If you had better luck compared to most...what would you do?
I'm proud to say I'm a starwars fan even after two horrible movies coming out, not bashing the productions in any way and I love Rey and Kylo but their
roles seem a bit reversed...
ANIME is my ultimate favourite to enter a comfort zone. If I want to watch an anime, I will. If I want to listen to some music I will or read, I will^_^
I love otome games, starwars games and this past year, survival games like minecraft.
I'm a great believer in Aliens, Bigfoot, the supernatural, black cats and stuff.
I love writing in journals.
I love TIGERS, LIGERS, LIONS...ALL CATS XD. The only thing that stresses me out...writing. What relaxes me from stressing, is music and watching anime shows.
The anime shows I love watching are Hell girl, ghost stories, and any other spooky animes ^_^
I read tons of manga also.
If you want to be my friend...GO AHEAD! I welcome anyone. My movies call to me, if you want more info, send me a PM
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