Android Vulture

Android Vulture's avatar

Last Login: 02/18/2014 6:06 am

Registered: 09/09/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Ohhh....Umm...I dont know??? No really I dont know....At least I think so....

Birthday: 06/29

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Hello, Android Vulture speaking.
Love me, adore me and buy me chocolate, that's all I ask of you. Simple, isn't it?



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CrystalGemIz Report | 05/02/2011 12:57 pm
^^ Hi Nee-chan! I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while. I'm in a crisis of needing pictures for roleplay though. I hope you are doing well ^^ college and everything. If you can send me the link again/ I would be very grateful! Keep working hard~
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/27/2011 12:34 pm
I thought it kind of brought it all together but I can understand ur opinion lol
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/27/2011 10:22 am
to mysterious for u? lol
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/25/2011 9:12 am
ok ill try btw what do u think of how I used it?
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/25/2011 7:31 am
y dont u have a wish list?! How am i gonna repay for the gift u gave I love it!
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/12/2011 8:22 am
Hello my lovely, how are you on this fine fine day.
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/11/2011 2:00 pm
Ull be accepted of course, I have no doubt me im planning my wedding and going to school, n working, n starting an Air Gear guild!
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/11/2011 1:20 pm
what r u up to!?
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 01/11/2011 7:03 am
*glomps* OH HOW I've Missed you!!!
The_Dark_Warrior_King Report | 12/22/2010 10:40 am
I need your opinion, I just transferred my guild from my old name to this one, but idk if I want it to be a solid one subject rp guild(like a naruto or bleach guild) or like the others, what do u think I should do?