GS Sailor Gold

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Last Login: 02/23/2015 11:39 am


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I don't always wear my sailor gear though, sometimes I like to hang around with my friends and look like a regular person would. If you're lucky, maybe you'll recognize me when I'm incognito ^3^

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Even rarer are those days I feel like just sitting back and being a princess. My princess form is usually only something those very close to me see, but who knows, maybe you'll catch me on a good day! heart

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Name: Sailor Gold
Princess Alias: Princess Dazi of the Cosmic Kingdom (ruled by King Diamond and Queen Pearl )
Earth/Gaia Alias (Surname, First name): Komatsuzaki Dazi
Nicknames: Daz

Age: 26
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 (Athletic build)
Hair: long blonde straight
Eyes: brown
Sex: Female
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian/Humanoid
Orientation: Strait
Birth date: August 25
Birthstone: Peridot
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Blood Type: A-
Current Relationship Status: Single
Love Interest: None ATM (working on it sweatdrop )
Temperament: Well mannered and reserved, Extremely loyal, but gullible as she believes that there is some good in everyone.

Sailor Fuku: See my profile, Rust colored bodice with a golden-orange skirt and bow.
Henshin Phrase: Gold Power Transform! Gold Cosmic Make-Up!
Weapons: This sword which creates a metallic resonance frequency that causes metals to superheat and become impossible to hold.
Additional Items: None yet
Special Abilities: None yet
Attacks: Golden heavenly calling (activates the metallic resonance frequency that causes metals to superheat and become impossible to hold), Aurum Sweep (basic leg sweep), Gold Omni Lancer (creates a power aura around the end of her blade)
Cosmic Attacks: Golden Sweet Touch (Enhances the speed and senses of her allies ), Gold Cosmic Aura (Spherical energy blast – can be harmful to nearby allies, but is very effective at clearing clumps of attacking enemies)

Past: In the future Cosmic Kingdom, once the Dark Moon Kingdom, which is ruled over by The Queen Pearl and King Diamond, the sailor senshi of the future led by Sailor Ruby were called for by the Past Kingdom ruled by Sailor Pluto on behalf of Neo Queen Serenity. Thought to be a legend, the 12 Gemstone senshi answered the request for aid from the past
Before ascending to the position of a Senshi, Sailor gold served the Cosmic Kingdom in the role of a minor or sub-princess. (These are individuals who's family was once royal, but resigned their position for various reasons. They are still honored members of the royal court because of their heritage). Knowing that Rubi had gone off to gather the other Gemstone Senshi, Dazi accepted a request by King Diamond that she follow Sailor Ruby, Queen Pearl, and Ruby’s younger sister (all of whom had accepted the mantles of Gemstone senshi) and watch over them on his behalf, lending assistance if necessary. Dazi then was granted the ability to become Sailor Gold, the first of the Precious Metal senshi.

Occupation: Street Udon Vendor

Dislikes: judgmental people, enclosed spaces
Likes: all kinds of noodles, birds, snowy days
Strengths: Loyalty, Politeness, does not complain about anything
Weaknesses: She is loyal to a fault, making her blind to the shortcomings of her Allies. She tends to believe that everyone has good in them which makes her very gullible.
Symbol: Alchemical gold symbol
Guiding Planet: Cosmic Moon
Guiding Animal: Hawk

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Crystal Sailor Pluto Report | 09/12/2009 10:52 pm
Crystal Sailor Pluto
Ohhh *smacks my head* Silly me! xd Well I hope you have fun. ^-^
Crystal Sailor Pluto Report | 09/12/2009 10:42 pm
Crystal Sailor Pluto
Oh! Wonderful. Mind if I stop by in a bit?
Crystal Sailor Pluto Report | 09/12/2009 10:41 pm
Crystal Sailor Pluto
Yes yes, Sure thing. It's good to see you. Even for a minute. I understand being busy and all.
Crystal Sailor Pluto Report | 09/12/2009 10:39 pm
Crystal Sailor Pluto
Well goodness! Hello there! It's certainly been a long time. ^_^
Crystal Sailor Pluto Report | 08/11/2009 9:20 am
Crystal Sailor Pluto
Those new eyes look perfect on you by the way. ^-^
Crystal Sailor Pluto Report | 08/06/2009 11:33 am
Crystal Sailor Pluto
Well hello there sailor gold. It's good to see you again. ^_^
Sparkling Gemstone Anon Report | 08/06/2009 11:33 am
Sparkling Gemstone Anon
Thats great!! Now remind her..ok?
Sparkling Gemstone Anon Report | 07/15/2009 2:09 pm
Sparkling Gemstone Anon
Hey Gold-chan. Think you can make pixies for the rest of the gemstone senshi like you did for you an me?
TS Sailor Cronus Report | 06/09/2009 9:44 pm
TS Sailor Cronus
I like your profile. ^^ I also like your Sailor Scout and description. ^^
HeartSeeker Repliku Report | 04/15/2009 3:47 pm
HeartSeeker Repliku
I love your sprites! biggrin

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Sailor Gold

Sailor Ruby

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