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Old bio. Ask if you want to know anything.

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Acid Bridge on 07/20/2024
FaithEmblem on 06/26/2024
The Natural Born Killer on 06/20/2024
your bb on 06/19/2024
Mystery in the Mist on 04/26/2024
Nonchances on 04/26/2024
NonkeXD on 04/08/2024
Queen Vampirate on 04/04/2024
The lusty Grasper on 03/27/2024
Sylvie_Lucrece on 03/03/2024
hoe my god on 02/28/2024
Serafiella on 02/28/2024
Honey Hollandaise on 02/23/2024
SaltySardine on 02/18/2024
II Clone II on 01/23/2024
EviCa on 03/17/2023
Unstable Opossum on 01/24/2023
Sgt Error on 12/15/2022
r0derick on 08/20/2022
Your LittIe Sister on 02/17/2022

Everything means nothing until it means something to you...

My actual signature is a bunch of squiggles.


Free, at last!

Free, but at what cost?

Um. Free?