I am a demi-male, as for the reason my avitar being female, well..... I like dressing up feme dolls, that's all there is to it. I'll sometimes dress her up as a guy too though so eh. My avitar is not indicative of my gender.I have a lot of nicknames and generally I'm pretty nice though recently I've been very shy and withdrawn due to social anxiety. If I seem pushy or rude I'm sorry, I don't mean to. I don't know how often it is to remind people of things.
I don't much care for discrimination either in any form.
I have not kept up with this at all v______v
Also, a special mention to those who donate. konnee-san,
Untamed Raina, From: Doin Me A Frighten, Lady__Miko
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Enjoy Lol XD
it was a lot of fun ;>