
ShadowForceTriad's avatar

Birthday: 01/05


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Age: The last made, and yet oldest of the Triad Sister, age undetermined
Powers: All of Webb's powers are harmful for humans.
Animals: Webb's animals are spiders as well as other insects
Little Known Fact: The Triad Sisters are incapable of lying.

Note: While Webb does have God-like powers, and can twist your body to make it do anything from cough up its lungs, to stopping one orgen from working at a time, to many other things similar, she doesn't like to just go right ahead and do that all at once. Instead, she challenges you to a game. If you win you live, if you lose you die, and she gets to keep your soul. You can also challenge her to a game to win back the souls of your friends she has taken. There are also many rules which she must follow, for example, Webb can not lie. But generally speaking, Webb is much more about games and amusement, than she is for anything else. If you do not amuse her, she will not bother interacting with you.

Abilities: All of Webb's ranged abilities, are very bad for people. They are all painful, destructive, or just generally bad. In her own realm, she can do virtually anything, but while she is in our realm her abilities are quite limited. Her abilities' reach are limited to a 35 foot radius at the most in this realm. She also never appears in her true form, but in either a very realistic illusion of form, or in an illusionary form with a sort of puppet base. Her favorite thing to do is to make people cough up their lower intestines...and not die until they get every last bit out. She can also do things like steal souls, drive someone mad, or allow for a variety of monsters and demonic-like creatures to enter this realm for as long as she is here-again, limited to a 35 foot range, though more commonly in this case 25 foot radius. She can generally only affect a few people at a time if they all have weaker wills, but she tends to prefer to focus in on one specific person for the harder/more complex abilities to work right.
When she leaves, the parts of this realm she manipulated return to normal, and her monsters leave with her.

Weaknesses: While Webb holds a God-like position in her own realm, in this realm she is quite limited. It takes energy for her to remain here, and the more she does, the less time she has left before she must return to recharge herself. She can, therefore, only remain in our realm for relatively short periods of time. In her illusionary form with a puppet physical form base she can last a maximum of two weeks if she does not use any of her powers, but generally she only stays for a day or two at a time (at the most). If she is using her powers to their full extent, she can only stay for a few hours, or until her energy runs out. When she is in her pure illusion form, she can stay a bit longer, but can't wield as much power, so is limited in what she can do. With a puppet base she can do more, but can also be defeated easier since the base can be broken, which would send her back to her own realm.

There is also, if one knows the proper spells, a way to return/banish her back into her own realm, but it takes specific knowledge that is very hard to gain, and also hard to accomplish. She is not, after all, a demon, and can't be banished with the typical means one would use for the undead or typical darkness being.

Rules All of the truest Shadow Force members have rules they must follow. The higher up in the chain you go, the more they must strictly follow said rules. Just a few examples of the rules she must follow:
-She can not tell a lie.
-If one of the member of the Shadow Force family call her for help, she MUST answer. The situation will be judged, and if they did not start or knowingly go into their current situation of danger, then she is required to pull them out and back into the Nowhere Mansion realm.
Once there, they get a one time out. For as long as they remain in the realm, they are safe. The moment they return, however, knowing that the danger is still there, or that the people are still after them, it is up to them to keep themselves safe. They only get one out, after that, it will cost them to acquire extra help.
-Webb can not deny a game. If challenged, she must accept.

Appearance: All of the Triad sisters look alike, except for their hair color and expressions. They have pale skin that has never seen the sunlight (even if they have seen the sunlight, it will never show), red eyes, and are usually in the form of a pre-teen, though they are capable of taking the forms of other ages as well. Webb has purple hair that she usually wears in pig-tails, and a darkness to her looks even when she is happy, she has a look you can't trust.

Demeanor: Webb has an addiction to games of any form, so long as they have a prize. She is generally smiling and seems carefree, but is truly calculating and manipulative. She will do anything to capture another human soul for her collection.

History: Webb was the Shadow Forces' successful attempt at creating an embodiment of itself. As a result, she has every ability and all the power of the Shadow Force behind her, though she hardly knows how to use it to it's full potential. Her personal weakness is the darkness in her own heart, which she enjoys fare to much to ever let go of. As a result, she will never reach her full potential. Her body is kept in a secret place under severe protection, and what you see of her is never real, no matter how much it might seem so.

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Name: Wizz
Age: middle child of the Triad Sisters, no age determined
Powers: Wizz's powers are many and varied, and ever increasing through her studies, but the one thing that remains constant is that no matter the ability or spell, the affect is always balanced and equal in good or bad.
Animals: Wizz's animals are black house cats, and black birds. She has three cats which are her talking familiars: Midnight, Nightmare, and Cosmic Creepers

All of the Triad Sisters look alike except for the expressions and hair. They have pale skin which has never seen sunlight, red eyes, and are most generally in the form of a pre-teen, though they have been known to take on forms at various ages. Wizz has blue hair, and her expressions are most always serious and solemn.

Demeanor: Wizz is the most focused and the most serious of the Triad Sisters. She takes the subject of humans seriously, as well, and often takes careful watch over who so ever enters the Nowhere Mansion realm. She will often serve as a guide, but only in order to keep the humans from disturbing things any more than is needed. She can either provide for you help, or a swift ending, since she is not one to play games unless absolutely needed.

History: Wizz is single handedly responsible for bring order to the chaos that is the Nowhere Mansion. She herself came up with most rules and guidelines, after much examination of the human species within their realm. She is the founder of the Hall of Fame, and is personally responsible for almost all second chances a human will get within the Nowhere Mansion. She is able to travel freely between dimensions, and during her first years spent most of her time in our dimension doing research on the world the Nowhere Mansion interacts with so often, though now she spends most of her time in the her own dimension studying and working on ways to improve the place.

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Name: Starr
Age: The first made but youngest of the Triad sisters
Starr actually has the most solid form, as in she keeps the most consistent age of the three. She looks to be around 16 or 17 every time she is in the human realm, and even most of the time when she is in the Nowhere Mansion. She truly only cycles through the age of child, adult and old woman as needed, and only within the Nowhere Mansion, where as the other two are known to switch ages as they see fit.
Animal: dog
Appearance: Starr has the same red eyes and pale skin as her sisters, but no trace of fangs and pink hair.
Form: Starr exudes pleasant feelings, as it is what she is primarily an embodiment of. Her skin is both warm and comforting to the touch, and she always smells like a person's happiest, most favorite memory, or just like their favorite scent. While this makes her all the more pleasant to be around, it has also caused some trouble for her in the past were a human or two would grow too attached to the feel of her skin, which is why she tends to try and avoid a lot of skin contact now.

Powers: All of Starr's powers are beneficial for people, ranging from healing, to calming, to bringing a sense of peace or joy.

I suppose I should put what villains and heroes can expect from her abilities:
Combat: Starr actually can hold her own in a fight, thanks to her constant physical activities and athletic practice. She has dabbled in a few martial arts classes, though nothing serious, so while she can hold her own in a fist fight, she is certainly not what you would call an expert fighter. She can defend herself when needed, usually, but against a well practiced offensive opponent, she won't be able to last very long.
Strength: Can lift own body weight, not much more, so above average thought not too much.
Acrobatic: Starr can perform a certain extent of acrobatics, mostly from having taken lessons along with ballet classes. Again, this is not an expert, just something she can mildly do, so she can do a the occasional flip or cartwheel, or balance on something, ect.
Movement: She can manipulate her weight to be able to run along walls or on ceilings as a basic Shadow Force power given to all of the Triad sisters. She can fly only with the help of a spell Wizz taught her, which requires an object to enchant, typically a broom.
She can also travel through mirrors, same as any Shadow Force creature.
spells: Starr is a magic based being. Her spells are generally things like: Heal, sleep, calm. Her spells require focus and time to perform, and often times might be accompanied by words as well. Her spells are either spoken, or by touch, if spoken the receiver must hear the spell for it to work.
She is also able to BANISH supernatural creatures back to their own realms, if they prove dangerous.
Animal summon: Starr is able to summon and control/speak to dogs, as they are her representing animals, the same way Wizz can with cats and Webb can with spiders and insects.
Information Gathering: is another of her abilities, as she can use the spirits of both light and shadow to gather information.

Weaknesses: Starr has a human core of a body, and can be killed in any way a human might. While, true, this would mean her return to the Nowhere Mansion and re-birth, unlike her sisters Starr can not stand for this to happen, and cherishes every form she has. As a result, if killed, she is likely not to return at all, but go to a different country and resume the role of nothing more than a student. leaving the super hero world behind in her anger over the thing.

-Starr is the weakest of her sisters, and has given up much of her powers by choice in order to spend more time in the human world.

-Easily defeated by anyone with proper training or who wields weapons in combat.

-Starr avoids conflict where she can.

Demeanor: Starr is peppy, energetic, and loves social activities. She will often times join a school, not because she needs to, but simply for the interactions. She participates in any and every club activity there is. She is friendly, outgoing, and always looking to make a new friend.
Starr thrives on social interactions, and goes manic only when she doesn't have people to talk to.

Starr is also the most modest of her sisters. While Webb boasts non-stop about being a God, and Wizz uses her power to keep order and enforce rules, Starr denies she has power all together often times, only using her abilities when truly needed.

Talents: like many of the Nowhere Mansion creatures, because of it's love for music, most members are endowed with the ability to sing very well or play an instrument, or both, even if they seldom use the gift.

Starr, although in a teenager form, unlike her older sisters participates in a great deal of physical activities, making her much more athletic than the other two (though it is rumored that Wizz has a decent amount of physical capabilities as well, it has not been confirmed). Starr enjoys any sport activity ranging from track, karate, cheer leading, dance, soft ball, or any other sport-like activity she is allowed to participate in.

A note: As the youngest of the Triad sisters, Starr is the least powerful of the three, but also the one connected most to the human world. While she can perform various forms of magic, it can only be magic that has a benefit for people with no down side for anyone. She can cast a spell to bring luck, she can heal, she can calm, she can bring a sense of peace, she can grant knowledge, but none of her spells can cause any form of harm.
Compared to her sisters, Starr also uses the least magic, preferring not to depend on it.


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Admiral triv Report | 11/07/2010 3:36 pm
Admiral triv
sweatdrop Computer cut some of that off. I meant to say I'd appreciate it if you told me what I may not be aware of if you can.
Admiral triv Report | 11/07/2010 3:35 pm
Admiral triv
Wait what? >< Well,if you know anything I don't I'd appreciate it I knew.
Admiral triv Report | 11/05/2010 8:29 am
Admiral triv
^_^ I am glad to hear she has been being good then.And well Triv isn't in any danger that I am aware of.O_o I am often left out of things these days so I hardly know what's going on anymore.
Rachel_Griswald Report | 11/03/2010 7:41 pm
(( FuriousStyles is interested in your event. I'm sure you already know he's in charge of the versus guild. Send him a friend request and you can PM him the details. n_n ))
Admiral triv Report | 11/01/2010 5:38 pm
Admiral triv
Well its at least nice to hear I am not completely forgotten by everyone. I have a knack for being easily forgotten by people it seems. And Algiery has informed me on it already.
Feathered Pride Report | 10/27/2010 10:39 pm
Feathered Pride
well kinda, cause they along with me are the ones doing the ********
Adella_Faust Report | 10/27/2010 10:30 pm
{{on it.}}
Halsey Jenkins Report | 10/27/2010 9:15 pm
Halsey Jenkins
" I enjoyed your company dear, do feel free to stop by any time.. " and with that he went on to finish his drink as she made her leave..
Chris Pitch PI Report | 10/27/2010 6:14 pm
Chris Pitch PI
I'm hoping you can make some mischief for Halloween, no?
Halsey Jenkins Report | 10/25/2010 6:16 pm
Halsey Jenkins
" I have many children and I love them all- but this one.. Makaria, She is my pride and where I cannot feel she feels for me. perhaps oneday you may meet her.. " He sat his cup down on the saucer again. " and yes I have interacted witha select few unfortunatly.. "



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