| Princess Sugar |

l Princess Sugar l's avatar

Last Login: 02/16/2024 9:56 am

Registered: 07/26/2007

Gender: Female

Location: California

Birthday: 11/30/1992

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All About Me

Hey there~ I can't believe I'm still on here, but it is what it is I suppose. Words to describe me would be mom, fangirl, weeb, music lover. I love 2d men and women more than I should because shiny art is shiny. I love buying art and am always looking to get/buy some, especially couples art! I love watching anime and reading manga/web comics when my toddler lets me have a moment to myself, same with Kdramas~ Talk to me about 2nd gen Kpop or weeby things? <3

My Thoughts and Such

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~*~*~*~My Awesome Journal of Randomness~*~*~*~

This is random stuff I decide to type about. Most of it is just me being bored and expressing that in words, also I put a few poems by me when I was stuck in a classroom with nothing to do with things on my mind. So Read, Comment, and Enjoy! Or not!

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funfetti jello Report | 08/15/2022 2:04 am
funfetti jello
whee thx for buying from my store hun heart cute avi btw!!!
STD Coated Slut Report | 06/15/2022 9:59 pm
STD Coated Slut
Dirtyramen Report | 12/31/2019 8:28 pm
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maddvillain Report | 11/03/2019 4:03 am
Out here lying in your about me section still! You need to cool it with all those cougar tactics u got goin on old lady emotion_omnomnom

but oh? whats that.. suprised? you fool, did you really think you had seen the last of me?! I, like many villains before me will always return to ruin whatever bullshit you got goin on! Embrace me because this is only the beginning.. of the END!
Dirtyramen Report | 10/16/2019 10:51 pm
well thats the one thing i did keep up on was the items, since it was the main reason i join gaia i would log on just to check out the new items....its so crazy now how you can edit your avi :ears,nose,eyes,eyebrows, different mouths, legs feet,and arms! you can make anything now. but right now i'm working on my profile, know now that photobucket has lost their mind every one is having problems with their photosUser Image
Dirtyramen Report | 10/15/2019 12:56 am
yes i know, i have a friend list full of ghosts. i can understand though, every has grown up and moved on. but i still like the character customization aspects of this site, its what keeps me here, collecting items and using my avi as inspiration for things outside of gaia User Image
Dirtyramen Report | 09/29/2019 6:22 pm
whoa finally some one on my friend list who is still active blaugh
Waffle King Richard Report | 12/26/2018 12:27 am
Waffle King Richard
Merry Christmas
Mizu Kamiya Report | 11/09/2018 5:38 pm
Mizu Kamiya
Talking about moving into paths, a new villager recently moved in on a bad spot where I forgot to put paths -___-'
I think it's a fox called Marcie?

Mizu Kamiya Report | 11/06/2018 3:03 pm
Mizu Kamiya
When is Charlise moving? I just want whoever to position them in a certain spot for later x'D
Omg I know right!
That happens to me a lot! D:
I tried whacking them to move out, digged holes, hit them with my net.
And yet I think that makes them closer cause they never ask to move out. Instead they say they're happy to be friends with me. Omg x'DDD
One of them even gifted me some furniture, like what? I whacked you several times but you still like me? What? LOLOLOL
Dis Silly Villagers <'3

I'll let you know when Julian moves out if you don't already have him by that time c:
Julian is a cutie pie but sadly he picked the wrong spot T-T


yum_puddi Lyla | Ultimate Fangirl | Art Hoarder yum_puddi

Sell me some couples art here please~!
gaia_angelleft gaia_crown gaia_angelright

Crush | I Love You~


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