
My name is Codi Weaver. I live in a town in northern new york. I'm random, talkative (yet quiet) and always willing to laugh. I have my issues, but who doesn't? I'm a bit of a pyro, i used to cut, i used to burn. Self-mutilation used to be a large form of expression for me. I just turned 18 on May 3rd, 2012. I'm a really easy person to get along with, as long as you're not disrespectful to anyone who doesn't deserve it. If you wan't to know anything else about me, talk to me. Hit me up. Chat with me.


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My thougthts

ill write stories,songs,poems and pretty much everything else thats on my mind.

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Tomas Youngblood

Tomas Youngblood's avatar

Last Login: 05/01/2023 3:23 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 05/03

Whose been here?

Fsp Ariella on 10/28/2020
xXxPoisonous CookiesXxX on 09/06/2020
loid forger on 08/06/2020
kazzyakakoolaid on 05/04/2020


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NekoNinja7615 Report | 07/24/2022 11:33 pm
It's been forever, nice to see you again.
xXxPoisonous CookiesXxX Report | 04/04/2020 7:30 pm
Hey there, seen you like at my account. Do i know you???
Aura Wintergreen Report | 10/11/2015 5:13 am
Hey man, know its been ages, just wondering how you're doing.
meric65r Report | 01/24/2015 9:29 pm
tomas buddy whatcha doin
xX_HuntressRayne_Xx Report | 08/24/2014 11:45 pm
-The-Alpha-Cat- Report | 05/18/2014 4:33 pm
Dude! Do you remember me?
lee__mynameisalwaystaken Report | 05/01/2014 4:14 pm
Thanks for buying! Have a great day! 3nodding
snowangel258920 Report | 04/20/2014 4:10 pm
I am sorry but my computer is not allowing me to load the towns right now.
snowangel258920 Report | 04/20/2014 3:49 pm
Hey I am going to go to my other computer and then hopefully we can hang out sorry.
snowangel258920 Report | 04/20/2014 3:41 pm
No one told me that. That is the way I have been feeling because you are now talking to me.

(I am going to try to come to towns. I was trying to get my computer to load the towns but it won't let me load a couple days ago)

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i adopted a chibi!
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adopt me!

Brittany Weaver

You Rock!

emo doesn't mean u cut. emo doesn't mean ur gay. emo doesn't mean ur suicidal. emo is real. emo is people. emo is everything. emo is a label. emo is being free. free to be you. free to express. free to tell everyone to f*** off!! emo is just a word.-EMOS- *Are not cry babies *Do not always wear black *Can be very nice people *Don't always cut themselves *Are not always <a title="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_1" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MjI3NzE6MTA5NzpkZXByZXNzZWQ6ZTJmZTE3ZGE4YTcwNzRmOWEzZmQ3YjEyN2ZiNzE2Y2Y6ei0xMDMyLTYyODYyOnd3dy5nYWlhb25saW5lLmNvbToxMDAxMTp0ZXh0X29ubHk">depressed</a> *Can be happy too *Are normal people just like you (Put this on your profile if you <A style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=_GPLITA_1 title="Powered by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6MTQ1NjI6MjQ6YWdyZWU6NDU5ZGIzNjQ4MjQyMDcwZjAwYzA3MDBlMWNmOWNiYTQ6ei0xOC0xMjcyNzp3d3cuZ2FpYW9ubGluZS5jb20=">agree</A> with this.)

say hello to THOMAS YOUNGBLOOD! he is the lead guitaurist of the apparently little known band KAMELOT.

Fake friends: Never ask for food. True friends: are the reasons you have no food. Fake friends: Call your parents Mr/Mrs True friends: Call your parents DAD/MOM Fake friends: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. Truefriends: Would sit next to you saying "Damn ... we messed up ... but that s**t was fun!" Fake friends: never seen you cry. True friends: cry with you Fake friends: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. True friends: keep your s**t so long they forget its yours. Fake friends: know a few things about you. True friends: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you. Fake friends: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. True friends: Will kick the whole crowds a** that left you. Fake friends: Would knock on your front door. True friends: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!" Fake friends: Are for a while. True friends: Are for life. Fake friends: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough. True friends: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "b***h drink the rest of that you know we don't waste s**t." Fake friends: will talk s**t to the person who talks s**t about you. True friends: Will knock them the ******** out Fake friends: Will read this. True friends: Will steal this

my little sissy. touch her and i will BREAK YOU.