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Which will you chose if you could?

Digi Destined 0.37837837837838 37.8% [ 14 ]
Digi Tamer 0.16216216216216 16.2% [ 6 ]
Digimon - Good 0.081081081081081 8.1% [ 3 ]
Digimon - Evil 0.18918918918919 18.9% [ 7 ]
The cupcake ^-^ 0.18918918918919 18.9% [ 7 ]
Total Votes:[ 37 ]
1 2 3 ... 14 15 16 >

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Profile Skeleton
Crest application
Reserves Profile Skeleton
The ten digi destined
Accepted Tamers
Digi Evolution
Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

User Image


Within this world there has been many unexplained incidents that have occurred across the years. Explosions and destruction that littered the streets damaging the concrete and yet no trace or evidence left behind of what caused it. Often fresh in the minds of the many people across Japan, lingering within many jobs and especially schools. In the past thirty years it has calmed down greatly, rarely ever any ear-shattering or sky-piercing displays though some reports of extremely weird creatures do push to the desk of the Police and Media. However, The occurrences have begun to start up once more, but this time it was more than simple destruction. It was the start of what many will eventually realize of an invasion.

Deep within the Digital World a dark floating citadel hovers across it, Its shadow leaving behind nothing but corruption and taint within its wake as a tall and foreboding figure of a Digimon towers at the top of its largest spire. Warped into a shadow and concealing its very body only the many dark Digimon soldiers that were loyal or forcibly turned to its side leaks across the digital lands. As it expands its arms outward a deep laugh of insanity and dark ambition cackles and only to be followed by an over-powering voice soon after “This world will be mine, Covered in my law and willed to do my bidding. I shall craft an Empire that one has never seen and wipe all that defy and break my law from this world and the next.” as a sound of uncountable voices cheer in many tones both humanoid and in the sound of beasts and often unintelligible grunts.

As the darkness cruises and devours the light and will of many in the Digital World the last surviving 'Sage of Destiny' had enacted the plan known as 'Destined.Exe'. This re-created the nine cards and crests that were needed to purify the essence of the digital world, along with the 'D-Power' Digivices. Each card, crest, and digivice were linked via DNA to a digimon egg that had then been sent off to find the corresponding tamers. By the time it would reach any they'd have made it to the form of Rookie and will be some-what useful to stop this ensuing corruption. The Sage of Fate then unleashed the final step of activating the 'DigiArmor.Exe' which placed the crest-armor eggs in special areas causing an aura to keep away the darkness and offer an asylum for the many escaping digimon until their correct holder reached them. How each would obtain their gift and destiny would be different and perhaps some may get lost on their way... But in times of need risks are expected.

Though in the real-world none were aware of the stalking shadow that flew through the night skies. Watching, keeping tabs for its Dark-master and ready to take out any prey that seemed to be a threat to their plans. Rumors of a grand screech echoing for the last few days have been noted but nothing has been investigated yet.

The subject of 'Digimon' is considered fictional once again in the real world, resulting into only Card Games, Console Games, several MMO's including an Online Card game.

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Profile Skeleton

Crest application
Reserves Profile Skeleton
The nine digi destined
Accepted Tamers
Digi Evolution
Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

The Rules of being here
Uphold them or this will happen to you...

User Image

1. Obey the rules of this Rp along with the rules of the Gaia forums.

2. If you want a romance okay, but keep it PG-13. Any hot steamy moments are mandated to a time skip or I'll delete your post on spot.

3. No drama of stupidity please.

4. Tamers have to follow the Tamer guidelines as well as those playing as digimon.

5. If you remain active myself or Ryu Strife will work on a little stage time for your character. This applies to the Digi destined. Tamers and digimon played characters will also get a little shine time.

6. Only a digi destined can bio digivolve to mega, Tamers can only go to evolve their digimon to Ultimate.

7. Please keep the fights only to the digimon battles not ooc, if you have a issue pm myself (Soi Fon_2421) or Ryu Strife.

8. You are given 3 warnings, after the third I kill your character. Lets not test me okay ^-^

9. No Godmod. If your digimon is hit they dont bounce back up so easily less its a weaker digimon. You as the human harbor no powers. Digimon learn to take a hit.

10. KEEP ACTIVE! I know people have school and work but no one likes a cliff hanger of three weeks. Three days is your time frame of absence, after that you will recieve a pm. Failure to comply will result in character termination, don't worry.....I'll make your death pretty burning_eyes twisted

11. Please pm Ryu Strife if you wish to take on a Digi destined slot. YOU MUST answer the questions listed and be accepted. Title it "Q&A"

12. If accepted Pm Soi Fon_2421 with your digi destined Reserve slot and profile so I may add you with the pm titled: "Ryu said yes". Please note if you lie and I ask Ryu and he claims your name is not in his message list I will not only delete you but not even consider you for the Rp. I hate lyers, point blank scream

13. Those wishing to be a Digimon, please PM me with the title, "Digital Monster".
Those wishing to be a Digital Tamer, please PM me with the title, "Digi Tamer".
Include the titles and your profiles for viewing and acceptance.

14. Make your posts decent please, if you wish to add a photo go ahead but try not to stretch the page okay.

15. Also this will be a semi literate roleplay, no one liners at all! Use " " for speech and Italics for in thought. You do not have to shoot out a seven paragraph story, one or two would be loved. No text talk, no over use of swearing, and no run on sentence. I'm sure we all have our schooling and know our basics.

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Profile Skeleton
Crest Application

Reserves Profile Skeleton
The ten digi destined
Accepted Tamers
Digi Evolution
Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

User Image

Ten Digi Destined

[color=black][b]My location:[/b][/color] [color=POST COLOR 1] ((Where your character lives))[/color]
[color=black][b]My name is:[/b][/color] [color=COLOR POST 2]((Obvious))[/color]
[color=black][b]I am:[/b][/color] ((Age span is between 7 years to 19 years))
[color=black][b]Obviously I am a:[/b][/color] ((Female, Male...pretty simple))
[color=black][b]The Crest I have is:[/b][/color] [color=POST COLOR 1] ((Light,Kindness, Courage, etc. Check the reserves to see whats left [/color]
[color=black][b]How I act:[/b][/color] [color=COLOR POST 2] ((Personality))[/color]
[color=black][b] If I had to pick four likes it would be?:[/color][/b][color=POST COLOR 1]
[color=black][b] However the top four dislikes would have to be:[/color][/b][color=COLOR POST 2]
[color=black][b] My background information:[/b][/color][color=POST COLOR 1] ((Short Bio))[/color]
[color=black][b] My Digital partner is: [/b][/color][color=POST COLOR 2] ((Digimon's name, can be rookie lvl for start point))[/color]
[color=black][b]My appearance:[/b][/color] ((Insert ANIME PIC ONLY, you can url if you want))
[color=black][b]By the way my controller is none other then:[/color][/b][color=COLOR POST 1][u]((Username))[/u][/color]

Digimon Tamers

[color=black][b]My location:[/b][/color] [color=POST COLOR 1] ((Where your character lives))[/color]
[color=black][b]My name is:[/b][/color] [color=COLOR POST 2]((Obvious))[/color]
[color=black][b]I am:[/b][/color] ((Age span is between 7 years to 19 years))
[color=black][b]Obviously I am a:[/b][/color] ((Female, Male...pretty simple))
[color=black][b]The Rank I hold is:[/b][/color] [color=POST COLOR 1] Digi Tamer[/color]
[color=black][b]How I act:[/b][/color] [color=COLOR POST 2] ((Personality))[/color]
[color=black][b] If I had to pick four likes it would be?:[/color][/b][color=POST COLOR 1]
[color=black][b] However the top four dislikes would have to be:[/color][/b][color=COLOR POST 2]
[color=black][b] My background information:[/b][/color][color=POST COLOR 1] ((Short Bio))[/color]
[color=black][b] My Digital partner is: [/b][/color][color=POST COLOR 2] ((Digimon's name, can be rookie lvl for start point))[/color]
[color=black][b]My appearance:[/b][/color] ((Insert ANIME PIC ONLY, you can url if you want))
[color=black][b]By the way my controller is none other then:[/color][/b][color=COLOR POST 1][u]((Username))[/u][/color]


[color=black][b]I realm from the:[/b][/color] [color=green] DigitalWorld[/color]
[color=black][b]I am the Digimon:[/b][/color] [color=COLOR POST 1]((Obvious, Digimon's name))[/color]
[color=black][b]I am a:[/b][/color] ((Female, Male...pretty simple))
[color=black][b]The Rank I hold is:[/b][/color] [color=POST COLOR 2]((Training, Rookie, Ultimate that's it))[/color]
[color=black][b]The way I act is:[/b][/color] [color=COLOR POST 1] ((Personality))[/color]
[color=black][b] If I had to pick three likes it would be?:[/color][/b][color=POST COLOR 2]
[color=black][b] However the top three dislikes would have to be:[/color][/b][color=COLOR POST 1]
[color=black][b] My background information:[/b][/color][color=POST COLOR 2] ((Short Bio))[/color]
[color=black][b]My appearance:[/b][/color] ((Insert DIGIMON PIC ONLY, you can url if you want))
[color=black][b]By the way my controller is none other then:[/color][/b][color=COLOR POST 1][u]((Username))[/u][/color]

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Crest Application
Reserves Profile Skeleton

The ten digi destined
Accepted Tamers
Digi Evolution
Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

User Image

Crest Questions to apply for a spot: Important note: If Ryu Strife is offline or has yet to reply after a ten minute span, feel free to resend this Q&A to myself Soi Fon_2421 with the subject title "Q&A". This way a slot you wish to have will hopefully be obtained by you and your not left waiting.

1. Why does your character have this crest you wish to have? ((Explain what your character is like to be eligible for the desired crest.))

2. What aspects would direct the crest to seek you out?

3. Do you show the trait of your crest? Or is it hidden inside? ((Example: Sora willingly showed her Love for those close to her. Matt struggled with accepting and finding the meaning of a real friend.))

Please send these questions to the owner of this roleplay, Ryu Strife
Title your PM with the subject post "Q&A"

If chosen you will recieve a reply message stating your acceptance and to PM your Digi destine profile to Soi Fon_2421 and to put in the subject, "Ryu said yes"

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Reserves Profile Skeleton
The Ten Digi Destined

Accepted Tamers
Digi Evolution
Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

Reserve Skeleton for the nine digi destined


[b]I realm from:[/b] (City)
[b]I am known as:[/b][color=POST COLOR] ((Name)) [/color]
[img]350x200[/img] ((Anime pic of your character, if you can not fit the choice picture I'll fix it. Use photobucket for re-sizing.))
[b]My crest is[/b]: [color=Crest color]((Put your crest tag))[/color]
[b]My partner is[/b] ((Who is your digimon))
[b]Owner:[/b][color=POST COLOR] ((Username)) [/color]

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
The Ten Digi Destined
Accepted Tamers

Digi Evolution
Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

The Accepted 10
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The Crest of Courage

I realm from: Suginami, Japan
I am known as: Saiga Takeba
User Image
My crest is: Courage
My partner is Coronamon
Owner: Ryu Strife

User Image
The Crest of Friendship

I realm from: Osaka, Japan
I am known as: Shinji Kitamura
User Image
My crest is: Friendship
My partner is Candlemon
Owner: Daruku Kurokawa

User Image
The Crest of Love

I realm from: Tokyo, Japan (Born in the USA in Columbus, Georgia)
I am known as: Shin Muramasa
User Image
My crest is: Love
My partner is Agumon

User Image
The Crest of Sincerity

I realm from: Yokohama, Japan
I am known as: Kimiko Nakamura
User Image
My crest is: Sincerity
My partner is Kudamon
Owner: Blade Havok

User Image
The Crest of Knowledge

I realm from: Sapporo, Japan.
I am known as: Shino Tetsuryu
User Image
My crest is: Knowledge
My partner is A funny gear named Hagurumon.
Owner: Daruku Kurokawa

User Image
The Crest of Reliability

I realm from: Kochi, Japan
I am known as: Melani 'Mel' Kazett
User Image
My crest is: Reliability
My partner is Bearmon
Owner: Sayuriie

User Image
The Crest of Hope

I realm from: Nakano, Japan (Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts)
I am known as: Eva Lewis
User Image
My crest is: Hope
My partner is Lunamon
Owner: AzurexLight

User Image
The Crest of Light

I realm from: Kyoto, Japan
I am known as: Akemi Homura
User Image
My crest is: Light
My partner is:Renamon
Owner: Soi Fon_2421

User Image
The Crest of Kindness

I realm from: Suginami, Japan
I am known as: Tsukiko Takeba
User Image
My crest is: Kindness
My partner is Lalamon
Owner: Blade Havok

User Image
The Crest of Patience

I realm from: New York City, USA.... Moved to Kyoto, Japan
I am known as: Sanosuke Niwa
User Image
My crest is: Patience
My partner is Strabimon
Owner: Soi Fon_2421

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Accepted Tamers
Digi Evolution

Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

User Image

Accepted Tamers and their digimons

My location:Tokyo
My name is: Sai
The Rank I hold is: Digimon Tamer
My Digital partner is: (going old school) Gabumon
My appearance:Sai
By the way my controller is none other then: HunterR1


My Location: Tokyo, Japan
My name is: Nitza Mori
The Rank I hold is: Digi Tamer
My Digital partner is: Palmon
My appearance: Nitza Mori
By the way my controller is none other then: Dragoness of Silence

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Digi Evolution
Profile Thread Link

OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

User Image

The Blue Card - Allows one to digivolve their digimon, it will only activate upon a true bond of care to the partner, or partner in distress. However the digi destined require the crest meaning to activate in order to use. One can not over use the digi card so don't think you can digivole your rookie lvl digimon to champion to take out a training digimon you bully.

The Red card - This is in fact your blue card, it will swap colors during a high emotion to protect and be there for your partner. This evolution will only take your Champion lvl digimon to a Ultimate level. For Digi destined your crest tag must take form for the red card to present itself to you. Also can not be over used.

Bio Evolution - Only can be achieved if a digi destined and your crest has been active as it requires both to be of use. A rare digivolve between human and digimon to achieve a mega digi form, can be used from rookie lvl to mega however it is a limited time frame as it puts a strain on the human partner's body and mind. When it is needed the digi destined of choice will have their digivice chime with the words "Bio Evolution".

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Profile Thread Link
OOC Thread Link

Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

Below is a link leading to the accepted profiles

Digimon RP Profile Link

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
OOC Thread Link
Info on Tamers

Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

Below is a link to our Out of character thread, here you can speak on questions, and requests. Also if you wish to inform of what time you will be on frequently.

Digimon RP OOC Thread

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Info on Tamers
Info on Digi Destined

Enemy Info
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

User Image

This will explain the key details of the Digimon Tamers.

- They are also considered the digi saviors
- They are unable to Bio evolve with their digimon
- Play a role in saving the human and digimon worlds
- Some can use armor digivolution, though can not achieve a bio mega
- Lack a crest
- Need to locate all nine digi destined

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Info on Digi Destined
Enemy Info

Salvation Info
Open Announcement

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The Digi-Destined

This will explain the key details of the Digi-Destined.

~ All 9 are needed to take on the Antagonist.
~ The crest given to them must be visible in order to even invoke digivolution.
~ The crest of choice is the true nature of that Digi-destined, it is either a naturally shown nature or a hidden one.
~ Bio evolution require a fully active crest.
~ You are not god.
~ You need to work together with the Digimon Tamers

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Enemy Info
Salvation Info

Open Announcement

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Our Enemy

The Antagonist

Bagramon - Bagramon is a dark dictator, His will and ambition knows no
bounds. The ultimate goal for him is an entire grand Empire both within
the Digital World and the Real World.

Shadow Empire Generals - They will show later one and at one at a time

GrandDracmon -1st
Barbamon - 2nd
Gulfmon - 3rd
ChaosGallantmon - 4th
Darkdramon - 5th


Demidevimon - Demidevimon has the purpose of being the grand messenger pigeon, when information and an important strategic moves need to be relayed you can count on seeing this one cross it.

Devidramon - Devidramon is a prime example of dangerous ambition, Upon causing a crest to become corrupted and darkened he began to slowly understand what it meant to crave greater power. Keeping needed information as secrets from Mephistomon he seeks to someday rise in power to even topple Bagramon and claim an Empire of his own.

MadLeomon - MadLeomon is one who had lost his mind and ability for logic and reason. Being tricked and corrupted by the powers of Devidramon and Mephistomon is works as an ambassador of destruction, Only unleashed to fully annhilate masses and those that oppose the will of Mephistomon.

Monmon - Monmon is neither corrupted nor darkened, just a Digimon whom took up working for the Shadow Empire to save his own tribe. He has no ill-will towards anyone but the Shadow Empire, however this very darkness is beginning to corrode and only one of true light can shed his memories once again.

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
Salvation Info
Open Announcement

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The Good guys

Magnadramon - Magnadramon is known as 'The Watchful Dragon', A Holy Beast that keeps in the Digital world to keep the darkness from spreading over the entire digital world. She seeks help of the last sage after being informed of his ability by Angewoman.

Angewomon - Angewomon is the guardian to the digital world keeping best to keep corrupted digimon from passing through to the human world. She is the main reason the plan to once again use Digimon Tamers were activated once again. It is her who chooses which digimon is perfect for a selective crest. Angewomon is aware of the corrupted digi crest and wishes to cleanse it so the prophecy will not be in vain.

Seraphimon - Seraphimon is the 'Drill Commander', He handles the training and choosing of Digimon to the Tamers. He shifts between the real world and the digital world and assists in eliminating the threats that Angewomon misses.

Tipsy Werewolf

7,000 Points
  • Alchemy Level 1 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Elocutionist 200
User Image We are officially open now.

Oh what luck, a message from our crest of

As you heard we are officially open, now hurry up and send in your profiles. If you think you can be a Digi-Destined submit your Q&A PM to Ryu Strife and if he accepts send the reserves and profile to Soi Fon_2421.

Make sure you read the rules or you will face my wrath. I look forward to using your digimon to achieve my goal so hurry up and push them to their Ultimate form.

You sure shes the real Crest of Light

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