Ivy Fantasy

Ivy Fantasy's avatar

Birthday: 03/08


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Hello everyone! ^^ I finally got around to updating this stupid thing once again! I'm Ivy, I'm currently 20 and now in college. As to why I'm Called Ivy, it's because I'm compared to Princess Ivy from Dragon on a Pedestal by my friends. (If you've never read it, just ask me about her.)

If I had to Rank a Few things I'd rate them as Follows

5 Favorite Games.
#5 Sonic The Hedgehog (mainly for the music and flashy gameplay)
#4 Mortal Kombat. (Especially when I'm angry)
#3 Final Fantasy (Namely, 1,4,8,Dissidia, and Crisis Core)
#2 Pokemon (I currently have Black 2, Y, and Moon if you wish to battle/trade)
#1 Kingdom Hearts/ The World Ends with You(I count them as a package deal after KH3D)

I have many other games I love such as Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Street Fighter, the Tales games(such as tales of Symphonia) and Soul Calibur. Currently Square Enix has taken my attention.

10 Favorite Songs

10 Helena- My Chemical Romance
9 Aerials- System of a Down
8 Three Minutes Clapping- The World Ends With You
7 Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
6 Ghost- Mystery Skulls
5 Imaginary- Evanesence
4 Caffiene- Jeff & Casey Williams
3 Unfamiliar- The Birthday Massacre
2 Dance with the Devil- Breaking Benjamin
1 Die - Jeff & Casey Williams

There are Waaaay to many songs to put in honorable mention here, if it's from the same band or game I probably like it. Luvs to Anyone who can sing #1 blaugh

Least Favorite things
5. Cats- Cats are evil, but they're cute so they somewhat get a pass
4. Trolls- not the funny ones, but the one who are complete jerks just to be mean
3. Dirt- I hate being dirty. I bathe twice a day most days ( 3 times under certain circumstances)
2. sore losers
1. Liars Trust is easily gained and even more easily lost.

And now for some fun...
~Ivy's sayings!~
1. Perfect does not exist, except in the dictionary.
2. Who ever said nothing's impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.
3. I'm no democrat, I'm no republican, I'm american first and foremost.
4. Politics is only teaching us to pick the lesser of two evils.
5. I've divided by zero before. It equals 1. Deal with it.
6. I'm Team Jacob's Grandma's beard.
7. I ripped out my heart a long time ago. Why do people keep putting it back in?
8. Cute, now say it backwards. (ultimate anti-pickup line)
9. don't fear the dark, it cuts easily.
10. At times like this, where the point in panicking?
11. Killing me is easy, defeating me is the hard part.
12. I'm not amused, but I'll pretend for you.
13. Life is but a game... where are the cheat codes?
14, If it shouldn't work, I'll make it work.
15. Nobody is everybody, Got it Memorized?
16. Ironic, wish came true, Depression ensued
17. And they did that where?
18. I love you until you make me hate you.
19. I fear you until I can love you safely.
20.What ever doesn't kill me, epicly fails at trying.
21. Am I the only one in this room who's gonna make any sense?
22. If you're relying on me for realism, prepare for disappointment.
23. You see there's this thing called caring...I don't do it much.
24. Call me crazy, it's a compliment, call me insane, now that's just flattery.
25. If you didn't already have my heart, I'd tear yours out.
26. I just realized, my dad is a ********... and an a*****e.
I'll add more as I come to them. (whenever I'm bored enough to update this again.


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Ivy Fantasy 1

A twisting storyline showing the contents of my mind.


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Bluevamp7275 Report | 07/17/2017 8:35 am
thank u 4 buying at my store
hope u like it n enjoy it
hope to see u again soon cat_4laugh
I2 e a l i t y Report | 06/18/2017 11:13 am
I2 e a l i t y
Hello from the beyond.

Sakura Miinlojhs Report | 05/20/2016 5:57 pm
Sakura Miinlojhs
-shakes head- if I am doing such a thing it is not that I do intend such a thing but simply stating that which I have seen and experienced. I think that if you continue what you are doing and have fun as you go about it then it is the best of outcomes in turn because your posts inspire myself and in turn others to do our best within the story we are all creating~
Sakura Miinlojhs Report | 05/20/2016 5:22 pm
Sakura Miinlojhs
-shakes head- the worse and most harsh of critics will always reside within us yet if you continue as you do so I believe you will be able to create masterworks pf literature that to only entice others others to learn how to RP but also master your own style of posting such things in turn. Your always there to help those less experienced than yourself and matters to help them not only improve in a way they can flourish into their own styles but also those that need help, offering support should they feel doubt in their own skills. That in turn is a skill that not only do few possess but are not only able but wiling to see that those whom are new to such things are able to fall into and in time learn their own way of RP as far as style goes, thus passing your knowledge on tot hose less experienced and bringing others into the RP community as a whole. Many have forgotten what it was like when they first began yet you seem to me to appear as though you hold within your heart the memory of taking those first steps in turn, thus helping others into it themselves.
Sakura Miinlojhs Report | 05/20/2016 4:44 pm
Sakura Miinlojhs
-shakes head- I am glad it does so but for me it is little more than offering a statement upon what I have both seen and experienced emotion_bigheart I only learned that apparently I am considered a veteran within Gaia but I still forever will recall the days were a one liner was my reply. From that point onward I worked towards improving not only my own skills but attempts to create guilds where others, including myself, would be able to learn from others and not just improve our skills, but in turn have fun as we do so and make friends along the way in turn. It is those that are younger than ourselves and learning how to RP in turn that shall not only carry on what they had been taught but the abilities to understand and recognize and recall where we all began and how we may offer help to those whom are just setting forth upon the path of a rolepalyer in turn emotion_bigheart
Sakura Miinlojhs Report | 05/20/2016 3:32 pm
Sakura Miinlojhs
Understandable there. When I do drink though I find my emotions often come out more than when I am not as I am constantly suppressing them to at least a degree. I actually have to deal with social phobia, depression, OCD and emotional intensity on a daily basis but even if I drink and such it is more a case of my emotions being let out further in turn. Not an easy thing to live with though with the servility I have of it but I've managed to do so to some degree at least. But anyway enough of that. Your characters and your writing skills are wonderful and inspiring in turn so if ever anyone offers brings doubts to your heart, bring despair to that which you enjoy I hope you know that you can not only help inspire others to work harder to improve their own skills but lookup to you in turn and aspire to be able to grow to reach your levels of skill cat_3nodding emotion_bigheart
Sakura Miinlojhs Report | 05/20/2016 3:14 pm
Sakura Miinlojhs
Nopes cat_blaugh Just drunk and thought I would offer my customary greeting to a friend whom I saw was online is all after all cat_3nodding I know I'm terrible with such matters but I always do return after an absence and such things in the end, after all who doesn't need a break now and then cat_3nodding Side note though as well I just wanted to randomly tell you that your characters are both inspiring and brilliantly created so yesh cat_3nodding
Sakura Miinlojhs Report | 05/20/2016 3:07 pm
Sakura Miinlojhs
*spots me an Ivy so drunkenly decides to glop, tackle and hug in greeting because why the hell not* cat_blaugh
Worthless Zero Report | 08/17/2015 12:20 pm
Worthless Zero
Cool, I have Pokemon Black, but I thought the distance had to be 20 metres or less, or is that only for DSi's and old models?
Or can you connect to wi-if with your DS? I still haven't figured out how to do that yet XD
xWarzardx Report | 06/30/2015 9:05 am
Hi, wanna rp?


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I freakin love this sprite work.
However, for the equal promotion and protection of the artist, I will only tell who made it, if asked. biggrin



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The wonderful artist who drew this. ^^