
Name: Hogosha
Age: 16
hight: 5'6'
Wieght: 95lbs
Favorit colors: Black & orange, red & white, Blue & Green.
Least favorit colors: Yellow, and other really bright stuff at times, deppending my mood and eyesight.^^
Favorite Food: Ramen, and Sushi!
Least favorite food: Don't know yet plain or bitter stuff *sighs* so hard to choose.^^0

I aslo love talking, meeting people, making friends, trainning people to be a gaurdian at my home place, hanging out at palces, parting, harassing the Demons of my world, and being with Kyuubi when he's not being an a**!lol ^^

I also help arrround in the villages in side my forest that I call home. And my students/ friends are Itsu, Mistu, (and not there not sister, or related in any way! There two complety different people!) and the other students/gaurdians of mine, and the demons.

I also like to rp a lot and write and draw when I get in the mood, and paint, and sculp, and make things. And on my spair time when I feel like doing something else beside my hobbies, I got to parties to watch people get drunk, Itsu go crazy!lol Ah yes good times!^^


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But this one is good, we should help her more!^^
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Viewing 12 of 15 friends


The Gaurdians Dairy

This my little story/rp place of my life as a sensie/ gaurdian of Kyuubi, and his demons.^^ Feel free to join the story, or rp if you want to, or comment me on what you think, love ya thankx!^^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

leader samma

Report | 07/07/2015 12:20 am

leader samma

Ah, yes its been a while since I myself has been on. I am doing alright. Yourself? Also I'm sorry about the state you've been put in.

Ikutsaka's Leader,
leader samma

Report | 12/12/2014 11:42 pm

leader samma

Why ello ma'am. It has been a very long time surprised I came on in time to see your message. sweatdrop I have been doing alright. Yourself?

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leader samma

Report | 03/30/2012 1:59 am

leader samma

Hello there, Hogo sama. Its been a long time since we last talked. But I hope your have been doing fine in Talim's world.

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Tiera Bubblez

Report | 10/29/2010 5:55 pm

Tiera Bubblez

Oh ya, see, see. 3nodding
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Tiera Bubblez

Report | 11/07/2009 3:52 am

Tiera Bubblez

Wow, so this is the famous Hogosha sensie's profile that I've been hearing so much about huh? Hows it going Hogo sensie? 3nodding

Itsu Sando

Report | 09/23/2009 6:37 pm

Itsu Sando

Awesome, I wonder if youtube still has it? Oh well I'm sure we can find it from other and better websites! xd
sabure kun

Report | 04/10/2009 10:12 am

sabure kun

Hello Hogosha sensie, I had a great day yesterday and I'm going to have a great day today. What R U going to do for Easter on sunday? I'm staying at my grandma's in Tacoma for my spring break then I'm having Easter dinner here then I'm heading home and then I get 2 go back 2 school. How fun is that. X-). LOL.

Have a good day,
sabure kun

Report | 04/06/2009 8:12 pm

sabure kun

Hi Hogosha sensie, How R U today and tommorrow?

Hope 2 Hear From U,
Talim Uzumaki

Report | 02/12/2009 10:29 pm

Talim Uzumaki

lolz Awe, thankiez mom your the best. I know that you didn't mean too, so it's all good, and when Naruto get outta this mess he's in I'll tell him the whole story. Did you herd what Pein did to him? User ImageUser Image I wanna kill him now, I hate him more then Sasuke and Orochimaru right now. User Image Anyways, really? You think Skully wouldn't beable to kill him? I think she could if she really wanted to or had a motivation to doing so. But then again I could just be saying that cuz I think she's hella scary when she's made. User Image But don't tell that she'll probably get pissed at me.User Image But anyways talk you soon momie, and take care!User Image

Tiera Bubblez

Report | 02/02/2009 8:07 pm

Tiera Bubblez

o.O @#$%^&*!....User Image Not so well, but slowly getting better, and when I say slowly I mean SLOOOOOOOOOOWLY. User Image


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I love it when he's a good dog!^^