
Hi, I'm Talim Uzamaki, yes I'm Naruto's sister. How shameless this title is but oh well who cares? Not me.lol Anyways I'm sure you guys probably want to know somethings about me uh? Well I love making friends, I'm very sociable unless I'm having one of those really miserable days. I like anime, manga, music is my life, walking around, sight seeing, chatting, technology, writing, reading, playing, sometimes kids, people, and I hat staying in one place for too long as Naruto found out.^^0 Yep that's somethings about me hope to meet great people on Gaia, and makes some friends and memories. And if you want to know more about me, than you can check out my journal too.^^ -Talim Uzamaki-

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Ikutsaka Organization Application:
Basic Info:
Name/Username: Talim Uzamaki
Character name: Talim
Age: 10-23
Height: 5'6'
Weight: 95 lbs
Village: Leaf
Location: Onikagure (Oni village)
Rank: Around Kage or higher level, in process of becoming higher or equal to Sage level.
Group: Captain 2.
Oganization(s): Ikutaka, Iktsakaz: R.R.R.P./R.L., The Nine Gaurdians alliance: Training to be next Hogokage; Apperntance level.
Member: ITACHI!!! gonk Deidara, and Tobi? gonk Least like Kakuzu, Hidan and Zetsu. confused
Family: Minato Yondame (4th Hogkage, also dad: dead), Kushina Uazamki (mom:dead, We also believe her to be Hogosha as a normal human), Naruto Uzamaki(little brother), and ANY other Uzamakis out there!=^.^=
Blood type: O
Lover: Must you know?....Ok, ok, ok! Itachi! stare

Other Info:
Favorite Food(s): Sushi: Almost any kind, ramen: All but spicy ones cuz they taste funny, Noodles: Steer fry, Soups, etc, sweets: Candy: Chocolate, and fruity chewies, Teriyaki, and some other stuff. XP
Least/hated Food(s): Hmm, maybe intestines of any sort, and most raw things. 3nodding
Favorite music: Any kind depends on my mood.
favorite/hated music: Maybe pure/ freestyle rap, and yodling country. >.>
Wepond of choice: Double balded Charak Fans: Testuyaiga, and Yamanokie.
Weaponds use(d, s): What ever the job calls for. >: )
Skills: Basic ninja skills, cooking, cleaning, and the short as well. I can also hunt, fish, shoot guns, make maps, track, and guide people around.
Abillities: One word for this section: Sueshijuu.
Personality: I love many things, many people, and yes like all Uzamakis (which there's only two of us Naruto and me in Konaha right now) have a temper, but I'm usually a optimistic, and happy person. I anything else you want to know feel free to ask, comment, or message me and I'll anwser you. ^^
Appearance: I have several pics of me. sweatdrop So I'll just give a younger one, middle age one, and older or to date pic. ^^)

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(Kid pic.)

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(middle age.)

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(Almost current pic.)

(up to date pic.)

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Viewing 12 of 29 friends


The Chronicals of Talim Uzamaki

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In this area I will be sharing with you randome things, and parts of my life that might allow to better understand and get to know me k?^^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

hogosha sensie

Report | 11/24/2014 7:46 pm

hogosha sensie

Well don't look mighty these days Hogosha Talim? cat_xd
leader samma

Report | 08/30/2011 12:41 am

leader samma

Well, Talim one can only hope in waiting that people shall come back in due time right? Oh meeting time as well just to let you know. So as always pass the word on plz. ^^

Your Leader,
leader samma

Report | 02/20/2011 9:15 pm

leader samma

Thank you Talim for delivering the messages for me about the hacking, and new meeting! 3nodding

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Report | 02/17/2011 12:39 pm


forgive me guys....i messed up big time when it comes to u guys......i've been so busy...with college, life, work, and a possible child on the way.........i ont even have enough time to eat right these days.......sorry guys

Report | 02/17/2011 12:34 pm


my bad i had no idea i've been so busy latly....shes back up and running tho now....

Report | 02/16/2011 8:51 pm


Hi gazamasu, hmm! blaugh

~Deidei, out, hmm!~
Tiera Bubblez

Report | 10/29/2010 5:53 pm

Tiera Bubblez

Sorry Bubblez missed it, wut? sad
almond rocha

Report | 10/15/2010 1:28 am

almond rocha

Greetings commander Talim, sorry to have worried you there but I am back from the dead. smile And I am here to remind us that their are Ikutsaka meetings. sweatdrop

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Tiera Bubblez

Report | 10/08/2010 7:15 pm

Tiera Bubblez

Yayz, Iz love ya too comdr Talim! heart

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Report | 09/27/2010 3:03 pm


Yes, 2nd base commander Talim.
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