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Sora11388 Report | 12/16/2010 8:06 am
hey bro happy birthday lol whats up
Sora11388 Report | 11/24/2010 8:09 am
Post this message on 3 profiles and press ALT and F4 and you will get ONE MILLION GOLD AND AN ANGELIC HALO
Sora11388 Report | 03/30/2010 7:21 pm
yo bro whats up
the_night _vampiress Report | 01/17/2010 5:50 pm
the_night _vampiress
That would be okay with me and it's okay cause I haven't been on either
T_BaCKSHaDoW_T Report | 01/06/2010 2:53 pm
lol maybe theres tryin to get to u lol
i just mass spam back and but a wall to negate dem lol
fun for me to watch and read
if u believe it, ur stupid xP
ohh u got a facebook lol
mines Scott Cheng lol add me if u like
my pic is my head in lazer wave effect form xD
T_BaCKSHaDoW_T Report | 01/03/2010 2:04 pm
dude lol
i've heard tons of shiiittt and im just laughing my a** off!! XD
its a pain but i just laugh at their lies lol
Naomi Hikaku Report | 01/03/2010 12:41 pm
Naomi Hikaku
well sorry for sounding like an a**, and i left that a while ago. the nicest thing would to have told her in a pm about that. it would have been easier on her.
BinkleDink Report | 12/16/2009 7:52 pm
Yo, happy birthday.
Naomi Hikaku Report | 12/07/2009 9:02 pm
Naomi Hikaku
Dont be shrewed to my sister. she did nothing to you so you had no reason to go off on her like you did.
TatorMay Report | 11/29/2009 3:25 pm
*Sniffs the air for carrots*

Kiori Rio

Kiori Rio's avatar

Last Login: 12/22/2010 10:16 am

Registered: 11/23/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 12/16/1987


I am Anthony, Im a huge nerd in my own opinion, I love manga, anime, music, art, writing, and wrestling. I used to wrestle but right now its not part of my life. Im 21 years old and for the first time Im actually not looking for love though I am completely addicted to it. Love is really what makes the world go round in my opinion.

I have very few friends, and ever fewer friends that are family to me. My friends and family are everything, so to accept me, u have to accept them too.

I really do love to write, whether its rps, short storys, poetry, songs, or even entire novels, like the project Im on now.

If you want to know more message me smile


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