random things about me ;P
name:Rhiannon but friends can call me Rhi for short
BoD: 22nd of june
where i live:England in a small town called wokingham
language i can speak:English of cause, but i can speak a little Chinese, and spanish
phobias/what im affraid of: Spiders, my bed-room door being open at night, sudden movements, sudden sounds (weather they are loud or quiet), silence, my imagionation, my dreams, closing my eyes, china dolls, being alone and others basiccally im an emotional reck XD
zodiac sign:the year of the dog
dog definition:The Dog is honest, and loyal who makes a good leader. he can be generous but stubborn. also earmarked for success. also the dog is a very good listener who pays more etention to others than to him self, he also instinctively knows weather he likes a person from first experiances.
horoscope sign:cancer
cancer definition:At best Cancerians are sensitive, kind and sympathetic, with an absolute urge to nurture and protect people around them. This is most apparent with home and family. So lies the soft side of Cancer, but there is a hard side too, they can be very enterprising, shrewd, and self-assured.
When all is in tune Cancerians are intuitive, imaginative and resourceful, knowing instinctively when to reach others and when to withdraw into their protective shell.
Kind, sensitive, sympathetic, imaginative, maternal/paternal, solicitous, protective, cautious, patriotic, tenacious, shrewd, thrifty, resourceful, a good homemaker.
top favourite mangas: Ai Hime~Ai to Himigoto, Kiss/Hug, naruto, D.N Angel, Demon Diary, Fruits Baskets, Chrono Crusade, one piece, silvery crow and Tales of Abyss.
here are some manga websites for manga fans: www.onemanga.com, www.mangavolume.com, www.mangahut.com, www.mangafox.com, www.ourmanga.com, www.zenmaanga.com, www.findmanga.com, www.mangashare.com and www.mangarun.com.
and for anime fans: www.zomganime.com, www.alluc.org, www.crackdubz.com (you can watch movies on there also)
favorite music artists: i like lots of music artists i love anything i can sing to my favourite music is: The Cruxshadows, James blunt, Nickleback, Chris Brown is ok too i guess, Maralyin Manson, Siouxsie And The Banshees, One Republic, Sisters of mercy, Three days grace, The offspring, Within Temptation, the script and thats it i think
favorite animals:wolves, falcon, raven, eagle, polar bears, bats especially the long eared bat i also like crabs (oh look at that XD my sign is a crab too)
what i wanna be when im older:i want to be an auther or manga-ka
personality:...hmm, i would say my personality is pretty bubbly, cute, sometimes i can be sirious it depends what situation im in, i like to mess around and i do have pretty bad mood swings, im hugable and lovable, and some of my friends say im adorable but im not sure if its true or not you can decide for your self 'w' i love to help people and make them feel happy because i think if some one is upset then other people will then feel down, but some how even though i have sweet nature i am saddened on the inside i feel abbandoned and pushed aside most of the time but i know there are people much worse off than me so i keep smiling and when you smile other people around you will smile back and you will feel safe and start to feel better with the people around you so we're never alone and i think its imortant to say that we are loved by many people you may think not but your wrong one day you will find some one who cares and who will protect every bone in your body don't ever forget that :nod: well not gonna say any more because i like to talk lots when i get to this subject ^^'
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