In this journal I plan to write about some of the following things... - places I've visited - books I've read - language ramblings - anything else that strikes my fancy
Last Login: 08/01/2017 6:51 pm
Registered: 02/28/2008
Gender: Male
Location: Brescia, Lombardia, Italia
Birthday: 09/27
Occupation: Mother Tongue Teaching Assistant of English
Si tu veux, on peut parler français!
Se vuoi, possiamo parlare in italiano!
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Um, what did I buy again?
the fandom got so small during the pauses, but im glad it was still pretty decently big when HS came back. i loved Game Over a lot!! so much went down in such a short span, plus its played to one of my favorite tracks. i'd have to say my favorite was probably Unite, Synchronize but i think that might be bc im a sucker for classics.
im not sure abt my favorite troll, but my absolute favorite is probably Calliope since shes so sweet
and im glad to hear im not the only one! i still have to figure out some of the newer features that the site has now
and oh man, sorry that if my profile looked really dated or broken, i havent updated it in a long long time >>;
Sorry this is way overdue, but thank you for joining the LLSIF guild, thank you for your hard work being put into the guild as well. heart