★KennyChu ;

ILY My Peeps ! x]
i hax kenny <3
2 the point she is the Best Friend iv ever had [:
wen i feel down she is alwaz there to help me ;D
yes i no she is Sexi but i bet all u bichez think so 2 ;D
i am also her ''gaia brother'' which is awzom ;3
ty 4 bein there for me kenny <3333
-steven (:
Bwahahaha i hax Kenny-chuu.
What can I say about Kenny.
She is such a sweet girl and a great niece
not to mention that she is a great friend,
she also can be silly and that is a plus.
I r proud to call her my niece and when
ever she needs help I hope I'm the first
one she calls.
;3 <3<3
miss u guys