Kyuki The Dark One

Kyuki The Dark One's avatar

Last Login: 12/18/2017 8:50 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/29/1992


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I'm Kyuki The Dark One.... An outcast who everyone avoids. No one knows the real me, they never take time to see I'm not completely evil. Humans avoid me at all costs. They fear me for what I've done. that's why I hide who I am....
It was my 18th birthday. The night I killed my two best friends from the bloodlust. I had just been turned by a rouge vampire who wanted a mate. He died that very night as I got away.....

I went from town to town. Only drinking blood of those who were to drunk to take notice. Finally getting back to my village I found their graves. The graves of my best friends who no one in this world could replace...

My locket is the only thing that keeps me going... It's the only thing that connects me to my friends, Natalya and Akira. Their pictures are all I have left, along with an unforgettable memory... I must move on but I might need help in doing so. Forgetting is impossible, and living with my sins will be hard. Living with them throughout eternity will be my greatest task...

I have fought other vampires in order to save humans they tried to kill. I fight with a dagger Natalya gave me. I wear the clothes Akira gave me. I am truly alone but I feel there is a reason I'm a vampire... I will find that reason soon, and I know I won't be lonely anymore. I know with my body and what there is of my soul I will find peace in this world. Until then I will wait. Wait for the time to come, where I may find another like me...

"Alone in the darkness....
With a void of nothingness surrounding me.
I wait here for you knowing you'll never be back..."


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Guldrin Report | 01/05/2015 7:25 pm
thanks for your purchase smile
Emperor loveless Report | 09/02/2013 9:30 am
Emperor loveless
Thanx 4 buying m(_ _)m
RavenDarknessAtarashi Report | 09/02/2013 7:56 am
Arigato for purchasing my stuff! ^-^ <3 (See my store for more!)
Amour_de_Fraise Report | 07/15/2012 12:42 pm
thanx 4 buying biggrin
Clockwork Alchemist Report | 07/15/2012 12:44 am
Clockwork Alchemist
Thank you for buying my Lockout Vest.
HolIi Would Report | 02/20/2012 2:59 pm
HolIi Would
Thanks for buyin' hun
Luna_SailorMoon Report | 02/20/2012 7:28 am
Thank you for buying Coca-Cola Slushie from my store, I hope you enjoy it.

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ink stained ink Report | 01/15/2008 3:21 pm
ink stained ink
Thank you for your purchase!
rasegan-slash Report | 10/21/2007 8:15 am
wats up



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