
=^__^= .....すべてのすべてのすべて! !私-ロシアの少女日本で!私は友達を検索する!>__<....=^__^=

um....angel with the halo over my head and fork behind. .~*(^0^)/*~. hahaha!!!

I can cook sweetie!^^ Sometimes feel blue,but often having merry mood.<3 I'm just having fun!!!

Life is 2 good to sit at home & knocking on the keyboard to seek a second half!T__T

So,now i live in Japan! Yappy!!! My dream become true!^^ Really!!!! I was dreaming about this trip many years!!>_<'... I'm a verry kind & adequate girl! I cann't live without night clubs.Light the night at the dance pad and on the stage!I Love to arrange a party! In Japan, I'll find myself.
My lacking here, only new friends! But i hope it's short!

Ha ha. I came back to Russia. Home, sweet home xd

pss, I wanna go back to Tokyo crying

Oбщительная ,добрая ,немного самоуверенная .

Лучше не доводить до точки кипения ,т.к. тогда я начинаю общение совершенно иначе.

Обидчива ,но быстро забываю абиду .Весёлая.

Я не кричу, но умею заставить слушать себя. Я не ликую, но умею ценить то, что у меня есть.

Я не позволяю своим эмоциям руководить мной и воздерживаюсь от безрассудных поступков.

Я избегаю излишеств и во всем ищу золотую середину.

Я не обижаюсь,я делаю выводы. У меня есть своё мнение от которого я не откажусь. У меня есть принципы,которых я придерживаюсь .

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If you are interested in some items, but you dont have enough gold, email me and we will make a trade

emotion_hug Making mix trades ( gaia_gaiagold Gold/Plat+ item for item gaia_star )
or 3nodding
( gaia_diamond item for item from my wl gaia_star )

Each one of you can win a little surprise from me. gaia_kittenstar Make a purchase and be 25th 50th or 100th ! GOOD LUCK🧡

You may ghost me " 23128563 " for more items. emotion_kirakira Most of them are on sale. Im just lazy to put them all here

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Tsugihara_Kana's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/21


View All Comments

Abandoned Corpse Report | 07/15/2024 8:45 pm
Abandoned Corpse
i love the avi <3
iI-Eternal-Souls-II Report | 04/20/2022 5:36 am
Life is two halves and sometimes we forget the other half is hurting as well.
Vampira666PMS Report | 04/20/2022 4:26 am
Thanks for buying! ^_^
iI-Eternal-Souls-II Report | 04/19/2022 7:48 pm
Your avi is nice as well
Jiynn Report | 04/16/2022 6:59 am
You have a very pretty avi emotion_kirakira
amorremanet Report | 03/20/2022 9:08 pm
Love your avi! heart
iI-Eternal-Souls-II Report | 09/08/2021 8:43 pm
Missing you always baby cakes
XxCountessLuluOfLunacyxX Report | 08/23/2021 3:54 pm
Oh wow. Time Princess sounds awesome. I just looked it up.
I would play it, but I'm already playing 3 games on my phone:
Marvel Strike Force (fighting game, and Marvel character collecting)
Pokemon Go
Legends of Runeterra for Android phone (I have this game on my PC too. it's a spin-off game of League of Legends, but it's a card game)
but I really like your avi :3 and thank you, I work hard on my avis.
XxCountessLuluOfLunacyxX Report | 08/12/2021 6:54 pm
omg Jasmine eek
DollyDoll89 Report | 07/27/2021 11:37 am
Kanaaaaa, amazing avi as always 😍