How I'm Lookin

FallenSammy's avatar

Registered: 02/09/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/01

What Imma Wearin

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Avi Artsies!

Here is the FABULOUS Avi Arts I've got from Fairy~Nuff's Art shop ~ Nuff Said!
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Ya could say i was addicted to my Nuffy Headshots xd

Fullbodies (bribes)

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(also the one on my profile)

Sammy's Lickle Fishies

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

People Who Love ME!!! :XD

Prince of lions on 05/08/2024
Legendary Fop on 04/07/2024
Sexy_Lexi_2021 on 04/07/2024
Artificial Desires on 03/23/2024
Trans Wights on 03/23/2024
Razwell The Fox on 03/07/2024
bit390 on 03/06/2024
Kuronji K on 02/26/2024
blue_flowerchild on 02/23/2024
BlushiBunni on 02/17/2024
Metriics on 02/14/2024
Mithmel on 02/02/2024
Pandumb on 01/22/2024
Insta-Matic Heart Attack on 01/21/2024
Sir Miselfie on 01/20/2024
mistymountaingirl on 01/07/2024
Softest Neko Boi on 01/06/2024
Joven86 on 01/06/2024
MiLadyKnight on 01/04/2024
Sevrene on 01/03/2024

Who is Sammy?!?


Sammy is a 30 something years old young pixel addict... Sammy returned to Gaia in the summer of 2021 after a 10 year hiatus. Previously used to be found haunting friends comment boxes and stalking their threads. Currently to be found muddling their way through all the new pretty pixels and looking for new victims friends to stalk/haunt

Loves: random comments, people with a sense of humour and those able of holdin a conversation, feel free to drop by and say hello. I dont bite despite what others might say xd
I have some of the most amazing friends here although I disappeared for so long most seem to have flittered away sad

Hates: beggars, hackers and scammers.

N.B I will NOT accept friend requests from people i do not know, if you have the time to send me a friend request then why not just drop by and say hello.

Messages of Luff

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bit390 Report | 03/06/2024 1:33 am

Hi !

How you are you been?

I agree with you, that you can adapt the recipe
to your taste 3nodding

I think you should try the fruit punch, also if you
want you can add just a little bit of any alcohol (rum or tequila)
just to feel more warm and feel less the cold (winter)

Who would you most like to see live?

At the moment i do not have any in particular

who is the best that you have seen live?

Well that was in a musical concert where different
bands performed

What about you?, who is the best that you have seen live?

Music really helps, as i read one time;
"If art is to beautify a space, music is to adorn time"
Also make the loong journals of work more short or helps to
not think in the time in the workplace 3nodding

In summer time, can i know where you go to enjoy the nature?,
do you do some type of picnic with jam sandwiches ?

I hope you can regain your appetite, and for this time
i will leave you with this sopa levantamuertos
(its a soup with sea food -shrimps, fish, crab and oysters -)

SinnerCo Report | 02/11/2024 9:33 am
Sarcasms always good 😜 my days been okay thanks, busy one! Been decorating etc!
2sammygate Report | 02/10/2024 1:22 am
oh a short commute is lucky!

i just... wish sex was less important to people. world would be a better place.
how i wish that was true! my kink is just too uncommon ):
unrelated to kink reddit, on the subreddit for the store i worked at i got thanked by one of the mods for always creating such positive engagement. as a mod they're happy to see posts being made and commented in, seeing a dead subreddit would make them sad.

it's hard cause ToS! also i used to tell everyone but now there's a core of people who hate my guts just for being a kinky asexual.
to the point where someone made a sammy2gate account and started posting porn hoping the mods were dumb enough to think it was my alt and ban me.

i have bad ADHD so when my meds fade my focus just dies completely.
domokun stargate
YammyKoo Report | 02/08/2024 2:45 pm
YammyKoo Report | 02/08/2024 2:37 pm
YammyKoo Report | 02/08/2024 2:29 pm
who dares bothers my slumber... -grumble grumble-
YammyKoo Report | 02/08/2024 2:18 pm
i don't do comments enough but here's a random one for you. i poof off to the abyss now
2sammygate Report | 02/08/2024 1:46 am
stupid companies are stupid. when people can sleep in and avoid commuting, they work better due to actually getting enough sleep!

yeah like neither position makes sense to the other. i could definitely never date an allosexual woman. but sadly almost all kinky women are allo crying
i'm on reddit all the time!

i mean i'd like a bit more similarity! then that would mean there's someone else out there like me ;A;
my weirdness mainly comes from what my kink is.

yep. plus my meds fading wihich is why i'm still up. thought i'd be asleeo 40 minutes ago ):
domokun stargate
2sammygate Report | 02/08/2024 12:41 am
assholes t(-_-t)

it's just like as an ace i can't understand WHY sex is so important to people and how people get bent out of shape going without sex for ridiculously short amounts of time O_o
i visit the meme sub so rarely and it doesn't show up on my first few things when i open reddit!

i mean. i'm a total weirdo. my send of humor is pretty boring though XD

yeah my shift today ended at 11 pm ^^
domokun stargate
2sammygate Report | 02/08/2024 12:06 am
if only you could keep working from home once better!

it does suck how tough it is for people to fully grasp it ): allos experience romantic and sexual attraction together. aces do not. being so small just hurts...
yeah i might start making discussion posts in the ace meme sub as a ******** you to the mods in the main ace sub. and i don't count gaia emotes as emojis. BBCode forum emotes predate emojis.

i work night shifts :3

that's lame ): chill time is great to spend on gaia tho o.o
domokun stargate


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~* Don't let anyone dull your sparkle! *~

If I tip it's usually because it entertained me
or it resonated with me

I don't RP

Headshot by illieous >>>

Faery Nuff