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Rest In Peace Pepper, my dearest little angel. I will have a little black dog in my avatar forever in your memory. July 30th 1997 - Dec 17, 2011.
Momma loves you.

In memory of my late dog, Pepper - I am questing a Ruby Ticket


KillerCaitie's avatar

Last Login: 09/10/2024 2:18 pm

Registered: 04/23/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/01


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Greetings from Canada!

I am Autistic, please understand that I'm not great at conversation. I also do not understand most jokes or sarcasm. I get confused easily, but I'm trying my best to communicate! sweatdrop heart

Little Shop of Horrors

Every bit of gold earned goes towards my ruby ticket quest. The reason I'm after a ruby ticket is to make a pet item that is a tribute in the memory of my late dog, Pepper.

So thank you very much for shopping here, & have a great day! n_n


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View All Comments

little miss panda anon Report | 04/24/2024 8:55 am
Nice to know you still play after coming back 3nodding
hazelpops Report | 01/15/2024 7:52 am
Kenzo Takada Report | 12/29/2023 8:20 pm
Happy holidays!
PoroXpuffles Report | 10/14/2023 10:05 pm
Jujuonis Report | 07/31/2023 9:16 pm
Jujuonis Report | 07/31/2023 6:15 pm
Your avatar is wonderful too.
Jujuonis Report | 07/31/2023 3:01 pm
Thanks for the fav!
55rena-rena Report | 07/26/2023 8:12 pm
thank you so much! I adored the pokemon references in yours!
Kenzo Takada Report | 05/11/2023 1:08 am
Hello little Catie!
Kenzo Takada Report | 04/29/2023 1:23 am
Guten tag! I hope your day is going well!


Rest In Peace Pepper, my dearest little angel. I will have a little black dog in my avatar forever in your memory. July 30th 1997 - Dec 17, 2011.
Momma loves you.

In memory of my late dog, Pepper - I am questing a Ruby Ticket


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This is my Gaia waifu.

My dearest friend, Leo!