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closeIy Report | 12/08/2024 3:09 am
ASSI-IOLE Report | 09/19/2023 6:36 am
Hey Sakura it's been foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But hope you've been doing alright.
15sasuke Report | 08/12/2023 7:52 pm
Pankontra Report | 02/08/2023 10:51 am
Hello!!! I just logged in today and saw your comment xd (8 months later ????? LOL)
Wow yeah what happened to you really sucks sweatdrop Glad you got out of teh bad relationship. How are you doing now though?
I can totally relate with the depression lol I am jobless right now and anxious about future security.
I actually went online today to see if I can sell drawings for $$$
Before, just like you, I go on here randomly because of nostalgia. But yeah the site is pretty dead.
Proud black cat Report | 01/18/2023 7:22 pm
Proud black cat
Happy new year redface
Proud black cat Report | 01/08/2023 6:10 pm
Proud black cat
Pankontra Report | 06/01/2022 7:29 am
That's true crying Though I come on here every now and then.
Life is kicking me in the a** right now lol But I appreciate the well wishes heart
How about you? How you doing?
Pankontra Report | 05/22/2022 3:14 am
eek I think I remember you
amorremanet Report | 03/08/2022 1:11 am
Love your avi! heart
Bonzly Report | 09/15/2021 1:31 pm
Too much to explain in text. If you have discord, add me on there. My info is in my sig.