Shrine Keeper Erinya

Shrine Keeper Erinya's avatar

Birthday: 12/24


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A snowball that hasn't rolled very far

A ray of sunshine, casting a yellow shadow on the white

The beating half of the heart

wahmbulance PROFILE IS WORK IN PROGRESS!@!!@!!@!@ wahmbulance

Summoning Contract

You can summon me to you, or enter a portal into my mystical shrine realm.

Gentleness not guaranteed. Communicate with at risk of getting caught in a charm spell, an illusion, or having your energy drained. Offerings go a long way, offer too much and it will backfire. Doesn't like being touched by strangers. Length of communication not guaranteed. Desperateness causes Erinya to be displeased. Wouldn't recommend setting expectations. Discipline is rewarded. Individualization is appreciated. Don't rush.

If you are ready to accept these terms, feel free to send me a message with the following information;
1. Summon to you, or you summoned to my shrine
2. Should I be male or female, or whatever my mood decides?
3. For what reason do you manifest my presence?
4. (Optional) Do you have anything to present or offer to me?


Character Details

Name: Erinya
Race: Kitsune
Occupation: Shrine Maiden for an Inari shrine.
Age: 300
Sex: Can transform back and forth and in-between
Gender-Identity: Gender-fluid
Height: 5'5
Weight: 140lbs
Hair-color: Mix of yellow, blond and white
Eye-color: Brown with some hints of orange
Body-type: Strong body, but a little fat from spending too much shrine offerings on food and booze.
Main Personality Traits: Very curious, strong morals, enjoys sharing deeper moments of communication and healing with people, way too excited for sake and chocolate.
Looking for: Friends and people who need some kitsune shrine maiden care in their life.



- The Fox's Nine Tails; Erinya can have anywhere between 0 and 9 tails out. Her spiritual power and mana access goes up with each tail.

- Transformation; Can alter physical appearance and change gender. Can hide animal parts to blend in with humans. Can transform all the way into a large beast fox

- Object Transformation; Can change the appearances of objects in peoples eyes.

- Charm; Makes a target more interested in talking to Erinya and going along with whatever Erinya says. Seen as forbidden magic.

- Energy Drain; Erinya can drain various life forces from people to power herself up. Seen as a forbidden magic.

- Curse; Erinya can use shadow magic to torment a target. Seen as forbidden magic.

- Energy healing; Erinya can channel light and nature energy to provide energy based healing to people and animals.

- Exorcism; Erinya can pull dark energy out of people and objects.

- Blessing; Erinya can blessing people and objects with the power of light and nature.

- Animal transformations; Erinya can transform into a bunny, a bear, a wolf, a cat and a dog, as well as matching kemonomimi humanoid forms.

- Performing and composing music
- Japanese, English, Indian and Chinese Fashion


Real-Life Me Details

Age: 30
Gender: Gender-fluid
Sex: Male
Sexuality/Dating Preferences: Pansexual, but only romantically attracted to females.
Location: West Coast North America
Hobbies/Interests: Music(piano and Shamisen), Yoga, Shamanism, Meditation, Working Out, Anime, Video games, Youtube, Studying Spiritualities from Around the World, Writing, Fantasy World-building, Cosplay, Photography, video making/editing, Live-streaming, Cross-dressing, being a Shrine Priest.

Real life me backstory;
*trigger warning*


View All Comments

imkagetsu Report | 02/07/2023 6:47 pm
*jangle* clap clap. Can I get a goshuin while I'm here?
Koakku Report | 01/30/2023 10:40 pm
no wayy i bet it's gonna look SICK
xXHeadonXx Report | 01/01/2023 11:20 am
you're very welcome!
& thank you emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira
H34LTH Report | 01/01/2023 10:26 am
Thank you and I wish you the same wonderful vibes as you've wished upon me! heart
H34LTH Report | 01/01/2023 10:23 am
Happy New Year!! heart
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong Report | 01/01/2023 1:53 am
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
GOOD QUESTION! emotion_yatta
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong Report | 01/01/2023 1:51 am
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
gaia_angelleft Happy New Year! gaia_angelright
l Izuku Midoriya l Report | 12/31/2022 1:15 pm
l Izuku Midoriya l
ah ha... Thank you! heart
kindly f-uck off Report | 12/30/2022 1:58 am
kindly f-uck off
that's fair. but you wouldn't know any specific item names?
kindly f-uck off Report | 12/30/2022 1:46 am
kindly f-uck off
my blessings must be hella backed up.. stuck in shipping and heavily delayed then, since i tend to gift people with almost every platinum i make (on wl items), but ain't feeling the blessings. lol

well that's the thing, i wanna know what is listed that i can get you.. but something you want. even if it's nothing crazy-- not that it'd be possible with my limited budget, but ye.


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