Miss Mary Muffet

Miss Mary Muffet's avatar

Last Login: 06/10/2019 12:05 pm

Birthday: 01/12


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If you send me a poem, I'll post it here!

A Poem by Yogurt Man:
Mary Mary quite contrary
how does your aquarium glow
with meaty-waters and mini monsters
and item droppers all in a row
or, as Yogurt also says, and dead Memphis all in a row... ;_;
A Limerick by Gorilla and You:
"Pie easting contest!" was yelled
and the people of town all beheld
a young girls so sweet
belly stretched down to her feet
her pie tallies marked 112


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Yogurt Man Report | 12/16/2015 3:56 pm
Yogurt Man
It's Cool Spot silly :>
Yeah we haven't talked in so long we totally should play new leaf together again, I feel like I have no friends that play it now, which is why I'm trying to trick two people into getting it. Well, one already has a 3DS so he has no excuse, the other one I told her I'd buy it for her if she bought a 3DS. Here's hoping. LOL I'm hard to catch online though, unless you stalk me on twitch. :< ... oh wait I remember you have Yahoo!
Man, when you take time off during Summer you're gonna feel so good.
Pretty sweet though you have your life planned out. I should stop being a degenerate shitlord and do the same. :>
Remind me next time you catch me online on yahoo or w/e to tell me to show you the pics from Halloween and Disneyland.
Yogurt Man Report | 12/07/2015 8:40 pm
Yogurt Man
it hangs very well
Melnil Report | 12/02/2015 5:53 pm
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Yogurt Man Report | 08/27/2015 1:03 pm
Yogurt Man
So much stuff
Yogurt Man Report | 07/11/2015 8:05 am
Yogurt Man
hahahaha, you caught me! I hardly use it at all LMAO.
funnily enough I did that a couple times when I was streaming, I set up a cat cam, which lasted for maybe 15 minutes before all the kittens left.
Yogurt Man Report | 06/11/2015 9:20 am
Yogurt Man
I won more stuff so I'm waiting for it to come in LOL
We spend too much time in our lives doing work D;
Yogurt Man Report | 05/24/2015 12:21 am
Yogurt Man
Good, that means I must be the coolest kid. I will at some point hopefully soon ;]
You say it's not due to years of inbreeding but everything you described make it sound EXACTLY like it's from years of inbreeding. Now, I don't pretend to be an expert on dogs because I certainly am not but it's a similar thing with fuglypugs and how they can barely breathe because of all the inbreeding. Again I'm not pretending to be an expert and I wouldn't be surprised if I was lied to on the internet (why do people do that, just lie on the internet ;__; ) but yeah, it's sad people will do this to animals just to have a good looking animal and ignore the risks, I wonder if they breed with their siblings.
Yogurt Man Report | 05/22/2015 10:53 am
Yogurt Man
Yeah they're pretty fookin cute. I need to take a picture of all the sweet stuff I've won so I can show it off and give them free advertising. That's what all the cool kids do right?
You're telling me you have these games but never beat them? How dare you have a real life, you... you.. fake gamer girl!!!!1one1!!1
Oh, that's why she looked blind. Are they born like that because of years of inbreeding? Gosh why do dogs gotta chew everything D;
Yogurt Man Report | 05/20/2015 1:03 pm
Yogurt Man
I've been okay, I recently joined twitch because the best youtube channel started one up and they do a show every Monday night where four of them have a race in a video game, so I joined solely to enter their giveaways and support them, so I've been doing a lot of that lately. I've already won a load of prizes, like a Mr. Saturn Amigurumi and a bomb bag amigurumi. Sometimes they even have viewer races so I participate in those when I can. I also found out how good I am at original Legend of Zelda, my best as it stands is beating it in an hour and a half.
Heh, work. I should get a job.
Melnil Report | 04/01/2015 6:38 pm
It all just kinda, plopped out there. lol
It's k, I'll figure something up.
At least I only have to work this weekend.
That really does sound fun though!
It beats having to write a long paper!

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