
Keiran_Noyclah's avatar

Birthday: 06/26


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Reverend MacManus Report | 12/15/2008 7:56 am
Reverend MacManus
Well, if I didn't do it, I think someone else would. But these are extreme cases. Things such as sexual harassment and the such would still have to be dealt with. It's not that they'd be dealt with by an authorative figure, for how I delt with someone sexually harassing my girlfriend or a relative would be different than by someone else. Sure, there are no laws necessarily saying it's illegal to sexually harass her. You should just know not to do it. But, in the extreme case that it did happen, I'd like to think that I could just deal with it myself instead of having to wait for some law abiding system to take months or years for an investigation, testimonies, court appearances, his appeals or any other due process of nonsense.

It's not that any of us would be living under an authoraty figure, but we'd still have to stick to ourselves. That'd be like suggesting self-defense as obsolete since there are now no laws prohibiting someone from coming into my house and trying to rob me or something. But I think the people that most want a form of anarchy that we have in our minds are those that wouldn't be doing these extreme cases anyways.

Watching the Dark Knight a second time here recently and observing the Joker character in there much better makes me like to think of him an anarchist in some extreme way. Didn't care about money or really much of anything. Just... there. Doing his own thing. It was different watching the movie thinking like that a little bit.
Reverend MacManus Report | 12/15/2008 7:30 am
Reverend MacManus
I wouldn't let it get too complicated in your head. The main idea of anarchy is eliminating central, powerful public authorative figures. I don't think that beating the hell out of a rapist would constitute making laws or make one less of an anarchist. I mean, honestly, would a community stand for having a ***** constantly rape little kids? I don't think so man. That'd be making anarchy an intellectual pursuit and take away the fact that it's a system that acknowledges human nature in communal establishments. The community would put the ***** down, simple as that. Or at least I would. I wouldn't let living in an anarchal commune take away my idea of morals. Drug abuse/use is a person's choice. Rapists, *****, murderers? There has to be a line somewhere. Repercussions for acts such as that wouldn't be brought on by laws, it'd be straight and simple punishment.
Reverend MacManus Report | 12/15/2008 6:58 am
Reverend MacManus
Sounds wicked to me. Enjoying the spirits of straight rock 'n roll and early punk, I can relate to the feelings and ideas. I didn't think you were going to respond, so I googled it and ended up reading a few short essays. I think the only way it'd work is it'd have to be on a communal level. The U.S. is too far into its mechanization with the Federal Government to even think of going anywhere near those lines. I get a good idea of what you're getting at. I don't think you should try to set up your own "beliefs" though, as that may make you question others who live with similar ideas but not exactly like yours later. I think the quote "Simplicity equals brutality" that I use concerning music here works best. Keep it straight and simple and to the point. Freedom, guidelines, no main public authority figures. Plain and simple. For instance, let people live together. Who needs a legal marriage for gays to be happy? If there's a rapist, don't worry about sending him to court for months on end only to see the evidence lacking and him get let off. Just beat his a** and be done with it. I think that's kinda something you'd be getting at with your idea on government. Seems cool to me. I came across the site too. It's simple, but it's also kinda cool. Found this quote in one of its writings. "Money can't buy you a community and a culture." I think that's true.
Reverend MacManus Report | 12/15/2008 6:02 am
Reverend MacManus
I first came across your sig pic's idea when browsing Communism on Wikipedia. Mind giving me a rundown on your thoughts on Anarchistic Communism?


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