for him to read.
"Hello my name is Nitza .. and this is my partner Palmon, also a rookie digimon .." she waited quietly before turning the page and flipping the book. ".. I am the digimon Tamer you have e-mailed .. and I gather only one other .. Sai and his partner, Gabumon .." she held a soft smile as she waited for him to read before tuning the book a third time, something she was accustomed to before being given a tablet, which appeared to not work in this realm. ".. I will be more then happy to give my assistance in anyway possible .. to help save the world of my partner." giving a smile on the final page before lowering her book. she turned to see Strabimon away from the group, but didn't seem to mind asking why.

Nitza blinked to the sudden words of the the fox-like digimon, tilting her head before looking the direction he pointed, keeping quiet. Palmon turned to look as well, blinking as both watched Strabimon take off in a sprint. The plant digimon turned to Sanosuke next, giving the reply without giving time for partner to write a reply. "We will go help you .. Nitza said before coming that will help whoever let us in .." the plant digimon called out to the running boy before turning to her partner. Nitza blinked quietly, watching the boy chase after his digimon before turning to smile, rubbing her digimon's head, showing she was happy with her reply before turning to Sai, writing down on her book before turning it to him.
"I'm sorry .. Sai .. I am not sure what you will do but .." she waited quietly for the boy and his digimon to read before turning the book and flipping the page. ".. I am going to go help Sanosuke and Strabimon .. and the other digi-destined in trouble.." she held the book, blinking quietly, waiting the usual time frame before turning the book once more. "..if we are to part ways here .. sorry .. maybe we can meet again .. bye new friend .." she held a smile before closing her book and putting it away in her bag, before waving to the boy and Gabumon. She turned quietly, patting Palmon, who waved goodbye as well, on the gently before both taking off after Sanosuke and Strabimon into the jungle once more.

.. what kind of destiny will be in line for me .. am I to help ..

Location: Clearing of a Jungle Island, in the Digital World
Digimon: Palmon
Communicating with: Palmon, Sanosuke, Strabimon, Sai and Gabumon
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Sai tried to understand of what was happening but it went all too fast. He understood That they had just met a guy named Sanosuke and his Digimon Strabimon. Sanosuke left to help another Digidestined with Strabimon and Nitza and Palmon followed him. Sai looked at Gabumon. "What do you suppose we do? Do you want to follow them?" he asked. Gabumon looked up at Sai and nodded, "Yes I believe that we need to help as much as we can, since we weren't able to help a lot the few times we had been here since I was only my In-Training form, Tsunemon." Sai nodded and thought for a moment. He then Ran off to follow Nitza, Palmon, Sanosuke and Strabimon.

Bokomon village 6 years ago.

Sai watched them stop working and all of them crowded around him and start poking him."Hey stop that tickles!" He said but then they had called him a digimon and Sai was confused. Why are they calling me a digimon? he thought to himself. Soon an old Bokomon came forward and talked about oddities and unkown digimon and Tsunemon. Sai put down Tsunemon and went up to the Elder Bokomon and bowed. "Sir I am not a digimon and I do not know why I am here. Me and Tsunemon came through our computer here to the digital word and ended up here at your village. You see I am a human and Tsunemon is my digimon Partner. I am a digimon Tamer, but I can not do alot of taming because Tsunemon is only an In-Training Level digimon so I need to wait for him to digivolve so we can fight and become stronger. But we came to the Digiworld to explore.

Dedicated Friend

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User Image""The two ran like track stars and had created a pretty good distance between DexDorugamon and they selves. Shin slows down as he looks behind himself and didnt see DexDorugamon anymore. "Whoa, Whoa...I think we lost him" Shin says while putting his hand up to signal Agumon to slow down. The two stop for a moment to catch they're breath. "Your pretty fast with those stubby dinosaur legs of yours. But ya still was slowing me down." Agumon falls on its bottom and trys to hit Shin with a comeback "Well...*pant*...*pant*...Ah forget it!" Shin and Agumon then laugh at each other. But they're so thought victory would be short lived.

A large shadow covered the duo and just then a massive dust cloud raised as their predator landed. "s**t!!" slipped out Shin's mouth. "Ya know I forgot he could fly.." "Not now Agumon..." The two took a few steps back as the metal winged beast towered them. "What to do...What to do?!" were the words that echoed though Shin's head. His red eyes shifted to Agumon then back at DexDorugamon. "There's no way Agumon can take this guy....wait" He then remember back when they were in the lecture hall. "Koromon turned into Agumon when I was in danger...So maybe Agumon can turn into something and take this guy..." Shin then was pushed back a bit by DexDorugamon sniffing him. "Still very still Shin. Maybe if we play dead he'll go away" Shin's right eye twitched. "He's not a BEAR, You dummy!" Shin blurted out while still being sniffed. Shin makes a fist and cocks back his right arm. Agumon's eyes widen. "Shin! DONT!!!" "Get outta my FACE!" Everything seemed to slow down as Shin's fist rocketed towards the nose of DexDorugamon. And just as Shin's fist was about to slam into the undead digimon's nose something happened.

Hey, you metallic-tin-head!” Shin's fist stops only inches away. "What?!" "Hu?" The duo were about to turn around as they did they heard another voice. “Blinding Ray!” And the whole area was filled with an blinding light. The light show got Shin and Agumon dazed a bit. Shin then felt a soft hand grad his wrist. “Come with me if you want to live. Kidding. Still, let's get out of here.” He couldnt see but his ears could tell this was a female. "Did she just quote Terminator? She sounds hot too" he thought as Agumon and he nodded as the girls words. They get pulled by their female savior and her light blinding friend. The four escaped DexDorugamon by hiding out inside a bush-like cave. Shin's eyes were still trying to adjust as he kept rubbing them. The other thing he could make out about the girl was that she had long pink hair. "Thanks for saving us. I'm Agumon and this is my best friend Shin Muramasa!" Shin sighed at Agumon's intro. "Stupid dinosaur...Real smooth.." he thought as he vision started to come back. He hit Agumon in the back of the head. Agumon grabs his head as tears forms from his eyes "Quiet you!" Shin then looks at the pink hair girl as he runs his hand though his hair giving her his smooth cool guy smile. "Hello beautiful" he said all smooth like as a shine came from his pearly white teeth.

Mood...;; MR.Cool
Place...;; Its official, I'm in the Digital World
Company...;; Agumon, Zombie-dinosaur-robot guy, Pink haired Chick, White Snake thing.

Crest Status...;; I dont know. But I did get that tag thing around my neckXXX Digimon Status;; Rookie Form = Agumon тнємє;; Deep Trouble switched to Too Cool Shin Muramasa The Quoted...;;

Blade Havok

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Digimon Attacks Used *

Out Of Cookies: Well I hope this post is good enough lol Like always guys if ya need me to edit or change anything let me know! Oh yeh, Hey Blade you are more then welcome to take control of Shin in your posts if you let ^__^ Makes the post more realistic

Dedicated Seeker

7,050 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
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  • Wall Street 200
Messenger of - OUCH!(NPC)

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Demidevimon had glanced towards the attacked Candlemon as its lime green irises were stretched out from the widening pupils. "Aiie- Eh?!?!" It had already yelped out in surprise from the sudden attack and yet... He found himself alive!? The suddenly closed eyes of Demidevimon had flickered open to see a form of feathers spiraling around himself and Ice Doll soon which soon had his mouth Agape "You...You...." his scratchy voice seemed to tremble in confusion. He had always been the whipping boy, the one Devidramon, Ice Devimon, Arukenimon and even Ice Doll had pained and tortured and yet... While the others sat and watched his pain and defeat after defeat occur, Ice Doll had voluntarily saved them both. The feeling of confidence in Ice Doll had spiked up within his eyes even through the admittance of failure of tainting the two crests as he began to kick himself mentally for ever doubting the Doll.

Once within Ice Doll's grip he'd shift his face towards the two sticking his tongue out and then soon the two would be gone from sight, vanishing into the corrupted data which had not been closed off. Though not without Ice Doll's usual torture of his face "Aiiieeee!!! That huuuurts!!!!" Demidevimon started to shake his face of the pain a bit until she had stopped stretching it out like it had been aluminum foil. But her question had been an odd remark... Something that he had to admit he had never thought about in his time of existence "I couldn't say.... I don't... Really have ambitions....I guess to be treated right once in a while! What I do is hard work!"

However, once they were before Devidramon a sense of actual pity wove within the bat-like digimon as the tears of Ice Doll pattered against the top of his head soaking his mask and soon the tear drops slide down in within a zig-zagged fashion down his own cheeks. What were these...? Glancing up towards Ice Doll he'd shake his head not wanting to hear such saddened laments.

Soi Fon_2421
Ice Doll

Daruku Kurokawa
Shinji & Candlemon

Devidramon, Scion of Deceit (NPC)

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Devidramon had been waiting on the other side seething so much in anger that even smoke seemed to ventilate from his nostrils. The multi-red-eyed dragon digimon seemed only glare upon the two arrivals his body hunched over and the blood red talons scrapping against the ground by his tips. Soon his body seemed to dash out and stop short to sniff Ice Doll, the stench of light had been welling up within her as a creature of pure darkness it was easy to tell when his own corruption had slowly started to become undone once more. "What is this!? Tears and the stench of light?! And yet...."

He snarled the moment tears flowed down her face and then the nerve of her to question whom she was to him? Was she having thoughts after all he had offered? "How.. Dare you!? After everything I have given and offered towards you, Ice Doll!? I take the pain and allow you to take up the defense to fight for Renamon's sake and you come back like this!?" leaning back onto his hooked hind-legs the enraged dragon digimon grasped Demidevimon and tossed him towards the side leaving the bat-like creature spinning and rolling on the floor a bit screaming in shock and dizziness.
Soon the two massive crimson talons lifted and stretched deep within Ice Doll's body once more as the corrupted data soon started to replace the light within once more in a very agonizing effect. "Remember! Whom ever made you question yourself, whom ever made you consider this... 'Light' is your enemy. What form of ally would allow you to slick deeper into a place to be hurt again! To doubt yourself, Ice Doll!?"

Devidramon's continued speech moved on as his talons shifted within once more causing the Crest of Light to be coated with the essence of Darkness once again. "We are your family, your friends, those who are truly helping you.... To get your revenge for Renamon and to get her back from that filthy, Angewomon."

Omnipresent Phantom

11,300 Points
  • Clambake 200
  • Nudist Colony 200
  • Sausage Fest 200
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                                    "You know you di..." Shinji stopped his words and put his hand on candlemon's mouth in case he wanted to finish or say something. "Next time, you're going down wuss! you and your lord, stupid bat!" He said about her, he implied if there was no one controlling her she would be back to normal, those feathers she used must be some kind of control or connection she has with her lord, a human can not use data to perform attacks like that. Candlemon wanted to go after them but Shinji shook his head.

                                    Once they were gone he walked to where the portal was and examined the area. "What kind of digimons can create portals? I can just of mega level digimons..." Candlemon looked down at the feathers she left on the floor. "Some few ultimate can too."

                                    "She had the chance to do something, yet she stayed and acted normally like any girl would, even know, she ight only be able to defend herself but why not use demidevimon, you are at the same stage. Yet she escaped, she doesn't wanna fight us for a reason, that's why I shut myself and yourself, maybe she was trying to act tough with that bat in front of her. However she was right in something, we need to find Mel, she must be with Monmon but... I do not know, we clearly need to protect the digital world from digimons... how do we know if they are good or bad?"

                                    Candlemon didnt know what to say. Instead he just walked to shinji and he picked it up walking towards the beds where he sat to chat chat a little with his digimon, talking about tomorrow's plan. Candlemon asked him if he was angry with her or something and he shook his head, he also explained how people is in the digital world. "The only way to show people how to be friends with someone is to be a real friend yourself towards everyone else. You can not afford to hold grudges, that hurts your soul so why not forgive? everyone has a reason, a situation in life which makes him act like that... well there's some twisted, sick people as well and they are what society thinks of bad but the are mentally unstable thats all, however they do bad things and they must be punished, more or less like demidevimon and maybe their lord."

                                    User Image

                                    Digimon: Candlemon Crest: Partially Active Card Status: N/A
                                    Location: Digiworld_ Ice Island With: Candlemon, Kiyomi/Akemi, annoying bat Demidevimon.
                                    Soi Fon_2421
                                    Ryu Strife
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E V A♥♥C H A R L O T T E♥♥L E W I S
_t h ec r e s to f h o p e_

Digimon: Lunamon
Crest: There's this gap here, though.
Card: But I can get better!
Location: Bokomon village.
Company: Lunamon, Shino . . . kun? Ur, Haguru-san and the Bokomon.

              Hearing Shino speak about the device's capabilities, Eva nodded, a grin gracing her face. She looked at the yellow and white tool with all the more interest. She faced Lunamon, who was still nestled close to her. The rabbit looked up in return, blinking in questioning manner.

              "Say cheese!" The blonde smiled, holding her Digivice like one would hold a camera.

              Lunamon squinted, unsure what action to take. The girl's words were cryptic, for the digimon had never heard such a phrase before. Thus, Lunamon merely stood in her spot while her partner gathered information on her. Like what occurred moments ago, the Japanese characters seemed to fragment in a split-second glitch, before transforming into the English language that she knew so well.

              The Digi-vice showed that Lunamon's vitals were completely fine.

              Recovering from that perplexing moment, the data digimon returned to her conversation with Hagurumon, just as Eva continued speaking with Shino. However, Lunamon would that she did not have much to say. She still was a bit of a recluse, the type to delve into silence, as opposed to riveting exchanges of wit. However, she couldn't help, but feel a bit envious of Hagurumon. The rabbit had only been acquainted with Eva for a few hours, while the gear creature had known his partner for a month.

              "Oh, my theory is confirmed then. Mr. Shino is, and Eva is also one. May I ask about this 'investigation'?"

              Having heard Lunamon's quiet statement, along with Shino's belief that she was a Digi-destined, Eva smiled feebly, her eyes turned down-cast. However, those actions lasted only a second, for the teen looked back up with a bright grin. There was a something a bit iffy with the older man's words, though. The girl had assumed Shino was Japanese. Wouldn't that mean he followed the culture for the most part? Although the girl wasn't privy on all the aspects of Japanese etiquette, she was quite certain, due to copious amounts of anime and manga, that a lack of honorifics between two people meant that those involved shared an extremely close, personal relationship. Why in the world, then, was Shino allowing Eva to do so, when they had just met? The girl was incredibly confused. Was her whole life a lie? Had her precious anime/manga been lying to her all along? Oh man. Did she even know anything at all?

              In the midst of her mini crisis, Shino had continued speaking. His words froze her into surprise. It took her a second, after seeing his smirk, to see that he was joking. She couldn't quite understand, however, why the green-haired male would joke about such a thing. Considering her apprehension and her lack of understanding of the Digital world, the teen didn't think a person being eaten by a digimon could be funny. In fact, the thought that a digimon could even do that, would do that, had never occurred to her until now.

              The idea placed itself in the back of her mind; along with her need to find a way back to the human world (it had not occurred to her, not yet, that if Shino had made his way into this realm, he could have possibly found a way to get out).

              Not wanting to simply stare at Shino in awkward shock, the girl turned to awkward, rather forced, laughter. "Ahahaha . . . ha. That's great. Just great . . . Cool. Knowedge is power. Power to ya', man."

              Eva was ever-so-thankful that Shino had taken the second to speak with the Elder. In the meanwhile, the foreign exchange student huffed out a breath of worry and rested a hand on the top of her black hat. This whole place was getting to her. She just wanted to get back to Japan. She was supposed to go to Akihabara today, for Pete's sake! The newest volume of Until Death Do Us Part was simply calling out to her! What if she missed the newest episode of Blood Lad? She said she'd Skype'd her mom.

              With that horrifying realization, the blonde quietly gasped to herself.

              "Would you like to come with me? I was asked to go and investigate some nearby ruins. The elder said he doesn't know what lies inside but it can be useful if it is some kind of treasure."

              "Huh?" What was he talking about? Oh wait, those ruins.

              "Ruins? Uh . . ."

              What should she do?

              The girl glanced down. She spotted Lunamon nodding at her, urging her to follow through with the college student's plans. Well, it seemed like one of the two was willing.

              Should she go?

              If Shino was a Digi-Destined, then he probably had a better chance of leaving this world then a village of Digimon who didn't stray far from the land they knew of. Then again, nobody seemed to know much about the ruins. It could be highly dangerous. Her thoughts trailed back to the whole "Scorpiomon eating Rowan" joke.

              If she stayed, well . . . It wouldn't be problematic. Wait, hadn't the Elder said that Bokomon were disappearing mysteriously from the village?

              Eva grinned.

              ". . . Sure. We'll go. Why not?"

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Tipsy Werewolf

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What's the point...

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The Crest of Darkness


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Ice Doll had flinched to his words and yet due to her crest had glared up towards him upon Demidevimon being flicked off. She recalled his words to her question and had wondered if she was cruel. Without thinking she set her left hand on her hip and pointed the right up towards Devidramon in a scolding fashion. However as she looked towards him one would note the wine color change to lilac in her heated gaze and her ivory white hair beginning to gray slowly towards black in areas a top her head. "How dare you treat Devidramon like that, you apologize right now. Honestly it amazes me how well he puts up with you and everyone here without finding a way to poison us. Since I've been here you have yet to give me news on Renamon's location."

As she went to leave she watched and heard him before tensing in sheer pain from his talons phasing into her body. Soon lilac eyes widen to mere specs within the white of her eyes as she unleashed a pained scream as if her mind and body was being ripped apart from the inside out. Within her mind a girl with raven black hair that swayed about her in the darkness, her eyes had remained shut as she curled to place her hands over her ears. Akemi could hear the voice of Devidramon echo about the darkness and soon she succumbed to it. 'Renamon....that's right Angewomon put her in such a state. She took away Renamon's egg and harmed my uncle. Shinji...he works for her in a way, all of the destined are my enemies? I just wish to forget, leave me alone, don't come near me'

As Ice Doll screamed out in pain and agony the lilac glowed to resume wine color while her hair resumed its ivory color. Something was becoming distant again as the darkness consumed her she no longer could make out the memories or voices in her head. It was just silent and endless in darkness, when the claws left her she had collapsed sinking to sit on her knees with eyes more doll like then alive. The light in them had dimmed away ans she seemed more a shell of something not her. That's right, she was a doll and a doll was not one to harbor such things, she was the Crest of darkness who was being ignored by the others. Her digi partner was to be sacrificed as a defect because they wouldn't accept her.

Slowly Ice Doll stood with the vacant look still in her wine colored eyes.
"I will resume my role in destroying or corrupting the digi destined. I must return to the isle MadLeomon is on, he will be my puppet in such a task. I need to redeem myself to such failures, allow me another change my Master". Despite her state she was still the digi destined of light, even in the darkness she mentally could see a dim speck of light yet could not make it out. Ice Doll did not know it was Akemi floating in the darkness ignoring all around her with eyes tightly shut and hands concealing the noise about her.


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Guarding her is: Icedevimon
Crest Status: Corrupted
Digimon Status:Missing
Who are you talking to? Devidramon

Things would be easier if everyone suffered as well

To whom I truly am...
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Akemi HomuraThe crest user of Light

Ryu Strife
Demidevimon and Devidramon

Dedicated Seeker

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MadLeomon, "King" of the Boko(NPC)

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As the dark spire jammed through MadLeomon's chest it slowly began to assimilate and change the undead lion digimon. The last grip of sanity that had been keeping it somewhat intelligent had been completely ripped away as if it held no meaning this unfortunately also meant that it had been let loose upon a grand rampage across the island. Smashing its massive fists into the spires and tossing them aside along with great strength that caused the once uprooted to break and crack. Bokomon whom were imprisoned quickly bolted away in terror taking this opportune moment to run back towards their home village.

MadLeomon, however, with this new state of image with reddened hair, massive claws and barely any leather based apparel attached to its purplish body began its sluggish march towards the Ruins. "Graaaaaaaaaawaah!!!!" it seemed to bellow out across the field, soon taking its first steps at the entrance of the ruin and then turning towards the outstretched grasslands letting out another powerful roar into the sky. It seemed it was preparing for an all-out battle with just itself as a military force.

Dedicated Seeker

7,050 Points
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Messenger of - OUCH!(NPC)

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Rolling along the floor its eyes held swirls deep within to show its state "Aiiieee....~" the scratchy tone blurred out once more though it did catch Ice Doll's retort back towards Devidramon, was she standing up for him once again but this time against the great and powerful Devidramon!? It seemed this 'Ice Doll' was becoming more of an effect upon Demidevimon than one would have guessed as he quickly hopped onto the stubby hooks for feet to witness the pain caused towards the odd female.

This caused a wincing expression upon its bat-like face not wanting to see this particular one in pain especially not into something so excruciating. Once the process was done he quickly flew up and took root on top of Ice Doll's head "Don't worry boss! I'll watch her! I'll... Make sure she doesn't fudge up again!" though in truth he just wished her to avoid the wrath and pain for another time.

Soi Fon_2421

Devidramon, Scion of Deceit (NPC)

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Snarled as this process took place, the way Ice Doll had spoke towards him took him by surprise causing him to hesitate greatly before his massive talons rummaged around in her Humanoid data stream. Was she scolding him about how he treated his subjects?? No.. He couldn't think like such a way with his prized possession, his Puppet. It will take a bit for him to work with but it just means she needs to be re-educated once more on his way of 'Truth'.

Once the process had been complete Devidramon withdrew his hands and listen to Ice Doll giving a heavy growl towards her "You will get your chance... But keep in mind -whom- your Lord is, whom the one actually helping you out is. " these digidestined were truly pushing the limits with him and so soon. At first he thought it would have been a swell and easy to plan to take out inexperienced tamers and yet.... It became more difficult as the time expanded on. What form of power and potential did these Destined have that far-outweighed the normal? That even himself with all the crooked corners he had taken would need plan b after plan A so constantly now.
"Very well, Demidevimon! You will watch her, make sure she doesn't mess up again! Got it?!"

With that the dark clad dragon digimon turned and made his way to sit back upon his throne. With a face that couldn't hold true expressions it'd be one of looking pissed off and aggravated beyond all degree. His claws settling under its closed maw only staring at his subjects. This constant failure won't be tolerated for much longer.

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