Hikari de Grazia

Hikari de Grazia's avatar

Registered: 07/29/2007

Birthday: 05/04



Posts per Day: 2.51

Total Posts: 16067

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I want a love...

Hello! I'm Hikari!

I like to lurk around the site~

I'm usually the annoying minimum bidder in MP auctions. :D
(You ain't stopping me from getting the cute stuff, resellers!)
I also like to bet/gamble.
Sometimes, I'm a gracious gekko and would give random art/gifts.

Trying to get in to an "A-Doodle-A-Day" habit for distraction.
Fishing for AR!

... that can change my life.


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Fluffy Hitmen for Hire

DA || Tumblr
Pixels by me~


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