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Hey there! My name is Priscillia or Pris !
21 this year
I tend to afk a lot in the rally or VH
When I afk it mean that I could be playing DOTA 2 or that I could be busy gifting c:

I do like receiving gifts from people too and if you know what that mean!
It would also help a lot if you can bump of my quest thread or help out!
A little efforts goes a long way! With the items and gold I received,
I will help other people too because it is mission impossible
for me to get Angelic Halo :c

So do check it out !
PRIS tiny quest

Lets connect outside the Gaia World. Feel free to follow my social medias!

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This is me, if you are wondering how do I look like.
Yes I am asian and I'm proud of that.

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Pari Puri Report | 10/08/2021 5:19 pm
Pari Puri
Thanks for buying! awesome profile by the way whee
Balearic Report | 10/07/2021 5:35 am
Thank you Pris heart
Balearic Report | 10/21/2020 10:03 am
There we go, I've added you. smile
Balearic Report | 10/20/2020 8:37 am
That's not too bad then! Also for me to add you I need the little number (#0000) next to your discord user. smile
Balearic Report | 10/19/2020 10:05 am
Cases have been surging by the 10s of thousands here daily and different areas have ended up with certain regional lock downs now. Mostly in northern England and parts of the midlands. Do you have a discord by the way? I can add you and we can keep in better contact that way. Take care
Balearic Report | 10/13/2020 3:12 am
Head out to celebrate with who? Lol, besides not like we can do that right now. You're the silly bean. cool yes you..
Balearic Report | 10/12/2020 8:17 am
I didn't do anything really, just lived the day normally like any other day lol. Just the way it goes these days cool heart
Balearic Report | 10/09/2020 1:56 am
That's very sweet Pris, thank you for the lovely message. heart emotion_hug
Balearic Report | 10/07/2020 2:10 am
Yeah this year has gone pretty fast, actually cannot believe it's my Birthday again already. I'm not really that excited though lol, got nothing special planned so it will probably just be another normal day smile
Balearic Report | 10/06/2020 8:59 am
Could take a lot of time, unfortunately a lot of people are very uncaring and with access to so much information now you've even got people who think it's all fake. That's the problem these days, everything has to be a conspiracy theory and this can be more of a danger than any pandemic. My job involves me being out among people but I always make sure I have the necessary precautions such as face masks, hand sanitizer etc. heart

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