
Hybird's avatar

Last Login: 10/09/2024 2:28 am

Registered: 01/31/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Smack dab in the middle of my personal hell.

Birthday: 02/18/1987

Occupation: Working to be a story teller (Video Games, Comic Book Illustration, Writing, etc.)

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Recent Visitors

Magica Puella Rei on 09/09/2024
Aura leigh Dragon on 04/07/2024
Lord Saiax on 10/01/2023
xxXPsychoSexyXxx on 05/29/2022
Starro Star on 02/25/2021
gangsta1691 on 11/09/2020
UniiVinez on 01/21/2020
darthax on 12/12/2019

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About Hybird

I say what I want to say, when I want to say it. If it's controversial, irrational, stupid, or whatever, I would rather say the truth than to conform into a sheep. That doesn't mean I'm keeping it real, nor does it mean I'm some Martyr for a greater cause. What it does mean is that I am Hybird, a walking, living, breathing, TRAIN WRECK BOUND TO HAPPEN. The difference between me and any other Train Wreck bound to happen?

I WANT it to happen.

So throw in some charcoal, check your sanity at the door, and FIRE IT UP BABY! Because this is gonna be a loooooong ride!


"How dare you, Hybird!"- Kevin Pereira

Taggin' the Profile

View All Comments

Lord Saiax Report | 10/01/2023 12:58 am
Lord Saiax
thank you for buying
xxXPsychoSexyXxx Report | 05/29/2022 12:21 pm
Thank you for your purchase ^_^
Aura leigh Dragon Report | 01/13/2022 9:00 am
Aura leigh Dragon
UniiVinez Report | 01/21/2020 5:29 pm
Thanks for buying! yum_chocchip
Twelve Yb TnuoC Report | 06/29/2018 1:53 am
Twelve Yb TnuoC
Thanks for your purchase of the Twilight Abyss Kid! Have a great one!
Magica Puella Rei Report | 06/28/2018 3:29 pm
Magica Puella Rei
PEACHES biggrin
Rosewater Park Report | 05/21/2017 7:42 am
Rosewater Park
thanks for the purchase! heart
Koalalova101 Report | 05/18/2017 8:09 pm
Hihi! Thanks for the buy, and wishing you all the best! 3nodding
Eragon-12015 Report | 03/06/2017 8:24 pm
Thanks for your purchase! =D
IVY IV Report | 02/22/2017 1:02 pm
thanks for the purchase heart


View Journal

Hybird's rants, stories, homemade mythology, and other stuff.

This is my little journal that holds all of my thoughts, rants, anger, etc... If you don't like what I say, tough s**t assclowns. Oh and... Yeah... Please leave a comment. Please?


Quoth the Hybird NEVER MORE