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GimmeHug's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/29


Blep emotion_yatta


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Lady Silly Goose Report | 08/12/2021 10:02 am
Lady Silly Goose
Hey Gimme! Guess who had another baby?! 3nodding xd sweatdrop whee 4laugh
The Dardy Sing Report | 03/10/2020 5:11 am
The Dardy Sing
heyyyyy smile how u been?
Lady Silly Goose Report | 11/30/2019 3:49 am
Lady Silly Goose
lol Me too. heart

So I've got to know, how have you been? Any romance? whee lol 4laugh
Lady Silly Goose Report | 11/29/2019 1:45 am
Lady Silly Goose
sweatdrop xd What can I say? Hubby and I are busy bees and have plans of 13
eek 4laugh xd
Lady Silly Goose Report | 11/29/2019 1:37 am
Lady Silly Goose
Been ultra busy.. I have three little ones! sweatdrop heart whee 4laugh

So glad your still on here emotion_bigheart
Lady Silly Goose Report | 08/03/2019 7:07 am
Lady Silly Goose
whee 4laugh How have you been?
Lady Silly Goose Report | 07/11/2019 12:15 pm
Lady Silly Goose
Gimme!!!! -glomps-
sabreworg Report | 05/03/2017 9:47 pm
Always could make me feel better kitten.
~nuzzles warmly~

~chuckles softly~ Yeah life can do that.
As long as you can smile then I'm glad.
Kitten deserves to be happy.
sabreworg Report | 05/02/2017 1:51 pm
~chuckles lightly and nods~
Yes he is very good at that. He's a lot tougher then I give him credit for at times...I have to remember I get it from somewhere.
~smooths hand through hair~
And what of you kitten? How has my precious one been?
sabreworg Report | 05/02/2017 6:56 am
Sorry kitten...probably shouldn't have led in with that.
I just...I don't know. ~shrugs lightly~
wild zumbreon
pants overrated
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